GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #62

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Her loss of contract had to do with bad publicity for her company. It is a big company providing jobs for 4400 people. Enough to respect them as the job provider.

And now... it was enough that they had to deal with the consequences of CW's actions. Two bodies in oil tanks, a pregnant woman in a grave, all on their territory. Their lunatic employee doing it. And on top of all, out of love for their contracted employee. Her job performance was the last thing on their minds. I don't know how they responded, probably, at first were shocked, as everyone else.
Idk, I am sure they wanted her gone but many companies have policies regarding employees conduct with other employees. If she was sending racy emails on company computers she was most likely violating a policy.
Sorry for being dense, but why would he walk outside in only socks, and put on his boots only right before he left? (Maybe so he could climb up and down the stairs quietly and immediately bag/remove each dead family member before they'd release smells that would trigger cadaver dogs? Or?)

I wonder if he was wearing those white booties that carpet cleaning companies leave. I say this because I was watching the video of him loading the truck and for a couple quick seconds the white socks looked puffy. That's what made me think they might be carpet cleaner's booties. Wasn't there something in the docs that NK was at the house on a day CW had done carpet cleaning?

ETA: like these only white:
Yes, but what jumped out at me more was the word ‘mistress’, and in another search around that time, she used a phrase with the word ‘affair’. IMO, those words are associated with adultery, not typical dating.

In other words, she was fully aware he wasn't separated. They were having a secret affair.
Everybody keeps saying she stalled the investigation. How long? 15 to 30 seconds for the detective to explain why LE needed the information before she agreed? The time it took to apply software to recover her deleted messages? How much longer did that take to do than it would have taken had the messages not been deleted? Turns out they didn’t need them, anyway, because the case never went to trial. But LE was able to take the information she gave them during that very first interview and walk right on into that interview room where CW was and got him to confess.
They had to use manpower, hours and money retrieving all the data she scrubbed. I don’t condone her making their job more difficult. They did not use that info to get CW to confess, he told them about NK first then they told him they already knew about her. They never discussed the specifics of her interviews with him.
yeah that's my sadness about it all too .
NK has showed us she is very very jealous of shanann by what she hasn't said
I suspect by the time nico was born it would have been all over (noway NK would emotionally be strong enough to compete with that. it might not be all sexy but new babies do imo bring closeness to mums and dads that is irrefutable and strong. its instinctive.
a son.
a son that he always wanted.
if shanann had of just played hard to get with him (and booted his sorry *advertiser censored* to the kerb) I truly believe this would have been over very very quickly.:oops:


I have wondered the same thing. If by some miracle, NUA and SW came home at 2 am, picked up the girls, and left CW, how what it have changed things.

If SW moved the girls back to NC, and had Nico, and they separated...then what?

I wouldn't be surprised if CW would have gotten sick of NK, and the way she tried to take over and control him, even more so than SW.

And he'd possibly be fascinated by his son, and may have wanted to go back to his family?
I said before that IMO it was a way for CW to put one over on and to mock SW. Tell me they didn't do it on her bed. He didn't have the balls to tell her he was having an affair, even minutes before he murdered her, but he sure could have his mistress over to SW's house.
I don't know if you watch Molly Golightly on YouTube, but in her latest live chat she hints strongly that CW/ NK made one of 'those ' tapes there. We shall see, it will surface soon if true.
They had to use manpower, hours and money retrieving all the data she scrubbed. I don’t condone her making their job more difficult. They did not use that info to get CW to confess, he told them about NK first then they told him they already knew about her. They never discussed the specifics of her interviews with him.
Remember when he gave the agents the song and dance about who was with him at the game on Saturday night? And then later he said he lied, and was with "her". Had they already talked to nk yet? I know they said they knew her name.
I am thinking that our morality is a pretty new thing.
For centuries, people were making human sacrifices, killing virgins, killing firstborns, raping and killing enslaved prisoners. The morality as we see it is a pretty new trait.

(An example - a totally different condition, dyslexia, looks like a disability only till we remember how recently the alphabet was invented. 6-7 th B.C.? A tiny spot on the line of human history. Not all brains have adapted).

So if we assume that the first tribes who went away from sacrificing their firstborns did it about 3000 years ago, and in many other groups sacrifice continued, heck, the Vikings continued it in 2nd millennium AD, maybe it is easier to assume that not everyone is born with the morals? CW failed to escape the legal consequences, good, but the fact that he failed at morality? Maybe not so uncommon.

CW was taking good care of his kids because life with his sexual partner SW demanded it. His new sexual partner NK was seemingly disinterested in his kids. Financially it was easier to live without this burden. Off with the kids.

I think it is not his mom's fault. One of the parents must have passed over these genes to him. Something was off. Maybe soon we shall find out what area of the brain is over/underdeveloped in all these serial killers or FAs. Not today yet.

I disagree. Cooperation is necessary to the survival of our species but it's hard to have cooperation without empathy.

