GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #68

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Heartbreaking. I don't want to go into too much of my personal life, but I was married to a narcissist. I knew that if I ever tried to leave that he would have killed me and our child. I wonder how much verbal and emotional abuse SW endured.

I hope and pray that out of this comes an awareness of domestic abuse, and how it comes in many forms. It isn't always easy to get out. People always ask why the victim of domestic violence doesn't just leave. We need to STOP blaming the victims, and give them the education and tools they need to safely leave.

In every evil deed, I pray there is something that can be learned to *prevent* the next time.

If society can learn the signs of this level of narcissism, maybe it will help the next person.
I’m watching Dr. Phil now. I’ve not posted on this case until today. With a background in forensic psych and ABA (applied behavioral analysis) and a longtime WS member, I have learned to wait before making absolute judgement. I see a lot of Scott Peterson in CW. I also see a lot of the Peterson family traits within the Watts family. Watching this episode is actually nauseating me.
I agree completely. I personally don't think Scott nor CW ever hated or felt passionate rage against their wives/children - I think they just lacked empathy and had the mental ability to physically throw away anything that stood in the way of what they wanted - to start fresh. It is hard to wrap my head around. Thank you for your input. Hope you will post more often!
I’m watching Dr. Phil now. I’ve not posted on this case until today. With a background in forensic psych and ABA (applied behavioral analysis) and a longtime WS member, I have learned to wait before making absolute judgement. I see a lot of Scott Peterson in CW. I also see a lot of the Peterson family traits within the Watts family. Watching this episode is actually nauseating me.

I am shocked at how many of these families are out there. :-(
I am just throwing this out there- but does anyone think that maybe he is making the part up about the girls being alive on the drive? Maybe to hurt shanann’s family more? I mean he has been proven time and time again to be a liar....

Maybe it’s just me not being able to imagine the evil and horror.....

Edited for spelling

A la Jodi Arias last statement, where she wanted the family to forever think that he was alive at the very end begging, just to put the last stake in their heart because she could. Even if it was a lie.
I think it is more likely if he is lying it will be about planning and things going through his mind. Since the one thing we know about CW for sure is he cares what people think about him and being seen as a "good guy" I don't see why he would lie about this part. It makes him look horrific, right down to Bella's last words and his actions at the site. The one good thing it has done is it has convinced most CW fans that SW is exonerated and he did monstrous things. I just don't see why he would lie about this part unless in his mind it made him look better - like that he waited til the last possible moment to murder the girls because he was "torn" in his mind - but the addition of details of what happened at the site are just too horrific to me for him to have made up. We can never know for sure, but it does not seem like he is someone who would get off by making this up for any reason but to help himself. MOO.

Very good points and i am sure you are right. I just can not fathom the evil....... poor bella and the poor Rzucek’s!!!!
A la Jodi Arias last statement, where she wanted the family to forever think that he was alive at the very end begging, just to put the last stake in their heart because she could. Even if it was a lie.
That was the exact trial i was thinking of when i posted this. My heart just can’t take poor bella seeing all that.
From the podcast which had people who heard everything straight from Cindy and the sister, it would appear she will no longer be saying anything slanderous against SW, at least in public. Now, will she privately blame SW for turning her son into a monster? I would assume yes. Because to accept otherwise would be to admit something has always been terribly wrong with her son. But I don't believe she would dare publicly try to shame SW or her family again. Just my opinion.
Hi PommyMommy, although I normally only lurk here I’ve been doing that a lot lately (leading up to March 7) and like everyone on here, I think you’re awesome! Unfortunately this SoundCloud disconnected on me a few min in, but given the time duration it shows (2:08hrs) it appears to be the same one that I’ve listened to. Near the end, they’ve made it up to Monday afternoon, she tells them about her visitor Jim, etc, they’re discussing her and Chris’ communications about his family being “gone”. And then it abruptly stops. Interested to hear the end of that interview.

Also I remembered my other question! Is there anywhere to read the text msgs between NK and CW ? I don’t think I’ve seen them anywhere, even in the doc dump.

