Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #5

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I wonder if he went to any bars etc for this fantasy football stuff?
(Why the heck am I so curious about this guy? Why am I spending so much time on this guy? The victims have been found and he is in custody. I want to know why and how this happened!!!! Maybe there is no answer other than he’s crazy. And that there’s just no understanding it any way around.)

I get it, I feel the same way. A lot of people have been looking into Shanann's world, but the key really lies with CW. I have become morbidly fascinated with him, mostly because he just seems so, well, normal. When Josh Powell killed HIS kids, we kind of saw something coming. That facade had fallen off a lot earlier. But with CW? Egads. (I mean, clearly her friend knew something or else she wouldn't have hot dialed the police, but it isn't like the neighborhood was collectively holding their breaths and waiting for the fan to get covered.)

Re: Nickhole and doc appt. I think she was meant to meet her at the appt and that is how she knew she didn't go. I often took friends to mine.
Except for the fact we knw he is a murderer, he is nice looking and was getting a good physique.

I bet anything he has a gf or was planning on getting one. That is why he got rid of his encumbrances.

I get the opposite vibe. Shanann's talk about their romance was about how she resisted him because he had "no game" so I figure his only attractive asset was his persistence, and he finally wore Shanann down or caught her at a "down" moment. Then he was determined to cling on to her.

He shows no personality, no charisma, and it was his idea to have the third baby which makes me think he was still desperately playing every trick to keep her in her place. But she was the bright innovative one, with other options besides being married to him, so when he couldn't convince her to stay, he eliminated her. This way he keeps the perfect family image, without Shanann around to contradict it.
I will be really, really surprised if he has managed to connect with anyone else.
I get it, I feel the same way. A lot of people have been looking into Shanann's world, but the key really lies with CW. I have become morbidly fascinated with him, mostly because he just seems so, well, normal. When Josh Powell killed HIS kids, we kind of saw something coming. That facade had fallen off a lot earlier. But with CW? Egads. (I mean, clearly her friend knew something or else she wouldn't have hot dialed the police, but it isn't like the neighborhood was collectively holding their breaths and waiting for the fan to get covered.)

Re: Nickhole and doc appt. I think she was meant to meet her at the appt and that is how she knew she didn't go. I often took friends to mine.

I’m also especially engrossed here I think bc it trips me out that someone like this is in the vicinity. Like what if we were at the same bar or grocery store or gym or who knows what else...not that he’d necessarily be violent or anything to a stranger (or would he?), just blows my mind, the thought of breathing the same air as this nutjob.
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I get the opposite vibe. Shanann's talk about their romance was about how she resisted him because he had "no game" so I figure his only attractive asset was his persistence, and he finally wore Shanann down or caught her at a "down" moment. Then he was determined to cling on to her.

He shows no personality, no charisma, and it was his idea to have the third baby which makes me think he was still desperately playing every trick to keep her in her place. But she was the bright innovative one, with other options besides being married to him, so when he couldn't convince her to stay, he eliminated her. This way he keeps the perfect family image, without Shanann around to contradict it.
I will be really, really surprised if he has managed to connect with anyone else.

I’m wondering if she insulted his precious ego somehow and this enraged him.


“There are no specific combinations of traits or characteristics shown to differentiate serial
killers from other violent offenders.”

FBI: Serial Murder


“Family Annihilators”: Understanding What Drives Fathers to Kill |

“The picture that emerged shows that men who kill their families were most likely to commit their crimes on Sundays and in August, times when children are typically out of school. The most common method was stabbing; the second was carbon monoxide poisoning. More than half of the men were in their 30s and more than 80% committed or tried to commit suicide after killing their children. While previous research found that “annihilators” are often characterized by failure, most of the men in the current sample were employed — and had jobs ranging from surgeon to librarian to taxi driver.“

-An observation again so far, ahow CW may be less common as a FA, didn’t use a knife (that we know of) and didn’t commit suicide (actually from what I read so far about 50 percent of FAs commit suicide).


