Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #36

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Interesting read about Apple watches, being able to track movements and possibly exonerate SW from that ridiculous story about her killing the children.

A cynical side of me, just can't believe that this family took out bankruptcy, less than 3 years ago (2015?), and yet they are living pretty well, Apple watches, private nursery school, new cars, fancy house.

CW made $65,000 a year. That covers the basics, without a lot left over...SW was earning more, based on sales, but this can fluctuate. And the HOA fees, were being ignored. Interesting.

I don't understand folks who live in debt, it is tremendous pressure to maintain that facade. At some point, everything crashes.
That would be my guess. Our trial lawyer @Amandaaa probably knows for sure.
they would record all visits in the log, with certain visits subject to redaction prior to turning over to the prosecution (per the court’s order) and my assumption would be that all visits other than with defense team would be subject to usual visitor rules (no contact, monitored, recorded). There are special rules for attorneys, law clerks, paralegals.
Sources close to Mr Watts claim he is “not doing well”.

“The gravity of the situation has hit him like a ton of bricks. Depression is setting in, and he’s despondent,” the source said.

Guards check on him every 15 minutes to ensure he is alive and are constantly checking his cell to ensure he isn’t hiding anything with which he could harm himself.

He is allowed an hour a day where he showers and can call his family and lawyers.

“He sleeps all day and isn’t really talking to anyone, including his family”.

‘Killer dad’ is on suicide watch

I honestly do not care how he is feeling. I hope he is miserable. Anyone that can dump toddlers down oil tanks, I have no use for and don't care how they feel.
they would record all visits in the log, with certain visits subject to redaction prior to turning over to the prosecution (per the court’s order) and my assumption would be that all visits other than with defense team would be subject to usual visitor rules (no contact, monitored, recorded). There are special rules for attorneys, law clerks, paralegals.
@Amandaaa Can you advise whether an incarcerated inmate who is on suicide watch would be permitted private citizen visitors (non defense experts)?
Sources close to Mr Watts claim he is “not doing well”.

“The gravity of the situation has hit him like a ton of bricks. Depression is setting in, and he’s despondent,” the source said.

Guards check on him every 15 minutes to ensure he is alive and are constantly checking his cell to ensure he isn’t hiding anything with which he could harm himself.

He is allowed an hour a day where he showers and can call his family and lawyers.

“He sleeps all day and isn’t really talking to anyone, including his family”.

‘Killer dad’ is on suicide watch
If one could only turn the clock back. Is he grieving for the family or for his situation? Sad all the way around. For the life of me I can't imagine what was up with him that fateful night. Demonic possession comes to mind
I thought SW and/or CW only filed for one bankruptcy?

SBM for brevity. You are correct; SW & CW filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in 2015.

I think what the poster may have been alluding to is this: if they were in financial straights again, they would be unable to file Ch 7 because it had only been 3 years since their last bankruptcy.
If one could only turn the clock back. Is he grieving for the family or for his situation? Sad all the way around. For the life of me I can't imagine what was up with him that fateful night. Demonic possession comes to mind

I think it's pretty obvious that he's grieving only for himself. If he couldn't show any signs of grief when he did the interviews, it certainly can't be for his wife and babies now.
I remember
@mickey2942 From my research, bankruptcy statistics are alarming and the past few decades have seen a dramatic rise in the number of people who are unable to pay off their debts with poor and excess use of credit being partly to blame.

Some people simply can't control their spending. Credit card bills, installment debt, car and other loan payments can eventually spiral out of control, until finally the borrower is unable to make even the minimum payment on each type of debt. If the borrower cannot access funds from friends or family or otherwise obtain a debt-consolidation loan, then bankruptcy is usually inevitable.
Soon after the housing market crashed, I rember the number that was reported of people in the process of foreclosure was 17 million. It took an average of two years from the time the bank declared foreclosure until they would actually take possession of a home. I have no idea what it is now. Jmo
As far as I know ObamaCare is still available throughout the country, or similar state-sponsored programs. It would be sad in America if a woman and her 3 children have to stay with a cheating man just because his employer furnishes family insurance. If she had left before he murdered her, she would have had continual coverage if it had factored into some other coverage that discriminated against those with pre-existing conditions, other than Ocare.

