GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #62

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Yeah, I don't think the FBI teaches to use Pinterest to organize stuff lol

Did anybody else notice that the same shirt that he had on during the interviews in the media on Tuesday is the same shirt he was arrested in on Wednesday? I still want to know who purchased that shirt because I have doubts that his wife did for some reason,
*Church lady voice* Could it have been...NK???!!
She even went upstairs and looked around the loft. But of course did not enter the bedrooms, she says. And, she felt so bad going over to the house.
Yeah. She genuinely wanted him to “fix his marriage.”

She could perhaps move into a marriage counseling career.

Or maybe she was just paying lip service with those words?...
Maybe because I learned British English, to me a mistress is the side relationship of a rich man who can afford it - he has a family and "a mistress" on the side, sometimes another family, too. Sounds like CW could not afford own family, lol. But whatever, if NK wants to be called "a mistress", so be it. There are many other words, "a paramour", a "lover", a "sidekick", a "love interest", even "a girlfriend". Recently I heard a "squeeze". Whatever.

Oh - I’d definitely call *her* a mistress because she was involved with a married man and clearly he and his wife weren’t both aware they were separated and heading towards divorce. I don’t know exactly when she understood he was still quite married but she did. And she was aware enough to know she was a mistress.
These stupid criminals keep thinking they are smarter than everyone yet they make such idiotic mistakes. Don't theses people ever watch Dateline? MOO
So interesting that when she asked him to list the ways you can get rid of a person he said every way except smothering and strangulation. His first point was to say hire someone to do it - which is another distancing angle. He basically told her he did it and he smothered and strangled them.
She even went upstairs and looked around the loft. But of course did not enter the bedrooms, she says. And, she felt so bad going over to the house.

I call BS that she didn't enter the bedrooms. What was she doing in the loft - what was she doing in the house to begin with? That is kind of stalker-like if you ask me, gaining an advantage over Shanann by being in Shanann's home, and eating Shanann's food at Shanann's dinner table.

I'd be surprised if she didn't take a souvenir.
She clearly did a google search for Facebook, but it doesn’t say where she went beyond that. I don’t want to protect NK, I don’t know her, I don’t care, I just want to move beyond reasonable doubt, my mind has reasonable doubt. I don’t want to assume anything. I can’t say that everything you say with such certainty is true. I’m trying.
I have never, since 1998, googled, or yahoo'ed, or altavista'd a term without clicking on at least one of the links presented, assuming there are results presented. And I don't believe people who say they do. Someone would have to have lots of time on their hands to google terms and not be interested enough to click through. The only exception might be the images. Even if she didn't have a current FB account, she'd have to click through from google to FB to find out an account was needed.
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Because of that I can understand why NK may have believed the marriage was over.

Here's why I am skeptical:

1) They work together. There were people at work who openly congratulated him about the new baby. This was in the discovery.
2) He used gift cards for meals. Why the need to cover his tracks if he's separated?
3) Why the secret calculator app?

When she was questioned by police she says multiple things that reveal she knew, such as
"My mistake was spending time with him before he was separated"

"My friends don't need to know... because he's with two women" (she was asked if any friends knew about CW)

"I told him (CW) 'Don't tell me you love me when you are lying in bed with another woman (SW).'"

There were other instances but those are the ones memorable to me.
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I call BS that she didn't enter the bedrooms. What was she doing in the loft - what was she doing in the house to begin with? That is kind of stalker-like if you ask me, gaining an advantage over Shanann by being in Shanann's home, and eating Shanann's food at Shanann's dinner table.

I'd be surprised if she didn't take a souvenir.
I said before that IMO it was a way for CW to put one over on and to mock SW. Tell me they didn't do it on her bed. He didn't have the balls to tell her he was having an affair, even minutes before he murdered her, but he sure could have his mistress over to SW's house.
It is inconsistent when people say he chooses someone like his mother because he is used to abuse.

It is inconsistent when people say she was sick so he liked to be the knight in shining armor ,and then felt he was no longer needed when she became better.

He cannot choose an abusive person when he is choosing to be the knight.

Either he is consistent in choosing abusive mates or he is not.

Either he wants to be seen as the knight in shining armor or he does not.

He is no Scott Peterson. He was the golden child and SW said that CW was second rate in comparison to the sister.

SP did not physically kill his child as did CW.

