GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #68

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Cindy and Ronnie, will never accept the fact that their son, and their son alone, is responsible for what happened that night.

Before he pleaded guilty, they blamed Shanann.

After he pleaded guilty, they continued to blame Shanann.

This week when we learn what he told investigators, it will be more of the same from them.

They will deflect, and forever downplay their son’s vile actions.

Apple. Tree.
I don’t think the apple ever fell from the tree. It is still dangling.
Anyway, I do wonder what he had to say to the investigators. And why they were interested in hearing it. I do hope he just confronts the truth with the order of the killings, etc and his parents can plainly see he is finally explaining it all.

You are right though. Ronnie is the back up for Cindy and Cindy will never let her son be blamed.
Sorry, this guilt would become my guilt..sounds like I'm in a craft fair, but I hope you get it
LOL - and here I was thinking it was a beautiful metaphor - like weaving the tapestry of life. ;)

But to answer your original question, likely for the same reason their son felt no need to take responsibility for his life (as far as we know of to date) both in his murderious actions, cover up of the crimes, and his throwing his own victim/wife/mother of his children under the bus after all that to say she was guilty. He sadly learned to blame her for everything - and helped perpetuate it throughout their relationship from the sounds of it when it came to his parents/family. MOO.
Come on guys - the state of Colorado provided us with a mountain of evidence that CW acted alone. I’ve watched the interrogation videos more times than I care to admit of all the players and the only question that wasn’t answered was the order and timing. Chris Watts is really not that complicated to understand.

We even have a verified insider telling us the purpose of the trip to NC by investigators. It appears there will always be people that want to believe either 1) Shanann killed girls or 2)NK was involved (illegally). No amount of evidence will change certain people’s minds. mooo

I’m not sure if you’re referring to my posts but I am not in that category. I do follow the evidence and only *wondered* if there is something new here in terms of evidence. I won’t “believe” anything without evidence! If any new development did come to light regarding help, it wouldn’t actually change a single thing in regards to the guilt or evilness of that man. It would only mean someone else also needs to be brought to justice.

It is absolute fact that Shanann did not harm a single hair on the head of those beautiful girls, and I actually think anyone who believes she could have is insane. I just want to be clear on that!
There must be a name to the condition of blaming others for for everything.
I’ve met people like this, anything & everything is something or someone else’s fault.

But this? There’s one person at fault, just one here & it’s not Shan’ann or those innocent children.
There’s a 1,000 solutions to this problem & murder isn’t one of them.
There must be a name to the condition of blaming others for for everything.
I’ve met people like this, anything & everything is something or someone else’s fault.

But this? There’s one person at fault, just one here & it’s not Shan’ann or those innocent children.
There’s a 1,000 solutions to this problem & murder isn’t one of them.

Exactly, how on earth does murder even come up in your thought process as an option, let alone a viable option you actually carry through on. I’d love to know the answer to this. How does it even come up?

Where is the actual point a person first thinks “I know.. I’ll kill them.”..?

I know we’ll never understand it, but how. Why. I don’t get it.
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Exactly, how on earth does murder even come up in your thought process as an option, let alone a viable option you actually carry through on. I’d love to know the answer to this. How does it even come up?

Where is the actual point a person first thinks “I know.. I’ll kill them.”..?

I know we’ll never understand it, but how. Why. I don’t get it.

In Australia we’d say he’s got a Joey loose in the top paddock or a sandwich short of a picnic.

I’m so happy he’s off the streets and you guys should be bloody proud of your brilliant cops and Shan’ann’s bestie. She did & said the right things for the cops to respond so soon.
I wanted to get something off of my chest that has bothered me for a long time. As far as I can tell, COw's parents have not taken any responsibility for what their son has done. I am a parent, and if my son had done something so horrific, his quilt would automatically become my quilt. I spawned the seed that created this imperfect human being. Why are they washing their hands of this?

JMO, I think it is very normal for people to feel as you feel about this. Heck, I had a cousin in the 1860's who robbed banks and murdered people and I feel horrible about what he did and he was dead for almost 100 years before I was even born!

As for the Watts' family, my guess is that it has been all about CW from the time he was a little boy and any rotten thing he did was someone else's fault. I also wouldn't be surprised if CW lied to Shanann about how badly he was treated by his mother and then told his mother how badly he was treated by Shanann, and then he stepped aside and watched them duke it out, and he laughed his *advertiser censored** off over it for years. JMO.
In Australia we’d say he’s got a Joey loose in the top paddock or a sandwich short of a picnic.

I’m so happy he’s off the streets and you guys should be bloody proud of your brilliant cops and Shan’ann’s bestie. She did & said the right things for the cops to respond so soon.

I’m an Aussie too! And 100% agree, brilliant job they did.
Exactly, how on earth does murder even come up in your thought process as an option, let alone a viable option you actually carry through on. I’d love to know the answer to this. How does it even come up?

Where is the actual point a person first thinks “I know.. I’ll kill them.”..?

I know we’ll never understand it, but how. Why. I don’t get it.

I know.. I'll kill them and stash their bodies at the place where I work. How does one get there?
That’s another question that I hope he answered.

