GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #62

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So why do you think she out-of-the-blue one day googles her name?
One point.
She claims she had no idea Shannan was pregnant.
So if she claims she had zero idea Shannan was pregnant, then how in the Heck can she claim Chris told her this non existent child was not his?
She Has Lied About So Much.
Her every word, compared to her every action proves she is just much of liar as CW.
She's as trustworthy as a three dollar bill.
She claims she told him to work on his marriage, but hey look at this hot bod. ( pics)
with all the lies that spew forth from her it makes me wonder what else has she lied about.
She wa
She was able to check him out in person.
Not enough for me, I’d want to know more, but I’m not NK. And I don’t know how much sleuthing those who did it, did to discover the Watts bankruptcy, because I never sleuthed that, and I never came across it in all my sleuthing, but that information was out there. You’d think that would be a big turnoff to NK.
Not enough for me, I’d want to know more, but I’m not NK. And I don’t know how much sleuthing those who did it, did to discover the Watts bankruptcy, because I never sleuthed that, and I never came across it in all my sleuthing, but that information was out there. You’d think that would be a big turnoff to NK.
It was years before wasn't it? And it only came out after the murders.
One point.
She claims she had no idea Shannan was pregnant.
So if she claims she had zero idea Shannan was pregnant, then how in the Heck can she claim Chris told her this non existent child was not his?
She Has Lied About So Much.

Wasn't that something he is supposed to have tried on her after it was all over the news about his missing pregnant wife? I'm not saying she never lied or didn't actually know, but I don't think that part of the story is inconsistent?
It was years before wasn't it? And it only came out after the murders.
I may be mistaken, but didn’t somebody here, find the full bankruptcy record, unrelated to the case, very soon after the murders? Was that bankruptcy record only published after the murders?
She saw him at work and was interested. She heard the name Shanann Watts, but didn't know if it was wife, sister, mother? Given CW's tendency to be quiet and remain in the background, it's not unlikely people at work didn't know a lot about him.

Let me say, I have a bad feeling, and serious doubts, about NK. I thought her a hero at first, but I started having a bad feeling early on. I believe there was more to the NK/CW relationship and to their plans than has been revealed. I also believe that a big motivation for the plea deal was CW to be the "shining" hero (in his twisted mind) protecting NK and her reputation. He takes the plea deal and stays silent. (ugh!) The "noble gesture". (again, ugh!)

I picked up that also. IMHO.
Wasn't that something he is supposed to have tried on her after it was all over the news about his missing pregnant wife? I'm not saying she never lied or didn't actually know, but I don't think that part of the story is inconsistent?
It's so hard to tell when one practices to decieve. One must take anything they say with a grain of salt.
I may be mistaken, but didn’t somebody here, find the full bankruptcy record, unrelated to the case, very soon after the murders? Was that bankruptcy record only published after the murders?
MSM published details of the bankruptcy on August, 16. That was one day after his “confession.”

I don’t know if anyone had that earlier.
August 4: topics related to marrying your mistress

August 8: hours of wedding dress searches

Heartbreaking contrast to SW's searches around the same time. On August 9, SW got an ultrasound for Niko.

"Work on your marriage", indeed.

Anyone else finds "marrying your mistress" an odd search? vs wouldn't it make more sense to search "How often do married men actually leave their wife and marry their mistress?"
It is, you’re right! And we deserve an explanation, don’t you think? But we’ll probably never get one, and if we do, it will probably be a lie because that’s the world we live in.
I think the reason we are so curious is because there was no reference to it or any comments made about it except for the date and that she googled it. I thought at one time Crime on line or something like that was going to try to verify it with LE. I haven't heard anything about it since.
CW says he weighed 248 before he started thrive, or was it when he met SW? Just trying to envision him in his skater clothes, with greased hair. He's not all that tall.

Another thing, he told his dad "I killed her". Then dad says, leading him, you smothered her? You strangled her? CW is not all that decisive in his answer, imo, although the sound was poor. Then CW says I did the same to her, (as she did to the girls), iirc. Then later with the agents, he mumbles about not actually seeing sw's hands, it was from the side. Sounded vague to me. Other than saying "I killed her" to his dad, did he ever just looked at any of the 3 and say I strangled her? Meaning sw.

I thought that 1 segment of the interrogation, after the polygraph was fascinating, where the agents were suggesting there was an accident, or that one of the girls was killed so that the dead one would not have to keep living alone, or that SW did it. It seems like they tried out several permutations, watching closely to see where he would enter the trap. Leaning very heavily on flattery, his being such a good father, keeping them warm, his own father would always love him, etc.

It made me wonder, in their training, if they have suggested techniques tailored to personality types/crimes/age groups. For instance, if I had killed my husband, I don't think that flattery would have swayed me to confess.

BM. It was during the pregnancy with Cece. He says this during the pre-polygraph interview in part #2.

I thought I read CW did sell some at work, but SW told him not to talk too much to potential customers, to refer them to her, but there’s no way I can link it, because I have no idea where I read it.

It is also in the pre-polygraph interview part #2.
Not enough for me, I’d want to know more, but I’m not NK. And I don’t know how much sleuthing those who did it, did to discover the Watts bankruptcy, because I never sleuthed that, and I never came across it in all my sleuthing, but that information was out there. You’d think that would be a big turnoff to NK.[/QUOTE

I added this edit to my other response, apologies for the duplication

Edited to add why she googled her is really irrelevant. The fact that she did google both of them means she did know they had children. I understand her motive for being deceptive in the interviews, not wanting to be known she was willing to engage in an affair with a married man with 2 young children. However, this is a quadruple homicide investigation and the truth is paramount to any of her personal concerns, yet she choose to be deceptive both in her initial media interview and to LE- that is the issue. Being deceptive is always going to bring scrutiny especially under these circumstances.
Anyone else finds "marrying your mistress" an odd search? vs wouldn't it make more sense to search "How often do married men actually leave their wife and marry their mistress?"
I'm not sure how often, but when they do, statistics show us that it usually does not work out. Most likely because one will always be suspicious of the other because of the circumstances in which they had their relationship.
Anyone else finds "marrying your mistress" an odd search? vs wouldn't it make more sense to search "How often do married men actually leave their wife and marry their mistress?"
No. This actually jibes with her account that he told her he was getting a divorce.

She claims that she was dating him because his marriage was over, this backs up her story.

She wasn’t concerned about a married man leaving his wife, as that was apparently a foregone conclusion.
What I saw specifically in the discovery was that she looked up CW in 8/17 and SW in 1/18. I keep seeing 9/17 on here and went with that but I didn't actually see that in the discovery docs.

I think she became aware of him last year, maybe when he began to look good, found out he was married, then googled his wife after still feeling interested, and they began to flirt or communicate from the beginning of the year.

It probably progressively got more intense and noticeable such that an employee mentioned seeing them around the water cooler in April.

I don't think they had that info at the time of the interview.
Pg 1887 (Discovery pg 2082)
September 1, 2017
Kessinger searched the internet for the name, "Shanann Watts"
In regards to NK; is she perhaps someone who is attracted to "forbidden fruit"? Attracted to (perceived) "bad boys'? Recognized someone SHE could mold/manipulate? I believe there are some, as yet, unexplored dynamics.
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