GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #61

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welcome freya :)
this was sunday night chris and NK facetimed.
shanann didn't get home till 2am.

what it eludes to and there is a bit of a growing were the girls murdered at this point or not??

for me it supports it.
but its an accumulation.
shanann asked for live time pics of the girls and he gave her ones from earlier in the day.
the neighbour seen him outside by himself in the evening.
him stripping beds late in the evening??
talking about the girls beds smelled?
well where werethey sleeping?
last proven contact anyone had with the girls was 7.05 I believe with a facetime to shananns parents for 10 mins roughly.


Thanks for your reply, you summed up my concern, where were the girls sleeping if he was washing all the sheets. He sent that strange picture of the doll under sheets to Shan'ann earlier (or maybe garbage bags) and now he has the sheets off on the bed during this call to Nichol at a strange time of night - sheets obviously are significant to him and he's sending signals with them almost like they are flags, but is he savoring the warning or is he wanting to get caught? Plus what a strange thing to say that the girls sheets smelled . . . there's some psychology behind that. And then I assume he remade the beds so Shan'ann didn't notice, killed her, then stripped the sheets again to carry the bodies in them, took unspeakable steps to conceal the bodies well but still left a large, noticeable sheet in the field.
And, since Nichol was monitoring his home life in great detail and imo seemed jealous/concerned about Shan'ann, I would think she would have grilled Chris about why he was in the upstairs bedroom on the bed when his wife was about to come home since he claimed he stayed in the basement while she was there and they didn't sleep together.
Mmm yeah he did. SW “disappeared” without any personal belongings. Without cellphone, cc’s, vehicle, car seats, medications, was out of touch - whilst 15 weeks -high risk pregnancy, and not feeling well. And dontcha know, he was smiling for the cameras “well gosh, she went on a play date, and she’s not getting back to her people, but don’t you just love my shirt?” #smileforthecamerafamilyanihilator

We are talking about CW's Dad here?
Thanks for your reply, you summed up my concern, where were the girls sleeping if he was washing all the sheets. He sent that strange picture of the doll under sheets to Shan'ann earlier (or maybe garbage bags) and now he has the sheets off on the bed during this call to Nichol at a strange time of night - sheets obviously are significant to him and he's sending signals with them almost like they are flags, but is he savoring the warning or is he wanting to get caught? Plus what a strange thing to say that the girls sheets smelled . . . there's some psychology behind that. And then I assume he remade the beds so Shan'ann didn't notice, killed her, then stripped the sheets again to carry the bodies in them, took unspeakable steps to conceal the bodies well but still left a large, noticeable sheet in the field.
And, since Nichol was monitoring his home life in great detail and imo seemed jealous/concerned about Shan'ann, I would think she would have grilled Chris about why he was in the upstairs bedroom on the bed when his wife was about to come home since he claimed he stayed in the basement while she was there and they didn't sleep together.
I find all the sheets things really confusing. From what we know about Shanann she would not have left her little girls to sleep in dirty smelly sheets. I am not sure what he is on about here.
Thanks for your reply, you summed up my concern, where were the girls sleeping if he was washing all the sheets. He sent that strange picture of the doll under sheets to Shan'ann earlier (or maybe garbage bags) and now he has the sheets off on the bed during this call to Nichol at a strange time of night - sheets obviously are significant to him and he's sending signals with them almost like they are flags, but is he savoring the warning or is he wanting to get caught? Plus what a strange thing to say that the girls sheets smelled . . . there's some psychology behind that. And then I assume he remade the beds so Shan'ann didn't notice, killed her, then stripped the sheets again to carry the bodies in them, took unspeakable steps to conceal the bodies well but still left a large, noticeable sheet in the field.
And, since Nichol was monitoring his home life in great detail and imo seemed jealous/concerned about Shan'ann, I would think she would have grilled Chris about why he was in the upstairs bedroom on the bed when his wife was about to come home since he claimed he stayed in the basement while she was there and they didn't sleep together.
NK is very much a controller from different things I've seen. She bought every lie he told hook, line, and sinker to the point she was repeating his lies about SW to LE as if they were fact. I still think some of the things she was saying about her were her own manipulative opinions about her too because she was likely listening into his conversations with her and telling him how inappropriate her responses were to make herself look like she would definitely be getting along with his family. I would place money she was listening in on conversations with SW and with CW's family from NC, as well as reading SW's texts and advising him how to respond, etcetera. She probably insisted he tell his family about her as insurance he was serious about her even though he wasn't even legally separated. Women like that feel a desperate need to be in the middle of everything because they can't manipulate if they aren't. She just didn't realize she was also being manipulated.
Thanks for clarifying that a guilty plea does count as a confession. Maybe eventually CW will be able to also make a full admission, and publicly retract his accusation that SW killed the girls.

He already plead guilty to the 4 murders. Which also means he admitted it, confessed, owned up to it. This is more not-so-subtle sw bashing, to plant doubt all over again, even after a guilty plea. That SHE really did it.
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I don't know. Part of me agrees with you but then there is a part that says he has convinced himself that he didn't do it, Shanann did. His voice changed from mumbling to a very strong denial of I didn't hurt my babies. I am not a monster. It may just be like you say, he doesn't want others to view him that way. Or he has convinced himself that it was Shanann's fault somehow.

Not sure. He knew perfectly well what, any why, he did. His is merely a very childish excuse. He might have said, “my dog Dieter strangled the kids”, or “CeCe did it”, with the same result. And make no mistake, much as he loved the dog, he would have blamed it on the dog, or Bella, or CeCe, if he could save his neck. And if killing the dog would have made his story somehow more believable, he’d kill the dog, too.

