Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #49

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There is a blacked out spot to the right of the judge's name, I wonder if that is another person or an address.

We aren’t talking about anyone considered “authentic” in terms of the press. ANYONE can pick up press credentials to attend a court hearing if they show up on time. I can start up an SM media page with a podcast too and get a press pass anywhere or get you (whom I’ve never met) to drive to the courthouse too. My 19 year old would be qualified to do this.
Last night someone asked...and I didn't see an answer....are the PD's or anyone else required by law to pass this family concern on to CW? How would he know if some lawyer wants to take his case? Would the new lawyer be privvy to the autopsy and all other papers before deciding to take the case? Sounds weird to me, if that last part is true.
We aren’t talking about anyone considered “authentic” in terms of the press. ANYONE can pick up press credentials to attend a court hearing if they show up on time. I can start up an SM media page with a podcast too and get a press pass anywhere or get you (whom I’ve never met) to drive to the courthouse too. My 19 year old would be qualified to do this.
According to the request for media coverage filed for MRS productions, she is a co-producer who uses her iphone for video, audio and tweeting. ;) EMC filed by MRS Productions(1).pdf
"Request for EMC is for the use of an electronic device (iPhone) to be used for the electronic transmission of information during court proceedings as part of social media coverage (Twitter). Additionally request is being made for use of same electronic device (iPhone) to be used for still photography during court proceedings. Designated representative: Karen Almand Otherwise, no pooling is being requested unless designated by the court."
It's not going to take some time for them to accept the details, IMO. It will never happen.

Because this attitude is common with family annihilator types' families.
Yep. As the day went on, and as I read more of what is being said, I came to that same conclusion. It took me some time to figure out that the lashing out is not a momentary response in grief and denial. I now see it as a habit or even belief system.

My heart wants to side with hope....but....well....

The judge had no choice. A judge isn't just allowed to call a defendant's mother! Lol.

Why aren't these people getting some legal advice of some sort? Real legal advice, not silly "mean girl" gossipers.
Every time I read a post about these parents, my immediate thought is "is mind-boggling one word or two?" I don't have any other word (words?) for how they are handling themselves with a son who was charged in a death penalty case. How have they not been seeking better guidance?

This is the very best they could come up with? Letting a random person from the Internet with bad grammar write a letter to the judge on their behalf? Accusing the public defender's office of inhumane treatment without a shred of evidence to suggest that? I would be so embarrassed letting someone submit that letter on my behalf. (I mean, I would be horrified that my son murdered his entire family of course, but it would also really, really bother me to allow someone to make a ridiculous request to a judge on my behalf, stating that I know no facts AND that I outsourced this to someone who doesn't understand how to match verb tenses!)
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There was also talk on her page of an incident where the other children present were given ice cream that contained some type of nut, of course Celest could not have any but Grandma Watts did not have an alternative for her and said she needed to learn she did not get everything she wants. While that is true, what a bizarre way to treat your toddler grandchild who is there visiting you. I think these incidents became part of the conversation because of the strained relationship between the two women and Mrs. Watts treatment of Shanann after her death.

I don't care if nuts were in a sealed bag. I don't care if nuts weren't given to the child herself.

What is described is a dangerous undermining of the mom's efforts to protect the child from harm.

It smacks of a desire to control and of a disdain of Shanann's role as a mother.

You have a grandkid with a nut allergy? DON'T HAVE ANY NUTS IN THE DAMN HOUSE OR AROUND THE KID. EVER. PERIOD!
Haaaa. Judging by her inability to grasp the fact that CW’s Constitutional rights aren’t being violated, she very well may have been unaware that this document would be published by the court.

Or she just wants attention.
They have no legal knowlege and no idea what they are doing but that’s probably not stopping them from being very impressed with themselves. They don’t know enough to know how ridiculous they look. They have repeatedly trashed Shanann, moma Watts feels a kinship with them. This case is like none other that I’ve ever seen.
Haaaa. Judging by her inability to grasp the fact that CW’s Constitutional rights aren’t being violated, she very well may have been unaware that this document would be published by the court.

Or she just wants attention.
“Just wants ATTENTION” IMO (perhaps there is a crusade for a fantasy justice system going on as well, where evidence means nothing and exaggerated clues based on Live -streams everything-but only to get more attention).

This makes Trent Bolte look great in comparison JMO!
I didn't think I could be any more disgusted. The statements by these parents will haunt them forever but they seem too dense to realize it.

I felt always sorry for both of the families! And yes, I do understand that parental loves probably just doesn't "fade" away, even if your "child" commits heinous crimes like this. But this actually made me very very angry. Chris' mum clearly didn't like Shannan. Maybe she never liked anyone involed in a relationship with Chris because she was just jealous. And yes, this is a common problem. I know it on my own. Once your mother in law doesn't like you, you can do nothing right and are of course responsible for everything bad! I can not believe that she even badmouthed her and calling her abusive. This is disgusting! Not to forgt that Chris could have left with his children but instead he made her pregnant a third time! No thoughts of her being murdered ... no empathy for their grandchildren or her family!