COBRA for several months and then the insurance goes away. You have to get your own. COBRA is the cost of the premium in full. You pay it to keep your coverage
With so many dependents she would be able to get ObamaCare subsidies and pay very little, IMO. Remember Ocare disregards pre-existing conditions, rightfully and logically so. She would probably be paying little rent, no mortgage, few utilities and she would be better off financially and emotionally away from someone like CW who was into playing around instead of making a solid marriage with children.
You know, we have a totally opposite experience with Obamacare here, the income limit is $60K, over that there are ZERO subsidies/incentives, going through this situation in my mind (it appears she made far more than $60K) that would really open a can of worms for her. Potentially over $2,000 per month in premiums only. Yikes! Uggg, I sure wish this actually was the issue, instead, they will never need health insurance again :(
Most states have a prenatal insurance option, for pregnant women. SW may have qualified, with a spend down. Or as many people who are self employed qualify for public assistance, by making everything they have a "business expense", so on paper, they barely have $300 a month income. Crazy. I saw a woman, real estate agent, driving leased Cadillac Escalade, every dime was accounted as a "business expense". She had her kids on Medicaid and food stamps for years!

Wow! I wonder why more people do not do that or do they?
He’ll pay a high price for deciding to give those 3 interviews. They’re damning direct evidence that he’s a liar. At the very least he demonstrated a total lack of remorse for murdering SW and Nico and absolute wickedness in disposing of the babies in the oil tanks. Those babies loved him and he knew it.

While his supporters can say ad nauseam that people react in different ways, there’s no getting around the fact that with premeditation he chose to “dump” the bodies of the children into oil filled tanks and buried his wife in a shallow grave.
SBM for brevity. You are correct; SW & CW filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in 2015.

I think what the poster may have been alluding to is this: if they were in financial straights again, they would be unable to file Ch 7 because it had only been 3 years since their last bankruptcy.

That is what I am wondering. Was there big financial stress?
Would she be able to get health insurance? I think with all of her issues, it may be impossible or are the preexisting conditions still not allowed to be denied?

The ACA (Affordable Care Act), put into place March 2010, does not allow insurers to deny anyone coverage due to pre-existing conditions. Nor can they charge a higher premium for someone who does.

Because SW was a self-employed contractor/consultant she would have been eligible to enroll in a private health plan, or find coverage through the Health Insurance Market Place. Self-employed people

Federal guidelines would allow the children to remain covered under CW's group health plan through his employer.
I came across this post and thought it was worth bringing forward.

Thread 3, p.73 #1458


“Dad was a pumper and gauger on tanks. He had to climb the steps up, open a hatch, and put a plumb-line down to measure the amount of liquid (oil, gas). He also told me that some had floating roofs, but I never observed that in pictures or when I visited the tank farm”.

CW would also have known this, and once he realised the tanks were fairly full, would have been aware that it would be quite an undertaking to dispose of the bodies via the bottom.

I desperately want to know that they weren't forced into that 8" opening at the top.
He’ll pay a high price for deciding to give those 3 interviews. They’re damning direct evidence that he’s a liar. At the very least he demonstrated a total lack of remorse for murdering SW and Nico and absolute wickedness in disposing of the babies in the oil tanks. Those babies loved him and he knew it.

While his supporters can say ad nauseam that people react in different ways, there’s no getting around the fact that with premeditation he chose to “dump” the bodies of the children into oil filled tanks and buried his wife in a shallow grave.
So true JudgeJudi. If he had never said a word and just stayed in his house looking depressed, can you imagine how many more people would be defending him. IMO
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