Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #39

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Yes, I’ve been considering many different aspects and how they might have played a role in all of this. With what we know I don’t see how we can determine that’s what was happening.
Talk to some friends that have been cheated on. You'll probably be shocked to find out this is a pretty consistent pattern of behavior in cheaters.
My response was in regards to a post stating that he went to NC to see her and IMO we don’t know he went there to specifically she her. Maybe he went there to see the kids and other family members.
how are you going to prove he did not go to see his own wife just as much as to see other family members? This seems to be a very unfair insinuation, imo.
Spoken like a lawyer, Gardener. I agree with everything you said.

And whoever helped CW with his confession knew what you just described in your post. His confession was skillfully formulated to get rid of 5 counts of murder + 1 termination of pregnancy in the first degree. His goal was to exchange them with 1 count of voluntary manslaughter.
I agree. I don't think he just decided to "tell the truth" after a heartfelt conversation with Dad. That new story was carefully crafted to shift the entire blame from him.
Dad is apparently not LE or a lawyer, so IMO it was obvious some other adviser had been sought. It just sounds too "defense attorney" not to have been. Seeing how c lueless he was during those press interviews, then for him to have thought up this defense strategy on his own just doesn't wash. IMO.
Well, for one, I doubt a psychologist is going to diagnose someone who is dead based on snippets of videos. As far as CW goes, I doubt it’s mental health issues, just evil.

At a recent trial, (Rohde) the Judge requested the diagnosis by an Expert, be stopped, and thrown out, as based only on 'hear say, conversations' etc involving the deceased victim.
Considering he had to travel across the country to where she was with the girls, it's pretty clear he didn't "not" want to see her. He's pictured being here with the family.

Perhaps it was part of his premeditated plan to be witnessed by friends and family to be seen with SW, Bella and Cece. “Oh I know, to make it look like we’re a happy family, i’ll travel all that way just to spend time with them, that way no one will suspect me of anything once I’ve carried out my plan, they’l all be thinking what a perfect husband and father I am” JMO.
Yes, of course that is the most important. But he must have gotten very used to lying before the murder occurred. It takes a lot of lies and deceipt to be able to maintain an affair, especially if he was lying to both of them. It must be exhausting. And if the story is true about the gay lover, he was lying to him as well. The man said he got tired of all CW's lies. Jmo

Yes, trying to hide an affair for almost a year really must have been exhausting and taken quite a bit of cover up.
Spoken like a lawyer, Gardener. I agree with everything you said.

And whoever helped CW with his confession knew what you just described in your post. His confession was skillfully formulated to get rid of 5 counts of murder + 1 termination of pregnancy in the first degree. His goal was to exchange them with 1 count of voluntary manslaughter.

Thanks, Pocketaccent, I think it's because of reading legal opinions from our professionals here that I have formed this opinion. And I agree with you too. He had a very specific purpose in claiming he didn't kill the girls. He wants a reduced sentence, of course. A jury may buy that someone could be so angry that in the heat of passion they would not know what would happen if they continued to squeeze the victim's neck for 4-6 minutes. But blind rage doesn't usually last for very long IMO. And once one person is dead by that method and then you go on to strangle another you have no excuse to say you didn't know what would be the results of your actions. MOO.
I’ve been wondering something and apologize if already answered. The last week that CW went to visit NC, do we know if he stayed with SW and girls at her parents house or his parents house? Just from SW’s nut allergy issue it seemed like she left her in-laws with issues between them. I know tension between in-laws can definitely cause issues in your own marriage.

If this if off limits to discuss please let me know and I’ll delete.
Yes, it was stated that he joined his family for the last week. Shanann and the girls. It was on that trip, I believe, that the woman waiting in line with them ( for the rides, i think) said in a news report that she was struck by how CW seemed so quiet and detached from his family.
She must have hidden her phone in between the couch cushions to stop him from calling the police before she killed the kids. Hmmmmmm.

Don't we immediately charge our phones after a long day and soon to be a busy morning?

Wouldn't the phone be placed near the nightstand if they went to sleep prior to the emotional discussion?

So I truly think she had her phone in hand while sitting on the upstairs sofa before the ambush by him. Jmo
Right, we know he went to NC the last week and spent time with his family. We don’t know for a fact that he went there to spend time with her specifically.

Initially, that was the plan. For him to rejoin SW & girls for their last week in NC. Since there are pictures of them all together, we can safely assume that he was following through with the original plan to be with the family.
She must have hidden her phone in between the couch cushions to stop him from calling the police before she killed the kids. Hmmmmmm.

Don't we immediately charge our phones after a long day and soon to be a busy morning?

Wouldn't the phone be placed near the nightstand if they went to sleep prior to the emotional discussion?

