Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #49

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And I bet a lot of people were surprised that this was put on a judicial list for everyone in the world to see. Including his parents. Not only the original letter to the judge, but the reply.
It entered my mind that they might want to prove that it went through the correct channels. Basically people with no legal right are trying to interfere with the decisions of a separate, adult, entity.
I noticed in the court filing from CW asking for limited media coverage of the sentencing, which was thankfully overruled, that they mention this case has received national coverage and attention. I just want to give a shout out to all of our international WS members on this case, proving that this case has received international coverage! I'm sure that would really anger CW to know that. He's infamous around the world.
The BBC did an article on it when he pleaded guilty. The BBC is truly worldwide with billions of viewers.
IMO It looks like he's trying to soothe her during her huffy walk-off. My own mother is quite narcissistic, thankfully she had no sons (if she had I suppose that I would have been completely invisible to her), but I have seen this same behavior many, many times. In a group where she's not the focus, she'll storm ahead. My father will always be there to catch up to her to whisper something like, " What's wrong? Do you want to stop and eat?...I don't know why they brought us here, not much to do, just walking aimlessly..." I'm 99% sure CW's mom was annoyed at SW filming her, maybe she was having a bad hair day. CW's dad probably does love her, and they are also probably extremely co-dependent. It all looks very familiar to me, and makes me feel a bit nauseated.
I was waiting for her to take Bella's hand on the opposite side to grandpa and swing her along, as she was tiring of walking. But no..she separated herself from the group and the tension was palpable from my perspective. I thought Shan'ann was talking to try and ease the atmosphere.
this is concerning:

Did Prosecutors Screw Up the Chris Watts Case? | Law & Crime

Did Prosecutors Screw Up the Chris Watts Case by Leaving Him Room to Wiggle Out of Guilty Plea?

  • MATT NAHAM NOV 14, 2018 1:38 PM

“What I do find to be unusual in this case … is that I would have required a proffer session with the defendant, where he would have sat down in order to be spared the death penalty,” Bianchi said. “He would have spilled the beans on everything, from A to Z, we would have known what the motive is, which we don’t know right now, and he would have clearly allocuted in court, got up and said this is why I did it.”

“The only way he’s going to get out of this is … a belated assertion of innocence is not a basis to withdraw a plea,” Bianchi continued. “However, his lawyers didn’t do any psychiatric examinations and the mother points this out. And that could a be huge deal here.”

“Maybe he did go into a rage. Maybe there’s an insanity defense or a diminished capacity defense. That takes it out of murder and makes it a non-death penalty case,” he added. “[T]hat would be the only sliver of a basis that he could withdraw this plea.”
BBM. How does the mother know that? She knows nothing else that has gone on.
I wouldn't have posted them if they weren't official. :)

No, but close.

I actually have been following the group that the MRS podcasters created at the beginning - joined it before I found WS. I thought I was joining intellectual discussion. I could not have been more wrong. I have listened to just one of the Podcasts. They droned on and on for about 3 hours (a brief bit of it included a guest speaker which was one of SWs friends).
Oddly, for the first 6 podcasts I thought it was a relatively straightforward and honest relating of events, how the case developed, I nearly contacted the mods to see if we could bring it over here. Then, oh dear me, about # 7 they started in on SW, let up briefly for the hearing (#13) with only a few snarks, now they are in a boat in a big sea without a rudder for #14. Given this silly letter, my hunch that it is basically a valley girl production has been confirmed.
The BBC did an article on it when he pleaded guilty. The BBC is truly worldwide with billions of viewers.

