GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #62

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I sure don't get a Love vibe out of the relationship between NK and CW. He sounds immaturely sexually-obsessed and she sounds calculating and looking for marriage. They seem to be using each other for different goals.

This relationship was surely doomed, too.

But I am convinced she is not wholy and entirely truthful with LE and seems rather undistressed about the events.
I missed that, but just watched full screen and caught it. Of course NUA knew how he had been treating SW lately, and that he was full of it.
Now I can see why she was so emotional and knew something terrible had happened right from the start. It was just so obvious. He wouldn't even look at her or talk to her.
I do believe that NK had found the man of her dreams; someone completely focused on HER! Someone she could mold and manipulate into exactly what she wanted. Someone who would do what she told him to do. And CW found his true love; his MOTHER. Doesn't that describe his mother?
I sure don't get a Love vibe out of the relationship between NK and CW. He sounds immaturely sexually-obsessed and she sounds calculating and looking for marriage. They seem to be using each other for different goals.

This relationship was surely doomed, too.

But I am convinced she is not wholy and entirely truthful with LE and seems rather undistressed about the events.
I'm convinced it never would have lasted. If he had never killed them and continued the relationship it likely would have gotten old in a few months.
I do believe that NK had found the man of her dreams; someone completely focused on HER! Someone she could mold and manipulate into exactly what she wanted. Someone who would do what she told him to do. And CW found his true love; his MOTHER. Doesn't that describe his mother?
Not to me, I think he hated his mother.
In regards to NK; is she perhaps someone who is attracted to "forbidden fruit"? Attracted to (perceived) "bad boys'? Recognized someone SHE could mold/manipulate? I believe there are some, as yet, unexplored dynamics.

I can see her getting attracted to and interested in him, after he lost a lot of weight and his appearance changed and this made him more attractive to others in general. I think at some point it was either him or her (I tend to think it was her) who was showing a lot of interest and if it was just to see if she had any chances to get closer to him - even or because he was married an had kids. So they spend more and more time together at work and probably often tought of each other even if they were nothing more than just "friends" back than. This could have been a start to establish this affair, initiated by a woman who perhaps just needed a boost for her vanity.
I do believe that NK had found the man of her dreams; someone completely focused on HER! Someone she could mold and manipulate into exactly what she wanted. Someone who would do what she told him to do. And CW found his true love; his MOTHER. Doesn't that describe his mother?
Ewwwwww :eek: But accurate.
No. This actually jibes with her account that he told her he was getting a divorce.

She claims that she was dating him because his marriage was over, this backs up her story.

She wasn’t concerned about a married man leaving his wife, as that was apparently a foregone conclusion.

ok, so why use the term mistress at all?
If he is separated, going through the divorce wouldn't she just be the new girlfriend then? I just found the term odd.
ok, so why use the term mistress at all?
If he is separated, going through the divorce wouldn't she just be the new girlfriend then? I just found the term odd.
You’re right. If someone is going through a divorce, the other party may not see themselves as “a mistress.”

She was disingenuous about a lot of things, and the idea that she even told him to work on his marriage, means that she likely saw herself as exactly that, a “mistress.”

My point was that particular search backs up her story, not that I believe that she didn’t see herself as his mistress.
But can you imagine? This is a man who took care of those kids. Knew them super well. I mean how you act that for years is beyond me. The narcissists and sociopaths I've seen in my work can put on an act but the moment no one is looking or as soon as they feel comfortable they're no longer putting their child first or adequately caring for their needs.

Not this guy. For four years he changed diapers, fed, bathed and dressed them, gave them their medicine, played games, snuggled, packed their supplies, wiped noses, consoled them, all the stuff a normal and bonded parent does.

Then he not only killed them but could calmly look at videos of them, knowing he will never see them alive again, and showed no remorse or grief of any kind.

None of us are ever going to understand this. Or be able to figure it out. Yet we will keep trying.
Impossible to understand. I think we have said it here before, but I guess that's why the only vague emotions he expressed were about such literal things - that "those kids" wouldn't be around for him to give them dinner or turn on their rainmaker or do domestic tasks for them. A few cliche comments about "Their smiles light up my life." That the house needed them. But totally devoid of emotion, love, grief, distress, regret, or remorse for these darling little girls. I would actually feel sorry for him that he is somehow missing this chip, except - he knows right from wrong. He knows murder is morally wrong and a crime. He's not a victim. He was of sound mind. And he did it anyway.

Any regrets or remorse at this point will just be for his new quality of life. His pesky family aside, he had a pretty nice life of a job that let him be outdoors, grilling his chicken, going for runs, watching football, going to concerts, driving his truck, snazzy new fitted t-shirts. He had it pretty good. I would imagine he is feeling very sorry for himself and perhaps regretting the predicament he now finds himself in.
It’s possible. It’s also possible that she conducted searches for SW on a device that wasn’t searched by LE.

Like her buddy Jim’s phone
ok, so why use the term mistress at all?
If he is separated, going through the divorce wouldn't she just be the new girlfriend then? I just found the term odd.
It is open for interpretation but I think so too, mistress implies secrecy.
When I just discussed with my 17 yr old son about the polygrapher telling him that he was a terrible liar and that her machine virtually went off the scale when he told that deliberate lie about the number 3, he said that means he's not a psychopath - he's got a conscience about lying. I think that was an interesting observation that I hadn't considered.
I was looking at some pictures last night of SW, CW and NK. First of all I didn’t realise how stunningly beautiful and classy SW was. CW was punching above his weight with SW, I also saw the new mug shot of CW, without his tash and beard and he is not all that good looking IMO, he is fat faced and dead behind the eyes. As for NK, she isn’t a patch on Shannan in the looks department, she pales so much in compassion to Shannan, in looks, integrity and character. CW was blind as well as stupid.
When I just discussed with my 17 yr old son about the polygrapher telling him that he was a terrible liar and that her machine virtually went off the scale when he told that deliberate lie about the number 3, he said that means he's not a psychopath - he's got a conscience about lying. I think that was an interesting observation that I hadn't considered.
I read something like that - that a psychopath and sociopath are less likely to show a reaction because they don't actually feel bad or worried. They just don't care. But a narcissist will, because they are so concerned about their image and perception of them. This is out of my realm, but I found that an interesting way to look at it.
After viewing his cards and notes to NK, I thought they were very immature. I agree it would have gotten old, and think that she would have dumped him. imo

I agree. I doubt their conversations were very stimulating (because of CW). His cards were extremely bland. His saving grace to her seemed to be that she liked the sex and he let her run the show. She contrasted that with other boyfriends who were afraid to commit. She liked that he was interested enough to dump his wife for her.
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