CO - Shannan Watts & Daughters Bella & CeCe Murdered By Chris Watts - *LWOP* #74

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Oil, water and sludge in their stomachs.

I. Can't.
I know. Those angels experienced a living nightmare. I’ve always been fascinated with true crime, and nothing shocks me anymore, but this case really impacted me. It is just about the cruelest, most disgusting, psychopathic crime I’ve ever heard about, and towards children, no less.

People that send him ‘fan mail’ and want to be pen pals have got to have a screw loose. Gross.
Hello everyone. Very occasional visitor here. I had forgotten having an account here & have no recollection of registering. Oh well.

I hope no one minds if I wake this case up as I have a couple of questions & thoughts. Here they are:


Watts filed for bankruptcy in 2015. By 2018 he & Shanann seem to have been living quite well. Big house, cars, flying all over the country etc. How was this possible? Were they living on credit or being bankrolled by their parents, or is bankruptcy not a big deal in Colorado? I ask because it might be relevant to his motive if, say, separating from Shanann would leave him either living out of his truck or sleeping at Nichole’s place (was that possible?) it might have reduced his appeal to her.

His plan

How was he going to dispose of her car, phone, keys etc? Assuming he was taken aback by other Nichole rocking up & calling the cops, what was he going to do? The ideal would be to dump everything 100 miles away on some deserted road & hope the inference would be drawn that she had left him & fallen into the hands of carjackers. But then he has to get back. That’s a two-person job. Who might he have used for this purpose?

My hunch is the murders were spontaneous & unplanned & he simply hadn’t thought things through but, if that’s wrong, he must have had some kind of means of disposal in mind. As it was, the fact she & the kids were missing but all her stuff was still there pointed too obviously to him.

Nichole Kessinger

FWIW I don’t think she had any involvement in the murders, even though it’s clear she lied to the police. Her lies seem to have been self-serving & designed to distance herself from him & from his family life.

I’d appreciate any comments.
Hello everyone. Very occasional visitor here. I had forgotten having an account here & have no recollection of registering. Oh well.

I hope no one minds if I wake this case up as I have a couple of questions & thoughts. Here they are:


Watts filed for bankruptcy in 2015. By 2018 he & Shanann seem to have been living quite well. Big house, cars, flying all over the country etc. How was this possible? Were they living on credit or being bankrolled by their parents, or is bankruptcy not a big deal in Colorado? I ask because it might be relevant to his motive if, say, separating from Shanann would leave him either living out of his truck or sleeping at Nichole’s place (was that possible?) it might have reduced his appeal to her.

His plan

How was he going to dispose of her car, phone, keys etc? Assuming he was taken aback by other Nichole rocking up & calling the cops, what was he going to do? The ideal would be to dump everything 100 miles away on some deserted road & hope the inference would be drawn that she had left him & fallen into the hands of carjackers. But then he has to get back. That’s a two-person job. Who might he have used for this purpose?

My hunch is the murders were spontaneous & unplanned & he simply hadn’t thought things through but, if that’s wrong, he must have had some kind of means of disposal in mind. As it was, the fact she & the kids were missing but all her stuff was still there pointed too obviously to him.

Nichole Kessinger

FWIW I don’t think she had any involvement in the murders, even though it’s clear she lied to the police. Her lies seem to have been self-serving & designed to distance herself from him & from his family life.

I’d appreciate any comments.
I live in Colorado, and this was all over the local news when it happened, as you can imagine. I was immediately taken in, those little girls were just so precious. It was also immediately evident to me that Chris Watts was not being truthful, his demeanor was littered with red flags. For whatever reason, I recently wanted to find if there were any updates on this case, despite Chris Watts having confessed and being sentenced. I have been curious to know if LE pursued investigating anything further, as I do think there are a few unanswered questions, in particular with regard to the woman he was having an affair with, Nichol Kessinger.

