GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #69

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Him saying he knew using the CC was the last straw/going to be a problem confirms to me he was panicking and searching for a way to keep his affair going and needed to find a solution to having a pregnant wife and 2 kids.
That part makes me so angry! He used a fricking credit card with his mistress because he doesn't have cash to afford an affair.....but three people have to be murdered over a lousy dinner?!!?!?!?
He also threw his mom under the bus for the nut incident. Said his mom didn’t feel it was real. But that it was indeed real, Cece reacted badly to nuts.

Homeboy's taking turns tossing everyone under that bus. He's either blaming someone else or claiming that he didn't know what he was doing, wasn't thinking straight.
NK IS BIPOLAR! Wow. He had to "talk her off the ledge" a few times. She told him she realized she would always be "second fiddle" to his family. Not taking ANY thing away from CW at all - but I believe she manipulated the hell out of him - not so he would kill his family but so that he would drop his family for her. I also don't believe she didn't know SW was pregnant. She def saw it on FB.
The irony that he would have left his strong willed wife (but not at all mentally ill) for a conniving woman who thinks she is bipolar is incredible. He had not even begun to see what she was going to put him through. Not knocking bipolar people - but if he thought his family hated SW - oh they would have missed her when they got to know NK.

He let his parents think he was being railroaded, just like he let them think bad things about SW. Always quietly manipulating so he looked the best.
And I do respect all opinions here. I just see this as reminding all of us of what psychopaths are all about and it is sickening. I need to walk away awhile.

We all hate Christopher even more now. No one here is "falling" for anything. He has finally said out loud he killed the girls and Shanann didn't do it. This is something the Rzucek's have wanted him to say. These FBI agents got him to say that. Do you think he would have talked to them at all if they came in guns blazing and showing their true feelings for him? That is not how their job works. It doesn't bother me at all that they are placating him and being nice to him. I know their true feelings are the same as mine. Tammy was brilliant interviewing him before he was arrested. She got so much out of him, it was amazing. They are good at what they do and I will give them the credit they deserve.
Chris says that people ask him, "Why didn't you call 911", to which Chris replies, "You don't know what you'd do unless you were in that same situation."

Okay, hotshot, nice try. I can almost guarantee you that the majority of people would NOT kill everyone else in the house and then dump their bodies. I know that when my kid died I called 911. It didn't once occur to me to go on a murderous rampage and then hide the evidence.
Exactly! People do know what to do in an emergency - they call 911 for help. They might do other strange things or feel lost and confused, but people know to call for help in an emergency.

Unless they don't want help, and then they know not to call.

That's another B.S. moment in this confession.

Not sure if this will format correctly here. From the CBI doc:

