GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #62

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She knew there was a tv in there somehow....

She was there for 15 minutes once or twice but knew the whole layout of their home. Again, not judging. Just don’t LIE

ETA: I said probably 40-45 posts ago that I was sure he had a girlfriend and would bet that she had been to the house. Sure they had sex in the house. At the time, I felt like that further cemented the idea *to her* that he was separated and his wife left him. But now we know she didn’t believe he was separated & getting a divorce. She knew quite a bit. And AGAIN, I’m not shaming her for having an affair. It’s the lies which hampered an investigation. I don’t know where this is confusing
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It is inconsistent when people say he chooses someone like his mother because he is used to abuse.

It is inconsistent when people say she was sick so he liked to be the knight in shining armor ,and then felt he was no longer needed when she became better.

He cannot choose an abusive person when he is choosing to be the knight.

Either he is consistent in choosing abusive mates or he is not.

Either he wants to be seen as the knight in shining armor or he does not.

He is no Scott Peterson. He was the golden child and SW said that CW was second rate in comparison to the sister.

SP did not physically kill his child as did CW.

CW is his own type. He is an FA who only wants a new life. Is his only barricade money to get what he wants? I don’t see religion or failure as a provider or paranoia playing any role. His family was an inconvenience.
If CW has strong NPD and sociopath (APD) traits (2 or more conditions can co-exist), he has extremes, the knight in shining armor or the victim, nothing is permanent. If you want one label for him, it's not possible, his coping mechanism is to appear whatever his chosen audience wants or needs him to be. There's no heart to it, he is dead inside, imo.

It's all about extremes with these people, it's all or nothing, even in his decision to have freedom, all the family had to disappear.

I recently watched a Louis Theroux documentary (by reason of insanity) where he visited criminals diagnosed with mental disorders, one young man who had sexually assaulted his own mother, was diagnosed with NPD, ADD and bi polar. The staff at the facility always had 2 in the room when speaking with him because he was such a big liar and manipulator, he would play one against the other. I highly recommend watching this series.
No they did not. But in the interview - when they asked her to give them her phone, she seemed not too trusting that they would keep her privacy?

This is what I mean - and it is not about her, it is about how much ends up in public access as the result of all the court proceedings?
Unfortunately for her and not by her choice she is involved in a quadruple homicide. If this had gone to trial they most likely would be part of it. I am not aware though of any trial where salacious photos were openly shown to the public. The pictures have not been released, it is unwarranted at this point to accuse the police of not protecting her privacy.
I'm so behind, again. But, Shanann pushed him to start exercising and eating better. I believe it was stated in one of her videos, also. She wanted him to live forever, and diabetes ran in his family. Sorry if this has been discussed already.
All this is true but in CW's world he's SW's victim. He was mentioning the fitness thing to detectives as one reason for separation. He was hurt she didn't like him running after work because she felt he should spend time with family. He said that's why he started doing weights before work blah blah blah. He was mad she wanted to take photos dressed like they were going to exercise but she didn't want to actually exercise. The horror.

This is why I think he's a narcissist. He ignores what his wife does well and focuses on what she doesn't do well. His wife didn't organize his diet for him like NK so he's going to be sour about it.

It's also very typical for someone having an affair. He was in the fog and he was going to look for problems in SW so he can justify cheating to himself and NK. He can explain to NK why he isn't a bad guy, his wife is. It's a very tired narrative used by cheating partners every day. Sorry for the tangent
Isn't it sad with Christmas coming he is sitting in jail and his wife and children are dead. Do you think his mother feels guilty for setting him against Shanann. I think from all I read, she played a big hand in this. Instead of encouraging him to love his wife she did the opposite.
Isn't it sad with Christmas coming he is sitting in jail and his wife and children are dead. Do you think his mother feels guilty for setting him against Shanann. I think from all I read, she played a big hand in this. Instead of encouraging him to love his wife she did the opposite.