So with regard to the finances, it is clear that they were living above their means. At the time of the murders, it is my understanding that they had amassed around $8,000 in credit card debt. They also had fairly substantial student loan dept. Their financial situation was apparently something that they had frequent arguments about. But Chris had a good job with Anadarko Petroleum, and Shanann's job with Thrive was really taking off. It sounds to me like they were in a position to improve their financial situation had they taken the steps necessary to do so.

One thing that has also become clear, is that Chris Watts was most likely a narcissist and a psychopath. He admitted that he let Shanann take the lead, but at times felt that she took advantage of his generally quiet and submissive behavior. And that at those times, he had a lot of inner thoughts about killing her while he let her express herself and he remained quiet. He had also gone through some changes, losing a lot of weight, working out, etc. and had bragged to co-workers about getting more attention from women.......chicks "wanting to bang" him. And then Shanann announces that she's pregnant again. I do think that this triggered some feelings in him, it probably increased the anxiety over financial issues, however in my opinion that was not his main motive for murder.

The neighbor who's security camera(s) caught Chris backing his truck into the driveway and loading it with what he said were tools that morning, spoke about how the Watts had a lot of arguments recently, and that Chris would get very angry. He speculated that this was a main reason why Shanann and the girls went to North Carolina for 6 weeks. During this time, the relationship between Chris and Nichol really went into overdrive. Shanann was noticing differences in how often (not often) he was communicating with her and the girls. It feels like Chris had become obsessed with Nichol. What bothers me about her, is how quickly she was given immunity and protection by LE. Yes she came forward very quickly, however she also hid things. She said he told her that he had two kids, but that the marriage was over, they were separated and nearing the end of a divorce settlement and that he was living in the basement. Yet computer and phone searches show she had visited Shanann's FB page frequently, where there were many posts about the pregnancy and showing a "happy family" that was still very much together, at least in appearance. She had also googled things about being in a relationship with a married man, wedding dresses and perhaps the most interesting, Amber Frey. She was also have shown to have searched both Shanann and Chris in 2017. Nichol's own background shows she was arrested more than once for underage drinking. And that she got off pretty leniently (minimal fines only) and the court records were sealed. Now this isn't out of the ordinary for a first offense, but it does raise questions about the subsequent offenses and why there was not more substantial punishment as a repeat offender. I just feel that there is something off with her and it weighs on me with regard to her true involvement in this case.

Chris has now admitted further details about the murders. This was pre-meditated. He obtained oxycontin and gave it to Shanann unbeknownst to her in an effort to end the pregnancy. He has said that he will take to his grave who got the oxycontin for him. Of course this is speculation, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was Nichol. It has been said by some followers of the case that there was a phone call between Chris and Nichol at one point, and that shortly afterward there is a record of her calling a pharmacy. I do not know if this is true. In any case, It does help to possibly explain why Shanann did not fight back when he strangled her......she was most likely asleep and sedated by the oxycontin. Chris claims two things that seem to be in conflict with one another. That they had this emotional conversation between 4 and 5 that morning, where he told her that he did not love her and that he wanted a divorce. He also claimed that she said he would never see the kids again and that's what set him off. He also claimed though that after she came home and climbed in bed, they had sex. So he has sex with her, they fall asleep and then he wakes her up to tell her he doesn't love her and wants a divorce? And since he has now admitted that this was premeditated, that scenario just does not ring true.

One of the traits of a narcissist is that everything has to revolve around them. They believe that everything they do is above questioning, to the point where they often are not nearly as smart as they think they are. Having dealt with a narcissist myself in a horrific situation that involved my father-in-law, I can attest to this. There were things that the narcissist did that were very clever, but also things that were obviously meant to display superiority but that also exhibited a lack of thinking it through. It exposed that she wasn't as smart as she thought she was, but also that se had a whole lot of people fooled as to who she really was and what she was doing.

