Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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I am feeling that NOW CW's parents will start to see the truth. I hope so.

Nope. No way in hell. Neither they nor the rest of his supporters will find this compelling. He had an affair because he didn't love her anymore, as they proudly stated. Because she was an abusive, controlling, dangerous witch.

Can you blame him?

Nah. They already knew of this affair "from the beginning". It didn't move them then and it won't now.

IMO, nothing will.
I have a mother in law that is much like Cindy. Well my father in law is as well. It's a toxic environment to be around. They can't accept that THEY did things towards my husband that a loving parent wouldn't. So they blame him not being around them on ME. So be it. Their problem not mine. Living with that though, I can see some of what Shannan endured during her marriage. I'm much older than Shannan now, but in my younger years, early marriage, I tried so hard to figure out why I was hated. Tried to bend over backwards to please them. Nothing works. Nothing you say, or do is the right thing. You start to question why you're such a horrible person that can't get it right. Then finally it dawns on you, it's THEM not you. I hope Shannan was able to get to that point in her life, and realize any relationship problems between her husband and parents wasn't her fault.

Your description of your experience is spot on. I went to my first therapist as a teenager and I’ll never forget what she said to me, “Have you ever considered that the problem is not that you are unlovable but that your mother is incapable of loving?” It took many, many years before I was able to start believing that but I never forgot her words.
This sheds some new light on the porch interviews as well. The reluctance to do them in the first place that was mentioned by the Thayers. The strangeness of him never willingly saying SW's name. The vagueness of the "emotional conversation" reference. I think he was still trying to thread the needle between reality and the lies he'd been feeding NK.

Yes! He probably thought at that point he could continue his lies with NK and everyone would forget about his missing family.
I do too. I respect her for going to the police. I'm surprised she went public.
It might sound weird but I've been thinking about her a lot lately and wondering how she would ever be able to have a normal life. Of course, not knowing the circumstances of their affair, it was easy to believe that she was a willing participant and would have to live with the consequences of her choices. Knowing now that he lied to her makes me feel so bad for her. It's hard to imagine the guilt she must feel even though we now know that she is another one of his victims. I pray that people will not make her life hard and that she can go on to live a happy and healthy life. Can you imagine how hard it must have been for her to have to hide out for the last 3 months? It shows great character on her part that she immediately went to the police. Because of NUA, NK, the neighbors camera, the quick response of the Frederick PD, the CBI and the FBI, this lying, cheating, murderer is not going to get away with it!! I am still in shock that she came forward but I definitely think the timing is perfect. I hope and pray that this will help his parents believe and accept the truth about their son and that they will apologize to Shanann's family!
This sheds some new light on the porch interviews as well. The reluctance to do them in the first place that was mentioned by the Thayers. The strangeness of him never willingly saying SW's name. The vagueness of the "emotional conversation" reference. I think he was still trying to thread the needle between reality and the lies he'd been feeding NK.

Sure, the interviews have a different interpretation now. And previously posters here have pointed out how weird he acted when the media asked him about sw being pregnant. About as emotionless as he could have been.
I have a mother in law that is much like Cindy. Well my father in law is as well. It's a toxic environment to be around. They can't accept that THEY did things towards my husband that a loving parent wouldn't. So they blame him not being around them on ME. So be it. Their problem not mine. Living with that though, I can see some of what Shannan endured during her marriage. I'm much older than Shannan now, but in my younger years, early marriage, I tried so hard to figure out why I was hated. Tried to bend over backwards to please them. Nothing works. Nothing you say, or do is the right thing. You start to question why you're such a horrible person that can't get it right. Then finally it dawns on you, it's THEM not you. I hope Shannan was able to get to that point in her life, and realize any relationship problems between her husband and parents wasn't her fault.

Gee Whiz 2Hope4.
Your life, in your early marriage sounds horrid. bending over backwards to be liked.:(:(:(
Pleased, you realize where the problem was.
I am hoping, Shan'ann knew she was terrific, as so many people are stating.
In a flurry of long calls and texts that night, Watts changed his story about his split with his wife.

Kessinger barraged Watts with questions: Were there signs someone had forced themselves into the home? Were the daughters’ car seats still there? Was one of the girls’ EpiPens still in the house?

Watts didn’t show any emotion during their conversations and tried to change the subject away from his missing family, Kessinger said.

“It seemed off,” Kessinger said.