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(With regard to what happened to SHANANN, BELLA, and CELESTE.) SHANANN arrived home around 2:00 A.M. and he felt her get into bed.
 He felt SHANANN “stirring around” in bed and he felt like she knew he was having an affair.
o He had used his credit card when he went out to dinner with KESSINGER because he didn’t
have another Anadarko gift card and couldn’t ask KESSINGER to pay.
 SHANANN started rubbing her hand on his leg or chest and they had sexual intercourse. (WATTS
said he and SHANANN had sexual intercourse at approximately 2:30 A.M.)
o He and SHANANN had sex in the missionary position.
o HefeltlikesexwithSHANANNwasmoreofa“test.”
o He felt “strange” when he had sex with SHANANN and questioned who he was and who he had become.
o Having sex with SHANANN may have been a “trigger point...or like you hit the push button on a bomb and it just blows up.”
 He and SHANANN fell asleep after they had sex.
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o Whenhewokeupthatmorning,hegotreadyforworkandthenreturnedtothebedandwoke SHANANN up to talk.
o SHANANN was sleeping face down and rolled over onto her back to talk to him. o He felt like he had to say something to SHANANN.
o He straddled SHANANN on the bed around her waist.
He believed SHANANN initially thought he wanted to have sex with her again since he was on top of her.
SHANANN told him he was hurting the baby.
o He and SHANANN talked for approximately 15-20 minutes with him straddling on top of
o He was concerned SHANANN knew about his affair and she and the kids wouldn’t be there when he got home from work that evening.
He felt like either SHANANN would take the kids away from the house or would lock him out when he tried to come home after work.
o He asked SHANANN if they could cancel their couple’s trip to Aspen.
o He asked SHANANN if they could move to Brighton, Colorado, so they could get away
from their house.
o He felt like going out on Saturday evening with KESSINGER and using their credit card was going to be “the last straw.”
SHANANN told him she knew there was someone else and cried. He denied having an affair.
“I just felt guilty...more guilty than ever before.”
o He told SHANANN he didn’t think their marriage was going to work.
o He did not feel like he and SHANANN were compatible with each other.
“Anything that’s new (referring to his relationship with KESSINGER), always feels better than the old.”
He always felt nervous around SHANANN and never felt like he could be himself.
o SHANANN asked him, “What about last night?”
o SHANANNhadn’ttakenoffherbraanddidn’twashherfacebeforeshegotintobed,soshe had mascara running down her face.
o He and SHANANN’s conversation lasted less than 30 minutes.
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o SHANANN told him to get off of her and that she knew he had someone else.
o He couldn’t bring himself to tell her about KESSINGER.
o He told SHANANN he didn’t love her and SHANANN said, “You’re never gonna see the kids’re never gonna see them again...get off me...don’t hurt the baby.”
He immediately put both of his hands around SHANANN’s neck and strangled her.
“Every time I think about it, I’m just like, did I know I was going to do that (referring to strangling SHANANN) before I got on top of her?”
“Like, the whole—everything that happened that morning I just don’t—I don’t know,, I try to go back in my head...I’m just like, I didn’t want to do this, but I did it...everything just kinda just felt like it was...I don’t even want to say it felt like I had to, it just felt like there was already something in my mind that was implanted that I was gonna do it and when I woke up that morning it was gonna happen and I had no control over it.”
At the sentencing he heard the prosecutor said it takes 2-4 minutes to strangle someone to death, so “Why couldn’t I just let go?”
He doesn’t want to know what SHANANN saw when she looked back at him while he was strangling her. (WATTS denied covering SHANANN’s head or face with anything when he strangled her.)
SHANANN never fought back or screamed.
He does not know why SHANANN didn’t fight back.
He believes SHANANN may have been praying.
He read the bible that said, “Forgive these people for they do not know what they do,” and maybe SHANANN was saying that in her head at the time.
When he was asked to take off his shirt so we could check for defensive wounds, he knew immediately he didn’t have any because SHANANN never fought back.
He does not recall SHANANN’s arm being pinned down (by his knees).
“I feel like in the back of my head...that was gonna happen...and just like, at the end of the conversation, it was just like, that’s what happened...I just wished I could’ve let go.”
Time seemed to stand still and he saw his life disappearing before his eyes but he couldn’t let go.
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“It was like picturing someone around you, holding your hands, holding you and keeping you from letting go.”
He felt like he was in a rage and “snapped.”
His attorney mentioned the crime of strangulation was “passionate” and he
does understand how that could be passionate.
o That morning, “it was a new type of fight.”
o Therewasemotionatfirst,butitwasmoreangerthananythingelsebecausetherewasnolove
o “I think it was more anger from me and more like desperation from her.” o SHANANN knew something wasn’t right and wanted to fix it.
 After SHANANN was “gone,” he didn’t know what was happening and felt like it was “traumatic event.”
o He was shaking and didn’t know what had happened.
o He didn’t know what to do and didn’t know what he had done.
o He wasn’t in the right state of mind and wasn’t in control of his thoughts or actions.
o People asked him why he didn’t call 911, but no one knows what they would do in the same situation.
 After SHANANN was dead, BELLA walked into their bedroom holding her blanket and asked what was wrong with mommy.
o He believed BELLA may have been woken up by the noise. o He told BELLA, “Mommy don’t feel good.”
o BELLAthoughtSHANANNwassleeping.
o He wrapped SHANANN face down in the bed sheet, which was recovered at the oil site. (SHANANN was still wearing her shirt, bra, and underwear she had on when she got into bed.)
o HetriedtocarrySHANANNdownthestairsandlosthisgripandendeduphavingtopullher down the stairs.
BELLA watched him drag SHANANN down the stairs and began to cry and said, “What’s wrong with mommy?”
He told BELLA again that her mommy didn’t feel good.
 BELLA is a smart girl and knew what was going on.
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 BELLA never touched SHANANN or tried to wake her up.
 BELLA followed him down the stairs.
He backed his pick-up into the drive-way and put SHANANN into the back seat of
his truck on the floorboard.
o When he returned inside, CELESTE was in her room and was starting to get out of her bed.
He believed the noise of SHANANN’s feet hitting the stairs as he dragged her down the stairs, may have woken up CELESTE.
BELLA and CELESTE were light sleepers.
BELLA and CELESTE were walking around the house.
Every time he sees pictures of BELLA and CELESTE he doesn’t understand how it all could have happened.
Being a dad was the best part of his life and he took it all away.
He felt like someone else had control over him that day and he wasn’t able to fight
When the prosecutor said BELLA bit her tongue repeatedly, he wanted to bang his head up against the wall.
o Atthatpoint,heputhislunchboxinthetruckandthenputbothBELLAandCELESTEinthe back of his truck on the bench seat.
SHANANN was lying on the floorboard.
BELLA asked, “Is mommy okay?”
He told BELLA and CELESTE that mommy would be fine.
BELLA and CELESTE each had a blanket with them and CELESTE had a stuffed animal (barking dog).
o He put a gas can in the back of his truck and felt like he could get rid of himself at the same time.