I think Chris falls into this category. He became obsessed with the girlfriend, wanted a new life with her. He came up with a plan to get rid of his family in order to do so, and thought he could get away with it. This serves both the narcissistic and psychopathic behavior. But at the end of the day, it all fell apart because he just wasn't nearly as smart as he thought he was. And I also think a big part of this was the immediate actions of Shanann's friend Nicole Atkinson, who raised the alarm very quickly that very morning in concern. I think Chris probably had other plans for Shanann's car, keys, phone, etc. But that was all interrupted by LE being called out to the house and their presence as there was no time for Chris to hide anything. Between that and the neighbor's security camera footage, he was pretty much immediately caught and his hands were tied with any coverup that he may have had planned. And he has not come clean about that.
I put some comments in your text in bold
Hello everyone. Very occasional visitor here. I had forgotten having an account here & have no recollection of registering. Oh well.

I hope no one minds if I wake this case up as I have a couple of questions & thoughts. Here they are:


Watts filed for bankruptcy in 2015. By 2018 he & Shanann seem to have been living quite well. Big house, cars, flying all over the country etc. How was this possible? Were they living on credit or being bankrolled by their parents, or is bankruptcy not a big deal in Colorado? I ask because it might be relevant to his motive if, say, separating from Shanann would leave him either living out of his truck or sleeping at Nichole’s place (was that possible?) it might have reduced his appeal to her.

they had the house before the 2015 bankruptcy
the business trips were awarded Shanann by her sales company. The lease on the one car they had was awarded by Shanann's sales employer if she achieved a certain sales goal each mo. Watts did not have a car, just was able to use Anadarko owned pickup to get to and from work.

His plan

How was he going to dispose of her car, phone, keys etc? Assuming he was taken aback by other Nichole rocking up & calling the cops, what was he going to do? The ideal would be to dump everything 100 miles away on some deserted road & hope the inference would be drawn that she had left him & fallen into the hands of carjackers. But then he has to get back. That’s a two-person job. Who might he have used for this purpose?
there are many ideas on this board. Most seem to assume that her delay in Phoenix contributed to his problem of getting it all done in time. He confessed to having premeditated all the murders for weeks ahead of time. It's my own opinion he had enough time to do what he did, alone. The kids would have corroded (sorry), he did manage to hide their presence in the oil for mon, Tues, and until late Wed. But he ran out of time with Shanann/Nico.
My hunch is the murders were spontaneous & unplanned & he simply hadn’t thought things through but, if that’s wrong, he must have had some kind of means of disposal in mind. As it was, the fact she & the kids were missing but all her stuff was still there pointed too obviously to him.

Nichole Kessinger

FWIW I don’t think she had any involvement in the murders,
again, lots of different ideas here. I think she and his family were pushing him very hard to dump Shanann asap, Imo NK's role was that of an ultimatum giver.
even though it’s clear she lied to the police. Her lies seem to have been self-serving & designed to distance herself from him & from his family life.

I’d appreciate any comments.
Maybe others will comment.
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I live in Colorado, and this was all over the local news when it happened, as you can imagine. I was immediately taken in, those little girls were just so precious. It was also immediately evident to me that Chris Watts was not being truthful, his demeanor was littered with red flags. For whatever reason, I recently wanted to find if there were any updates on this case, despite Chris Watts having confessed and being sentenced. I have been curious to know if LE pursued investigating anything further, as I do think there are a few unanswered questions, in particular with regard to the woman he was having an affair with, Nichol Kessinger.