Several times in my life I have heard teenagers inventing stupid excuses (“my friend came and drank all my parents’ whiskey”), or something along these lines.

Chris’s excuse sounds so childish, so paltry, I am surprised that there are people who still believe him.
NK is very much a controller from different things I've seen. She bought every lie he told hook, line, and sinker to the point she was repeating his lies about SW to LE as if they were fact. I still think some of the things she was saying about her were her own manipulative opinions about her too because she was likely listening into his conversations with her and telling him how inappropriate her responses were to make herself look like she would definitely be getting along with his family. I would place money she was listening in on conversations with SW and with CW's family from NC, as well as reading SW's texts and advising him how to respond, etcetera. She probably insisted he tell his family about her as insurance he was serious about her even though he wasn't even legally separated Women like that feel a desperate need to be in the middle of everything.
Well, our VI who was close to the murderer claimed with glee that she knew about the affair since the beginning so you may be right. Think about that, the close to CW was gleeful that CW was having an affair while SW and the children were dead.
Seen this yet? HLN:
Psychologists Analyze the Relationship between Narcissist Chris Watts & Nichol Kessinger


Lots of new video in this clip that we have not seen. Body cameras from his arrest, body cameras from when Nicole and her son first were in the house, cameras from when the folks were there and he was just arriving at the house.
He definitely had a different outfit that when he got in his truck in the am.
He already plead guilty to the 4 murders. Which also means he admitted it, confessed, owned up to it. This is more not-so-subtle sw bashing, to plant doubt all over again, even after a guilty plea. That SHE really did it.
Wow. That is exactly the opposite of what I’m doing. If you look back at the series of replies instead of this one, maybe that will be more clear. I stopped reading the SW sub-Reddit because I couldn’t stand the SW-bashing so please don’t accuse me of that here.
So NK was very concerned about the fact that CW wasn’t having contact with his family after nutgate, because you know” family is everything it’s so important”

Right, so is that why she inserted herself into a family that ended up destroyed? So many contradictions it’s pathetic..... always trying to look so pious and Christian.

As others have said, I do believe that she was reading all the texts and was instructing CW how to respond to his wife and his parents and was actively trying to make SW out to be the bad one over nutgate. Cw was very vulnerable and he allowed himself to be manipulated.

By her own admissions she already decided where he was living, the budget for his “ cute” new apartment , what food he was eating ( most importantly the macro nutrients as she’s such an expert ... eye roll) , that the girls would have bunks like her and her sister had , where they would eat on their date ( venue changed because it wasn’t liked by her) and no doubt started doing his finances ...

I had to laugh at the contrast of lives:
1/ a beautiful , ambitious Mum with 2.5 children and lots of friends with a Lexus, been married twice ( 2 men actually wanted to marry her)
2/ a homely, plain woman with no children , not many friends have come out to defend her ( have any ? Not sure...), work people didn’t like her, a Ford pick up truck and never been married ( no one ever wanted to marry her).

No wonder she wanted to be someone else...
Child support and selling the house and giving SW half of any profit. NK seemed very interested in his worth.

I think she was able to organize her life and plan everything, probably a person who watered her plants on a very tight schedule, but I don’t think she was initially interested in his worth.

She wanted exactly what she said she wanted, a family of her own, with own kids. I don’t know if she is close to a vegetarian in her eating habits, but in relationships she is carnivorous, so if her best way to marriage was a divorced guy, well, she was OK with it, and even started planning how to make pottery with his kids whom she never ever saw or knew.

The problem emerged when NK realized that a divorce would leave CW absolutely bare, and financially struggling for years. This, I think, was the watershed moment, and after that she may have decided to explore other options.

But CW did not want to let her go, and if annihilating his family might have left him in better financial situation, he was ready to take this risk.

For NK, we think, but in essence, for himself as he was convinced that NK treated him better than SW, and life with NK would have been easier.
Well I might as well sorta note things as I am watching while I can since it seems people appreciate it. I feel like I'm behind it's hard keeping up even at 4 am and I am supposed to make a wedding cake tomorrow!!

ALSO (OT) This case and this site have made me realize I am addicted to tech, and I am going to a healthy cleanse spa in January on Vancouver Island in the middle of nowhere for a month. I am not even joking I leave Jan 6th. Until then all bets are off but I only like this site so.

Part 3 I will edit this until I can no longer!

Beginning-3:00 Lying about missing the kids

4:00 ha ha ha...realizes it's a big deal when they bring in the dogs lolol

8:13 Shanann makes as much as I do, about 65, 70. Woah she has 50 active team members and they do 80 a month!

9:30 we have seen this clip, Chris talks about the relationship, he lies and says it was going downhill. I call BS.

12:24 ick!! I hate him so much. Blaming Shanann for things being 'different' when he got to NC

14:50 GOOD LORD Mad that Shanann confided in all her friend in AZ about their problems.

15:50 What he said to break up w Shanann which is almost verbatim what my bf said to dump me a couple days ago, luckily my bf is not a murderer and broke up with me instead of killing me and we are both fine and probably didn't all the way break up anyway.

20:20 Blaming bad sexlife on Shanann

21:07-22:30 Spits tea all over computer

22:42 YOU GUYS. Note the time. This is Aug 15 at 12:22pm(or is it am?). This woman knows about NK. LE found out about her at 8am right?

25:04 CW's very own version of NutGate!

28:45 Talks about thinking about therapy on the 8th.
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