I hope someone shows CW that broadcast. That would really make him mad. He thought this would all be just a quiet little story in CO that everyone would forget about a week later. Wrong. And now we will get to watch him getting sentenced to a cage for the rest of his life. He's gotta be mad.
I noticed in the court filing from CW asking for limited media coverage of the sentencing, which was thankfully overruled, that they mention this case has received national coverage and attention. I just want to give a shout out to all of our international WS members on this case, proving that this case has received international coverage! I'm sure that would really anger CW to know that. He's infamous around the world.
Yoo-hoo from London!! :D
IMO It looks like he's trying to soothe her during her huffy walk-off. My own mother is quite narcissistic, thankfully she had no sons (if she had I suppose that I would have been completely invisible to her), but I have seen this same behavior many, many times. In a group where she's not the focus, she'll storm ahead. My father will always be there to catch up to her to whisper something like, " What's wrong? Do you want to stop and eat?...I don't know why they brought us here, not much to do, just walking aimlessly..." I'm 99% sure CW's mom was annoyed at SW filming her, maybe she was having a bad hair day. CW's dad probably does love her, and they are also probably extremely co-dependent. It all looks very familiar to me, and makes me feel a bit nauseated.
I agree, I'm familiar with this too (not with my parents though, TG!), soothing, walking on eggshells......I had the same reaction, nauseated. CW's mum probably didn't like being on camera but she could have walked along side Shanann. Idk, :(
IMO It looks like he's trying to soothe her during her huffy walk-off. My own mother is quite narcissistic, thankfully she had no sons (if she had I suppose that I would have been completely invisible to her), but I have seen this same behavior many, many times. In a group where she's not the focus, she'll storm ahead. My father will always be there to catch up to her to whisper something like, " What's wrong? Do you want to stop and eat?...I don't know why they brought us here, not much to do, just walking aimlessly..." I'm 99% sure CW's mom was annoyed at SW filming her, maybe she was having a bad hair day. CW's dad probably does love her, and they are also probably extremely co-dependent. It all looks very familiar to me, and makes me feel a bit nauseated.

Gosh he really had it all. What's so terrible about having a gorgeous wife and two adorable kids? Don't like your wife? Leave her then.

To kill all of them like that. It's awful.

And yeah, "Mimi" certainly looks disconnected while SW is valiantly trying to involve everyone.
I believe they think he could have been found guilty for something less than Murder One by a jury for killing SW ASSUMING a jury believed his story. Moreover, I am sure they hoped to introduce evidence of "abuse" that would mitigate that charge and his tampering with bodies charges, termination of pregnancy, etc, down further at least in terms of sentencing. This is my best guess for what they are trying to do, besides salvage the reputation of their family, which I imagine they also care about.

I agree with your assessment, BOWA. But could have is different than it being certain he would have been convicted of a lesser charge.
My personal opinion is that perhaps they should consider the alternative outcome before giving more interviews, or trying to intervene on their son's behalf.
There son may have been sentenced to death. Despite the comment about LWOP being the same thing, I vehemently disagree. I cannot imagine being responsible for convincing my son to take his plea back and have him ending up in a grave, versus a cell. (And knowing there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop it). If they are patient, the evidence will prove this was a real possibility. (I don't believe this would have been another OJ, or CA verdict).
Regardless of their level of desperation; there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to disparage the memory of their DIL and grandchildren. This only makes their family look worse, IMO. :(
I must say the part that stated when they called the judge they were forwarded to a social worker, made me think " nope ma'am, we can't help you, but perhaps somebody in social work can help you better understand and get through this as you obviously need some help."

Comments like this one (and the NAU with all her annoying intuition and friendship one, which I’m STILL laughing at btw) make me wish I could have you all over for Christmas dinner... lol damn...

ETA ...and I totally WOULD have you all over buttt, I’d need to meet your mothers first
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These people (letter writer who is one of the podcast which-we-do-not-name-here people) are doing CW’s parents - and by extension CW himself - a VERY GRAVE disservice, or even egregious harm.

How ON EARTH would ANYONE with an ounce of common sense, basic knowledge or even a layperson’s understanding of law/the judicial process think that attempting to insert themselves into the proceeding helps ANYONE??????

I’m gobsmacked at the ignorance. And at the arrogance.

Yes. It's embarrassing.

