Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #49

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Are those 2 letters very long? Could someone summarize the main points, I don't know what the heck but I can never open those court PDFs on my PC or 3 tablets. I can open other PDFs but not from the court.
Screenshots of the court docs for your reading pleasure...


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I found this when googling. Looks like they were having a good time. Notice how CW’s father places his hand on CW’s Mom’s back around 1.0. Looks to me like he loves her.

IMO It looks like he's trying to soothe her during her huffy walk-off. My own mother is quite narcissistic, thankfully she had no sons (if she had I suppose that I would have been completely invisible to her), but I have seen this same behavior many, many times. In a group where she's not the focus, she'll storm ahead. My father will always be there to catch up to her to whisper something like, " What's wrong? Do you want to stop and eat?...I don't know why they brought us here, not much to do, just walking aimlessly..." I'm 99% sure CW's mom was annoyed at SW filming her, maybe she was having a bad hair day. CW's dad probably does love her, and they are also probably extremely co-dependent. It all looks very familiar to me, and makes me feel a bit nauseated.

These people (letter writer who is one of the podcast which-we-do-not-name-here people) are doing CW’s parents - and by extension CW himself - a VERY GRAVE disservice, or even egregious harm.

How ON EARTH would ANYONE with an ounce of common sense, basic knowledge or even a layperson’s understanding of law/the judicial process think that attempting to insert themselves into the proceeding helps ANYONE??????

I’m gobsmacked at the ignorance. And at the arrogance.

And I bet a lot of people were surprised that this was put on a judicial list for everyone in the world to see. Including his parents. Not only the original letter to the judge, but the reply.
To me it speaks to a level of entitlement and control issues.

Sentencing can't come quick enough for me.:(
I imagine all those involved are very stressed.
CW's family probably feel they require more time, to solve matters, and assist their poor son who has been poorly represented.
CW's family believe this poor representation/treatment started with meeting SW, then the arrest, and now this ridiculous 'plea deal'.
They certainly need to 'steer the ship'.
As you state, Gitana, this indicates their level of entitlement and control issues, even now, via the Justice System.
I noticed in the court filing from CW asking for limited media coverage of the sentencing, which was thankfully overruled, that they mention this case has received national coverage and attention. I just want to give a shout out to all of our international WS members on this case, proving that this case has received international coverage! I'm sure that would really anger CW to know that. He's infamous around the world.
A. Yes, and that scares me to death. It scares me to death to think that he could have done all of this, but I don’t see why he’s pleading guilty. I wouldn’t. I’d fight. I’d fight to the end. But then you ask yourself, ‘Would a normal person put, dispose of the bodies the way he did?

I don’t want to hear another word from this woman. The BIB says it all. She knows he murdered Shan’ann and placed Bella and CeCe in the oil tanks and is forced to accept that. There’s no way she can try and shift the blame for these unspeakable acts onto anyone else and it obviously grinds her gears. She asks if a normal person would do this, and yet she wouldn’t plead guilty and would fight to the end. There’s something very, very wrong with this woman. She lives in an alternative universe.

RSBM, in italics ^^ Where is her heart?! "Dispose of the bodies"? I can't. How about: "I can't wrap my head around anyone harming my precious grandchildren, let alone my son, I just cannot imagine why he thought that discarding them in this disgusting way was at all ok...I just don't know, I am lost and devastated, what those poor babies must have experienced, and my DIL...and sweet Nico..." <----Normal reaction.
Screenshots of the court docs for your reading pleasure...
Really, the PD said they would "shut this *advertiser censored* down now"?

Way to get few flies with vinegar...."inhumane treatment at the hands of the Public Defenders"...

You'd think they would have run it through a grammar check.

Why didn't she write her own letter, it makes her sound like she isn't of sound mind if she can't write by herself.

Mo, thanks so much for the screen shots.
Wow. I just asked @Tricia if we can allow this to be posted and she said yes, but I do need to ask where you obtained these documents.

I wouldn't have posted them if they weren't official. :)

Do they use their real names in the podcast?

No, but close.

I actually have been following the group that the MRS podcasters created at the beginning - joined it before I found WS. I thought I was joining intellectual discussion. I could not have been more wrong. I have listened to just one of the Podcasts. They droned on and on for about 3 hours (a brief bit of it included a guest speaker which was one of SWs friends).
It blows my mind that these bloggers don't understand that a judge cannot 'call' the defendant's family to speak to them about an ongoing Multiple Felony MUrder trial. Are they that dense?
They have pretty much NO knowledge of how the legal system actually works, yet they've amassed thousands of adoring fans. It's scary.
Mothers and their obsessions with their male offspring are disturbing to me. Emotional incest like Norman Bates?

Me too. I was only blessed with girls so I’m speaking from a place of ignorance but I’ve always felt it was a result of a poor relationship with the father/husband. They’re getting their emotional needs met through the male child and the father/husband is stuck in a mindset of jealousy and apathy (because at least HE doesn’t have to do it) which probably also compounds any problems in the son (child). I wouldn’t be surprised if this is already “proven” to contribute to personality disorders, I’m just not aware of it...
It blows my mind that these bloggers don't understand that a judge cannot 'call' the defendant's family to speak to them about an ongoing Multiple Felony MUrder trial. Are they that dense?
So agree! The podcasts hosts have absolutely no experience/education with this. They think they can insert themselves into this to make a name for themselves.
this is concerning:

Did Prosecutors Screw Up the Chris Watts Case? | Law & Crime

Did Prosecutors Screw Up the Chris Watts Case by Leaving Him Room to Wiggle Out of Guilty Plea?

  • MATT NAHAM NOV 14, 2018 1:38 PM

“What I do find to be unusual in this case … is that I would have required a proffer session with the defendant, where he would have sat down in order to be spared the death penalty,” Bianchi said. “He would have spilled the beans on everything, from A to Z, we would have known what the motive is, which we don’t know right now, and he would have clearly allocuted in court, got up and said this is why I did it.”

“The only way he’s going to get out of this is … a belated assertion of innocence is not a basis to withdraw a plea,” Bianchi continued. “However, his lawyers didn’t do any psychiatric examinations and the mother points this out. And that could a be huge deal here.”

“Maybe he did go into a rage. Maybe there’s an insanity defense or a diminished capacity defense. That takes it out of murder and makes it a non-death penalty case,” he added. “[T]hat would be the only sliver of a basis that he could withdraw this plea.”
And Due Diligence. The courts are making sure they do everything correctly.

And, as the district attorney said, he has to get together a package of all the evidence together for this prior. He said it was to give to the head of the folks that will be incarcerating him.

I still wonder, how much is going to be released. And will it be like Florida then it will all be electronic and everyone will have access to it, or will it be like some states where only the media has it and they Dole it out little by little?
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