Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #49

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According to the request for media coverage filed for MRS productions, she is a co-producer who uses her iphone for video, audio and tweeting. ;) EMC filed by MRS Productions(1).pdf
"Request for EMC is for the use of an electronic device (iPhone) to be used for the electronic transmission of information during court proceedings as part of social media coverage (Twitter). Additionally request is being made for use of same electronic device (iPhone) to be used for still photography during court proceedings. Designated representative: Karen Almand Otherwise, no pooling is being requested unless designated by the court."

I understand we can paraphrase parts from this and it was related that the very same person even went so far as to violate this initial agreement by taking unauthorized pictures at the hearing and then boast of getting away with it in a live feed.
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Gosh he really had it all. What's so terrible about having a gorgeous wife and two adorable kids? Don't like your wife? Leave her then.

To kill all of them like that. It's awful.

And yeah, "Mimi" certainly looks disconnected while SW is valiantly trying to involve everyone.

I hadn’t watched this particular video before now, and wow! He seems so stinking normal here. It just boggles the mind.
Last night someone asked...and I didn't see an answer....are the PD's or anyone else required by law to pass this family concern on to CW? How would he know if some lawyer wants to take his case? Would the new lawyer be privvy to the autopsy and all other papers before deciding to take the case? Sounds weird to me, if that last part is true.
CW can certainly communicate with his family if he wishes. He has phone privileges and if he wants his parents (or anyone) to contact another attorney he can ask them to do that. He can (or could) have visitors as well. I think any new attorney would meet with Chris and the current attorneys before deciding to take this on if it went that far. If CW does wish to get another attorney to take this down another road, or perhaps to file an appeal later, he would just have to have his current attorney (public defenders) removed and the new attorney put on record. They can do this by filing a request through the court. At that time any new attorney would have access to all of the reports, evidence, and discovery. I have heard that Chris has called his father, but not his mother. And that his mother may not even know that CW is talking to his father. I do not know if that part is true. I get the feeling that CW is not interested in another attorney taking over this case. That is just my feeling and opinion.
CW can certainly communicate with his family if he wishes. He has phone privileges and if he wants his parents (or anyone) to contact another attorney he can ask them to do that. He can (or could) have visitors as well. I think any new attorney would meet with Chris and the current attorneys before deciding to take this on if it went that far. If CW does wish to get another attorney to take this down another road, or perhaps to file an appeal later, he would just have to have his current attorney (public defenders) removed and the new attorney put on record. They can do this by filing a request through the court. At that time any new attorney would have access to all of the reports, evidence, and discovery. I have heard that Chris has called his father, but not his mother. And that his mother may not even know that CW is talking to his father. I do not know if that part is true. I get the feeling that CW is not interested in another attorney taking over this case. That is just my feeling and opinion.
I know the bearded guy said CW has called his father but I don't know if he is just guessing about that. Are jailhouse phone logs available to the public?
I think she's the one who got into the hearing
I know it’s in violation of WS rules to reference outside people without a direct source.

However, if a faction like this is competent enough to position themself and infiltrate a case like this with “legit” press credentials when they really are nothing more than rubbernecking SM folk, using it for personal gain and more egregiously to bolster sympathy for the defense (as far as I’m concerned) by trumping up Swiss Cheese credentials-then I think it is fair to say that ANYONE could have got into this hearing very easily with the same doubtful backing if only based upon the crieria that got her inside and seated behind the Watts family as a “reporter” or PR person-as I’m still not clear on how this is being categorized.

If the judicial system dismisses it all-fine-but small entities have power in numbers, no matter how dubious their origins may be. I only hope it’s another dumb red herring, but I also believe that the Watts family loves the take this “faction” has given on everything and can’t distinguish it from being anything more than substantiated support for their son which they naively welcome.
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I know the bearded guy said CW has called his father but I don't know if he is just guessing about that. Are jailhouse phone logs available to the public?
No, I don't think so. But he does seem to have some sources and intel. Either way, Chris could call anyone that will accept the charges collect except SW family and people that are considered witnesses by the court.
What did Shanann do that turned off his mother to her??? Whatever it was it came before they even got married!? Was it Shanann's aggressiveness? I don't know either people so I can't judge, but wish I could hear from a verified member for Shanann on here.
what do you mean shananns aggressiveness??

