GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #65

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Yes, a psychologist analyzing this case might say that by killing Shanann he was essentially killing his mother.
And I just noticed that the quote didn't appear although I tried 3 times, but it's in response to the post about Watts transferring his hatred towards his mother to Shanann. Wouldn't his mom be appalled at that concept!
That’s an interesting analysis, if so I can understand his hatred for his mother, she must have been overbearing to live with when he was growing up. In no way am I excusing CW for what he did. I think CW parents backgrounds should be looked into by LE, his dads reaction to finding out his grandchildren were murdered was cold, no emotion at all. It makes you wonder what he’s capable of himself.

You'd THINK. However, I've seen personally and heard time and time again from others (my other online home is a relationship support board) that the cheating spouse is often SO angry at the betrayed spouse. Why? Maybe because they've been exposed for being a ****** person. They are angry at the betrayed spouse because once the affair is exposed it is known how awful they are, so the anger gets misplaced. Just my layman's theory. Happened to me, also.
Yes, I can imagine that, but it is a stewing anger, not a sudden feeling of rage.
I believe if it was switched off there would have been no cell tower recognition. I think he left it at home to read her messages and find out what she had told her friends. Also to send himself texts saying don't look for us, blah blah blah, the usual tricks that never work.
Yes, something like, I just need some time to myself to clear my head. Please tell all of my friends I will be fine and not to worry. PS, we may be gone for a long time. (the dummy)

You'd THINK. However, I've seen personally and heard time and time again from others (my other online home is a relationship support board) that the cheating spouse is often SO angry at the betrayed spouse. Why? Maybe because they've been exposed for being a ****** person. They are angry at the betrayed spouse because once the affair is exposed it is known how awful they are, so the anger gets misplaced. Just my layman's theory. Happened to me, also.
Yes it’s astounding how entitled these adulterers think they are, how dare anyone question their actions! They just want the rejected partner to go away silently without even an explanation or sorry. I’m sorry you went through that.
If it was planned like some have said he would have done it without waking the kids, then I believe he would not have killed them. He even told NK about the kids. I think they fought and he was enraged by whatever she said and went behind her and strangled her while the kids watched, the fighting woke them up thus he killed them so they wouldn't talk which is stupid. I mean like he'll never be found out.
All the evidence points to his planning this, even calling his co-worker the night before to make sure he'd have that field and oil tanks to himself. The late plane and NUA's intervention made his plan fall apart. But he planned to murder his wife and his children. In his depraved, sick, cold mind, they all had to go. He is a Family Annihilator if you want to categorize, not "just" a wife killer (and I don't really mean "just," it is all horrific). His intention, his plan, was to be rid of them all, and to make it seem that Shannan took off with the kids, simply "vanished. Nothing here." His planned speech to the TV cams didn't make much sense. He claimed to come back to "nothing" as if all her stuff and the kids had cleared out, but he hadn't had time to clear it all out yet. I think it would somehow be easier to comprehend if it were a moment of rage, but that is simply not what happened, according to the DA, his confession itself, and all evidence.
Yes, something like, I just need some time to myself to clear my head. Please tell all of my friends I will be fine and not to worry. PS, we may be gone for a long time. (the dummy)
Yes, I think he had plans for that phone. I have missed many pages, has anyone conjectured what he opened her car door to find when he rushed in, caught nearly red handed by NUA and LE? The wedding ring? I wish LE has stopped him and asked hey, what do you have there!
All the evidence points to his planning this, even calling his co-worker the night before to make sure he'd have that field and oil tanks to himself. The late plane and NUA's intervention made his plan fall apart. But he planned to murder his wife and his children. In his depraved, sick, cold mind, they all had to go. He is a Family Annihilator if you want to categorize, not "just" a wife killer (and I don't really mean "just," it is all horrific). His intention, his plan, was to be rid of them all, and to make it seem that Shannan took off with the kids, simply "vanished. Nothing here." His planned speech to the TV cams didn't make much sense. He claimed to come back to "nothing" as if all her stuff and the kids had cleared out, but he hadn't had time to clear it all out yet. I think it would somehow be easier to comprehend if it were a moment of rage, but that is simply not what happened, according to the DA, his confession itself, and all evidence.
I agree and if it was done in rage, I don’t think he would have been able to act so cool and calm in front of the cameras afterwards, I think he would have appeared panicky and possibly confessed a lot earlier in the investigation.
All the evidence points to his planning this, even calling his co-worker the night before to make sure he'd have that field and oil tanks to himself. The late plane and NUA's intervention made his plan fall apart. But he planned to murder his wife and his children. In his depraved, sick, cold mind, they all had to go. He is a Family Annihilator if you want to categorize, not "just" a wife killer (and I don't really mean "just," it is all horrific). His intention, his plan, was to be rid of them all, and to make it seem that Shannan took off with the kids, simply "vanished. Nothing here." His planned speech to the TV cams didn't make much sense. He claimed to come back to "nothing" as if all her stuff and the kids had cleared out, but he hadn't had time to clear it all out yet. I think it would somehow be easier to comprehend if it were a moment of rage, but that is simply not what happened, according to the DA, his confession itself, and all evidence.
I agree. There is no evidence pointing to this being a sudden act of rage. Only poor Bella was able to fight back, CeCe and Shanann were completely rendered helpless immediately. Evidence doesn't indicate a fight, struggle, or a rageful outburst after an "emotional conversation" in his words.
I believe this was completely premeditated. He knew exactly what he was going to do and when he was going to do it. jmo
Yes, I think he had plans for that phone. I have missed many pages, has anyone conjectured what he opened her car door to find when he rushed in, caught nearly red handed by NUA and LE? The wedding ring? I wish LE has stopped him and asked hey, what do you have there!
If it was the wedding ring, he may have been going to leave it in the car when he ditched it to make it look like she had left him and the marriage.
I keep seeing links to a huge trove of documents on Google Drive with no indication of where it came from. I think these are the discovery docs being discussed in many of your posts. Can anyone help me understand the source of these documents so we can decide if the link is allowed? TIA

