Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34, dec.), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #2

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Im not blaming her at all, the guy is obviously a whack a doo. I am just courious what was going on in his head to make him murder 3 people. I am just wondering if they were fighting by phone while she was on her business trip.
My husband and I have known each other for 15 years. We have definitely had a fight or 10. I've never felt he'd kill me because of one. That isn't an acceptable defense.
I don't know if this means anything, but it is new to me. The Latest: Missing woman quickly sold North Carolina house

Property records say a woman whose husband has been arrested in the disappearance of her and their two young daughters appears to have moved to Colorado from North Carolina with her husband around 2012.

Byron Falls, who bought Shanann Watts' house in Belmont, west of Charlotte, said Thursday that she had been in a hurry to sell and left behind the furniture as part of the sale.

Falls says he and his wife bought the house in 2012.

The August 2012 deed shows that Watts signed it while already living in Colorado. Records say she had bought it in 2009.
I am surprised that by now we have not seen where people have seen heavy police activity in Weld County. In the world of social media, things don't go unseen very often. I am sure by now they are at the burial site at the very least and possibly have been working long to retrieve the bodies (slowly to preserve evidence). This leads me to believe they are in the middle of nowhere....Just my opinion as per the usual.
Edited to say, that is if they were buried, we just have no clue. IMHO
First of all THANK YOU to Nicole and the Neighbor with the camera. I knew from day one it was CW and after his sick interview I had zero doubt. I also felt would be a fast arrest and high profile case.
CW is pure evil, in his interview it was clear he was not lacking sleep or ever dropped a tear, I think he killed them all and didn't bat an eye.
In his brain he was relieved, now he didn't have to deal with them emotionally or financially.
What I really don't understand is what the hell did he think was going to happen. Did he really think he'd report them missing, they would never be found and he'd just be able to go on with his life.
I really pray he is haunted daily.
Why do men kill their families? After Colorado husband’s arrest, a look at 4 categories

In the study, the researchers also attempted to isolate motivations. In doing so, they identified four types of family annihilator:

  • Self-righteous: These men hold the mother responsible, blaming them for a “breakdown of the family.” They also tend to highly prize their own role as family breadwinner.
  • Disappointed: In these cases, the killer believes his family has “let him down,” or acted in a way that undermined the family.
  • Anomic: These killers link the idea of family and economy together. If they become economic failures, they may see the family as no longer their function.
  • Paranoid: These killers act out because they perceive an external threat to the family—often a social service or the legal system, which stokes fears that the children will be taken away. In these cases, the murder is motivated by a warped desire to protect the family.
I think you give him too much credit here. He very well may be a manipulator but master manipulator uh uh. Master manipulators are usually very clever and have their plans well thought out and can lie their way out of anything because they already have a plan B, C, D. This guy certainly did not and it was extremely obvious to those of us on the outside looking in that he was guilty.

*His plan sucked and did not include any alternative if something interferred with it as Nicole did in this instance

* He is not a convincing liar as proven from his interviews. He could not keep up the charade very long.

My assessment of his character is he suffered from little man syndrome. An insecure man that could not deal with his wife being independent and more successful then him. He has very weak character and belief in himself and confessed very quickly. A master manipulator would have lawyered up to avoid talking to police so that he could figure out a way to get out of this. They NEVER confess. Think kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar and insisting he wasn't grabbing a cookie, that YOU saw it incorrectly. Master manipulator's imo are pathological liars.

IMO, psychopaths can be of various degrees of intelligence. The brightest go on to be leaders of countries or CEO's of companies.. The least brightest become career criminals. I'm going to guess in this case that he us not that bright, and so self absorbed he thought everyone would buy his BS. That he is so conceited that he under estimated how hard it would be to pull this off. Arrogance will trip up a psychopath every time. And thank God for Nicole.
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