Thanks again!!!
There may be another site with the audio recording, but that's the only one I have handy. What kind of device are you using? Because I'm able to listen (on laptop) to the entire two-hour interview there. It ends with NK talking about CW not knowing what friend's house Shanann would have gone to.

There are a few texts between NK and CW in the first doc dump, but we did not see them all. IIRC, they were screenshots - I don't have the page #'s referenced. :(
From the podcast which had people who heard everything straight from Cindy and the sister, it would appear she will no longer be saying anything slanderous against SW, at least in public. Now, will she privately blame SW for turning her son into a monster? I would assume yes. Because to accept otherwise would be to admit something has always been terribly wrong with her son. But I don't believe she would dare publicly try to shame SW or her family again. Just my opinion.

The same podcast that originally said they had reliable information that Shanann's body was beaten up to a pulp and so many other untruths they've spread from the beginning? The same one that claimed Shanann came home drunk and countless other lies to tarnish her reputation and blame the victim? The same podcast that believed CW's lies that he didn't kill the kids? They'll believe anything he says and anything his mom says. They have proven themselves nothing more than gossipers AT BEST, and you are giving them way too much credit.

They are STILL insisting that Cindy was not allowed to contact her son, but it's pretty clear that what she wanted was UNSUPERVISED contact and UNRECORDED conversations with him. It's understandable they did not allow that, and she was never denied contact with him. Listen carefully to her interviews, she reveals it in her own words. Their letter to the judge was an absurd joke.
Sorry if already answered, I have not gone back through every page.

My area does not get Dr. Phil until 3PM today. Is everyone waiting on the show? Does someone have a link to see the full interviews early? I’ve seen the small clips from People, etc.
Sorry if already answered, I have not gone back through every page.

My area does not get Dr. Phil until 3PM today. Is everyone waiting on the show? Does someone have a link to see the full interviews early? I’ve seen the small clips from People, etc.
A link to the full episode was posted a couple of pages back. I just finished listening and made the following notes:

Sandy said it felt like they were lying on their backs in the middle of the ocean and being pulled under.

Bella didn't see CW kill Shanann, but saw CW wrapping her in the sheet. CW told her that Mommy is sick and they need to take her to the hospital.

He smothered CeCe with her blanket at the oil site and was taking her up to the oil tank when Bella had gotten herself unbuckled in the truck and said, "Please Daddy, do not do to me what you did with CeCe."

Sandy wonders if Bella was thinking "where are Grandma and Grandpa?"

They played "Daddy is my hero." :(

Lawyer said that there were supposed to be other people at the oil site that morning and CW called them off. (We knew this.)

Dr. Phil asks if the mistress has been questioned further. Lawyer says his understanding is that she hasn't, but they're not that close with the investigation. He says it's the hope of Sandy and Frank that this tape finally puts to bed any speculation that CW found Bella and Celeste dead at the hands of Shanann, and that Shanann's memory can be put to rest as a loving mother and a caring wife.

Dr. Phil asks as painful as it is, if the Rzucek's are glad to hear this horrific confession. An attorney says, "I think it might take some time, really, for them to see it as a silver lining. Right now, I think it's mostly painful." He also says that he thinks it's helpful for them to have answers to questions that they would have asked themselves forever. They'll never understand the real question, "Why does somebody do this?"

They discuss the Rzucek's decision to not seek the DP.

Dr. Phil discusses CW's narcissism and his porch interviews. Says his story was falling apart from the minute he opened his mouth and CW is a malignant narcissist and those are the ones who slip under the radar and do their damage. "He's sick, he's demented, he's off the street where he should be."

Dr. Phil says let's talk about the fact that CW has made it clear that Shanann was a good and loving mother, had nothing to do with this, and let's honor her and let's honor those children.

Dr. Phil says, "Sandy has said, when this tape comes out, she's going to be devastated."

They talk about the toll this has taken on Sandy and Frank. Lambert says it has taken some time. They have processed it together. They found strength and comfort in each other throughout the process.

Dr. Phil says even though she has been briefed on what this tape says, Sandy says when it comes out, she's going to be devastated and wants some guidance from Dr. Phil how to handle it. He says he absolutely refuses to allow his platform to be used to sensationalize Chris Watts as opposed to honoring Shanann, Bella, Cece, and Niko, and respecting this family.