A great documentary called I Am addresses the question of whether people are inherently good or evil. Changed my whole outlook.
2. She said she thought he used gift cards because he got them as a bonus from doing well at work.

That’s true. HOWEVER, I believe she ALSO said she thought he used those gift cards so his wife wouldn’t see the charges when they were on dates. She was surprised the night of their last date ( night before murdering his family) that he used a regular bank card. Not hiding purchases anymore.
Not to me, I think he hated his mother.
I agree, and imo, in CW's younger years, he gravitated to his dad, it was like a secret pact, them against mama watts without verbally expressing it.
Imo, mama watts threw lots of temper tantrums, verbal assaults and threats in that household, and papa watts had to console her and let her have her way.
The daughter, in her teen years, fought with mama watts but eventually, she became her biggest ally, because there's only one choice, you're either with her or against her, to be with her, means enmeshment and losing your identity entirely. CW played the good son (afawk, he wasn't caught misbehaving) and agreed with mama watts' every suggestion.
It's exhausting to watch this in action let alone be part of it. :eek:
Everybody keeps saying she stalled the investigation. How long? 15 to 30 seconds for the detective to explain why LE needed the information before she agreed? The time it took to apply software to recover her deleted messages? How much longer did that take to do than it would have taken had the messages not been deleted? Turns out they didn’t need them, anyway, because the case never went to trial. But LE was able to take the information she gave them during that very first interview and walk right on into that interview room where CW was and got him to confess.


People here say they don't respect her. Neither do I. Not because she had an affair. I feel sorry that she ran into a creep, a weirdo and a murderer.

But it seems to me that she has zero empathy for all the victims that her lover Chris Watts killed in the name of their love.

During all the time of this investigation, she was thinking only about herself.

How would any normal person who had the tough luck of being involved in a relationship with a weirdo who just annihilated his whole family for her and sent her the creepy photo of a flower respond?

At least be scared for herself. Angry with Chris. Maybe, feel guilty?

Definitely willing to help the case. Because murder.

Even 15 seconds of stalling the investigation is bad.
I can only speak for myself, but I will say this thread has taught me what to say and what to like on future threads. LOL

Oh yeah. I think we can tell a lot about perspective and attitudes and motivation (and other things) by just looking at likes and what's said and what's not, when it's all heavily weighted to one side of the fence.

IMO it truly sends a message when it's that apparent.
Yes, but what jumped out at me more was the word ‘mistress’, and in another search around that time, she used a phrase with the word ‘affair’. IMO, those words are associated with adultery, not typical dating.

Exactly. It's evidence that NK did not think of CW as a separated/soon to be divorced man she was dating freely. She didn't use the word boyfriend or even "significant other" for her and CW-- she called Shanann CW's significant other though. Some say it's distancing language to not use the word wife, but IMO it also indicates she knew SW and CW still had an active relationship. Maybe she chose to say "significant other" so she had plausible deniability as to whether they were still married but it just means she knew there was a relationship there IMO. She also knew that he used gift cards up until their last date in order to hide their relationship from SW. She knew CW had to go into the basement to talk to her or text her when SW was around. NK knew this was an affair and she was a mistress-- she was not under any illusions that CW was free to date. MOO.
Everybody keeps saying she stalled the investigation. How long? 15 to 30 seconds for the detective to explain why LE needed the information before she agreed? The time it took to apply software to recover her deleted messages? How much longer did that take to do than it would have taken had the messages not been deleted? Turns out they didn’t need them, anyway, because the case never went to trial. But LE was able to take the information she gave them during that very first interview and walk right on into that interview room where CW was and got him to confess.
you keep saying things like this as if everyone on here are just a bunch of meanies.

But it's not "everyone" that matters. The District Attorney said NK hampered the investigation, hampered their ability to get the digital connection between them, and was "mostly" forthcoming

(Notice he specified both hampering the investigation and hampering the digital aspect of the investigation)

You keep ignoring this very, very important FACT.

Edit to fix wording
Yeah. She genuinely wanted him to “fix his marriage.”

She could perhaps move into a marriage counseling career.

Or maybe she was just paying lip service with those words?...
Shanann's had a heart of gold. You can clearly see that in her text messages.

NK? hers was made of plastic. Selfish, shallow, deceitful.
I'll never comprehend why CW needed to exchange gold for cheap plastic.
All those seem explainable to me.
1. NK worked in an office, CW worked in the field. She didn’t hang out with the same people. She wasn’t present when those things were said.
2. She said she thought he used gift cards because he got them as a bonus from doing well at work.
3. He was protecting her naked pictures and keeping them from accidentally getting out there.

The things she knew? She did know these things at the time of the interview. She was talking about her feelings in the present, not the past. But, when did she say to CW, “Don’t tell me you love me when you are lying in bed with another woman?” That’s new to me. I thought NK thought he slept in the basement.
So how did they hook up if the field guys were not in the office enough for her to interact with them?
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