CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #73

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I believe the Watts are still pushing the ludicrous claim that he was railroaded.

Cherlyn Cadle had a falling out with the Watts last year when she wouldn't go along with their fabricated story line:
Chris Watts claims obsession with mistress led to him murdering family | Daily Mail Online
'In the beginning, I felt it was out of their pain but it didn't take long to see that they were trying to push the narrative of the book. When I wouldn't write what they wanted me to write, his mother became very angry with me.'
So Cindy Watts decided to write her own book "All My Broken Pieces" where she put the blame on Shanann again.

Earlier this year she did an interview with a conspiracy wacko on YouTube who has been aligned with the Watts all along. This confirms Cindy Watts has been associated with and supports the person putting out the most insane lies since the beginning.

There is no reason to believe she has changed, especially with Chris Watts now pushing for an appeal because he wants to find some way to get out, apparently thinking two years is enough penance for a quadruple murder. JMO
well I know one of the videos was after the sentencing because CW's family is referencing the remarks they made in court. And I know some were before because Chris was talking about the next court date coming up and his mother said they would be there.

The only thing that gave me a smidge of sympathy for his parents were just how out of their league they were trying to navigate the court and prison system. Most people wouldn't know how that all works either. They had absolutely no idea how it worked to accept calls from him or set up a phone card or what happened to money they put on the card or where his whereabouts were, if he had been moved yet, etc. And there is a bit of socioeconomic hardship in that. A family with more means likely would have hired an experienced defense attorney who would have kept the family updated and advised on pure logistics like phone calls and setting up funds, and would have stopped random internet bloggers from writing cringeworthy letters to the judge on the defendant's mother's behalf. I think his family was clueless, desperate, and probably also refused to listen to rational advice or guidance, but it does always strike me as bizarre that they didn't seek out some kind of professional legal help to at least navigate the system. Instead, they immersed themselves in this underbelly of the internet YouTube world with scrupulous personalities, people with self-serving agendas, total groupies, rapid "fans", and mentally unhinged people, and deluded themselves further how much "support" they had and how much sentiment there was that Chris was "innocent" and had been "railroaded" and should have fought instead of taking a plea agreement. It's just mind boggling. It's just not normal. I guess a tiny part of me feels some sympathy (pity?) that they are missing the chip that does not even see how dysfunctional this was. (But the second they snarl about the victims and her family, they lose any sympathy I might have felt.)
I don't think that discovery document had been released before those November 2018 calls were made, but I'm not positive of when they were. It's just so irritating to listen to those calls. Shanann's family didn't do this, your son did.
This right here did it for me.

Cindy Watts: "I don't care what you did. I love you so much."


Oh, and some of the jersey's still had tags!
well I know one of the videos was after the sentencing because CW's family is referencing the remarks they made in court. And I know some were before because Chris was talking about the next court date coming up and his mother said they would be there.

The only thing that gave me a smidge of sympathy for his parents were just how out of their league they were trying to navigate the court and prison system. Most people wouldn't know how that all works either. They had absolutely no idea how it worked to accept calls from him or set up a phone card or what happened to money they put on the card or where his whereabouts were, if he had been moved yet, etc. And there is a bit of socioeconomic hardship in that. A family with more means likely would have hired an experienced defense attorney who would have kept the family updated and advised on pure logistics like phone calls and setting up funds, and would have stopped random internet bloggers from writing cringeworthy letters to the judge on the defendant's mother's behalf. I think his family was clueless, desperate, and probably also refused to listen to rational advice or guidance, but it does always strike me as bizarre that they didn't seek out some kind of professional legal help to at least navigate the system. Instead, they immersed themselves in this underbelly of the internet YouTube world with scrupulous personalities, people with self-serving agendas, total groupies, rapid "fans", and mentally unhinged people, and deluded themselves further how much "support" they had and how much sentiment there was that Chris was "innocent" and had been "railroaded" and should have fought instead of taking a plea agreement. It's just mind boggling. It's just not normal. I guess a tiny part of me feels some sympathy (pity?) that they are missing the chip that does not even see how dysfunctional this was. (But the second they snarl about the victims and her family, they lose any sympathy I might have felt.)
IIRC one of Denver's famous defense attys said he spoke with them but they didn't have the money. I admit it must have been a nightmare for them, especially if they were depending on that affidavit as being the truth. And just imagine how it felt when the whole world learned he confessed via the plea deal. And heard the details as related by the DA.
But CW has always, IMO; played head games with Cindy and Ronnie, saying cryptically that he "accepted responsibility", and not accepting their phone calls for that 2-3 month period. And saying periodically, when Cindy was begging, that he might tell them someday. On that Feb 18 2019 interview in prison, he said that he had told his PDs exactly how the murders went down, and that was in September. So, after that he was still playing coy with his parents, that he would tell THEM someday. That coy vagueness must have been his only defense against Cindy for all those years. And he may have used it against SW too, throughout their marriage, as he apparently shrugged responsibility. At first I didn't particularly judge anyone in that family except CW, but once she made those interviews, and once I saw Ronnie's LE interview, I lost all respect for them. SW and her kids were DEAD when Cindy was bad-mouthing SW, publicly.

