GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #62

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Everybody keeps saying she stalled the investigation. How long? 15 to 30 seconds for the detective to explain why LE needed the information before she agreed? The time it took to apply software to recover her deleted messages? How much longer did that take to do than it would have taken had the messages not been deleted? Turns out they didn’t need them, anyway, because the case never went to trial. But LE was able to take the information she gave them during that very first interview and walk right on into that interview room where CW was and got him to confess.

Before she agreed to what? She continued to lie repeatedly.

We have over 2000 pages of cold hard facts pointing out her repeated lies and attempts to hinder the investigation. Absolutely nothing she told them in the interview room was used to get CW to confess.

Saying she only hindered the investigation a little bit so it doesn't matter is just absurd. So much wasted man power.

If it was up to her they never would have found out about the affair in the first place. Anadarko had to alert LE according to the discovery.
I just saw the photos of Shanann’s shirt, bra and undies.
I had imagined she was strangled while in bed sleeping, due to the autopsy report but I don’t think most women wear their bra to bed. Perhaps he just pushed her to the floor.

A lot of women do wear a bra to sleep in. If a woman is large-breasted, it helps keep them from getting in the way when she changes position in bed. Like keep them from getting up under your arm or your side. Being pregnant, her breasts might have been larger and she might wear a bra to support them.
The videos I have watched made by psychologists say this is not about an unhappy marriage in the classic sense. They describe him as a sociopath lacking the “gene” that makes us feel a responsibility to do good for others, he does not have the guilt when he does not do good. He cares about how others see him though. When he met someone and had the opportunity to cheat that is not necessarily because he was miserable at home. They described him as problem solving by murdering his family, it was not a result of any festering rage. If it was from rage you would expect to see regret and grief following but none of that is seen. In the police interviews they asked him what he was thinking and his response was how he let his family down, mom, dad, sister, co workers. He never once said anything about never seeing his girls again, never cried over his loss, he did cry at the thought of co workers helping to recover the bodies. All evidence that he does not bond and feel emotions internally, people are like objects.
This makes a whole lot of sense.
So how did they hook up if the field guys were not in the office enough for her to interact with them?

She tells in her interview,,,she would bring her lunch to the fridge where they all were and little things like that. They noticed each other and I can not remember her wording exactly but I do remember her talking about it.
All those seem explainable to me.
1. NK worked in an office, CW worked in the field. She didn’t hang out with the same people. She wasn’t present when those things were said.
2. She said she thought he used gift cards because he got them as a bonus from doing well at work.
3. He was protecting her naked pictures and keeping them from accidentally getting out there.

The things she knew? She did know these things at the time of the interview. She was talking about her feelings in the present, not the past. But, when did she say to CW, “Don’t tell me you love me when you are lying in bed with another woman?” That’s new to me. I thought NK thought he slept in the basement.

I really don’t think you will ever believe that NK knew the situation—no matter what facts are shown to you. And that’s fine to each their own. But why keep asking? I mean that sincerely.

I said it before the videos of NK—and I am even more adamant after the videos—she is not some naive 30 year old. She knew exactly what the situation was.
I wonder what it will take for his parents and his verified Insider to realize that it was premeditated?

That would require some introspection that I don’t believe they are capable of at this time. They may never be. Family units built on lies and abuse crumble under scrutiny. They can sometimes be rebuilt with help but I don’t see that often in a family of adults. Lies and delusion are the only glue they have
So why were they communicating using a secret app? She went to her FB page August 4th, if she didn’t know before then she found out that day, yet she told LE she didn’t know til the porch interviews. If she believed the marriage was over why did she tell LE she told him he needed to try and make his marriage work when he was in NC ( when the reality was she was sending him nude pics). My issue is this is a quadruple homicide and she decides to scrub all info. She decides to be very deceptive in her interviews and that is a fact. She does not possess the character or morality to put the murder of a pregnant wife and two toddlers before her own concerns. I am not a techy, idk if they can access what she actually looked at but I personally do not need to know that to understand you don’t type something in the search engine unless you intend to go to that link. Maybe they were still working on retrieving that info if it is possible. Keep in mind, NK just didn’t delete info, she did resets too, you only do that if you are trying to make the info unrecoverable. It’s my understanding she asked friends to delete any texts concerning CW from their phones too, she doesn’t look at their phones, why did she take that step?

Well, one question is, if there were very private photos, how could one be sure they would not end up in public domain?

This is something that I would like to know. If she were more helpful...would the police protect her privacy more?

Because - much as she is not likable - there is no law against making private photos, sending nudes. And yet later it might spoil someone's life. Not only now. Imagine her getting married and have kids. And their young mom's nudes are in public domain?
I disagree. Cooperation is necessary to the survival of our species but it's hard to have cooperation without empathy.

A great documentary called I Am addresses the question of whether people are inherently good or evil. Changed my whole outlook.[/QUOTE
Oh yeah. I think we can tell a lot about perspective and attitudes and motivation (and other things) by just looking at likes and what's said and what's not, when it's all heavily weighted to one side of the fence.

IMO it truly sends a message when it's that apparent.

Lol. I use “like” so I can tell where I left off reading except when sometimes the” like” does not work.
But how much did she really hamper the investigation? I thought he might have been annoyed with her for speaking to the press, trying to do damage control before the final sentencing. I was.
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I think part of it is living together as a couple is much different than dating. I think living with her and her making more demands reminded him of being hen-pecked by his mom. When you date, especially when you have an affair, everything is sunshine and daisies. Children, bills, marriage are reality and reality isn't as fun.

Edit: also, NK was bossy about his dreams and goals. He mentioned SW not supporting his fitness stuff :rolleyes:. Of course she isn't going to act like NK. She has kids and things to do. She's doesn't have the free time to spend hours on Google and she has lupus. Of course she won't go running with you, imbecile.

I'm so behind, again. But, Shanann pushed him to start exercising and eating better. I believe it was stated in one of her videos, also. She wanted him to live forever, and diabetes ran in his family. Sorry if this has been discussed already.
I really don’t think you will ever believe that NK knew the situation—no matter what facts are shown to you. And that’s fine to each their own. But why keep asking? I mean that sincerely.

I said it before the videos of NK—and I am even more adamant after the videos—she is not some naive 30 year old. She knew exactly what the situation was.
I think if NK knew the situation she would have brought an attorney with her, not her father.
Everybody keeps saying she stalled the investigation. How long? 15 to 30 seconds for the detective to explain why LE needed the information before she agreed? The time it took to apply software to recover her deleted messages? How much longer did that take to do than it would have taken had the messages not been deleted? Turns out they didn’t need them, anyway, because the case never went to trial. But LE was able to take the information she gave them during that very first interview and walk right on into that interview room where CW was and got him to confess.

Respectfully, Layla, have you spent any time with the released documents? I know there’s a lot to sift through but I think you’d look at this differently if you saw the evidence. Maybe @MassGuy or @PommyMommy could pull out relevant page numbers for you but it would require you reading them. I love someone who roots for the underdog and a person who takes a contrary view to make me examine my views. Kudos to you! I think the frustration is coming because it seems like you are holding strong to your beliefs despite verifiable proof to the contrary. I really mean no offense. I see you going around & around not getting the reaction or support you’re looking for and maybe some focused research would help to either support your cause or change or your mind.
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