He didn’t feel like he deserved to live or be on this earth after what had happened.
After everything happened, he considered taking his own life as well.
He did not commit suicide because he felt like if he did it out at the oil site, he may have ended up hurting more people than just himself.
He knew there were other people in the area and didn’t want something to catch fire or blow up.
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He does not own any weapons, but nothing seemed right that morning.
o As he drove to the oil site with SHANANN, BELLA, and CELESTE, he was nervous,
shaking, and didn’t know what was going to happen.
He knew at that moment that his life was completely changed.
He has tried to picture the long ride out to the oil site and wondered if he could have saved his girls’ life.
He wasn’t thinking during the entire drive.
He has read books about how dads could never hurt their children and he has
wondered, “Was I even a dad at one point? I don’t know.”
He had wanted his whole life to be a dad and nothing made sense, including the oil tank.
During the ride, the girls were dozing on and off, held each other, and laid in each other’s laps.
During the ride, BELLA said, “Daddy, it smells.”
When he got to the oil site, he took SHANANN out of the back of the truck and pulled her
over and laid her on the ground near where she was ultimately buried.
BELLA and CELESTE were still sitting in the back of the truck as he removed SHANANN.
BELLA and CELESTE asked him, “What are you doing to mommy?”
 He doesn’t recall what he told them.
o He returned to the truck and “CECE was first.”
CELESTE had a blue Yankees blanket and he put it over her head.
He strangled CELESTE in the back seat.
He put his hand over CELESTE’s mouth and nose (over the blanket) and his other hand around the front of CELESTE’s neck.
BELLA was seated right beside CELESTE as he strangled her, but BELLA didn’t say anything.
He had no idea how long it took to strangle/smother CELESTE because he had no concept of time.
(With regard to what he was thinking at the time.) “I wasn’t...if I was thinking, this wouldn’t have happened...or any partial hint of what I feel for
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those girls and what I feel for my wife then none of this would have I wasn’t thinking.”
o After CELESTE died, he took CELESTE out of the truck, walked her up to the oil tank, opened the hatch, and dropped her inside, feet first.
He believed it was tight when he put CELESTE through the hatch on the oil tank.
He did not have to “hit” CELESTE into the tank, but may have had to manipulate her to get her inside.
He closed the hatch on the oil tank and returned to his truck.
o When he got in the truck, BELLA asked him, “What happened to CECE?”
BELLA asked him in her soft voice, “Is the same thing gonna happen to me as CECE?”
He is not sure if he told BELLA “yes” like a horrible person.
o He then put the same Yankees blanket over BELLA’s head and “did the same
BELLA said, “Daddy, No!” and it was the last words she spoke.
He put his hand over BELLA’s nose and mouth (over the blanket) and his other hand around the front of her neck.
(With regard to BELLA’s injuries in her mouth.) BELLA’s head was twisting back and forth under the blanket while he smothered/strangled her.
 He could hear BELLA “grunt” as she tried to breathe.
He noticed a couple of spots over BELLA’s eye when he picked her up.
He walked BELLA up to a separate oil tank, opened the hatch, and dropped her inside, feet first.
BELLA seemed harder to get into the tank than CELESTE, but he just had to manipulate her to get her inside.
He does not know why he put BELLA and CELESTE in separate oil tanks.
BELLA and CELESTE were not alive when he put them into the oil tanks.
o After he put BELLA into the oil tank, he returned to where SHANANN was located
and started to clear away some weeds with his rake.
The rake broke when he used it remove weeds and he left part of it out at the site.
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He does not believe he ever thought about going back for the broken part of his rake.
He dug a hole with his shovel and put SHANANN inside.
SHANANN was not bleeding or cut when he buried her.
He recalled SHANANN’s eyes were bloodshot.
SHANANN had not partially given birth when he buried her in the ground.
SHANANN was wearing a shirt and blue colored underwear.
o Every time he closes his eyes, he hears BELLA say, “Daddy, No!” He hears it every day.
o Just thinking about the oil tank makes him want to throw up.
FRANK RZUCEK said at his sentencing that he was trying to separate everyone and
that was not true.
He felt like someone else was in control of what he was doing.
He did not consider the fact that it may have helped with detection by putting the girls in separate oil tanks.
He didn’t consider putting the girls with SHANANN because everything happened so fast and “I had no time to really have a thought that was my own.”
He didn’t purposely try to separate any of them.
o (With regard to the trash bags found at the oil tank site.) He didn’t want his girls looking at SHANANN in the backseat of his truck, so he placed one trash bag on her feet and the other around her head.
The girls didn’t know what was going on.
o After the murders, the Yankees blanket was still in his truck and he threw it away.
He stopped by a construction dumpster in his neighborhood and threw away his clothes and the Yankees blanket on his way home from work on Monday.
He keeps extra boots and clothes in his work truck, which he changed into after the murders.
o He felt like taking CELESTE and BELLA’s lives was caused by an anger with SHANANN that he took out on everyone in front of him that morning.
He had never been angry before “and this was like the epitome of being angry.” He had rage and lost his mind.
There's just no punishment bad enough for this . Anyone who supports this inhuman "thing" needs to rot in Hell right along with him.
Maybe it's just my brain not letting me "go there" but I don't think killing the children was in his original plan. They had to go because they saw what happened to mommy. Maybe killing mommy was planned all along, but I don't think killing the girls was. But even so, their murder was way worse than I thought :(.
IMO there is a big TELL when he said, totally unprompted, that he got used to not being a family man the month they were away and he was barely out his house to see "reminders" of being a Dad. He didn't plan to murder his kids? Sorry, but IMO no. They were always going to go. He is mitigating. In the first confession, Coder says we don't want to think you are a monster who planned all this to be free to go after some hot young girl....he knows this is how it would look. He didn't plan time off to take Bella to his first day of school as others pointed out yesterday...instead, he planned to be alone at a worksite that next morning.
I waver back and forth with whether he had a fantasy about killing her/them or an actual plan.
Same here, I don’t know if there was an actual plan but I think he saw the opportunity to be alone at his job site and it was a decision that morning to kill them, it was not a spontaneous act of rage.
The reasons I said this are:
She saw her mom dead and was made to sit in the car with the body. She knew something was wrong with her mom, followed Chris through the house as he disposed of her. He made her watch the body of her mother be dumped in the grave.
Made her watch her sister being murdered and then dumped in an oil tank.
THEN he murdered her while she begged for her life. THEN googled a song about power over those who cower under you at the freaking murder site.
She knew every bit of what was going on. He let her sit with that terror. He psychologically tortured her, and then got off on the power of it all.

