Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #41

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I wonder if SW had a journal. If she did it could be telling.

She could have kept it earlier, but not when she started selling her product. It seems to have taken a lot of time, it seems. Once your time really becomes your money, you start viewing everything that is not bringing in money distracting.

Also, the way I see SW, she probably saw herself more of an actress than a writer.
Coleman apparently planned the killings for a significant period of time, even going as far as to send his wife death threats in the mail.

Fortunately, in addition to complete depravity, he and CW have a significant similarity. Complete and utter stupidity.
I think his neighbors camera caught him near the mailbox when he wasn't supposed to be there? Or it caught him leaving the fake threat letters or something.

These nosy neighbors with their dang cameras always living on the same street with some family annihilater named Chris. :)
Sorry have some thoughts that have been lingering in my mind but haven't posted want to say I bet you his defense wants it to get out that he has a Bible and a picture of his wife and the girls in his jail cell but if what he said is SUPPOSED to be true why would he want a picture of his wife who he says killed his girls?

Because he is such a family guy.
Honestly, his appearance was one of the (many) things that prompted me to question his credibility/version of events very early on. Even before his arrest. The other was claiming his daughters were scheduled to go to a play date on the day they were reported missing- (but he didn't know where), when he knew they would never be playing again. :(

I keep searching, weighing theories, reading the thoughts of others, and ultimately hoping I will find a reason to understand how a Daddy could dispose of his babies the way he did (and admitted to). No matter what side of the fence you are on, this is a tough one to justify, IMO.
He didn't have that fatigued look that would come with the territory. Even if you'd had a spat with your spouse and thought they had taken off with the children of their own accord, you wouldn't be able to rest until you knew something for certain. At times, he still had the air of trying to downplay their absence too with the whole "going to a friend's house" scenario.

I cannot reconcile his disposal methods with a person that has love or even compassion for the victims. I've mentioned before that if he had made a rushed joint grave for all of them, hidden them under brush, or a variety of other things a panicked person might do, it would be easier to comprehend. As it stands, I can only classify him as a sociopath or some other variation close thereto. This wasn't the work of someone who didn't have a clue what to do. It has the markings of someone who knew precisely what they'd do, even if it wasn't as well-executed as he thought.
Dedicated to little Dieter

View attachment 150255 Shanann

A Dog's Plea

Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me.

Do not break my spirit with a stick, for although I should lick your hand between blows, your patience and understanding will quickly teach me the things you would have me learn.

Speak to me often, for your voice is the world’s sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footsteps fall upon my waiting ear.

Please take me inside when it is cold and wet, for I am a domesticated animal, no longer accustomed to bitter elements. I ask for no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth. Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst.

Feed me clean food that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life, should your life be in danger.

And, my friend, when I am very old, and I no longer enjoy good health, hearing and sight, do not make heroic efforts to keep me going. I am not having any fun. Please see that my trusting life is taken gently. I shall leave this earth knowing with the last breath I draw that my fate was always safest in your hands.

Author Unknown

A Dog's Plea
<3.... thank you Judi. <3
Unless I don't have any grasp on his person, I expect they don't find any. I think the girls were not necessary for him in his new life, so he wiped them off, but I don't think he was a predator.
I don’t expect them to find any signs either.

I think this was about him having a new life, one without his family. I don’t think sexual abuse, and murder to cover up for it, occurred here.
I don’t expect them to find any signs either.

I think this was about him having a new life, one without his family. I don’t think sexual abuse, and murder to cover up for it, occurred here.
I don't think it likely either. The only reason I'd have any suspicion at all would be because of his apparent hypersexuality with the A/P's, if he had some compulsion to do inappropriate things as a form of revenge on SW for something he thought she deserved.
Interesting, because if my son was on trial for killing his wife, with a story like this, there is no way that I would cash in 401k, or mortgage our home for his defense. Sure, I would throw some money on his account in jail, take his phone calls, help him out, but, his defense would be his own expense.

Adults make their own choices. If SW killed her children, she would have to have been completely borderline, and unstable. CW would have known how she would react to any breakup.

Maternal instinct is not a logical thing, it is an instinct. For us CW might be a horrible person, for his mom, he's her baby.

Another fact - CW's mother might have not liked her daughter-in-law. If so, it is easier for the mom to believe CW's version of the events. It is probably the only way she can think now in order not to lose her mind, because what grandmother could accept the fact that her beloved son killed her beloved granddaughters? So she is in denial, but the denial is protective. And while I don't understand CW's fan club, the mom I can always understand. Moms stand by us when no one else does.
I don't think it likely either. The only reason I'd have any suspicion at all would be because of his apparent hypersexuality with the A/P's, if he had some compulsion to do inappropriate things as a form of revenge on SW for something he thought she deserved.