Ive seen no signs of such .

being a dominant, get things done person does not equate to aggressive .

these cruel associative terms that are totally off base need to be reined in imo
I may have missed something while trying to catch up, but after reading these letters sent to the court on behalf of the Watts family, I have a quick question for @gitana1 (to go with all the others you get..... so Thankful for your time and guidance throughout this case). Anyway, it seems like the DA's office has been guiding SW's family through this process. Would the same be true for the PD's office with the Watts family? I'm just wondering why NOW CW's family seems so in the dark. Couldn't they have engaged themselves with the PD's office all this time with questions/guidance/assistance??? TIA

Even the judge steered them to a social worker in the response.

I can't remember the old saying, but it's something about I threw you a rope, I sent a helicopter, etc when somebody complained God why didn't you help me.

People are trying to help them, but they are alienating everybody who might try because they are standing up for something that is ridiculous.

At least the courts have tried to help them by steering them to a social worker who could perhaps help them?
You know I think she very well could have had those nuts out on purpose. Not to hurt her grandchild but to assert power over SW. These are the same people who reportedly refused to go to the wedding or to the children's birthday party in NC during her 6 weeks there.

They will only see the kids in THEIR house with THEIR rules. "Oh you're being ridiculous! Nothing will happen!"

Anyone who has a food allergy or whose kids have one has probably encountered such a person.

Couple that with possible in laws who feel their daughter in law is "uppity" or thinks she's better than them...

My aunt who I earlier described on here is similar. My cousin and his wife are particular about germs around their infants. My aunt has never been particular about germs and has scoffed at people who are since I can remember as a small child when I balked at sharing a yogurt and the same spoon with her!

She knows they want everyone to wash their hands before touching the babies. At least when they're tiny.

My aunt would just obstinately refuse. She'd go outside and smoke, come in and demand the baby and when asked to wash her hands she would either storm off in a huff or once actually tried to grab the baby from my cousin's arms.

She would purposefully, it seemed to me, stick her unwashed fingers in the babies' mouths. As their seething mama sat by silently, not wanting to cause a scene at Christmas or whatever.

I'm telling you. This stuff can be purposeful with certain folks.
The nuts were definitely not an oversight. SW related that she called ahead of time to make sure MIL had no nuts in the house and was told " I never buy them".
They arrive and voila, there's a big bag of pistachios. Can you say passive aggressive?
this is concerning:

Did Prosecutors Screw Up the Chris Watts Case? | Law & Crime

Did Prosecutors Screw Up the Chris Watts Case by Leaving Him Room to Wiggle Out of Guilty Plea?

  • MATT NAHAM NOV 14, 2018 1:38 PM

“What I do find to be unusual in this case … is that I would have required a proffer session with the defendant, where he would have sat down in order to be spared the death penalty,” Bianchi said. “He would have spilled the beans on everything, from A to Z, we would have known what the motive is, which we don’t know right now, and he would have clearly allocuted in court, got up and said this is why I did it.”

“The only way he’s going to get out of this is … a belated assertion of innocence is not a basis to withdraw a plea,” Bianchi continued. “However, his lawyers didn’t do any psychiatric examinations and the mother points this out. And that could a be huge deal here.”

“Maybe he did go into a rage. Maybe there’s an insanity defense or a diminished capacity defense. That takes it out of murder and makes it a non-death penalty case,” he added. “[T]hat would be the only sliver of a basis that he could withdraw this plea.”
Has it been confirmed that they did NOT do a psych evaluation? If they had, certainly they wouldn't have felt the need to share that fact with the Whackadoo mother, but would that info be available somewhere so this dude would know for a fact one hadn't been done?
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