GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #69

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He had the mistress in the house at least 2 times, but I suspect more than that. He even took her upstairs to the private rooms. She told the detectives it would have been great that he could have the kids every other week. No, of course SW should have taken everything serenely so as not to upset him.
Absolutely. It was a huge betrayal for him to bring his new girlfriend into his wife's house, bed etc.
I think he would have justified murdering Shanann no matter what her reaction was, even if she was as meek as a lamb, which I doubt. His mind was made up and he'd been plotting her demise for a while. Personally, I wish she'd chopped his b@ll$ off and made him wear them for earrings!:mad:

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I can see the girls being quiet if he said to. But they definitely understood something was wrong and Bella especially. My 4 year old younger than Bella would definitely understand it was something more than just me being sick.

If Bella really saw what he did to Cece, I definitely believe she knew what he was doing and begged for her life. 4 year olds understand a lot more than we think.

SW was in AZ for the weekend, expected to return home Sunday evening, until flight delayed. It was widely reported that CW would not allow SW to talk to the children on the phone Sunday eve prior to their bedtime citing that Bella especially would get over excited, and he would not be able to get the girls to bed. It was also alleged that BW got out of bed several times Sunday to see if SW was home yet. I don't believe she slept sound that night to begin with-- and not surprised she woke up early, or responded to sounds of arguing.

One of CW's alleged complaints was that his children were publicly disrespecting him (i.e., mimicking SW). In videos of CW and the girls, he does not have the upper hand with them whatsoever, and they were definitely more mindful of SW. I believe BW would have been distraught that her mother was not awake and riding on the floor of truck, and that they were not anywhere close to arriving at hospital.
IMO he is getting nothing out of this. Perk wise. I don't believe for a minute he has found a conscience. I do think he believes thru religion he has found a conscience. He never has had one and never will.

IMO, No doubt, if he had access to google before his latest confession, he would have asked: "What does it feel like to have a conscience?"

(MOO, not a real quote from the monster)
Aren't these traits of Borderline Personality Disorder? Anyone know if he would be a fit for that?

My adopted niece was diagnosed with that. The characteristics are being a chameleon ( if they are with vegans, they are vegans. If they are with meat eaters, they are meat eaters, for instance. No sense of self)

Also,another characteristic she was diagnosed with is never having enough. A Mercededs and a thousand diamond rings would not be enough.

She was abandoned by her bio parents and horribly abused by her foster family.
Bella was almost 5 at the time.
i know a woman whose mother died when she was 5. Just the shock of hearing that caused her to hide under a big old sofa in a back room. The whole family looked for her and nearly had to call the police, but found her finally, curled up in a ball, practically catatonic. And this was just at the confusion and shock of a loss she didn't understand. I can hardly imagine a little girl who sees her mother dead, getting wrapped up, and her baby sister murdered just a few feet away. By her father.

I won't ever forget that poor little Bella.
IM not disputing it either

Im referring to the shadow video when it MOVED TOWARDS HIS.............I think we can also assume this whacko was LYING except for the gas can (if you want to call that equipment), did you not notice the truck was too packed for any heavy equipment?
Yes I noticed. But maybe you're not aware or didn't notice that heavy equipment is typically transported in the truck bed. In the end, CW transported the victims whether a shadow moved, visible, or not.
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We really don't know. But having lived with an emotional abuser, almost anything that you say, or don't say, do, or don't do, sets them off into a rage. Apparently, CW states he killed SW and the children because SW said she wouldn't let him see the kids. This made him kill her in a fit of rage.

Probably all made up crap. Who believes a word that CW says?!

It's been said here before but I'll say it again: People who cheat find reasons to blame their partners.

And even the crazies among us have a desire to be seen as good guys.

So if your wife is so bad she made you cheat and then pushed you into a murderous rage by denying you your kids?

Well, gosh, she needed killing, right?

And you're still a good guy who can't let those babies say something different.
I agree he never loved them in the traditional sense. In his first fake confession, when backing up why he murdered SW, he says at one point "I helped make those babies." I thought it was an odd thing to say for why you loved your children. Another point he says he was closer to CeCe because he didn't know what he was doing with his first child when she was born so she didn't bond with him right away. I totally understand not knowing what you are doing when you have your first child - but that doesn't affect bonding at all. He means he learned how to get his kid to depend on him enough to want him to put her to bed at night. MOO

You point out some really interesting features of his talk. In hindsight watching his talk you can see how he's a narcassist. Comments like he helped make those babies, he didn't bond initially with Bella, and he misses being barrel rushed etc etc .. Quite a lot of his statements are unusual and subtly about him. That's quite telling in itself as I'm sure a lot of us on here are parents and we can instinctively read what makes sense and what doesn't.

I know we all think differently, but when someone asks us about our missing kids to help locate them talking about chicken nuggets being thrown at you doesn't quite make sense.

What I find interesting is he is also subtly seething. A lot of his comments about the kids have hidden negative connotations.. Eg a pattern of dislike or frustration with them. Maybe it's just me and I'm reading too much into it.
But does a 4 year old understand death? I don't have children, so I wouldn't know. If he did say that Mommy was sick and he needed them to be very quiet so they didn't wake her, I think that they wouldn't make much noise.