Then the whole drama as it unfolded with YT people getting interviews with the "friends", family, etc, taking sides and switching sides when their counterparts did. And that one friend of the family who appeared to be basically a faucet for the sister. And THEN, the horrible book came out, and there was no going back on my part re sympathy for any of them. Nutgate, the whole shebang.

Oh Oh gotta go my hawks are on!!
I was thinking that the sister didn't come to Colorado for the sentencing, yet there she is on these new videos. She wasn't in court, IIRC. IIRC the discovery came out right after the sentencing, like later that day. Maybe someone else remembers. There was a huge amount of data released, but did the interviews (ie CW/Coder/Tammy) come out at the same time? I tend to think that these "new" videos weren't from the day before the sentencing, but maybe they were. I would have thought that Cindy would have been a lot less giddy at that point. Trying to absorb that he was admitting he did it all. And I had the idea that they had separate access to CW, ie that they saw him individually on a monitor with a time limit. Maybe @Colorado303 remembers the sequence of events, and which videos these are, ie before the sentencing or after.
CW's sister, Jamie (aka @Trinket78) was at the sentencing. After the Rzuceks are escorted from the room, you see her rise (chubby redhead in black skirt) at about the 45:38 minute mark and she and her parents exit through the door on the opposite side of the courtroom.

IIRC one of Denver's famous defense attys said he spoke with them but they didn't have the money. I admit it must have been a nightmare for them, especially if they were depending on that affidavit as being the truth. And just imagine how it felt when the whole world learned he confessed via the plea deal. And heard the details as related by the DA.
But CW has always, IMO; played head games with Cindy and Ronnie, saying cryptically that he "accepted responsibility", and not accepting their phone calls for that 2-3 month period. And saying periodically, when Cindy was begging, that he might tell them someday. On that Feb 18 2019 interview in prison, he said that he had told his PDs exactly how the murders went down, and that was in September. So, after that he was still playing coy with his parents, that he would tell THEM someday. That coy vagueness must have been his only defense against Cindy for all those years. And he may have used it against SW too, throughout their marriage, as he apparently shrugged responsibility. At first I didn't particularly judge anyone in that family except CW, but once she made those interviews, and once I saw Ronnie's LE interview, I lost all respect for them. SW and her kids were DEAD when Cindy was bad-mouthing SW, publicly.

Then the whole drama as it unfolded with YT people getting interviews with the "friends", family, etc, taking sides and switching sides when their counterparts did. And that one friend of the family who appeared to be basically a faucet for the sister. And THEN, the horrible book came out, and there was no going back on my part re sympathy for any of them. Nutgate, the whole shebang.

Oh Oh gotta go my hawks are on!!
And in one of the calls, Chris repeated over and over to his mother that taking the plea was his call. He said it several times. This was his decision. His call. No one was telling him what to do.