10 Notorious Cases of Familicide - Oddee


Why Ordinary People Murder Their Families

“Known as "family annihilators", these people, most always men, have a profound need for control that drives them to destroy their family when they can no longer provide for them financially or when the family has been divided by divorce. (With men who commit murder-suicides there tends to be a catalyst such as a financial or personal defeat that they view as catastrophic, while women who kill loved ones are more likely to have a history of mental-health conditions like postpartum psychosis, as in the case of Andrea Yates, the Texas mother who drowned her five young children in 2001.)“


Characteristics of family killers revealed by first taxonomy study

“Family annihilators have received little attention as a separate category of killer," said Professor David Wilson, one of the paper's three authors, and Director of the Centre of Applied Criminology at Birmingham City University. "Often they are treated like spree or serial murderers, a view which presupposes traits, such as the idea that the murderer 'snaps', or that after killing their partner or children the killer may force a stand-off with the police."“


“Over half of these men, 55%, were in their thirties; 10% were in their twenties and the oldest was discovered to be 59.

August was found to be the most common month for the killing to take place, accounting for 20% of cases. Just under half of all murders were committed over weekends, especially on a Sunday.“

—-eta: oh wait a minute, getting a different state here on suicide, from the above link:

“81% of the men attempted suicide after the act, which refutes the traditional idea that family annihilators may force the police to shoot them, as is common with spree murderers. There were no recorded cases of stand-offs with the law.”
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Perhaps he, too, used his social media accounts to promote Thrive and he decided to end his business relationship with them. I think there are valid reasons why people decide to cut back on social media.
He did use SM to promote Thrive. Google @chris_thrives and you can pull up parts of his messages on the Google page.
I wonder if he went to any bars etc for this fantasy football stuff?
(Why the heck am I so curious about this guy? Why am I spending so much time on this guy? The victims have been found and he is in custody. I want to know why and how this happened!!!! Maybe there is no answer other than he’s crazy. And that there’s just no understanding it any way around.)

Or he is EVIL. Not all evil people are mentally ill. Some are just EVIL, or they dwell on hate or bitterness until their thoughts turn in to actions.

But I am like you in needing to understand...although I know like many others, I will not understand because it will be beyond understanding. So many will take a life for nothing. There is no logic, but it helps to understand that there are people like that out there. I always tended to be too trusting. This reminds you to be cautious who you trust.
This place has ruined me! I work nights in the ER and a man just came in with deep cut on his finger. I looked at my partner and said “Who in the world gets a finger lac at 2 am?? Murderers... thats who”. He just looked at me and said “or... night shift factory workers?”.

Wondering if CW might have used a lateral vascular neck restraint that police officers use. They reach behind and apply pressure on the blood vessels. A person passes out in 4-7 seconds. It does not harm it only applied for a short time, but can kill otherwise. Here is a YouTube so you can see how fast it is.

“"Their view of the family is very black and white, and doesn't reflect the increasingly dynamic role that women can play in the economy and in the institution of the family itself."“

Study describes family killer types


Also from the above link:

“The study found 71 cases of the family annihilator, with a small minority of 12 women which the team will follow up with future research.”


What creates a 'family annihilator'?

“Using figures from the Office of National Statistics from 2007-08 to 2011-12, the NSPCC said that one child is killed at the hands of their parent every 10 days.”


“What is common in the majority of cases is that the person involved is often a middle aged, "ordinary" man.“
“Obviously it is very difficult for the rest of us to even comprehend how someone can get himself to a state of mind where the children become expendable," Dr Gregory said.
"But sometimes the children in these cases have almost become pawns in a game - the children have become a way of getting back at his wife, a way of punishing her - or they have become belongings of his that he feels he can't leave behind.
"You've often got men who are holding down jobs, they're men who have got a lot invested in their world and particularly, often, in the family on which they then turn the violence."
The trigger to kill is often the failure of the relationship with the mother, or a dispute over the children if the marriage has already ended.
"He will then want to retrieve his control," Dr Gregory said.
"It is a desperate way to do it, and it is perverse, because in retrieving the control he is also losing his own life, but this man has got himself into such a state of mind that says 'if I can't have them, then no one can'.“

What creates a 'family annihilator'?