I am so sad to say I agree with this. I think CW got the girls to be quiet by manipulating their loyalty and love for Mama. Ugh.
My adopted niece was diagnosed with that. The characteristics are being a chameleon ( if they are with vegans, they are vegans. If they are with meat eaters, they are meat eaters, for instance. No sense of self)

Also,another characteristic she was diagnosed with is never having enough. A Mercededs and a thousand diamond rings would not be enough.

She was abandoned by her bio parents and horribly abused by her foster family.
Oh Human, that's awful. Poor girl. They say if having everything is not enough it means what you really need is Love. She obviously was deprived of this in her early life, poor soul.
I hope they take his brain out when he dies and run every possible study on it. On the scale of evil, he's right up there with Adolph Hitler and Ted Bundy, IMO.

Since the gruesome details were released, I have been sicken by the degree of Chris's evil.

CW confesses to strangling Shannon and wrapping her body in a bed sheet.
Deceiving Belle into believing Mommy's sick and CW needs to drive her to hospital.
Cece's asleep wrapped in her favorite blanket, he puts Cece next Shannon's body in the back seat.
It easier getting Belle into his work truck, she believing Shannon's going to the hospital. Instead he drives to his work site. Belle is worrying about her mom, she's wouldn't understand why CW's driving down a dirt road.

Last night, I also came to the realization Chris Watts is pure evil like Adolph Hilter and Hilter's killing squads.

A study by the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit is needed about this murderer.
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You point out some really interesting features of his talk. In hindsight watching his talk you can see how he's a narcassist. Comments like he helped make those babies, he didn't bond initially with Bella, and he misses being barrel rushed etc etc .. Quite a lot of his statements are unusual and subtly about him. That's quite telling in itself as I'm sure a lot of us on here are parents and we can instinctively read what makes sense and what doesn't.

I know we all think differently, but when someone asks us about our missing kids to help locate them talking about chicken nuggets being thrown at you doesn't quite make sense.

What I find interesting is he is also subtly seething. A lot of his comments about the kids have hidden negative connotations.. Eg a pattern of dislike or frustration with them. Maybe it's just me and I'm reading too much into it.
I thought the nuggets anecdote was just CW trying to read the reporters , what they would think was cute or touching. He's just such a fake human being he couldn't think of something sounding natural or warm.
True. If I ignore the discovery document, ignore what they said on national television, ignore the lies, ignore the victim bashing, ignore every single thing they have said or done, then yes.

I can’t though.

Shanann suffered in life, and is still paying the price in death.

She may not be here to pay that price, but her family sure as hell is.

Because of them.

Vile people.

Thank you.
Is it wrong of me to say that I just can't buy the story CW's currently peddling? He manages to conveniently still blame SW, and also parlay the drive to CERVI19 with the girls as "thinking/pondering" time as to the girls' fate... I'm not sure what the bigger goal here is for him, but this version, IMO, doesn't hold much water, and is only better than the prior version in the fact that he has pivoted away from saying SW murdered the girls. IMO, and looking forward to reading the transcript and hearing the audio tomorrow..
Is it wrong of me to say that I just can't buy the story CW's currently peddling? He manages to conveniently still blame SW, and also parlay the drive to CERVI19 with the girls as "thinking/pondering" time as to the girls' fate... I'm not sure what the bigger goal here is for him, but this version, IMO, doesn't hold much water, and is only better than the prior version in the fact that he has pivoted away from saying SW murdered the girls. IMO, and looking forward to reading the transcript and hearing the audio tomorrow..
About the only way he could make himself sound worse is to admit she was sleeping when he murdered her. (IMO).

I'm pretty much believing most of the latest story, except I don't think they had sex. And I don't think he ever said he had a mistress.And she was asleep when he attacked and murdered her.
About the only way he could make himself sound worse is to admit she was sleeping when he murdered her. (IMO).

I'm pretty much believing most of the latest story, except I don't think they had sex. And I don't think he ever said he had a mistress.

I believe that he did kill her when she was asleep. SW looked like she would have fought back hard. CW didn't have hardly a scratch on him during his "15 Minutes of Fame" on tv.
The way I see it CW waited for Shannan to fall asleep. Easier to gain control of her quickly. There was no fight or angry words. IMO

It may seem silly but the fact that Shanann had on a bra when they found her makes me think she wasn't asleep when CW killed her.

I can't imagine coming in from a trip and settling down to sleep in a bra.

That's especially odd if they had sex. MOO
I can see the girls being quiet if he said to. But they definitely understood something was wrong and Bella especially. My 4 year old younger than Bella would definitely understand it was something more than just me being sick.

If Bella really saw what he did to Cece, I definitely believe she knew what he was doing and begged for her life. 4 year olds understand a lot more than we think.

Surely when he drove away from Shannan’s grave the children must have been screaming for their mom and then when he smothered and took Cece away Bella must have been screaming for both mom and Cece.

I want you to know this grief extends all the way to Australia.
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