Not at all. I bet Cindy sleeps well at night. CW is the VICTIM of SW. SW drove CW to this (in her mind). She probably thinks SW got what's coming to her.
Respectfully, Layla, have you spent any time with the released documents? I know there’s a lot to sift through but I think you’d look at this differently if you saw the evidence. Maybe @MassGuy or @PommyMommy could pull out relevant page numbers for you but it would require you reading them. I love someone who roots for the underdog and a person who takes a contrary view to make me examine my views. Kudos to you! I think the frustration is coming because it seems like you are holding strong to your beliefs despite verifiable proof to the contrary. I really mean no offense. I see you going around & around not getting the reaction or support you’re looking for and maybe some focused research would help to either support your cause or change or your mind.
I see this, and I can’t forget about it, nor I can not pretend that I didn’t see it. For me it reads as the opposite of what Rourke said about NK at the Press Conference. Both can’t be true. From Discovery Page 1926 “A two day investigation revealed Watts was involved in an affair with Nicole Kessinger (DOB *advertiser censored*) which he had denied in previous interviews. The affair was only discovered after Kessinger contacted your affiant stating she had information regarding this investigation. In an interview with investigators (08/15/18) Kessinger disclosed she had been romantically involved with Watts and the relationship began around June of 2018.”
Isn't it sad with Christmas coming he is sitting in jail and his wife and children are dead. Do you think his mother feels guilty for setting him against Shanann. I think from all I read, she played a big hand in this. Instead of encouraging him to love his wife she did the opposite.
I think CW couldn't wait to get away from Cindy and when Shanann came into the picture she finally had someone she could blame for taking him away. An absolute nonsense of course because he had already gone away.
To me it appears that Ronnie heard about the murders for the first time in the interrogation room, based on the bolded below. Why would Ronnie ask CW if SW and the girls left after CW "hurt" them? Ronnie was taking that word "hurt" literally and didn't seem to be picking up on what CW was trying to tell him.

Also, CW is the one to states that SW smothered them, then changes it to strangling right after. Ronnie seems clueless, IMO. He's like, which one is it? Smothered or "chokin' "? :confused:

Discovery pages 602-603
" . . . RONNIE asked CHRIS if he was going to tell him what happened. CHRIS said when he and SHANANN had a conversation that morning, it was emotional as they spoke about the separation. CHRIS said he went downstairs and then told his dad, "I don't want to protect her...I don’t want to protect her, but I don’t know what else to say.” RONNIE asked him what happened and CHRIS replied, “She hurt them." CHRIS said, “And then I freaked out and hurt her.” RONNIE asked CHRIS if SHANANN and the girls left after that and CHRIS didn’t answer. RONNIE asked if SHANANN started hurting the kids and CHRIS said, “She—they were--.” RONNIE told him to talk to him and tell him what happened. CHRIS whispered, “She...she smothered them...they were smothered.” RONNIE immediately asked, “They what?” CHRIS answered, "She strangled them." RONNIE asked, “She smothered them? Or chokin’ em? . . .”
I see this, and I can’t forget about it, nor I can not pretend that I didn’t see it. For me it reads as the opposite of what Rourke said about NK at the Press Conference. Both can’t be true. From Discovery Page 1926 “A two day investigation revealed Watts was involved in an affair with Nicole Kessinger (DOB *advertiser censored*) which he had denied in previous interviews. The affair was only discovered after Kessinger contacted your affiant stating she had information regarding this investigation. In an interview with investigators (08/15/18) Kessinger disclosed she had been romantically involved with Watts and the relationship began around June of 2018.”
This has been gone over hundreds of times. She confirmed what they already suspected after the company contacted LE with suspicions of affair. Otherwise the company contacting them would have been merely confirmation of what they already knew from NK, and it wasn't.
Isn't it sad with Christmas coming he is sitting in jail

Nope, not sad at all.

Do you think his mother feels guilty for setting him against Shanann. I think from all I read, she played a big hand in this. Instead of encouraging him to love his wife she did the opposite.

Nope. She probably feels totally justified now-look at what my awful daughter in law made my poor son do!
Unfortunately for her and not by her choice she is involved in a quadruple homicide. If this had gone to trial they most likely would be part of it. I am not aware though of any trial where salacious photos were openly shown to the public. The pictures have not been released, it is unwarranted at this point to accuse the police of not protecting her privacy.

This is off topic, but when NK texted those pictures to CW, there was no guarantee that he would protect those pictures for his eyes only. He could have sent them to many others. It's not a very smart thing to do, JMO.
I see this, and I can’t forget about it, nor I can not pretend that I didn’t see it. For me it reads as the opposite of what Rourke said about NK at the Press Conference. Both can’t be true. From Discovery Page 1926 “A two day investigation revealed Watts was involved in an affair with Nicole Kessinger (DOB *advertiser censored*) which he had denied in previous interviews. The affair was only discovered after Kessinger contacted your affiant stating she had information regarding this investigation. In an interview with investigators (08/15/18) Kessinger disclosed she had been romantically involved with Watts and the relationship began around June of 2018.”
And on 8/15, the same day she met with investigators, she scrubbed all her electronics knowing this was a missing persons case at that point. She came in for an interview and then proceeded to lie throughout the interview, how is that helpful or forthcoming?
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One part of his interrogation, where I actually believed him, was when he whined ' I want them back, I just want them to come back, all of them'

I do think he was feeling that way in the interrogation room. Like WTF did I do, this is not working out the way I had imagined...
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