So I truly think she had her phone in hand while sitting on the upstairs sofa before the ambush by him. Jmo

I think the phone was planted in the cushions by CW on purpose. It’s very unlikely that she had any reason to go up to the loft (top floor) of their house in the first place but it is the highest point in the house and most out of the way. IMO
Yes, it was stated that he joined his family for the last week. Shanann and the girls. It was on that trip, I believe, that the woman waiting in line with them ( for the rides, i think) said in a news report that she was struck by how CW seemed so quiet and detached from his family.
Thanks, I did know that he visited NC that last week and for part of it they visited Mrytle Beach where those pics were taken. But I swear I read somewhere he didn’t stay at her parents house with them, but can’t remember where I saw that.
She must have hidden her phone in between the couch cushions to stop him from calling the police before she killed the kids. Hmmmmmm.

Don't we immediately charge our phones after a long day and soon to be a busy morning?

Wouldn't the phone be placed near the nightstand if they went to sleep prior to the emotional discussion?

So I truly think she had her phone in hand while sitting on the upstairs sofa before the ambush by him. Jmo
I agree. I think he blew up at her as soon as she got in. She had her phone on her at all times. No way she left it on that sofa and went to bed. Then he realized he was going to be stuck with the kids that he resented so much. They would be the barrier to the new life he thought he would have with AP. IMO he thought about it for a while and then acted.
Thanks, I did know that he visited NC that last week and for part of it they visited Mrytle Beach where those pics were taken. But I swear I read somewhere he didn’t stay at her parents house with them, but can’t remember where I saw that.

I don’t believe there are any viable sources to prove where he stayed. His own family live in another town in N.C. and it’s possible that he may have went to visit/stay with them as well for a few days.
I don’t put any weight into the guy on AB. Of course he lied about the affair - I’m not discounting his lies surrounding the affair and stated so in my post. The VI stated he deleted his FB account because SW kept posting on it like nothing was wrong when he had told her he wanted a separation and I believe what the VI said.
The only problem with him deleting the account because SW kept posting like nothing was wrong, is that it doesn't make sense. He continued to spend time with her, he went to spend a week with her in NC. How would that prevent her from saying nice things like nothing was wrong? The only thing it would ensure is that no one ELSE sees what she wrote. OR at least send a message to whoever he didn't want to know about his still being with her. He had to see her in person, so the only way to prevent her from acting like nothing was wrong was to actually talk to her. Or of course, murder his entire family.
I think the phone was planted in the cushions by CW on purpose. It’s very unlikely that she had any reason to go up to the loft (top floor) of their house in the first place but it is the highest point in the house and most out of the way. IMO

I thought the loft area was located on the second floor between the master bedroom and the kids bedrooms? Or are you saying you think SW was killed on the 1st floor without ever going upstairs to the bedrooms at all?
previously I've seen the request for proof that she did not go to a therapist.:rolleyes:

I’m a little confused by this myself. If SW did have some history of mental health issues, it will be in her medical records. The defense obviously will try to get them subpoenaed, but if they don’t exist - then what? We have no indication at this point that she ever received a mental health related diagnosis. So if no such records exist, I don’t know how they can effectively examine her mental health. Would any mental health professional attempt to diagnose a woman they could not personally examine? I could be mistaken, but I thought that was considered unethical. Jmo.
I agree. I think he blew up at her as soon as she got in. She had her phone on her at all times. No way she left it on that sofa and went to bed. Then he realized he was going to be stuck with the kids that he resented so much. They would be the barrier to the new life he thought he would have with AP. IMO he thought about it for a while and then acted.

I’m not sure that his actions/reactions were based on him believing that he was about to have a “new life” with the AP but a new life in general. Monogamy may not have been a factor.
I thought the loft area was located on the second floor between the master bedroom and the kids bedrooms? Or are you saying you think SW was killed on the 1st floor without ever going upstairs to the bedrooms at all?

(The loft in fact is in an area with befrooms-at top of the house so she would have gone up there to go to bed-I was mistaken about it being it’s own floor).
The loft area is at the top of the house and is kind of like its own floor. Their’s was set up like a living room, but it seems an unlikely place to go at 2 in the morning when you just get home. Her purse was found on the kitchen counter. Why go all the way up to the loft (unless CW was up there to say hello while he was lying in wait).
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So you think he may have been honest with his wife all along, and told her he was having an affair and she was fine with it? As well as the other woman? Isnt there a good possibility he could have been telling the lover he was seperated when she was in NC all that time? He apparently did not like her posting about him on FB. Do you think he deleted his account just because he didn't like it, or could it have been so the other woman would not know they were still together?

Again, I don't think he was honest about the affair. I'm not speculating on things that we have no way of knowing and until more is known I'm not jumping to conclusions.
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