What the hell was the thought process there?!
I thought in the beginning and still do that he planned to have more time and thought he could dump her car somewhere or leave it with the keys in to be stolen and wait a couple days - still stupid to choose his workplace but he is not that bright? I think he thought he could make it seem she left the house and hence any crime happened away from him. But, knowing now how very close SW was to her friends and those she worked with on a daily basis, how he thought that more than one single day could pass is beyond me. It was all just a short matter of time - even if he later moved SW - for them to check where he went the day she went missing. I bet in his mind he could send some texts from her phone as her and was flummoxed when he realized he didn't know her passcode anymore.
I thought in the beginning and still do that he planned to have more time and thought he could dump her car somewhere or leave it with the keys in to be stolen and wait a couple days - still stupid to choose his workplace but he is not that bright? I think he thought he could make it seem she left the house and hence any crime happened away from him. But, knowing now how very close SW was to her friends and those she worked with on a daily basis, how he thought that more than one single day could pass is beyond me. It was all just a short matter of time - even if he later moved SW - for them to check where he went the day she went missing. I bet in his mind he could send some texts from her phone as her and was flummoxed when he realized he didn't know her passcode anymore.

I think you may be giving him too much credit.

Dumb as a brick!
Ronnie is confused? Why does that not surprise me? Just because the case is over doesn't mean investigators no longer have any interest in helping the family understand what occurred.
He probably doesn't understand how much investigators, who cared deeply about this case, would want to give the public, especially the family, the answers to all the questions that have been going through their minds since the beginning. They have every right to know.
Also, as many have mentioned, it's important to have as much understanding as possible for research in family annihilators. Their interviews may be documented and used for further studies. Imo

Ronnie is the guy who sat there and rubbed his killer son's back for hours to comfort him. I get this is his son, but was there any disgust or anger felt by Ronnie toward his son that his character was so low that he cheated on his pregnant wife? That he flunked the polygraph, and that he had lied to everyone and that Shanann and the girls weren't missing, they were really dead?

That he stuffed Ronnie's beautiful little granddaughters into oil storage tanks and put Shanann and Nico into a shallow grave? That he didn't call 911, but instead put them there because he didn't know what else to do?

What was going through Ronnie's mind about CW's porch interviews? That it was more than unbelievably arrogant that CW did that when he knew they were dead, and he knew where they were? What about his lies to LE and sending then on a wild goose chase?

Ronnie knows his son. He raised him. He knows when he's lying. I don't think any of that matters, and I don't think it matters at all whether he did it or not. JMO, they will never see the forest for the trees. They'll never see that CW has never been a victim of anyone.

CW played Shanann as the villain as long as he could and then he realized the party was over and he had to admit he was the villain. Like the coward he is, he ran off to prison so he could hide.

This is the man they raised but they'll never see the forest for the trees. JMO.
LOL - and here I was thinking it was a beautiful metaphor - like weaving the tapestry of life. ;)

But to answer your original question, likely for the same reason their son felt no need to take responsibility for his life (as far as we know of to date) both in his murderious actions, cover up of the crimes, and his throwing his own victim/wife/mother of his children under the bus after all that to say she was guilty. He sadly learned to blame her for everything - and helped perpetuate it throughout their relationship from the sounds of it when it came to his parents/family. MOO.

I agree, and I also very strongly believe that CW was the root cause of the problems between Shanann and his parents. Shanann made some comments before her death about how she defended/protected him from his family.

Why would he need protection from his family? He was a grown man. I think he told Shanann a bunch of lies about being mistreated by his mom and then was running to his mom and complaining about Shanann. I think he kept it stirred up and we can see how he really loves to play the victim.

Cindy said something in her one interview that rang very untrue to me. She stated one of the reasons she disliked Shanann is because she cut Chris up to Cindy. That Shanann said something that CW dressed like a skater boy.

I think it is closer to the truth that Shanann told Chris this and he ran and told his mom. If you are dating a guy who dresses like a geek and who puts too much product in his hair and you want him to change that, are you going to tell the guy or his mom?
I thought in the beginning and still do that he planned to have more time and thought he could dump her car somewhere or leave it with the keys in to be stolen and wait a couple days - still stupid to choose his workplace but he is not that bright? I think he thought he could make it seem she left the house and hence any crime happened away from him. But, knowing now how very close SW was to her friends and those she worked with on a daily basis, how he thought that more than one single day could pass is beyond me. It was all just a short matter of time - even if he later moved SW - for them to check where he went the day she went missing. I bet in his mind he could send some texts from her phone as her and was flummoxed when he realized he didn't know her passcode anymore.

I think he thought he was being really clever taking them to his worksite. He had GPS in his truck, and look police, I just got up and went to work just like I told you! Nothing to see here! I didn’t go anywhere strange!

He was soooo wrong.

And yes he definitely had more plans for staging the scene that were interrupted by her awesome friends.
There must be a name to the condition of blaming others for for everything.
I’ve met people like this, anything & everything is something or someone else’s fault.

But this? There’s one person at fault, just one here & it’s not Shan’ann or those innocent children.
There’s a 1,000 solutions to this problem & murder isn’t one of them.

I've read that playing the victim is a hallmark of the antisocial personality disorder.
Ronnie Watts tells ABC News Feb 28,2019
"It's over and done with," Ronnie Watts said of the case. "I am confused why they [the investigators] went out there in the first place."

Damn that’s freakin’rude!
It will NEVER be ‘done with’ for Rzuceks EVER. It’s fresh for them and it will remain an open wound for the ones who dearly loved 4 innocent people.
How can their love be simply swept under the carpet and forgotten for YOU to move on with YOUR lives.
Selfish is an understatement and I see where CW’s narcissism stems.

I don't see it so much as rude or narcissistic, but more like ignorant. He's just not a very thoughtful or educated person. There's just not a lot going on upstairs.
I've read that playing the victim is a hallmark of the antisocial personality disorder.

Thank you molly.
Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate or treat others harshly or with callous indifference. They show no guilt or remorse for their behavior.
Antisocial personality disorder - Symptoms and causes
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