Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #29

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But why then would he remove all of the bodies? To preserve her reputation as a "good mother" as he stated? Why on earth would you still care about the reputation of a person person who killed your own flesh and blood - the little girls who were your world? Just to punish and hurt you! He stated that he wanted the seperation (what indicates he wasn't probably feeling much love for her anymore) and he went into a rage(!!) killing but after that he decided to cover her crime so people would not think bad about her. Really this makes absolutly no sense. Ask yourself: would you do this for your husband/wife after he/she had done this to your innocent children?
No. And, it's absurd to think anyone else would either. "She killed my kids. I want to protect her reputation, though." What the actual heck? MOO
There are tons of insider trading cases. These aren’t just tried at the federal level by the SEC, but also by states that have enacted their own version of the insider trading regs. These are considered white collar crimes, so we just don’t hear about them unless it’s a high-profile person committing the crime.

Same goes with disbarment proceedings. You only hear about those when the monthly state bar journal includes a blurb about it.
Thank you. That sheds light for me. Although, I meant not the sheer number of cases, but the small percentage they must of be of what actually transpires. But that was speculation on my part. Thanks again for the follow up! Always appreciated.
Lots of videos have been shared here for nefarious reasons, though. All of SWs videos have been picked apart by people looking for faults.
Other videos are usually about what SW and CW are doing, not specifically about what the girls are doing.
I had links but when I started reading mtnlites post, I smacked my forehead because I remembered we shouldn't use links. I've always followed trials and have never had to worry about this sort of thing before. Try as I may, I keep forgetting.

Go back to your post and delete the link.
We actually are supposed to use links to MSM articles. I think you're confused. We can't link to private facebook pages and blogs, but MSM links are always welcomed and appreciated.
Good morning.

Good morning Flossy. So sweet, little angels.
  • He did not work all day. NUA contacted him around 12 pm and he arrived home sometime around 2 after she informed him she was calling police.
  • She and CW had already mentioned selling the home, so it is wrong to assume that she would have reacted to that when she already knew about it. Same goes for the separation.
  • She wasn't losing HER income. If anything, it may have increased.
  • How does CW leaving her ruin her image? Seems to me that it says much more about him.
  • He had his freedom to gain. Freedom from a marriage he had no respect for, freedom to be with his AP and freedom from the future financial obligations he faced if he did what most normal human beings would do in that situation, which would be to simply file for divorce.
* stated he ran out of time to clean bc her flight was delayed. So he did not call off work . He according to some theories in here would have sat with the dead children for up to ten hours and her dead body three hours . I don’t understand how he could have “ran out of time” if he killed her under that theory
*she IMO would have acted differently with another woman . Separation with no affair does not mean divorce . Lots of times you can work through things . Especially she may have thought with her pregnancy.
*the money hmmmm Thrive supposedly she made more right ? But whose name was car leased ? I don’t know. But who paid for trips and how ? Who paid bills? Was anyone hiding debt or income? These are problems with a lot of divorces I don’t know the answers to all that so I can’t assume she would get alimony or support bc Colorado Laws seem equal
*unfortunately imo MLM success is based on the dream of luxury available working at home. The trips , cars and home are a reflection of success and increase your recruitment potential. Losing such status and the ability to promote band travel as much as a single pregnant mom of two would be hard.
*imo I think he was going to file
Heartbreaking. It is hard to imagine the pain and suffering that her loved ones must endure because of the selfishness of the one they all loved. And that suffering will last far beyond CW's trial and conviction - it will remain for the remainder of their lives and never, ever not be painful. To now disparage the victim is inhumane and merciless. MOO
Shanann Watts, Frederick daughters funeral in North Carolina
We actually are supposed to use links to MSM articles. I think you're confused. We can't link to private facebook pages and blogs, but MSM links are always welcomed and appreciated.

I have a huge mental block on this. I don't link to Facebook or blogs and know I can link to MSM, but I thought I'd done the wrong thing when I read another post that voiced concerns about my links.
* stated he ran out of time to clean bc her flight was delayed. So he did not call off work . He according to some theories in here would have sat with the dead children for up to ten hours and her dead body three hours . I don’t understand how he could have “ran out of time” if he killed her under that theory
*she IMO would have acted differently with another woman . Separation with no affair does not mean divorce . Lots of times you can work through things . Especially she may have thought with her pregnancy.
*the money hmmmm Thrive supposedly she made more right ? But whose name was car leased ? I don’t know. But who paid for trips and how ? Who paid bills? Was anyone hiding debt or income? These are problems with a lot of divorces I don’t know the answers to all that so I can’t assume she would get alimony or support bc Colorado Laws seem equal
*unfortunately imo MLM success is based on the dream of luxury available working at home. The trips , cars and home are a reflection of success and increase your recruitment potential. Losing such status and the ability to promote band travel as much as a single pregnant mom of two would be hard.
*imo I think he was going to file
While we are on the subject of reasons people get separated and do not like it, I never brought this up before because I don't think it is evidence of murder or affects the case, but I find it to be of extremely poor character for a husband (with the important caveat that neither he nor his children are in danger of real abuse) to move forward with a separation when his wife is pregnant. A woman has no choice at 15 weeks but to carry a fetus to full term. It is a significant sacrifice to make to carry a pregnancy to term for any woman. I find it vile for a man to choose that time to walk away (though of course it is far preferable to what happened here!) is the epitome of selfishness. Man up and make do like she has to until the pregnancy is over and not cause such unwarranted extra stress on her. It takes two to get pregnant in this case, and it should with two loving and respectful parents, take two to see a fetus to term and then do what is best for the family if it includes separation. But this is just my humble opinion.
Although already mentioned, I find it so odd that CW was wearing a shirt he proudly said SW bought for him. Who could put on a shirt someone gave them who just killed their children???? I don't buy that for a second! IMO he wore that shirt because he thought he looked hot in it and it showed off his physique.
To me, it appears that CW wore a lot of those types of T-shirts (the kind with words, or sports teams). In videos and pictures I also saw both girls wearing "graphic T's" as well as the grandparents. IMO SW purchased a lot of them (some of them even seemed to be custom), so I really don't put much into the fact he wore that T-shirt on the day of the interviews. My impression is that he had a wardrobe filled with T-shirts and most of them probably purchased by SW.

I kind of feel like, well, what was he supposed to wear? I don't envision him deciding to dress up in a suit or a collared shirt, etc. I feel like he just got dressed the way he normally would have that morning. His choice of shirt is insignificant to me. IMO of course.

And then I agree with MassGuy in a previous post where he said he felt like CW answered the question about his shirt in a relaxed way b/c he was probably happy to have a question that didn't relate to the disappearance (I don't want to put words into MassGuy's mouth but I think that's what he was saying!).

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