So with regard to the finances, it is clear that they were living above their means. At the time of the murders, it is my understanding that they had amassed around $8,000 in credit card debt. They also had fairly substantial student loan dept. Their financial situation was apparently something that they had frequent arguments about.
i don't recall hearing of any arguments about debt. CW was the only mortgage holder on the house, he apparently did not make consistent payments. Cw only started paying attention during his grillings by nk, and the dawning on him that he didn't make enough to pay for the family and a second life with nk.
But Chris had a good job with Anadarko Petroleum, and Shanann's job with Thrive was really taking off. It sounds to me like they were in a position to improve their financial situation had they taken the steps necessary to do so.
They were already working on downsizing their house before he murdered the family.
One thing that has also become clear, is that Chris Watts was most likely a narcissist and a psychopath. He admitted that he let Shanann take the lead, but at times felt that she took advantage of his generally quiet and submissive behavior. And that at those times, he had a lot of inner thoughts about killing her while he let her express herself and he remained quiet. He had also gone through some changes, losing a lot of weight, working out, etc. and had bragged to co-workers about getting more attention from women.......chicks "wanting to bang" him. And then Shanann announces that she's pregnant again.
Cw was the one who pressed his wife to have another baby. She didn't just announce out of the blue she had decided to have a baby. He wanted a boy. He admits to it being his idea as much or more than hers.
I do think that this triggered some feelings in him, it probably increased the anxiety over financial issues, however in my opinion that was not his main motive for murder.
See above. It was his idea too, not something sprung on him out of the blue. Problem is that he was already sniffing nk by the time his wife announced her pregnancy. He admitted in feb 2019
The neighbor who's security camera(s) caught Chris backing his truck into the driveway and loading it with what he said were tools that morning, spoke about how the Watts had a lot of arguments recently, and that Chris would get very angry. He speculated that this was a main reason why Shanann and the girls went to North Carolina for 6 weeks. During this time, the relationship between Chris and Nichol really went into overdrive. Shanann was noticing differences in how often (not often) he was communicating with her and the girls. It feels like Chris had become obsessed with Nichol. What bothers me about her, is how quickly she was given immunity and protection by LE.
that is not a fact of the case that nk was given immunity. Pure speculation.
Yes she came forward very quickly, however she also hid things. She said he told her that he had two kids, but that the marriage was over, they were separated and nearing the end of a divorce settlement and that he was living in the basement. Yet computer and phone searches show she had visited Shanann's FB page frequently, where there were many posts about the pregnancy and showing a "happy family" that was still very much together, at least in appearance. She had also googled things about being in a relationship with a married man, wedding dresses and perhaps the most interesting, Amber Frey. She was also have shown to have searched both Shanann and Chris in 2017.
i don't think there is any question about her knowing the couple was expecting. She may have found out when she was free roaming shanann's house on july 14. Or easily through fb.
Nichol's own background shows she was arrested more than once for underage drinking. And that she got off pretty leniently (minimal fines only) and the court records were sealed. Now this isn't out of the ordinary for a first offense, but it does raise questions about the subsequent offenses and why there was not more substantial punishment as a repeat offender. I just feel that there is something off with her and it weighs on me with regard to her true involvement in this case.
Imo, lots of unprovable rumors floated around about NK's youth. Many perpetrated irresponsibly, imo, by the yt pages who want to get cw released.
Chris has now admitted further details about the murders. This was pre-meditated. He obtained oxycontin and gave it to Shanann unbeknownst to her in an effort to end the pregnancy. He has said that he will take to his grave who got the oxycontin for him. Of course this is speculation, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was Nichol.
or maybe some other person he would protect to his grave
It has been said by some followers of the case that there was a phone call between Chris and Nichol at one point, and that shortly afterward there is a record of her calling a pharmacy. I do not know if this is true. In any case, It does help to possibly explain why Shanann did not fight back when he strangled her......she was most likely asleep and sedated by the oxycontin. Chris claims two things that seem to be in conflict with one another. That they had this emotional conversation between 4 and 5 that morning, where he told her that he did not love her and that he wanted a divorce. He also claimed that she said he would never see the kids again and that's what set him off.
in feb 2019 he confessed that she did say that to him but not that night/early morning, it was some time previous. Besides isn't it a bit absurd that he would murder his kids, twice, because he was "set off" about never seeing them again. Lol
He also claimed though that after she came home and climbed in bed, they had sex. So he has sex with her, they fall asleep and then he wakes her up to tell her he doesn't love her and wants a divorce? And since he has now admitted that this was premeditated, that scenario just does not ring true.
Imo he waited until she fell into exhaustive sleep, got up on her and killed her while her arms and legs were pressed and wrapped in sheets.
One of the traits of a narcissist is that everything has to revolve around them. They believe that everything they do is above questioning, to the point where they often are not nearly as smart as they think they are. Having dealt with a narcissist myself in a horrific situation that involved my father-in-law, I can attest to this. There were things that the narcissist did that were very clever, but also things that were obviously meant to display superiority but that also exhibited a lack of thinking it through. It exposed that she wasn't as smart as she thought she was, but also that se had a whole lot of people fooled as to who she really was and what she was doing.
who is "she", someone in this case?
I think Chris falls into this category. He became obsessed with the girlfriend, wanted a new life with her. He came up with a plan to get rid of his family in order to do so, and thought he could get away with it. This serves both the narcissistic and psychopathic behavior. But at the end of the day, it all fell apart because he just wasn't nearly as smart as he thought he was. And I also think a big part of this was the immediate actions of Shanann's friend Nicole Atkinson, who raised the alarm very quickly that very morning in concern. I think Chris probably had other plans for Shanann's car, keys, phone, etc. But that was all interrupted by LE being called out to the house and their presence as there was no time for Chris to hide anything. Between that and the neighbor's security camera footage, he was pretty much immediately caught and his hands were tied with any coverup that he may have had planned. And he has not come clean about that.
Lots of ppl will probably agree with much of that. Re narcissism (sp?), cw, his mother, nk and a few others are covered insightfully by "Live Abuse Free".

