GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #61

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Shannan was a bright star in this life. Bella, Celeste,and Nico were rising stars. The Rzucek family are a very loving, courageous class act. NUA was and is a true hero. These are the victims, all of them, and the heroes.

NK made bad decisions and many of her actions were self-serving. She, no doubt, has lied and hidden things. Maybe, some things are still hidden. I no longer like her or trust her. I wish her no ill will, but I wish she would quietly go away!

The Watts family are a horribly, dysfunctional mess. Liars and manipulators. They are responsible for much of what's happened, albeit indirectly. I fear there is more damage forthcoming from them. I wish they too would go away, far away, and then shut up!

And we all know about CW. He's going, going, gone.

I'm feeling very affected by the whole thing today.
Well said, I also believe the Watts family are somewhat responsible for this whole tragedy. They made CW the man he is today, by the way they bought him up and by their influence over him with their attitudes towards people, I believe they contributed to the killings by making CW feel justified in what he was doing, he probable thought, well if my parents thinks SW is a horrible person then I am justified in taking her life.
I have just listened to NK police interrogation, something that stood out to me was when she talks about the times she went to CW family home. She said that she didn’t like being there as it was CW family space and that she respected that. She didn’t respect it enough IMO, otherwise she would have stepped out of the equation all together.
However even though in her interview she sounds almost arrogant, I do not believe she had any clue what CW was planning to do. I believe she probably did encourage him to try and fix his marriage but in a half hearted way, otherwise she would have ceased contact with him whilst he was in NC with his family but she still chose to communicate with him.

Agreed. But I think she urged him to work on his marriage in a petulantly jealous manner. After seeing his beautiful home and family- "You should work on your marriage."

She just wanted him to say,

"No. It's over. I can never go back. I just want you!"

I think she said that while narcissistically craving reassurance. Which she received.
So why was she so interested in their finances?I don’t believe her lie of “ I wanted to make sure his financial situation was good otherwise that would be a deal breaker”
If you are truely in love with someone how much $$ they have shouldn’t matter.
I thought she hardly knew CW so how is she the self appointed expert on their financial situation?[
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Nodding along with the majority observations of NK interview. She took the attitude that it was her role to charm the officer, and seemed to portray a delighted tone at feeling relevant (if nasally).

Well, girl, you made yourself relevant for a lifetime.
Clear argument that NK knew SW was pregnant. Excellent and informative post, thank you!

OT: But I’m expecting NK’s next appearance to be with someone like Gloria Allred at a press conference. They’re probably now working on how to make NK look like a victim, or at least likeable.

I actually don't think Allred would touch her with a ten foot pole.
If it had gone to trial we would not have seen much of it. Like her internet searches would likely not be relevant. The naked photos she sent would be relevant though. It all goes to his motive. He was engaged in a hot and heavy affair.

And that's not the prosecution's fault. It's hers. Like my dad always told me- never take a nude photo and don't allow others to take one unless you don't mind it being published. It will get out somehow some way. He told me that starting at age 14 or so.

In any event had there been trial the media would've been saturated with what came out at trial and would have been unlikely to request everything after the fact. And before trial concluded they didn't have a right to getting those docs.

So CW really screwed NK over with his plea, in a sense.

But since there was a plea, ALL evidence was available for release if requested. Because it was all info discovered during an investigation. They had to make sure NK wasn't involved and back up her statments and time line. It was crucial stuff.

And frankly, given her conduct during the interview and in deleting stuff they had to really dig to make sure she wasn't part of the crime itself, IMO. Hence, some of the editorial about her creepy laugh and specifics about her searching for Amber Frey's net worth, make mor sense. It seems that early on they worried she could end up being a suspect.

Regardless, they have to have very specific reasons for redactions and "witness feels embarrassed" doesn't qualify.

The only way to stop it would've been for her to get an attorney to file a motion to seal the record. But she didn't know what they had. And it all was released very quickly because this is a high profile case and the public interest was paramount.

And I agree with whoever said it wasn't selective. Poor Shannan's deepest thoughts and most private discussions were revealed for all to see. As well as nasty comments by various people.

It's not a betrayal. It's not against the law. If someone wants to avoid something like this don't carry on with a married person, because stuff can and will happen. Not necessarily murder but sometimes even murder, as we have seen. More often though the spouse can find out or the cheater can confess to the spouse and everything you sent to the affair can be exposed.

Also, LE would've gotten EVERYTHING regardless as to whether she allowed access voluntarily or not. So stomping one's feet and refusing to cooperate because a person feels their rights to privacy are more important than a child's safety, won't accomplish anything but making them more hated when it all comes out.

Finally, the thought that anyone would feel they don't want to help LE in their investigation into the murders or disappearance of two babies because of the fear of being "betrayed" by investigators, makes me feel kind of horrified and sick.

This isn't about you or me or our feelings or shame or reputation. It's about innocent childrens' lives.

There just has to be a line somewhere, where lives of innocents are more important than our personal feelings.

My two cents.

I couldn’t love this more!
NK said in the docs released earlier that CW facetimed her after the murders, he was on a bare mattress and was staring/fixated on her. I keep remembering it as a "blue mattress" but I can't find it now to verify. Am I remembering correctly that a color was mentioned? Because if you scroll down halfway there's a video of LE testing the baby monitor. The mattresses are bare. The master mattress is white. It appears the children's mattresses are white too. (Although they could be a pale blue.) So he either facetimed her from the basement or possibly one of the children's bedroom.

