Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #4

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A Relationship without Empathy...

So much time, energy and emotion is spent trying to understand why emotional manipulators do what they do. The answer has never been a secret. It’s always been in plain sight, but perhaps due to its simplicity and our inability to relate, we shrug it off and continue the search for some way where we can blame ourselves.

Why do Narcissists make such terrible partners? Why are they so hurtful? The answer is of course empathy, or rather a lack there of.

Empathy is defined as – the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings and thoughts of another, of either the past or present, without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner. – Webster

The DSM tells us that psychopaths lack empathy and that a Narcissist’s ability to feel empathy is impaired. This means that they cannot understand or have concern for the feelings of others.

Why are Narcissist’s so self-centered? – Because your feelings, your needs do not compute. It’s as if they are emotionally color blind, thus, missing colors in their emotional color palette.

What does a relationship look like with someone that lacks empathy?

Lack of Empathy Symptoms in a Romantic Relationship

Everything is always about them. Your thoughts, feelings, needs and wants are not considered, unless they serve a purpose.

Emotional Manipulators ruin the holidays, birthdays or any special event that is important to their partners. They do not like to share attention and therefore, do not care to be a part of anything that doesn’t thrust them in the spotlight. They have an expectation to receive and feel uncomfortable with the concept of giving. They will, on occasion give, but the gift will often be off somehow, usually not exactly what you wanted or asked for. They do the absolute minimum in terms of effort, when it comes to bestowing something that does not directly benefit them.

When their partners are ill or have some type of pain or injury, the Narcissist will view this as an inconvenience to them and either be bothered by it or ignore it. They are not caregivers. They don’t do nurturing – unless it’s to get praise by others – “Look at how great Tom is being while Anne gets over her appendicitis.”

They are never wrong, so don’t expect to get an apology. You will always be wrong, and they will always be the wronged party.

No issue is ever resolved. They thrive in ambiguity. When you can’t pin them down for a time or a decision they can never be held accountable when they disappoint. Disappointment is what they do. Don’t expect to be able to count or rely on them for much, unless there is a benefit to them.

They have a real problem discerning cause and effect. They cannot see a link between their behavior and your reaction. They will look at your reaction to what they’ve done as the problem, rather than their behavior. [CW will never see that what he did was wrong; his vicious act was, and will always be, somebody else's fault. Also, if CW perceived a narcissistic injury from either SW's or his family, (which is a perceived threat to a narcissist's self-esteem or self-worth), it would serve to fuel his fire, and justify his actions. Undoubtedly, CW suffers from more than a personality disorder, but omitting the definitions and discussion of psychopaths and sociopaths here is intentional. I believe it's very serious stuff, and I'm not qualified to present it. Providing link below. All MOO].

Because of their fear of abandonment, they will try to control you through emotional, psychological and sometimes physical abuse. They will not care how this abuse affects you. They will not care if they have traumatized you, hurt you or that they are grounding your self-esteem into dust. The effects of their abuse do not generally even register with them.

Even if a Narcissist targeted you because of your wealth, business, fame, talent or connections, they will quickly start to resent you for these things. They are not supporters. They don’t do the cheerleader role. They will try to assert their control and methodically try to take over and try to take credit for your success, by undermining, demeaning and manipulating.

They will attack you verbally, emotionally sometimes physically if they feel that their ego is being threatened. You will usually be their emotional punching bag when things go wrong for them.

They have no interest in your growth and expansion. They don’t care about what’s best for you, your happiness or success. They will try to suppress these things, to maintain your compliance and their control.

They will make it very unpleasant for you to maintain outside relationships with family and friends. They want you there, focusing and serving them. They don’t want you to get any ideas, any hint of a better life. They don’t want people that love you to reach out and give you options, so any time you want to go out and socialize without them there will be a problem.

They will think nothing of flirting, spending time with or giving attention to another in your presence. They seek to be revered and the center of attention, it will not compute that their behavior is inappropriate or upsetting you. In fact, they will thrive on pitting one against the other, a term called triangulation. They love the feelings and attention that your jealousy gives them.

Nothing is ever equal. On matters that they care about they will insist on complete domination. In matters that don’t, they will not lift a finger to help or compromise.

They will not love you for you. They will constantly be trying to change you. They will criticize you and never let you feel comfortable in your own skin.

Their presence and energy will dominate your space. You won’t be able to work or focus on your own projects.

You will never be able to trust them. You will walk on egg shells because you will never know what’s coming or when the next shoe will drop. There is no relaxing, only high stress and anxiety.

You will never feel truly loved. You will never feel comfortable. You will never feel safe.

Why didn’t your relationship work? Stop searching. Stop looking for a way to make it your fault. If your relationship resembled many of the above behaviors, it’s time to stop obsessing. Stop the FBI analysis and start accepting the truth. Your relationship didn’t work out because you were involved with someone who has a Personality Disorder. It never had a chance.

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This post is for education purposes only.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing., a website dedicated to educating and healing survivors of abusive relationships.