I remember when the detectives visited Chris in prison, he also told him that taking the plea was his decision, that his public defenders had always let that be his call, that they had told him if he wanted to fight, they were ready and willing to fight. But he "wanted this nightmare to be over. For everyone." I think he threw out some faux sentiment that he didn't want the detectives to relive all that. Surrrre. I think more likely he had just known he was guilty as hell and didn't have much of a defense.
Omg those calls are horrendous! Something went horribly wrong in CW's upbringing. Cindy had nothing of substance to say to him, just "I love you so much" and "We're here for you" over and over and over. She is seriously disturbed. I kept expecting CW to say, "Mom, shut up! Do you not understand that I killed my pregnant wife and two daughters and pleaded guilty? Shut up! Wake up! There's nothing to fight!" I wonder if he was thinking that. CW could not get a word in edgewise. That must have been how it was for him during his whole upbringing. I bet he was never able to be angry. Imagine what that can do to a person. Not making excuses for CW, just trying to understand it all. That woman would have drove me batty too.
This right here did it for me.

Cindy Watts: "I don't care what you did. I love you so much."


Oh, and some of the jersey's still had tags!
Ryan Shazier would like his jersey back....

One other thing that got to me in the video calls was when Chris asked his sister how her husband was and she's like "he's good, working, he sends his love, he sends his prayers, he's holding down the fort, he said not as good as me, but he's holding down the fort."

Chris and Jamie laugh hahahaha. Chris laughs and says verbatim (like imitating what Jamie's husband would be saying to Jamie): "He's like..everybody's still here. There's no broken bones. Everybody's good. Heh." (YEAH CHRIS, HE DIDN'T SMOTHER HIS CHILDREN AND SHOVE THEIR BODIES IN OIL TANKS, so there's that.....)

And Jamie responds, "Like, what's your food look like?"
Ryan Shazier would like his jersey back....

One other thing that got to me in the video calls was when Chris asked his sister how her husband was and she's like "he's good, working, he sends his love, he sends his prayers, he's holding down the fort, he said not as good as me, but he's holding down the fort."

Chris and Jamie laugh hahahaha. Chris laughs and says verbatim (like imitating what Jamie's husband would be saying to Jamie): "He's like..everybody's still here. There's no broken bones. Everybody's good. Heh." (YEAH CHRIS, HE DIDN'T SMOTHER HIS CHILDREN AND SHOVE THEIR BODIES IN OIL TANKS, so there's that.....)

And Jamie responds, "Like, what's your food look like?"
OMG. I didn't get that far.

It’s an incredibly interesting study into the mind’s survival mechanisms.

For his family to come to terms with the truth and gravity of what CW did is too much to bear. To survive, you’d have to have such incredibly strong character or be in full denial. Seems they have the latter.
CW's sister, Jamie (aka @Trinket78) was at the sentencing. After the Rzuceks are escorted from the room, you see her rise (chubby redhead in black skirt) at about the 45:38 minute mark and she and her parents exit through the door on the opposite side of the courtroom.

@ 5:17 "The cameras do not lie". Plural, cameras, makes me believe the house security system recorded what happened.
@ 5:17 "The cameras do not lie". Plural, cameras, makes me believe the house security system recorded what happened.
I believe the only camera they had was outside (doorbell camera).
Is that the sister? She looks very different to me. But who knows!
Yes, that's her. Filters these days... LOL
CW's sister, Jamie (aka @Trinket78) was at the sentencing. After the Rzuceks are escorted from the room, you see her rise (chubby redhead in black skirt) at about the 45:38 minute mark and she and her parents exit through the door on the opposite side of the courtroom.

I don't think that is who you think it is. If its the person leading them out with the legal pads, its the advocate.
I don't think that is who you think it is. If its the person leading them out with the legal pads, its the advocate.
CW's sister, Jamie (aka @Trinket78) was at the sentencing. After the Rzuceks are escorted from the room, you see her rise (chubby redhead in black skirt) at about the 45:38 minute mark and she and her parents exit through the door on the opposite side of the courtroom.

do you mean the blonde/strawberry blonde leading them out?
Don’t forget the mistress had a different guy friend staying with her during this time as well. Apparently he was a long time “family friend” who lived out of state and had stayed at her place. Did we ever figure out if that guy was married?
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