GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #65

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The pregnancy could have been the straw that broke the camel's back (so to speak): we have seen it so many times before (Scott Peterson comes to mind): How many women have been murdered because their partner simply did not want another baby--- it is of course more complex than that in most cases, but that seems to be a big factor in many of these murders of pregnant women.

The case here of Laura Wallen, pregnant, murdered by 'so called boyfriend', who was ENGAGED to another woman, buried Laura close to where he worked.o_Oo_Oo_O
This accused, committed suicide in Prison, days before the trial.
I started a new job on Monday and I’m so far behind . There is one thing that I keep seeing though and it’s people speculating about why SW didn’t seem to fight back. My ex tried to strangle me around 15 years ago. When someone’s hands are around your throat and you’re seeing spots, you are trying to pry those hands off. I don’t remember doing anything with my hands beyond trying to pry his off.

Thinking through this makes me feel like he managed to incapacitate her very quickly. In my case I was in bed, on my back. He was sitting on my chest. (My toddler walked in moments before I lost consciousness and said, “mommy?” That snapped him out of it. He realized what he was doing, got off me and took off. I truly believe she saved my life.)

The next day, I had very red, obvious finger marks on both sides of my neck.

Just sharing this bc I think we can maybe rule out some possibilities based on my experience and also to explain why I don’t really question a lack of marks on CW.
That is horrible! glad your angel saved you! How terrifying
If it was planned like some have said he would have done it without waking the kids, then I believe he would not have killed them. He even told NK about the kids. I think they fought and he was enraged by whatever she said and went behind her and strangled her while the kids watched, the fighting woke them up thus he killed them so they wouldn't talk which is stupid. I mean like he'll never be found out.

I think he was just plain evil, through and through ... rage or no rage. Rage is an excuse, but it is not a reason, IMHO.
The case here of Laura Wallen, pregnant, murdered by 'so called boyfriend', who was ENGAGED to another woman, buried Laura close to where he worked.o_Oo_Oo_O
This accused, committed suicide in Prison, days before the trial.

The same ex I referred to a moment ago pursued me relentlessly. Until I became pregnant. He ended our relationship a week to the day after finding out I was expecting. For some men I think it’s more about conquering a conquest than any actual emotional attachment. Once the woman is pregnant, she is officially “caught” and no longer interesting.
I think he had a psych eval at the diagnostic Prison, which may have helped to determine where to place him. The problem is, he lies so much the tests may indicate deception and be inconclusive. But I'm sure they will still tell us something. I don't know if they will be made public or not. We have seen results in other cases but I don't know how that works. I am interested in seeing them. He may have just had a general assessment so far but I am hoping he will be given others, especially tests for specific Personality Disorders.

I just watched part of the HLN special.

CW is beyond Crazy and understanding. He was like a little child being questioned.

I just watched the 20/20 episode and I am a HUGE fan of the show but was a bit unimpressed. There were a few places where they showed pics of Bella and "Cece" that clearly weren't of Cece. Also, they really went with the gas station video, huh? That is so obviously NOT CW that I think it's borderline reckless to have shown that. I hope that person comes forward to say it was them on that footage. Lastly, I feel they portrayed NK to be a lot more sympathetic than we know her to actually be. Anyone who hasn't read the discovery but has only seen this show and the Denver Post piece would find her to be such an innocent victim in all this, which she is most definitely not.

But it was really nice to see the Rzuceks and hear from them. It's sad that they even have to go on a national platform to defend their daughter, who is a murder victim. It was also nice to hear from her friends, particularly NUA. That poor girl is so distraught. I wish them all peace and healing.
That's the impression I got when they released CW's google history while seeing NK. Dead sea scrolls, the volcano, some other things I can't remember because it's super early and I'm low on caffeine. ETA: it seemed like he was trying to learn about things that NK was interested in.

Also, the "Dead Sea Scrolls" was the big exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science at the time. Taking your flavor of the week to whatever the big exhibit DMNS is featuring has been clueless dudes' go-to "classy date" since I was in high school at least. So probably neither one of them had an actual interest in that subject, he was just trying to appear cultured and intellectual by taking her on a pre-freaky-sex-date to the museum.

‘Once In A Lifetime’ Display Of Dead Sea Scrolls To Be Replaced Soon

::shrug:: Oh, Chris. He really did have no game, just like Shanann said.
I think so too. Her Dad said had she been aware what was happening, she would have fought like crazy. IMO she was asleep, he disabled her in seconds, then all he had to do was apply pressure and wait..