Psychopaths versus sociopaths: what is the difference?

Thank you for posting this. It disproves the notion that a relationship revolves around two people!
I hope the minds in the investigative team are as sharp as some of the people on WebSleuths. Like did LE notice the wedding ring missing? Did LE even KNOW about the lupus bracelet? It's like we've got hundreds of minds working and they've got half a dozen. I hope they read WS!

Here is a FB video - he’s wearing the bracelet. I looked, it seems he’s had it on for years. But not in interviews.
*edited to add this was from June (25th or 26th)

I just went back and watched those first interviews with CW again, specifically looking for his wedding band, after an astute sleuther brought up that it appeared to be missing, despite previously being seen in all SM postings. (It is missing, btw ~ good catch!) Something else really caught my attention this time, too... Throughout the interview, the dogs seem to be going nuts with their incessant barking! I've never been closely involved with a K9 search team, but wouldn't those highly-trained dogs only be barking like that if they were alerting their handler to something? I think LE knew very early on what happened in that house, and didn't have a rough time breaking CW.

the ring observation was a good catch and interesting

i envision him being told she was leaving losing it and threw off the ring

like fine is this what you want

kinda thing jmo

true or not i cant help but think that he was given the notion that her pregnancy was not from him

that would completely throw off a covert narcissist--
it would be not only your leaving me but you had sex with someone else after all this work i did to want you to be sexually attracted to me again like we were ( fantasy bonds lost for both )

that is intense for a narcissist

is that an excuse for murder of course not

might that be a trigger for mother issues totally

if we get to some real info this is gonna be a lot more complicated moo
It will be interesting to see the time line of the situation.

Were the girls killed first? Or Shanann? Every thing is speculation at this point.

I sincerely hope that CW takes a plea, and avoids the trial. I wonder what will happen. My heart goes out to the families in this situation. Her family, and even his family. They are part of the tragedy here.
How someone can kill another person and then act normal is beyond me. I remember someone telling me about a former co-worker who ordered lunch for them. Prior to him getting the lunch, this guy went home and murdered his girlfriend, picked up the lunch and then came back to work and acted normal, like nothing had happened. He had no reaction to his girlfriend's death and later admitted that he killed her. Had no emotion, nothing. This incidence happened over 30 years ago when you didn't hear about this as much. As you can imagine, this person was shocked and horrified when they heard the news. Especially sitting next to someone who had just killed someone and who seemed and acted normal after killing someone. That was the scary thing.

I would imagine that others at the company where this guy worked are probably freaking out. Just the thought of what happened.
Why then were they going to court over a little over 1000 HOa fee? Pay the darn thing..
if she was making that much money, they wouldn't be going to court over 1,500 to the HOA.
I think they were soon to give up the house, and the HOA would be paid any funds
1. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy wipes away all debt, with the exception of student debt. The debt is completely discharged, so the Watts would have been literally getting a financial "fresh start" after 2015. This is different than a Chapter 13, in which payments are made to settle debts, wages are garnished, etc. So, with CW's company car (his truck) and SW's Thrive Lexus, they had no car payments, no debt (with the exception of student loans), and no mortgage (see below). I think they would have been doing fine by 2016 & beyond, although I do believe her SM posts were about promotion/sales and should be taken with a grain of salt. My point is, I think this crime is less about finances than what might be initially implied when you see they declared bankruptcy 3 years ago, although I do believe the pressures of appearances (and the financial stress that entails) definitely plays into this heinous crime.

2. When declaring Chapter 7 protection, they would've had the option to include the house in the filing or not. If they did not, they could live there without making mortgage payments for years. I have seen this happen. They live there for free until the bank forecloses, which can take years. HOA dues are tied up in escrow (or a lien can be put on the house so the HOA is paid upon sale of the house); either way, the bank will have to pay the HOA any unpaid dues upon foreclosure/sale. If the Watts knew that they were forfeiting the house and the HOA dues were tied up in that, they would not pay them. They had an upcoming court date on August 24th with their HOA, so it's more than likely they were being sued for unpaid dues, which would be paid upon foreclosure (HOA probably did not know this yet).

3. I think the fact that SW and the children went to visit her family in NC for 6 weeks very strange and a huge indication here that the couple was separated. I know that she did not portray it this way on SM, but perhaps a final decision regarding their relationship status had not yet been made. I do think this was something like a trial separation, and I think this his a major factor in CW's later actions. I believe that SW returned to CO because of the aforementioned upcoming court date with her HOA. She had to appear in court in CO, and her business trip the weekend before was in AZ, both of which required her to return from NC. I believe her friend knew SW & CW were separated, and SW was planning on staying with her friend after she picked the girls up from their weekend with their dad. CW basically states that they were going to be staying with a friend in his interview. SW was probably dreading going back and confided in her friend.

4. My guess is that SW's friend was to pick here up for her OB appt and either watch the girls at the doctor's office or watch the girls at home while SW went to the doctor. That's how she knew SW missed her appointment. I think she also knew SW was supposed to collect her things and the girls and she were to come stay with her, so alarm bells went off when they "disappeared" right before doing this.