He seems to be very sadistic. JMO, he confessed to these crimes not because he wanted to get it off his conscience, but because he gets his kicks in reliving the murders and psychological torture. Many sexual psychopaths like to do this. It's a special kind of twisted to get that from murdering your wife and small children. JMO

Recall Ted Bundy serving as his own attorney at his trial, questioning one of his victims on the stand, making her go into great detail about what he did to her and the other girls? The jurors were looking at Bundy in horror. I think that was the time that one of Bundy's attorneys got up and walked out.
IMO there is a big TELL when he said, totally unprompted, that he got used to not being a family man the month they were away and he was barely out his house to see "reminders" of being a Dad. He didn't plan to murder his kids? Sorry, but IMO no. They were always going to go. He is mitigating. In the first confession, Coder says we don't want to think you are a monster who planned all this to be free to go after some hot young girl....he knows this is how it would look. He didn't plan time off to take Bella to his first day of school as others pointed out yesterday...instead, he planned to be alone at a worksite that next morning.

Good point
So how does that fit in with him not planning to kill the girls?

I think he planned it all! Moo
IMOO, anyone who sympathizes with CW is maybe not quite "human".

Remember when DP said narcissists crumble when you fight back and push them? I have no doubt that if these trolls had to have a conversation face to face with someone, say me, they would crumble too. I think they’re all wimps who hide behind their computers. I don’t think they could hold up in any kind of in person discussion.
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