Is it this link? Watts Digital Discovery (KableKompanyJLRExclusive) - Google Drive

If so, I found it posted in the Jay is for Justice FB group. <modsnip>

ETA: In the FB group, there is a letter from the DA that indicates there was, indeed, a 2nd digital discovery release.
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If it was the wedding ring, he may have been going to leave it in the car when he ditched it to make it look like she had left him and the marriage.
He sure did make a beeline right to that car, didn't he? He didn't even pretend to look around or investigate the backseat etc. Just seems to have grabbed what he wanted and went into the house. I do wish we knew for sure what it was. He seemed to be on a mission in that video.
In my experience, every man needs pumping up, and it's exhausting. I need it too but dudes need it more or else they cheat or whine.

Maybe you need to broaden your experience. It isn't a male thing. It's a person thing. A kind of person thing. CW isn't just some dude, and he certainly isn't most dudes, because most dudes, even those who need "pumping up," don't then annihilate their families in a horrendously cruel and fractionally-azzed way while planning to parachute merrily into a new life with a new partner. And in CW's case, there was nothing there to pump up.
I believe if it was switched off there would have been no cell tower recognition. I think he left it at home to read her messages and find out what she had told her friends. Also to send himself texts saying don't look for us, blah blah blah, the usual tricks that never work.

We have learned from other cases that the cell phone pings/ identifies that it is being turned off when it is turning off. I would like to know what time the cell phone pinged off. If anybody sees it in the discovery please post it thank you.
If it was planned like some have said he would have done it without waking the kids, then I believe he would not have killed them. He even told NK about the kids. I think they fought and he was enraged by whatever she said and went behind her and strangled her while the kids watched, the fighting woke them up thus he killed them so they wouldn't talk which is stupid. I mean like he'll never be found out.
I highly doubt CW could have taken care of those kids alone. He knew that, got a big taste of it when Shanann was in AZ, and realized he needed to kill them all to be truly free. Shanann did most of the childcare and sure took care of CW. He needs a woman to care for him, he can't care for himself and certainly not kids with no mother. Well he doesn't have to worry about any of that now!
Yes, I think he had plans for that phone. I have missed many pages, has anyone conjectured what he opened her car door to find when he rushed in, caught nearly red handed by NUA and LE? The wedding ring? I wish LE has stopped him and asked hey, what do you have there!

During the show last night I rewound that about 10 times looking at it to try to figure it out. He leaned over very far in and very low like he was reaching under the seat but who knows. I can't remember seeing what the discovery was for the car to know whether he was putting something inside the car, or taking something out of the car.
In my experience, every man needs pumping up, and it's exhausting. I need it too but dudes need it more or else they cheat or whine.
My husband doesn’t need to be pumped up. He doesn’t cheat and he doesn’t whine. He does know how much I love and and appreciate him. I don’t need pumping up either. We both like a compliment but we are pretty secure and confident. I think needing to be pumped up is an individual trait.
Hey peeps! GoLightly is doing a live watch on her YouTube of the 20/20, in case you don't have TV like me! I think in one hour.
Thanks, cuz I can't watch it until 10 PM here and I don't think I can stay awake that long! ;)
Anyone else having problems with this site tonight? Keeps dropping me off, then it takes ages to get back on.
Yup.... thought it might be a sign I'm spending way too much time on here lately
Agree completely. I couldn't hear her say it at first because of the sound quality but her use of that word seems to match with her nasty attitude about everything else. Disgusting people use that word as a slur. You have to be pretty low to use it to insult a woman you call your best friend. And there was just no need for that at all. The investigator didn't care about NK's personal friend drama. I don't understand why she was trying to make it seem like she hadn't even told her friend about CW after the crime. The friend's texts make it obvious they had talked about it. It seemed like NK thought she was going to get in trouble for something and was throwing her friend under the bus as a preemptive strike. But no where did LE say she was in trouble nor did they treat her like a suspect. Her behavior makes no sense. o_O
IMO, NK talking so much about her friend and various other rambling topics during her LE interviews was one of her avoidance strategies. The other techniques I noticed were variations on the ‘filibuster’ theme: talking in a non-stop flow of stream-of-consciousness words, stretching out syllables so there weren’t any easy conversational openings for the detective to break into, and when he did, she wouldn’t let him speak, but rather would raise her voice and beginning speaking louder and ‘over’ him... At first I saw all of her LE interview behavior as merely rude, callous, and self-absorbed, but upon rewatching it seemed as if it could also have served as a strategy to appear cooperative, but control the conversation and limit her responses. MOO
I started a new job on Monday and I’m so far behind . There is one thing that I keep seeing though and it’s people speculating about why SW didn’t seem to fight back. My ex tried to strangle me around 15 years ago. When someone’s hands are around your throat and you’re seeing spots, you are trying to pry those hands off. I don’t remember doing anything with my hands beyond trying to pry his off.

Thinking through this makes me feel like he managed to incapacitate her very quickly. In my case I was in bed, on my back. He was sitting on my chest. (My toddler walked in moments before I lost consciousness and said, “mommy?” That snapped him out of it. He realized what he was doing, got off me and took off. I truly believe she saved my life.)

The next day, I had very red, obvious finger marks on both sides of my neck.

Just sharing this bc I think we can maybe rule out some possibilities based on my experience and also to explain why I don’t really question a lack of marks on CW.
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