5. I think for the most part, CW was a loving husband and father. Was he as great as SW portrayed on SM? Probably not. Obviously there were problems in the marriage, though I won't assume what those problems were at this point. Anyone who could ultimately do what he did has-at the very least- a personality disorder, all the way to a full-blown sociopathic mental illness. However, I think SW had no qualms about having their children stay with him for a weekend while she went on her business trip, especially since he hadn't seen them in weeks.

6. I don't think he planned it days in advance, but I do think he had the intent to murder his family before he began the act. To me, even if he isn't the most intelligent of men, certain details would have been planned better had he thought about it a bit more. I think he was stewing while she was on her business trip, thinking, "You've had my girls away from me for over a month, I need them here with me, I can't let you do this to me again." He mentions this feeling in his interviews in a roundabout way, stating that he couldn't stand to be alone in the house, he "needed" to have the girls there with him, telling them to eat their dinner, watching TV snuggled up on their couches, etc. It's interesting when you think that he's been alone without those things for weeks and weeks. It's not like that night he's referencing was the first time he'd been without them in days. So he's telling us, I could't bare that. In his mind, this crime was about love. He loved them too much to lose them again. F-d up, I know. It's hard to comprehend why someone would murder their own innocent children. But: they were about to be foreclosed on (my assumption), she was planning on leaving and taking their children (perhaps permanently, but at least for a while as she'd already been gone 6 weeks and was planning to go to a friend's that day), and (in his mind), he was going to lose everything because of her. So, he had to keep that from happening, in one fatal act of control. He loved them too much to lose them again.

7. I tend to think he killed the girls first, then killed his wife. I think he was having this emotional reckoning while she was away on her trip, and killed the girls to keep them from being taken away by SW upon her return. I think their "emotional conversation" was him wanting her to know that she'd lost--not him. He let her know what he'd done, then killed her.
His intent was to put all 3 bodies in the oil wells, which he was extremely familiar with. His job was to check those wells as an operator for Anadarko. More than likely, he knew what ones would be best/most obscure/less used. I think he had no trouble lifting his babies up into the tanks, and he had thought he could get Shannon in as well. At the last minute he realized her dead weight was much harder to hoist up and in than he had thought, so he panicked and quickly buried her in a shallow grave nearby with the intention of getting her into a well when better prepared/more time.
I definitely think he panicked and acted hastily, at least with SW's murder. I think he expected her to return at 11 PM, but she did not come home until 3 hours later. They had a confrontation, she put up a fight (as evidenced by his scratches/bites), and he was left with very little time to dispose of the body/bodies. Add to that her friend showing up at lunchtime, and like many of you have surmised, he had no time to return home and "set the scene."
owed by the bank. This is why they didn't just pay it. It's like ,why pay if we aren't staying?
i think we have to remember that he at that point had to pretend that he did not accidentally go off and kill his family

He didn't "have" to pretend anything. He could have immediately owned up to what he did. Instead, in his interviews, he chose to pretend to be a victim because he hoped to get away with murder.
Here is a FB video - he’s wearing the bracelet. I looked, it seems he’s had it on for years. But not in interviews.
*edited to add this was from June (25th or 26th)

CW, in the grey, behind SW is wearing a 3 -colored wristband on his left It's the same blue/yellow/?green band that ay least 3 other MLM people on the cruise are wearing. So I dont see any purple Lupus armband

I notice his watch is on his right wrist, as if he is left-handed.

SW and her pal are unimpressive in this video. Boring actually. I'd hate to sit next to the pal on a plane. I'd hate having her after me to buy or sell this stuff. She seems pretty hard-core about it. I don't notice any Thrive patches
I personally think her social media posts would never reflect or hint at any trouble in paradise because it would not fit with her social media personality. Part of the thrive culture is, well, to thrive. So I take her overly positive posts with a grain of salt. She could have been miserable for all we know, she just wouldn’t post about it on social media.
Yes. To me they are just commercials.
I think this boils down to one thing, she told him she was leaving.
I wonder what happened between her (seemingly intentionally) getting pregnant with baby #3 and her taking the kids to NC to stay with her family for the summer. I agree with you that she had decided to leave, which had to be very difficult for her in her position.
the ring observation was a good catch and interesting

i envision him being told she was leaving losing it and threw off the ring

like fine is this what you want

kinda thing jmo

true or not i cant help but think that he was given the notion that her pregnancy was not from him

that would completely throw off a covert narcissist--
it would be not only your leaving me but you had sex with someone else after all this work i did to want you to be sexually attracted to me again like we were ( fantasy bonds lost for both )

that is intense for a narcissist

is that an excuse for murder of course not

might that be a trigger for mother issues totally

if we get to some real info this is gonna be a lot more complicated moo

They both either did a lot of "Thrive" or worked out a lot.
On that thought, wonder what is in those patches?
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