So that Monday night alone in the house he was texting and calling his mistress all night.
It might sound weird but I've been thinking about her a lot lately and wondering how she would ever be able to have a normal life. Of course, not knowing the circumstances of their affair, it was easy to believe that she was a willing participant and would have to live with the consequences of her choices. Knowing now that he lied to her makes me feel so bad for her. It's hard to imagine the guilt she must feel even though we now know that she is another one of his victims. I pray that people will not make her life hard and that she can go on to live a happy and healthy life. Can you imagine how hard it must have been for her to have to hide out for the last 3 months? It shows great character on her part that she immediately went to the police. Because of NUA, NK, the neighbors camera, the quick response of the Frederick PD, the CBI and the FBI, this lying, cheating, murderer is not going to get away with it!! I am still in shock that she came forward but I definitely think the timing is perfect. I hope and pray that this will help his parents believe and accept the truth about their son and that they will apologize to Shanann's family!
I think she did everything right. She quizzed him, went to the police with her concerns, and kept her mouth shut so as not to jeopardize the case. Now she is getting it off her chest and I hope it gives her some relief. MOO
I wondered why media hadn't approached her. Since he took a plea I guess she is no longer needed as a witness now?
One thing - she worked with him, did she really not know anything about his personal situation? Did she not look up SW on Facebook? That's hard to believe....

I guarantee they've been approaching her relentlessly. Since the beginning.

My guess is she got the state's permission to finally talk and get ahead of the storm about to erupt on Monday.
im behind.....
just wanna say....not overly surprised...think its likely as we expected but the coming out now has caught us all off guard!
knowing that he was telling the other woman they were close to finalising difficult it must have been to do those interviews on the front lawn....professing how much he just wanted them all back.

at that moment he likely knew he had blown it with her but was starting to really feel the police pressure. THAT became more pressing.
the dominoes were already falling.

im behind.....
just wanna say....not overly surprised...think its likely as we expected but the coming out now has caught us all off guard!
knowing that he was telling the other woman they were close to finalising difficult it must have been to do those interviews on the front lawn....professing how much he just wanted them all back.

at that moment he likely knew he had blown it with her but was starting to really feel the police pressure. THAT became more pressing.
the dominoes were already falling.

I'm sorry that she got caught up with him. However, as a woman, there is no way in h...l that Ms. Kessinger did not ghost SW's social media. I also know that smooth talkin CW probably had an explanation for everything on why things on SW accounts did not reflect his story. MOO
SW was gone all Summer long until a few days before her murder. From all appearances they were separated. SW didn’t post all that much when she was in NC.
It’s the part I have a concern about too. Maybe he lied to her about FB too and gave her a bunch of lines about how hard it was to separate their SM accounts, etc., etc. This must have been around the time he deleted his own FB. Makes sense.
SW's video about OOPS we did it again, the pregnancy test, plans for the big gender reveal, that was all on her FB for anyone to see...
So let me get this right:

1. Shanann was a liar. And a bad mother, an abusive wife and an evil criminal.

2. The DA is corrupt and denying CW his constitutional rights.

3. The jail is corrupt and denying CW his constitutional rights.

4. The PD is evil, inept, corrupt and denying CW his constitutional rights.

5. This young woman (AP) is a crazy liar.

Everyone is a terrible liar and horrible person except this sweet, harmless, helpless, abused golden boy right here:
View attachment 155883

Excellent points. Yes, apparently the blame falls on any and everyone else EXCEPT the one who is sitting in jail at the moment awaiting sentencing for the 4 lives he callously snuffed out. Which by the way he pleaded GUILTY to those murders.
Sure, the interviews have a different interpretation now. And previously posters here have pointed out how weird he acted when the media asked him about sw being pregnant. About as emotionless as he could have been.
and thoughts of being with NK keeping him going, the euphoria he must have felt, looking his best, the smirking and the slight laugh here and there, showing off to NK, omg, it all becomes so much clearer!
LE had this light bulb moment on the Tuesday! I bet CW even smirked when they exposed his AP, he wouldn't be able to contain himself, he's despicable!
Just speculation, but it’s possible he could have opened Shan’ann’s social media on her phone and blocked NK. That way if NK searched for her, nothing would come up.
Well that wouldn't have stopped me, there are pcs all over the place and apparently she had her own office. I think like some of the other posters cw probably gave her a song and dance re fb.
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