“The profile of a family annihilator is a middle-aged man, a good provider who would appear to neighbours to be a dedicated husband and a devoted father,' Levin said. 'He quite often tends to be quite isolated. He is often profoundly dedicated to his family, but has few friends of his own or a support system out with the family. He will have suffered some prolonged frustration and feelings of inadequacy, but then suffers some catastrophic loss. It is usually financial or the loss of a relationship. He doesn't hate his children, but he often hates his wife and blames her for his miserable life. He feels an overwhelming sense of his own powerlessness. He wants to execute revenge and the motive is almost always to "get even".'“

Focus: Fathers who kill their children
What makes you think she didn’t call him first?
I think it makes sense that she called him first - if anything, her instincts would have been further aroused if he tried to fob her off with some lame story about why Shanann was skipping her doctor's appointment and not answering her phone. It would have been a very brief phone call!
Time to close the thread for the night.

Shanann's thread will open up again around 7 AM-ish Mountain time this morning.

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I'll be back in a few hours to open the thread back up.

Just saw another comment questioning why it’s being called “alledged confession” ( and apologize if this a repeat from previous posts — how does anyone keep up with them all? I want to read every post in order but fear CW will be having his first parole hearing by the time I’m done if I don’t skip ahead to catch up).

On Wednesday right before the 10:00 pmnews cycle Denver’s local ABC station broke with the news that CW confessed. The reporter apparantly has connections inside LE and he was told about the confession by an insider (or two). CBS News were still talking about where did Shanann go until the very end of the newscast when they announced the confession and said they’d confirmed the news w/two LE insiders. No idea when Fox/NBC first reported, but it was everywhere by morning.

To my knowledge, LE and prosecutors have never publically acknowledged a confession. We’ll find out when it’s unsealed but I don’t think prosecutors used a confession as grounds for charging him, and even Channel 7 (local ABC station) that originally broke the news has reverted to calling it an “alledged confession”.

I don’t think the inside LE sources were lying when they said CW confessed to police (yes, news reported it was given to LE —I know some have speculated is called alledged because he only confessed to his family). The fact the prosecutors and official statements make no mention of a confession has me worried perhaps they’re afraid the confession will get thrown out. Really worried! If the confession isn’t included in the sealed documents, hopefully the fact that he’s behind bars means they don’t need the confession to nail him.

Does anyone know if a confession is thrown out and part of the confession was telling where bodies were disposed, if discovery of the bodies and any evidence found on the bodies needs to be tossed out too? I’m new to this and don’t know rules of evidence, or whatever governs this sort of thing. Hoping those of you w/more experience can reassure me there’s no need to worry. But if there’s a chance he’s going to get off because confession was motivated by evidence that gets thrown out, and bodies, etc also can’t be used to prosecute because they were found as result of the thrown out confession I am going to be sick.
Neighbor knew something was 'seriously wrong' before man confessed to killing family
“He was defending himself, but it just didn’t make sense. Like in that moment it is kind of surreal,” Atkinson told “Good Morning America” in an interview Monday. “He was just sitting there waiting for something to happen; it just didn’t seem right to me.”

Shanann Watts was 15 weeks pregnant, and appeared to be happily married, according to Atkinson.

"No, she did not talk about leaving him or separating. She very much loved her family and wanted to be a family,” Atkinson said. "I didn't find out that they were going to separate or anything like that until I called Chris that morning. When I called him and asked him where she was, that's when he told me and I basically told him that that wasn't my [concern] at that particular moment because it wasn't and that their business was their business, that they would either work it out or they wouldn't."

He just kept saying that he didn’t know where she was and that she was on a playdate. But he couldn’t give us the name of the friend,” Atkinson said. “I knew he had something to do with it the day I was at his house with him, but I didn’t want to think that.

“Anyone in their right mind will start piecing things together and think something had happened, but you don’t want to go there. You want to believe the best in people,” she added.

She couldn’t offer too many details about the couple’s private lives, but she said Chris Watts appeared more distant recently.

“I mean couples or families have their issues, but not to where it justifies what was done,” she said. “I know that Chris and her were having some issues about three weeks prior to everything happening. But as far as the social media and what actually went on behind closed doors I don't know.