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i don't recall hearing of any arguments about debt. CW was the only mortgage holder on the house, he apparently did not make consistent payments. Cw only started paying attention during his grillings by nk, and the dawning on him that he didn't make enough to pay for the family and a second life with nk.

They were already working on downsizing their house before he murdered the family.

Cw was the one who pressed his wife to have another baby. She didn't just announce out of the blue she had decided to have a baby. He wanted a boy. He admits to it being his idea as much or more than hers.

See above. It was his idea too, not something sprung on him out of the blue. Problem is that he was already sniffing nk by the time his wife announced her pregnancy. He admitted in feb 2019

that is not a fact of the case that nk was given immunity. Pure speculation.

i don't think there is any question about her knowing the couple was expecting. She may have found out when she was free roaming shanann's house on july 14. Or easily through fb.

Imo, lots of unprovable rumors floated around about NK's youth. Many perpetrated irresponsibly, imo, by the yt pages who want to get cw released.

or maybe some other person he would protect to his grave

in feb 2019 he confessed that she did say that to him but not that night/early morning, it was some time previous. Besides isn't it a bit absurd that he would murder his kids, twice, because he was "set off" about never seeing them again. Lol

Imo he waited until she fell into exhaustive sleep, got up on her and killed her while her arms and legs were pressed and wrapped in sheets.

who is "she", someone in this case?

Lots of ppl will probably agree with much of that. Re narcissism (sp?), cw, his mother, nk and a few others are covered insightfully by "Live Abuse Free".

Yes, CW apparently indicated to Shanann that he thought another baby would help their relationship, more so than going to couples counseling which she wanted to do. I am aware that it was not "sprung" on him and that it was actually his idea.

CW said that at one point on 7/14 when NK was at the house, she "freaked out" and went and sat in her truck for awhile. It has been speculated that was when she found out about the pregnancy, whether through snooping or CW telling her.

"She" is the narcissist that I had the distinct displeasure of having to deal with, not involved at all in this case.
Yes, CW apparently indicated to Shanann that he thought another baby would help their relationship, more so than going to couples counseling which she wanted to do. I am aware that it was not "sprung" on him and that it was actually his idea.