Yes, but the kids he did not hate. It was not revenge on SW, I doubt she even knew they were to die, or dead. I think with SW gone, he simply did not need them. Maybe he was tired of their feet running in the hallway, too. He said he missed these sounds, but he smiled when he said it, so I think the opposite - he was overloaded by kids' noises, and enjoyed the silence.

I was thinking that with his gaze, he could have turned into someone predatorial later, a mini-version of Ted Bundy, but not on own children. Or so I hope.
Maternal instinct is not a logical thing, it is an instinct. For us CW might be a horrible person, for his mom, he's her baby.

Another fact - CW's mother might have not liked her daughter-in-law. If so, it is easier for the mom to believe CW's version of the events. It is probably the only way she can think now in order not to lose her mind, because what grandmother could accept the fact that her beloved son killed her beloved granddaughters? So she is in denial, but the denial is protective. And while I don't understand CW's fan club, the mom I can always understand. Moms stand by us when no one else does.
Do we know if CW’s family has enough money or assets to pay for a top notch lawyer?
Isn’t it awful that his parents, who probably worked and saved for their eventual retirement, now have to put their futures’ in jeopardy by liquidation everything for their son’s defense. If he did in fact commit these crimes and still allows his parents to do this for him, he is beyond heartless, evil, diabolical.

They always do!! I mean if these weren't the types to take everything their parents own to get them out of trouble, they probably wouldn't have murdered their entire families in the first place.
Yes, but the kids he did not hate. It was not revenge on SW, I doubt she even knew they were to die, or dead. I think with SW gone, he simply did not need them. Maybe he was tired of their feet running in the hallway, too. He said he missed these sounds, but he smiled when he said it, so I think the opposite - he was overloaded by kids' noises, and enjoyed the silence.

I was thinking that with his gaze, he could have turned into someone predatorial later, a mini-version of Ted Bundy, but not on own children. Or so I hope.
I've always found it weird that he stated things like "telling them to eat their dinner" as something he missed because it was like he enjoyed being an authoritarian with them. Sure, you miss the little things about people when they aren't there but that just seemed off.