“He wasn't being the loving Chris that he normally was. He wasn't touching or hugging or doing stuff like that. He wasn't being as attentive to the girls as he normally is,” she added.

Neighbor knew something was 'seriously wrong' before man confessed to killing family

GMA keeps saying site can't be reached
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Happening today: the District Attorney's office is set to file formal charges against the Frederick man accused of murdering his pregnant wife and two daughters. Chris Watts is being held without bond in the Weld County jail. The DA could also unseal the arrest affidavit today.

Meghan Lopez on Twitter


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“He just kept saying that he didn’t know where she was and that she was on a play date,” said Atkinson, recalling the conversation she had with Chris the day Shanann went missing. “But he couldn’t give us the name of the friend. I knew he had something to do with it the day I was at his house with him, but I didn’t want to think that.”
Atkinson said she believed the couple were happily married—but that Chris Watts, unprompted, brought up the issue of separation when she called him the day Shanann went missing, which she thought was strange.

“She didn’t talk about leaving him or separating. She very much loved her family and wanted to be a family,” said Atkinson. “I didn’t find out that they were going to separate or anything like that until I called Chris that morning.
“When I called him and asked him where she was, that's when he told me and I basically told him that that wasn't my [concern] at that particular moment because it wasn't and that their business was their business, that they would either work it out or they wouldn't.”

She says he suspicions were further fueled when a neighbor's security video showed that Shanann didn't leave the house after she was dropped off—but Chris Watts did. Atkinson says that discovery proved to her that “there was something seriously wrong.”

“He wasn't being the loving Chris that he normally was,” said Atkinson. “He wasn't touching or hugging or doing stuff like that. He wasn't being as attentive to the girls as he normally is.”

Atkinson went on to say that when the bodies were discovered it was “one of my worst nightmares,” adding: “I sat on our bed for, I don’t know how long, and didn’t move because I didn’t want to think that they weren’t coming back.”

Neighbor knew something was 'seriously wrong' before man confessed to killing family

Updated link for the Daily Beast article and interview with SW's friend Nicole A (previous one links to a dead page):

Last Person to See Shanann Alive: Why I Suspect Chris Watts
“He just kept saying that he didn’t know where she was and that she was on a play date,” said Atkinson, recalling the conversation she had with Chris the day Shanann went missing. “But he couldn’t give us the name of the friend. I knew he had something to do with it the day I was at his house with him, but I didn’t want to think that.”
Atkinson said she believed the couple were happily married—but that Chris Watts, unprompted, brought up the issue of separation when she called him the day Shanann went missing, which she thought was strange.

“She didn’t talk about leaving him or separating. She very much loved her family and wanted to be a family,” said Atkinson. “I didn’t find out that they were going to separate or anything like that until I called Chris that morning.
“When I called him and asked him where she was, that's when he told me and I basically told him that that wasn't my [concern] at that particular moment because it wasn't and that their business was their business, that they would either work it out or they wouldn't.”

She says he suspicions were further fueled when a neighbor's security video showed that Shanann didn't leave the house after she was dropped off—but Chris Watts did. Atkinson says that discovery proved to her that “there was something seriously wrong.”

“He wasn't being the loving Chris that he normally was,” said Atkinson. “He wasn't touching or hugging or doing stuff like that. He wasn't being as attentive to the girls as he normally is.”

Atkinson went on to say that when the bodies were discovered it was “one of my worst nightmares,” adding: “I sat on our bed for, I don’t know how long, and didn’t move because I didn’t want to think that they weren’t coming back.”

Neighbor knew something was 'seriously wrong' before man confessed to killing family

Cass, that link takes me to an big error.... This page is so lost, even our intrepid reporters can't find it...
Can you see if it still works for you? Thanks

There is this one, also: (if it works)
Last Person to See Shanann Alive: Why I Suspect Chris Watts

Updated link for the Daily Beast article and interview with SW's friend Nicole A (previous one links to a dead page):

Last Person to See Shanann Alive: Why I Suspect Chris Watts

Thanks, scapa!
I wondered if it might be the same article, different name
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