Open your eyes: your son was not only a cheater but also a cold hearted murderer who dumped your grandchildren like trash. He deserves to rot in hell!
I would not characterize Shanann as aggressive, especially during the dating years. She and friends have said he chased her. Sometimes you don’t have to do anything for mother-in-laws to not be accepting, just the fact that their boy is no longer paying attention to you but the new girlfriend is enough to drive a wedge. I would place a good wager that that was the conflict between Shanann and Mrs. W. She saw a rivalry with Shanann and she lost.
He thought Shanann was pretty wonderful, fell in love with her and moved across country to be with her. Mrs W hated her from then on.
I'm betting that Monday will be the last time they see their son in the flesh. I can't see him agreeing to have them visit him ever.

Just watched the video of the bearded guy posted here where he seemed to assert that CW had actually been speaking to his dad (I know they spoke before his first confession, but this implied that they’d been in touch and that CW didn’t want to talk to his mom ON PURPOSE ).

I’m sure mommy & daddy will still continue to keep his commissary account going and send care packages of whatever his railroaded heart desires! Baby Chris still has mama fighting for her son! Too bad for everyone that he didn’t listen to her and went ahead and got married and moved away with an “abusive wife” ——(her words).
Give me a break!
I just want to let Cindy Watts know that killing your wife and kids is the most ultimate form of domestic violence and abuse. She may not have cared for her daughter in law, but her excuses are all NUTS.
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Not funny but made me laugh as she seems to like being on camera now with all these interviews
Now I come to think of it, yes, she's not camera shy in the slightest these days. :oops:

So I guess we have 4 more days of this nonsense.
LOL I love quips like this! straight to the point! :D
Really, the PD said they would "shut this **** down now"?

Way to get few flies with vinegar...."inhumane treatment at the hands of the Public Defenders"...

You'd think they would have run it through a grammar check.

Why didn't she write her own letter, it makes her sound like she isn't of sound mind if she can't write by herself.

Mo, thanks so much for the screen shots.

I believe they are deluded enough to think it would get more traction with the judge, because such knowledgeable and highly esteemed podcasters are “on the case”! Much better than, say, idk, actual legal representation? :p

Sorry, absolutely nothing about this is funny. I’m just flabbergasted.
I felt always sorry for both of the families! And yes, I do understand that parental loves probably just doesn't "fade" away, even if your "child" commits heinous crimes like this. But this actually made me very very angry. Chris' mum clearly didn't like Shannan. Maybe she never liked anyone involed in a relationship with Chris because she was just jealous. And yes, this is a common problem. I know it on my own. Once your mother in law doesn't like you, you can do nothing right and are of course responsible for everything bad! I can not believe that she even badmouthed her and calling her abusive. This is disgusting! Not to forgt that Chris could have left with his children but instead he made her pregnant a third time! No thoughts of her being murdered ... no empathy for their grandchildren or her family!

Open your eyes: your son was not only a cheater but also a cold hearted murderer who dumped your grandchildren like trash. He deserves to rot in hell!
It comes from always needing to deflect the blame or fault to someone else. Because they fear they are not acceptable. Which ironically they are not with this behaviour.

Just like their son accused Shan'ann of murdering the girls and enraging him.

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This media coverage during sentencing is so pleasing.:):)
Yep, even here, on the other side of the globe, we will know.
I would think, here, Websleuths will be packed, with our comments about the proceedings.
Hope there won't be any glitches, as some of us, wish to hear everything presented.
I think so too! I hope there's no server overload. :p
I've never given it weight either. The incident was used to prove Shanann was a liar. Liars lie and are capable of murder. Sorry for the sarcasm, but it was a BIG deal in the discussion at the time. And again, it's grown legs and Shanann's concern about the whole affair is overridden and others get the last word.
I don't imagine Mrs Watts did have the nuts out on purpose BUT Shanann had a right to complain, in what's gone down in the last day or so, she HAD a lot to complain about and rightfully so. We've seen what she was up against, it's the same old story, in-law problems etc. but CW obviously didn't get the memo that when you fall out of love, murder is never an option.

You know I think she very well could have had those nuts out on purpose. Not to hurt her grandchild but to assert power over SW. These are the same people who reportedly refused to go to the wedding or to the children's birthday party in NC during her 6 weeks there.

They will only see the kids in THEIR house with THEIR rules. "Oh you're being ridiculous! Nothing will happen!"

Anyone who has a food allergy or whose kids have one has probably encountered such a person.

Couple that with possible in laws who feel their daughter in law is "uppity" or thinks she's better than them...

My aunt who I earlier described on here is similar. My cousin and his wife are particular about germs around their infants. My aunt has never been particular about germs and has scoffed at people who are since I can remember as a small child when I balked at sharing a yogurt and the same spoon with her!

She knows they want everyone to wash their hands before touching the babies. At least when they're tiny.

My aunt would just obstinately refuse. She'd go outside and smoke, come in and demand the baby and when asked to wash her hands she would either storm off in a huff or once actually tried to grab the baby from my cousin's arms.

She would purposefully, it seemed to me, stick her unwashed fingers in the babies' mouths. As their seething mama sat by silently, not wanting to cause a scene at Christmas or whatever.

I'm telling you. This stuff can be purposeful with certain folks.
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