CW is his own type. He is an FA who only wants a new life. Is his only barricade money to get what he wants? I don’t see religion or failure as a provider or paranoia playing any role. His family was an inconvenience.
I don't think we know if his mother was abusive. Some are just speculating because of the behavior we have observed. But the fact is, many people who were mentally abused in childhood continue the pattern into adulthood. You absolutely can be in a relationship with an abusive person and still have "hero complex." In fact that is most often the case. Whether or not this is true in this case we simply don't know. But I don't think it is inconsistent with the pattern of behavior CW has displayed.
No-one has said that "Shanann was sick so he liked to be the Knight and Shining Armour and then felt no longer needed when she became better." But the fact that she was vulnerable certainly made it easier for him to get her attention. We don't know if that was his intent, but we can make assumptions based on typical narcissist behavior and what we know about Chris Watts.
I don't see how it is not believable that he may have felt good about being the "hero." The most important thing to him was what others thought of him. He liked being the good guy. Why wouldn't he want Shanann to look up to him or think that he would take care of her and be a good father? He may have been mentally abused AND wanted to be looked at as a caring husband and protector. It doesn't have to be one thing or the other. One can have a variety of issues, it doesn't have to be just one.
And yes, he is definitely his own type. I don't think I have ever seen a person come so close to so many Mental Health Disorders but doesn't have quite enough symptoms to fit neatly into one. I mentioned in a previous post that maybe they will come up with a brand new disorder just for him. He can have his very own category in the DSM. Maybe they will call it Watts Syndrome.

Yes, he wanted a new life. His family was an inconvenience so he had to get rid of them. But it's not quite as simple as that. We can't discount all the theories some have spent so much time on. Many of the things you say are inconsistent, are the exact same theories that many experts are talking about in the media now that all the information is out.
Does anyone else want to know how NK entered through the front door without SW seeing it on their camera?
She also says the first time she went to their house she drove herself. Wasn't there concern the neighbors would see this?

Also, i keep reading there is video of CW in a police car after he was arrested. I have not seen that.. can someone link it?
So interesting that when she asked him to list the ways you can get rid of a person he said every way except smothering and strangulation. His first point was to say hire someone to do it - which is another distancing angle. He basically told her he did it and he smothered and strangled them.
Haaaa exactly. That was a pretty old trick and he fell for it like the sucker he is.

What he didn’t say, was just as important as what he did say.
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She even thought it was so lovely that they had books. Whatever.

Lol. I forgot about that. What an odd comment. Like kids having books is an unusual thing? That's another thing that makes me suspicious NK had seen SW's social media. Shanann posted several videos and photos of Bella reading and at least one of CW reading a book to Bella. Children's books might stand out in someone's memory if they had seen videos and photos of the girls actually reading (because they were adorable doing it) but not so much if you enter a room in a home once and some books happen to be there among other kids items. JMO.
I said before that IMO it was a way for CW to put one over on and mock SW. Tell me they didn't do it
on her bed.

I think NK's main attraction to CW was because he had a beautiful and very popular wife. I think there was a ton of envy felt by NK toward SW and I think you are right - I'd be shocked if they didn't do it on Shanann's bed.
So interesting that when she asked him to list the ways you can get rid of a person he said every way except smothering and strangulation. His first point was to say hire someone to do it - which is another distancing angle. He basically told her he did it and he smothered and strangled them.
Yep. I noticed that.
The part that makes me cut NK a little slack here, is the fact that SW was in NC for the first six weeks of CW & NK’s affair. CW was free as a bird to spend as much time as he wanted withNK, any time of the day. I think I read they were together 4-5 days a week. Because of that I can understand why NK may have believed the marriage was over. Married men don’t have that much free time on their hands. Then the last week before the murders, SW came home. I can see where it might be true that NK told CW to hang out with his kids during that last week. I think it’s very possible that NK didn’t know how married CW really was until all the news came out after SW and the kids disappeared. I don’t want anyone getting mad at me, I don’t know for sure, I just think it’s very possible because I think CW is such an accomplished liar, and he fooled everyone else in his life.

I thought so too and wrote a very indignant post here about people jumping all over her. Now that we are aware of her internet searches, I know she was well aware that she was interfering in a marriage. Not my business or concern except she LIED. She lied and stalled the investigation into a missing pregnant woman and 2 toddlers. She wasn’t fooled by that last week or even longer. But she sure was willing to fool LE and anyone else she could
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