I would think the Watts family could find some attorney willing to talk to them, explain the process and how they can advocate for their son, without further harming their family's reputation and without relying on gosspiy and sensationalistic podcasters for legal assistance.
this is concerning:

Did Prosecutors Screw Up the Chris Watts Case? | Law & Crime

Did Prosecutors Screw Up the Chris Watts Case by Leaving Him Room to Wiggle Out of Guilty Plea?

  • MATT NAHAM NOV 14, 2018 1:38 PM

“What I do find to be unusual in this case … is that I would have required a proffer session with the defendant, where he would have sat down in order to be spared the death penalty,” Bianchi said. “He would have spilled the beans on everything, from A to Z, we would have known what the motive is, which we don’t know right now, and he would have clearly allocuted in court, got up and said this is why I did it.”

“The only way he’s going to get out of this is … a belated assertion of innocence is not a basis to withdraw a plea,” Bianchi continued. “However, his lawyers didn’t do any psychiatric examinations and the mother points this out. And that could a be huge deal here.”

“Maybe he did go into a rage. Maybe there’s an insanity defense or a diminished capacity defense. That takes it out of murder and makes it a non-death penalty case,” he added. “[T]hat would be the only sliver of a basis that he could withdraw this plea.”
How do we know this to be true, didn't the defence ask CW's medical records to be sealed? Does Mrs Watts know what's going on? It's sad if she doesn't but there must be a good reason, imo.
It's a victim's rights thing. It's not supposed to impact the sentence, from what I know. (I will double check to make sure).

However, I do believe the letters are given to the judge prior to sentencing.

I do wonder if the person that wrote the letter to the judge even knew if that was going to be public knowledge, and plastered all over the Internet with a response from the court?
My MIL accused me of cheating on her son because my second child looks just like my side of the family, right down to being the only brunette in my gang of 6 (the 5 others being blonde like daddy). I'd bet my last dollar Cindy likely made the same accusations about CeCe, and probably Nico, too. (They couldn't deny Bella as Chris's child)
Celeste looks a lot like Sandy (SW's mother) and it was obvious to me the first time I heard him talk about her that he didn't like Celeste very much. Bella looked like him of course, and was the favored one.
What did Shanann do that turned off his mother to her??? Whatever it was it came before they even got married!? Was it Shanann's aggressiveness? I don't know either people so I can't judge, but wish I could hear from a verified member for Shanann on here.
I would not characterize Shanann as aggressive, especially during the dating years. She and friends have said he chased her. Sometimes you don’t have to do anything for mother-in-laws to not be accepting, just the fact that their boy is no longer paying attention to you but the new girlfriend is enough to drive a wedge. I would place a good wager that that was the conflict between Shanann and Mrs. W. She saw a rivalry with Shanann and she lost.
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They are in compete denial. It might take some time for them to accept the truth. His mom might never accept it, and if not, she risks being very bitter the rest of her life. She cannot recover from this blow unless she accepts the truth, and if she doesn't recover, then it is like another loss of life. I have sympathy for her shock, though I don't find her likeable. I do hope she finds her way to acceptance and peace, however long that might take. I also hope people "let her go" because these interviews don't help anyone, imo, except to sell stories and get clicks, I suppose. The info adds nothing but bitterness and I think should be avoided by all. She is a victim, even if unlikable, too.

It's not going to take some time for them to accept the details, IMO. It will never happen.

Because this attitude is common with family annihilator types' families.
I do wonder if the person that wrote the letter to the judge even knew if that was going to be public knowledge, and plastered all over the Internet with a response from the court?
Haaaa. Judging by her inability to grasp the fact that CW’s Constitutional rights aren’t being violated, she very well may have been unaware that this document would be published by the court.

Or she just wants attention.
I'm trying to put myself in her shoes. I would never have gave the interview she did, or bad-mouthed my dead DIL, however if my son was in jail for a heinous crime and I wasn't being allowed to speak with him, I might have cause for concern that his confession was coerced. Now, IMO, it's obvious that CW did this crime and the mother is in denial. But I would feel uneasy about not being able to hear what's going on in my son's head. JMO.

Of course. And there's a dignified way to handle that. Then there's this.
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