I absolutely agree that he was finished with that family. I think that was the impetus of the whole tragedy.
AB 10/09/18
1. CW has photo of SW. BW, and C.W. in his cell as well as a Bible. Is it for show, was he advised by the Defense to display these items in his cell, so he’d look good? Or is CW a man who is deep in mourning? We don’t know what he’s thinking. Scott Peterson had Laci’s photo in his cell. OJ had a picture of Nicole in his cell. There could be an innocent explanation. Prisoners can get permission to have pictures of loved ones in their cells. It’s very common for prisoners to have religious materials in jail. If he’s on Close Watch Protocol he’s not supposed to have reading material in his room.That may have changed, nobody knows. The Weld County Jail has a Public Information Officer who has never once returned a call to AB.
2. The Defense is not concerned about the autopsy reports. Could infer that there’s nothing more incriminating in them. Defense claims they don’t care. C.W. has already been damaged by leaks, the autopsy information will come out at the Preliminary Hearing, anyway, but they are interested in learning about Prosecution witnesses who might be tainted. Guest Defense Attorney, Renee Sandler says she wouldn’t be so cavalier about an Autopsy report. She wouldn’t want those results out, both sides need to protect witnesses, both sides need to protect taint. It works both ways. The Defense said, “Mr. Watts rights to a fundamentally fair proceeding and, ultimately, a fair and impartial jury at trial, have been so substantially damaged in this case, it does not see, that in any prophylactic order, at least on the narrow issue of whether the autopsies should be released, can serve to salvage the wreckage of those rights which may remain.” Really dramatic stuff. Defense is suggesting they are already doomed. It’s a Death Penalty case, they have to set up an appeal before they even try the case. The Defense said, “The government has made no further proffer with respect to which witnesses it intends to interview that have not been interviewed nor how what those witnesses have to say that could be impacted by the contents of the autopsies.” Defense is trying to make an argument that so much damage has been done CW can’t get a fair trial. Once they get some discovery, and find out who some of the witnesses are, Defense may change their strategy.
3. AB showed SW’s online baby blog pre Bella’s birth. CW seemed to equally participate in that blog. SW has left so many SM posts, the Prosecution won’t have to recreate her as a victim, she did it herself.
4. SW’s guest Pat LaMama, from *********** disagrees with AB about SW’s videos. AB thinks the videos show SW was a happy person who enjoys being on video, LaMama thinks some of the videos show SW as pathetic and desperate for attention and not very happy.
5. Progression videos chronicle pregnancy with Bella. The day they found out they were pregnant, CW said he was so happy.
6. Guest, Investigator, Tom Verni explains that investigators will pore over videos, and both Prosecution and Defense will use whatever they feel is advantageous to their case. Guest Defense Attorney, Rene Sandler, explains, when she looks at videos she looks for timeline, investigative leads, and how she can get them admitted into evidence, if at all. It’s hearsay. You can’t cross examine it. It won’t come in unless it fits into an exception under the hearsay rule. It’s difficult, it’s a text by text, blog by blog analysis. AB showed blog entry where C.W. lovingly worked on Bella’s nursery, asked if the Defense could use it. LaMama said the defense has to be careful about opening a door, once it’s opened it’s wide open and it’s a free for all for all sides. They have to be tactical and strategic.
7. What was in the evidence bags removed from the house? Bags were see through. Looked likely bedding. Pink and blue and yellow sheets and blankets. Guest, Forensic investigator, Joseph Scott Morgan, explains, because CW was having an affair Police must be entertaining the thought that other parties might be involved. They will be using DNA to determine individualization of evidence. Was someone else in the home that wasn’t part of the family unit? If AP was in SW’s and CW’s bed her DNA might be there. Will the bedding tell who strangled the children? Is there hair there? Is there DNA? Did the victims regurgitate sputum? Mix of blood and sputum? Guest, Morgan is is concerned about the quality of the evidence because LE put the evidence in plastic bags. Plastic is bad because it can sweat and can compromise the integrity of the biological sample. It’s not good to commingle evidence from different places, either.
Viewer Questions
1. I noticed in videos that Shanann kept her home impossibly clean, all the way down to the inside of the pantry. How long do you think it took investigators to realize that anything out of place would have been considered a big deal? Keeping a clean house like she did would be very helpful. Right away you could tell if things were out of place, if there had been a struggle.
2. If this goes to trial will they allow cameras in the courtroom? It’s a State by State thing, Colorado does allow cameras in the courtroom, but it will come down to the judge. Does he think it will be a circus or does he think the public has a right to know step by step?
3. When time for trial if there is a trial the attorneys need to find out who these women and men are in love with the maniac so they don’t get chosen on the jury! Defense Attorney Sandler says in the search for the truth, both sides are given an opportunity to question potential jurors to see if there are any biases or prejudices, to see if they can be fair and impartial.
4. Why is this case taking so long when he confessed? Police say he confessed, but C.W. might fight that, so it might be suppressed, and they’re going to handle this like CW hasn’t confessed. Nothing will be taken for granted. There will be a thorough investigation. Very involved case. CW was charged with 9 felonies, including 5 counts of First Degree Murder.

Thank you!!!!!

With Vivint, at the very least, you will have information on every door that leads to the garage and any other entry points. How many times it opened, when it shut, etc. From the Santa video, I know the door to their garage was setup because it automated an alert “garage interior door open” or something along those lines. With that being said, we will definitely know when he started loading the bodies. We will also know what he was up to in the days/hours leading up to her coming home. If the system is tampered with it alerts Vivint directly and alerts the individuals on the account by phone. They both had to have access to the app on their iPhones IMO. This would also show Shanann while she is gone when he is coming and going. If the system was broken, it will come out later that he disconnected it with Vivint, which would be a red flag to Shanann at the time as well as show premeditation. MOO

I have my name out there so no big mystery I'm the youngest of 7 , I was born in Bronx New York, but I will tell you this the Son of Sam murderer killed a mafia daughter and my brother was on the detectives for Bronx,NY we might have our problems and I'm not proud of them but you know what we don't have this horrifuc tragedy , thank God and I hope to God and pray to God we never do so I can't even comprehend but I do study this s***. I think it stems from selfishness, and many men become abusive more so when the wife is pregnant because she's getting attention
I'll state this again, depending on the jail visits are either through the glass or on video. And yes they can have other books than the bible. That is his choice. Generally you can request from the jail library. If not in max, visits are often in person in an open room with other prisoners who have their visits at the same time. They would not be in his case. There really is minimal danger to staff from suicidal inmates. You are just walking through the hallways and doing the usual strip searches. My one thing is that suicide watch is not usually for an extended period of time, it tends to end after staff checks in on the inmate every 24 hours and then they are released to different areas unless they continue to assert they are suicidal.

Hmm. Interesting. Do you think it changes depending on how high profile the case is or what they're charged with?

I've been very scared that he will kill himself the first chance he gets. Who said recently they think he won't make it to 40?
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