CW murders his family, then has a chat to his mistress, as if nothing happened.:eek:
He certainly compartmentalizes.
Easy, peesy.o_Oo_O
As if, just another day, in this Creep's life.
Nothing has really happened.
He probably lived his entire life, without empathy towards anyone.:(:(:(
Probably, in Prison, the same thing, an act in his everyday existence.
Oh, the great PRETENDER.:confused::confused:

Also - people are not responsible for their looks or voices, but NK has surprizingly scratchy voice.

The manner of speaking is unusual. Overproductive, to be polite. This whole interview would take perhaps one hour if she answered to the point, but I find all these excursions into her macronutrients, her exercises, her plants, her apartment, her habits, etc is horribly annoying. She comes across as very self-conceited and really, not caring about anyone or anything save for herself. As a stepmother, she would have been obstinate, rigid and boring. MOO.

Also, she was interviewed by the police. And given what we know now about deleted texts, and other lies, how can we believe her statement "I am totally honest with you guys"? I don't find her honest, and I think that maybe her logorrhea had to do with anxiety caused by unwillingness to answer some direct questions that the interviewer asked her. A glib, but boring, liar.

But at the same time, I don't feel that NK is in any way involved or implicated in the annihilation of the family. She comes across as pretty smart and a good planner. (She also appears bitter because of personal problems, maybe not only current ones).

I can't imagine NK "coaching" CW on resolving his family issues. I can imagine her telling him that three kids and a divorce would be a huge financial burden for her to bear, and him deciding to cut the Gordian knot the way he saw fit, but it is not her fault.

(On a side note - i really liked the interviewing style of the detective).

Her dad is pretty angry when he says "leading", but when they discussed her friends between the two, they both appeared viscous, I can't find a better word. Rolling back and forth for how long you need to know a guy to introduce him to your family, all these meaningless repeats...

Wow. Really well-written and well-reasoned post. "Obstinate, rigid and boring" as a stepmother. I can totally see that.

I agree with all here. I don't think she had one thing to do with the murders.
Agreed. But I think she urged him to work on his marriage in a petulantly jealous manner. After seeing his beautiful home and family- "You should work on your marriage."

She just wanted him to say,

"No. It's over. I can never go back. I just want you!"

I think she said that while narcissistically craving reassurance. Which she received.
After being in the family home and seeing photos of his beautiful family for the very first time.:rolleyes:
It also said in the autopsy report that Bellas injuries were consistent with downward pressure. She fought, and likely Chris had to "try" harder to apply force. It said it appeared as if she was trying to struggle to move backwards, or something like that. Imo

Poor little angel. The one who was considered the sweet one. The mellow one. The most maternal.

She fought the hardest. Fought for her right to live. Fought her own daddy.

It hurts to think about. Makes me want to cry.

Poor sweet little lamb.
I feel Dieter barely made it out alive, poor thing. A miracle. Moooooo.

Which brings me to, I'm still so angry!!! NONE of it had to happen. And yes, I feel NK, RW, mamaW, and JW were all part of the dark side and fed CW's evil side. MOo mOo MoO

I remember during the years of the Caylee Anthony case, feeling this weird sense of regret. Just this longing for it not to be true. For it not have happened to her. Just looking at how alive she was. And how vulnerable.

Anyone get that feeling during these cases? Like you have this almost physical urge to reach in and turn back time and stop it. And a funny feeling that you can't?
Finished listening to the NK interrogation. (like squeaky chalk on a board)

At around 1 hr 38 minutes, NK starts squealing loudly and crying about how little the toddlers were and how could CW have killed them. I nearly puked. It sounded TOTALLY fake to me. After squealing and sniffling for a few seconds she gets right back into her stride and starts yapping on about CW being in the basement.
Does she sound fake to anyone else in those squealing sound-bytes?

Oh, and I think Jim is more than just her "friend". I think Jim is a friend with benefits...


She initially became emotional while talking about how this would negatively effect her life. Then I feel like she realized that wasn’t really appropriate so she added the girls.
Why did Bella fight so much ? She was a tiny little girl and CW is a big 225 1b man .... did someone else smother her and not have as much strength as was used for SW and Celeste? Bella’s death is the one dominator with the deaths that stands out to me ....even if she was awake and standing up , she was no match for a large man. I doubt she would have been able to fight so much .... sends shivers down my spine. Is that why CW had his quickie guilty plea?

Poor beautiful little girl *advertiser censored*
I do not believe Bella's injuries were inconsistent with CW smothering her. With his hands or a pillow, she could have sustained the injuries inside her mouth no matter how much force was used IMO. If her arms were held down under the covers, etc, she could have still sustained trauma to her fingernails by clawing with her hands/fingers. I do not believe that LE has found evidence that anyone else could have murdered her. Moreover, I believe CW's post - murder behavior is entirely consistent with being the sole, premeditated murderer of everyone. A loving father who did not fully willfully murder his children could not have disposed of them in the manner he did nor act so casually in the aftermath...he did not shed a tear for them that I ever saw. And after describing what he did to dispose of their bodies, he gobbled multiple slices of pizza and proceeded to start falling asleep in the interview room. MOO.
I almost cannot bear to listen to NK talk, I had to stop so many times.
I feel physically ill, her bs is horrifying. She is only concerned about herself, the cry is so fake. It was on cue and immediately snapped back to talking about herself again. Experts could have a field day with her,
I get a chill down my spine listening to her. I wouldn't want to ever deal with someone so disturbing...
Her disdain and jealousy of SW and the kids are utterly disgusting.
And I kept getting the feeling she was trying to ingratiate herself and "flirt" with the agent interviewing her.
Her 1 minute of sniffles and squeals over the murder of CeCe and Bella was as transparently self-serving as a windex-ed window:mad:. Then she quickly went back to being her brash, obnoxious self.

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