CW said that at one point on 7/14 when NK was at the house, she "freaked out" and went and sat in her truck for awhile. It has been speculated that was when she found out about the pregnancy, whether through snooping or CW telling her.

"She" is the narcissist that I had the distinct displeasure of having to deal with, not involved at all in this case.
I can't imagine a 30 year old woman having been in the dating arena for 12+ years not immediately looking up his and his wife's FB pages. But some big deal happened on the 14th, too. Hard to believe she didn't know before that. She said after the 14th he had a problem in the sack, could not perform as in the past.
Yes, CW apparently indicated to Shanann that he thought another baby would help their relationship, more so than going to couples counseling which she wanted to do. I am aware that it was not "sprung" on him and that it was actually his idea.

CW said that at one point on 7/14 when NK was at the house, she "freaked out" and went and sat in her truck for awhile. It has been speculated that was when she found out about the pregnancy, whether through snooping or CW telling her.

"She" is the narcissist that I had the distinct displeasure of having to deal with, not involved at all in this case.
I don't think the couple's counseling was brought up until a week or 2 before he killed her. Not as early as pre-pregnancy.

Yes, CW apparently indicated to Shanann that he thought another baby would help their relationship, more so than going to couples counseling which she wanted to do. I am aware that it was not "sprung" on him and that it was actually his idea.

CW said that at one point on 7/14 when NK was at the house, she "freaked out" and went and sat in her truck for awhile. It has been speculated that was when she found out about the pregnancy, whether through snooping or CW telling her.

"She" is the narcissist that I had the distinct displeasure of having to deal with, not involved at all in this case.
I am baffled at CW permitting her to park in front of the house, to sit there pouting in such a close packed neighborhood. Also her popping over on the 4th of july when all those families would be off work, having bbq's, coming and going. Maybe he had again parked Shanann's Lexus down the street and had just waved nk & her truck straight into the garage. There is something fishy about her coming and going openly. Maybe she sat in her truck in the garage.
I can't imagine a 30 year old woman having been in the dating arena for 12+ years not immediately looking up his and his wife's FB pages. But some big deal happened on the 14th, too. Hard to believe she didn't know before that. She said after the 14th he had a problem in the sack, could not perform as in the past.
Oh, of course she did. She visited Shanann's FB page fairly frequently apparently. She also searched "Shanann Watts" in September of 2017, almost a full year before the murders and 9 months before she supposedly first met Chris at work. I simply do not believe her one story about hearing about the pregnancy first as reported in the media. Something did happen on 7/14. She has said that she was led upstairs by the dog, Dieter where she saw phots of Shenann and the girls. I have also read that she had posted videos of herself on social media discussing the fact that she was bi-polar. CW mentions this too in his interview with Colorado LE in 2019 after he was moved to the Wisconsin prison. Did the pictures trigger an "episode"? Did she see something else upstairs that set her off? I have a lot of unanswered questions about NK.
I am baffled at CW permitting her to park in front of the house, to sit there pouting in such a close packed neighborhood. Also her popping over on the 4th of july when all those families would be off work, having bbq's, coming and going. Maybe he had again parked Shanann's Lexus down the street and had just waved nk & her truck straight into the garage. There is something fishy about her coming and going openly. Maybe she sat in her truck in the garage.
Agree. Lots of fishiness surrounding everything about NK. CW's interview in 2019 about both the 4th and the 14th are confusing. He says she was only there very briefly on both occasions and that he had slept at her place apparently on the night of the 3rd. Even LE was confused as to how he worded things and had to ask him to clarify. Then on the 14th, if she's roaming around the house and ends up sitting in her truck "freaking out", that does not sound like a brief visit to me.
Oh, of course she did. She visited Shanann's FB page fairly frequently apparently. She also searched "Shanann Watts" in September of 2017, almost a full year before the murders and 9 months before she supposedly first met Chris at work. I simply do not believe her one story about hearing about the pregnancy first as reported in the media. Something did happen on 7/14. She has said that she was led upstairs by the dog, Dieter where she saw phots of Shenann and the girls. I have also read that she had posted videos of herself on social media discussing the fact that she was bi-polar. CW mentions this too in his interview with Colorado LE in 2019 after he was moved to the Wisconsin prison. Did the pictures trigger an "episode"? Did she see something else upstairs that set her off? I have a lot of unanswered questions about NK.
Cadle says that the bag with the blue jeans on top contained nk clothes. The so called bipolar video of nk was reported to cw by Ronnie. Said cw in wisc. Interview. Why would Ronnie have seen such a thing. Were the Watts in touch with NK? (Yes, imo).

