Since there has been no news regarding CW in prison, I guess he's adjusting, with few problems.
Do you think he's slothful and becoming out of shape?
Do you think he's comfortable or lives in a state of worry or fear?
Do you think that he has thoughts and/or regrets about his murdered family? What thoughts and/or regrets?
Do you think he has thoughts about NK? What thoughts?
Does CW thinks about; "would of, should of, could of?"
Do you think CW is happy in prison?
I believe CW is gaining weight, seldom working out, and cares little about his appearance. I also believe he is comfortable most of the time, though there are probably threats and bullying. He finds some happiness, no doubt, in the structure of prison and having others make his decisions. I doubt he thinks about his family at all, unless it's thoughts of what he could have done different to have kept from being caught. I have no doubt he plays the "blame game" in his mind. The sheer monstrosity of all he did, from the murders to what he did with the bodies, leads me to believe he is incapable of sadness, regret, or any type of mourning. That's all pure PR and BS. He murdered his loving, trusting, vulnerable daughters with his bare hands! So, he doesn't read to them, talk to them, care about them. He's incapable!
I do believe he thinks about NK, and what he sees as the heroic acts and sacrifices he performed for her. In his sick, twisted, evil mind, he is a Sir Galahad! He's not, of course, he's . . . . . . . we all know what he really is!
I'd like to let this horrible case go, but I keep coming back to it. I guess because the victims were so good and special and the murders so hard to understand. Like so many here, I keep wondering; WHY?