Lambert said that CW said once he got started, he couldn't stop. He suggests Dr. Phil talk to Sandy about that, as someone who knows how sick minds work.

They show a preview of the Rzucek's interview. Sandy says, "To hear my granddaughter beg for her life, yeah, it's pretty, pretty rough," and "Our daughter watched her husband kill her."

Frank Sr. says, "He took Celeste's Yankee blanket and smothered her, in front of Bella."

Frankie Jr. says, "I'm glad this is going to shut up all the people who are still saying Shanann did it."

A beautiful photo and video montage is played at the end to "In the Arms of the Angels." Heartbreaking. :(
A link to the full episode was posted a couple of pages back. I just finished listening and made the following notes:

Sandy said it felt like they were lying on their backs in the middle of the ocean and being pulled under.

Bella didn't see CW kill Shanann, but saw CW wrapping her in the sheet. CW told her that Mommy is sick and they need to take her to the hospital.

He smothered CeCe with her blanket at the oil site and was taking her up to the oil tank when Bella had gotten herself unbuckled in the truck and said, "Please Daddy, do not do to me what you did with CeCe."

Sandy wonders if Bella was thinking "where are Grandma and Grandpa?"

They played "Daddy is my hero." :(

Lawyer said that there were supposed to be other people at the oil site that morning and CW called them off. (We knew this.)

Dr. Phil asks if the mistress has been questioned further. Lawyer says his understanding is that she hasn't, but they're not that close with the investigation. He says it's the hope of Sandy and Frank that this tape finally puts to bed any speculation that CW found Bella and Celeste dead at the hands of Shanann, and that Shanann's memory can be put to rest as a loving mother and a caring wife.

Dr. Phil asks as painful as it is, if the Rzucek's are glad to hear this horrific confession. An attorney says, "I think it might take some time, really, for them to see it as a silver lining. Right now, I think it's mostly painful." He also says that he thinks it's helpful for them to have answers to questions that they would have asked themselves forever. They'll never understand the real question, "Why does somebody do this?"

They discuss the Rzucek's decision to not seek the DP.

Dr. Phil discusses CW's narcissism and his porch interviews. Says his story was falling apart from the minute he opened his mouth and CW is a malignant narcissist and those are the ones who slip under the radar and do their damage. "He's sick, he's demented, he's off the street where he should be."

Dr. Phil says let's talk about the fact that CW has made it clear that Shanann was a good and loving mother, had nothing to do with this, and let's honor her and let's honor those children.

Dr. Phil says, "Sandy has said, when this tape comes out, she's going to be devastated."

They talk about the toll this has taken on Sandy and Frank. Lambert says it has taken some time. They have processed it together. They found strength and comfort in each other throughout the process.

Dr. Phil says even though she has been briefed on what this tape says, Sandy says when it comes out, she's going to be devastated and wants some guidance from Dr. Phil how to handle it. He says he absolutely refuses to allow his platform to be used to sensationalize Chris Watts as opposed to honoring Shanann, Bella, Cece, and Niko, and respecting this family.

Lambert said that CW said once he got started, he couldn't stop. He suggests Dr. Phil talk to Sandy about that, as someone who knows how sick minds work.

They show a preview of the Rzucek's interview. Sandy says, "To hear my granddaughter beg for her life, yeah, it's pretty, pretty rough," and "Our daughter watched her husband kill her."

Frank Sr. says, "He took Celeste's Yankee blanket and smothered her, in front of Bella."

Frankie Jr. says, "I'm glad this is going to shut up all the people who are still saying Shanann did it."

A beautiful photo and video montage is played at the end to "In the Arms of the Angels." Heartbreaking. :(

I still can’t get over the fact that people believed that Shanann did this, when CW gave his BS confession.

After his guilty plea, a large number of people still believed it, saying that his confession was coerced, or he was protecting someone.

I do think this will go a long way towards silencing his supporters, of which there were many.

It’s horrific that Shanann’s family was victimized by CW’s actions, then victimized by the Watts family (bashing SW on television), and finally victimized again, by an ignorant and hateful public.

Hopefully this ends it.
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