Iirc nk said she saw a pic of shanann and "one of her kids". I figured it was the earliest sonogram, maybe framed. IIRC Watts had written something about loving the little peanut already.
Can't remember the exact words. Maybe that wss the "one of her children". Something set her off, and she had already seen pics of Bella and Cece.
I put some comments in your text in bold

they had the house before the 2015 bankruptcy
the business trips were awarded Shanann by her sales company. The lease on the one car they had was awarded by Shanann's sales employer if she achieved a certain sales goal each mo. Watts did not have a car, just was able to use Anadarko owned pickup to get to and from work.

there are many ideas on this board. Most seem to assume that her delay in Phoenix contributed to his problem of getting it all done in time. He confessed to having premeditated all the murders for weeks ahead of time. It's my own opinion he had enough time to do what he did, alone. The kids would have corroded (sorry), he did manage to hide their presence in the oil for mon, Tues, and until late Wed. But he ran out of time with Shanann/Nico.

again, lots of different ideas here. I think she and his family were pushing him very hard to dump Shanann asap, Imo NK's role was that of an ultimatum giver.

Maybe others will comment.
Cadle says that the bag with the blue jeans on top contained nk clothes. The so called bipolar video of nk was reported to cw by Ronnie. Said cw in wisc. Interview. Why would Ronnie have seen such a thing. Were the Watts in touch with NK? (Yes, imo).

Iirc nk said she saw a pic of shanann and "one of her kids". I figured it was the earliest sonogram, maybe framed. IIRC Watts had written something about loving the little peanut already.
Can't remember the exact words. Maybe that wss the "one of her children". Something set her off, and she had already seen pics of Bella and Cece.
Yes, that’s what I’ve heard too about the blue bag. Interesting in body cam footage that one of the cops pulls out a pair of jeans that were on top, and CW says it was a bag of his stuff to be donated because they were too big now. Size 38. If only while in hand the cop had looked to confirm.

As has been noted, Ronnie and Cindy did not like Shanann and wanted CW to dump her. If they were looking up NK then they knew about his involvement with her. I get them being happy he was talking divorce, but to be with NK? Lots of red flags with her. Lots.
Yes, that’s what I’ve heard too about the blue bag. Interesting in body cam footage that one of the cops pulls out a pair of jeans that were on top, and CW says it was a bag of his stuff to be donated because they were too big now. Size 38. If only while in hand the cop had looked to confirm.

As has been noted, Ronnie and Cindy did not like Shanann and wanted CW to dump her. If they were looking up NK then they knew about his involvement with her. I get them being happy he was talking divorce, but to be with NK? Lots of red flags with her. Lots.
I see just as many red flags with his family of origin. Imagine how many flags that would be if nk & they knew each other. Perfect storm double teaming Shanann and her kids. Imo.
I see just as many red flags with his family of origin. Imagine how many flags that would be if nk & they knew each other. Perfect storm double teaming Shanann and her kids. Imo.
Yes, me too. Mother Cindy is still apparently peddling the idea that Shanann killed Bella and CeCe, despite the fact that CW has now admitted it was him. I get not wanting to believe that your son was/is capable of such a horrific act, however victim shaming is pretty despicable too. They raised him. And they were encouraging him to dump Shanann. I have to believe there was pressure from NK to do something as well.

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