I don’t think she was asleep. Fir these reasons: She wasn’t dressed in her normal sleeping attire. She had not removed her make up. (Eyemake up smears on pillow case)
The position her body is in when found

I think CW fooled her into thinking things were better and he was happy to see her. I think they layed in bed spooning (not long after she got home) and he choked her from behind. I think that is also why her body is in that odd position in the grave. I think she died in that spooning/almost fetal position.
It’s like he has no sense of self. He relies on others to tell him who he is and never objects.

I know this is going to come out wrong, but CW seems like the kind of guy who needs permission to do anything and so maybe, from CW’s perspective, when he finally got the gumption to tell SW he wanted to separate and she essentially said no, the only other option in HIS mind was to do the unthinkable. I wonder what would have happened if she “allowed” him the separation? Would they be alive?
Who gave him permission to have an affair? Or lie to everyone?
He knew where the door was. All he had to do was walk through i t.
I don’t think she was asleep. Fir these reasons: She wasn’t dressed in her normal sleeping attire. She had not removed her make up. (Eyemake up smears on pillow case)
The position her body is in when found

I think CW fooled her into thinking things were better and he was happy to see her. I think they layed in bed spooning (not long after she got home) and he choked her from behind. I think that is also why her body is in that odd position in the grave. I think she died in that spooning/almost fetal position.
I think he killed during that early a.m. emotional conversation at 4-5 am. Had he killed her earlier the cadaver dogs would have been able to detect the scent.
I think she fell into bed at 2 am exhausted.
I don’t think she was asleep. Fir these reasons: She wasn’t dressed in her normal sleeping attire. She had not removed her make up. (Eyemake up smears on pillow case)
The position her body is in when found

I think CW fooled her into thinking things were better and he was happy to see her. I think they layed in bed spooning (not long after she got home) and he choked her from behind. I think that is also why her body is in that odd position in the grave. I think she died in that spooning/almost fetal position.
It takes quite a few hours for rigor mortis to set in. If he'd left her dead on the bed for a few hours the dogs would have picked it up, sheets removed or not. If he rolled her straight into a sheet as soon as he killed her, her body would have been floppy and not retained the position she was killed in.

CW only told his own family/friends about his plans to divorce 10-14 days before the murders because he wanted them to back up his story.
Yes, SW knew there were issues in the marriage, but there were no definite plans to divorce or even separate.
IF he really wanted a divorce, he would have been searching for an attorney, researching custody, child support, etc.
He would have also told SW, who would have then told everyone she knew and been making plans to move forward without him.
She would have immediately found a divorce attorney and done all kinds of research about custody, child support, etc.
She might very well have been kicked him out of the house and told him to move in with his mistress.
Or she might have even decided to just stay in NC indefinitely.

In any case, SW knowing about a divorce would have ruined his absurd plan to claim that his spiteful wife took his 'beloved' daughters because she was angry at him for wanting out of the marriage.
His plan likely also included abandoning her car and belongings later that day.
Remember, he only had the work truck, so he was shopping for a new Audi Q7 for himself on August 9th, right after he sent SW that creepy doll pic.
And he probably thought they would never look at his job site if her abandoned car was found after he reported them missing.
That was his original stupid plan.
Plus I wish the LE and Nickole had just followed him into the house from the g arage, rather than waiting at the front door to be let in. It took him a few minutes, no telling what he was doing/hiding in that time.
I know, who would do that except someone who doesn't want you in the house? It'd be natural to hold the door and look back to make sure police followed you right on in if you thought there was an emergency that needed attending to in the house. He didn't behave right from the first minute. I bet he was cursing all the way home at all the things he had to do knowing the police were already there.
Also, the "Dead Sea Scrolls" was the big exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science at the time. Taking your flavor of the week to whatever the big exhibit DMNS is featuring has been clueless dudes' go-to "classy date" since I was in high school at least. So probably neither one of them had an actual interest in that subject, he was just trying to appear cultured and intellectual by taking her on a pre-freaky-sex-date to the museum.

‘Once In A Lifetime’ Display Of Dead Sea Scrolls To Be Replaced Soon

::shrug:: Oh, Chris. He really did have no game, just like Shanann said.
IIRC she went to the museum with Jim, her house guest. That was the birthday party day for CW.
Another thing that made me think this was premeditated for a while is the fact that all of his coworkers in their interviews knew that he was having marital problems. He was not friends with them and did not associate with them outside of work. One said that getting him to have a conversation was hard. You had to pry words out of him. The normal behavior with many people, especially when your co-workers aren't friends, is to keep personal problems quiet because many workplaces tend to think that if you are having personal problems...especially marital may interfere with your quality of work. So why did he divulge this to everyone that he worked with at Anadarko? I think it was to set the stage of marital discord as a reason for SW and children's disappearance well in advance.
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