Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #91

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I hope his marriage has survived his affair with Suzanne. The only way it could is if he was/is one hundred percent honest with his wife. I don’t know her. I wish her and their children well. But he’d best be completely honest with her now because I’m guessing both defense and prosecution will be brutal in their questioning. I actually hope some of his family is with him for support.
I agree because I don’t want another single soul broken by what has happened. My wish is that people have talked about things in a safe scenario. Life is hard but adults have more coping skills. I don’t want to see more collateral damage regardless of how likely that is. IMO
My son had the Rona, so I am a little behind. I’ve still been silent in the background, just curious from everyone how important is it that Cahill lied on the stand confirmed by the state?? I seriously feel this is important regardless of the evidence! Will this change anything about the evidence of the case!?!

Cahill didn't lie about anything related to the Morphew case. It was in regard to an accidental shooting at his own home.
I hope his marriage has survived his affair with Suzanne. The only way it could is if he was/is one hundred percent honest with his wife. I don’t know her. I wish her and their children well. But he’d best be completely honest with her now because I’m guessing both defense and prosecution will be brutal in their questioning. I actually hope some of his family is with him for support.
I agree because I don’t want another single soul broken by what bas happened. My wish is that people have talked about things in a safe scenario. Life is hard but adults have more coping skills. I don’t want to see more collateral damage regardless of how likely that is. IMO
What plays worse-- staging the bike or claiming he was shooting chipmunks?
The bike, and it's not close.

Prove there was no bike ride, then the perpetrator couldn't be more clear.

It's pretty darn easy to prove their wasn't a bike ride either:

Glasses and camelback left at home.

MH being adamant in his statement that Suzanne wouldn't bike there.

Suzanne's going on a bike ride without ever turning her phone on that morning, which happened to be Mother's Day no less (wedding too, and kids on their way home).

That bike expert saying the bike had been "ghost ridden."

The bike being down a hill, which doesn't fit an accident or abduction, but perfectly fits a husband trying to delay its discovery.
Living for almost 2 decades with 4 boys, a male dog and a male cat I would never think boys will be boys lol I am a lot tougher than that . But I am someone who asked for them to all go away on Mother’s Day and take the dog and leave me in peace. I am not big on Hallmark holidays.
I stated that I didn't think you said it but I wouldn't call Mother's Day a Hallmark holiday. I very much enjoyed celebrating my Mother and Grandmother on Mother's Day with gifts, flowers, brunch or dinner and yes, cards lol.
In the Berreth case, law enforcement missed blood in the bathroom, and when that was brought to their attention, missed blood all over the living room.

In the Stauch case they missed blood on the walls (and other locations), a body in the trunk, and allowed the family to remain in the home for days.

In this one, an investigator missed a piece of plastic because he didn't thoroughly search the dryer. It was found though.

These things happen in every case. Hindsight is 20/20.

Are you suggesting it was planted, and then Barry just happened to build an absurd story around it?

The coffee cup is an easy one. Suzanne was murdered before she had a chance to do the dishes.

"In this one, an investigator missed a piece of plastic because he didn't thoroughly search the dryer. It was found though."

I think we may be misrepresenting what happened. It was the Crime Scene Photographer who missed seeing the needle sheath. I am not so sure about the needle sheath "being missed the first time around". It simply wasn't photographed by the Crime Scene Photographer because did not alter the scene when he snapped initial photos of the clothes dryer's interior. Scene Photography Doc_OSAC Proposed_June2020.pdf
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Laundering Sheets. Plans for Sun Overnight Stay?
From a post by @Cindizzi:
AA page 6 Law enforcement interviews with the daughters on May 11.
MM2 says there were no plans for MM1 and her friend to stay the night at Puma Path on Sunday May 10

@Cindizzi bbm Thanks for your post, prompting me to wonder whether SM and daughters had somehow crossed wires re the issue MM1 & friend spending the night.
Did SM misunderstand a stmt MM1 made about planning to spend the night? SM noted launder sheets on her to-do list and apparently did that.
If no indication re MM 1 & friend planning to spend the night, did SM think presence of guest w MM1 would encourage BM to be civil & hope she could persuade MM 1 & friend to stay, so she made a note on to-do list about sheets?

Or had MM1 originally told SM her friend would stay at PP, but during camping trip, MM2 told her about tension & arguments at PP, then MM1 back pedaled?

Re Sun, did MM1 tell SM we'll stay, tell MM2, won't stay?
Or did MM1 & MM2 misunderstand each other?

On May 11 MM2 told LE directly about no plans for MM1 & friend to stay the night at PP. No plans as of when? Before trip started? Sometime during the trip, but after SM already made note about sheets?

Just possibilities, not saying any of them is likely. my2ct
EBM: a few places for clarity.
I hesitate to mention personal anecdotes but thought about this. During years at college a couple hours drive from hometown, I recall telling my parents --- Coming back for the weekend, see you mid-Sat. afternoon.
But not telling them of plans to arrive in hometown Friday afternoon and spend the first night elsewhere in hometown.

Something similar may or may not have happened w MM1 & friend. Perhaps she/they planned to stay in Salida area Sun. night, but not at PP? Again, just a hypothetical, not saying it's likely.
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Refresher on Cahill testimony during the Preliminary hearing. Defense called him on day 4, August 24, 2021.
Starting a new thread. The defense is questioning Cahill about 3 matches to DNA found on the glove box of Suzanne's vehicle and that those DNA matches were connected to sexual assaults. One was in Tempe, Ariz.
According to a letter submitted as evidence, the other two cases were in Phoenix and Chicago, defense says.
Those 3 DNA matches were considered "unknown" but linked to sex assaults, according to a CODIS report. Barry Morphew's DNA was excluded from the glove box sample, according to defense questions. The defense is pressing Cahill on the sex assault cases.
Cahill testifies that he was not aware of the Phoenix and Chicago cases until he returned from military leave in May 2021. He says he did not follow up on those DNA matches from CODIS.
The defense has no more questions for Cahill, and the prosecution is starting its cross-examination.
The court is taking a lunch break and cross-examination of Cahill will continue at 1:30 p.m. Defense says Cahill is their last witness.
Court is back in session for the Barry Morphew preliminary hearing, and the prosecution is continuing its cross-examination of CBI Agent Joseph Cahill.
Prosecution is asking Cahill to explain what a DNA match from the CODIS database means to him. Cahill testifies that it means law enforcement needs to treat it as an investigative lead.
Cahill says a forensic scientist told him in December that the glove box sample had "limited genetic data." Cahill says he didn't clarify with the scientist what that means.


New witness: CBI Agent Joe Cahill, who investigated the case extensively. He acknowledges that Suzanne's Ranger Rover glove box had unknown DNA on it, which did not belong to Barry Morphew. @ABC2020
Eytan reading from the lab report says the prison DNA data system,
CODIS, returned 3 confirmed matches from the glove box to other unsolved sexual assaults. Cahill says it's true if it was in the report.

One of the sexual assaults occurred outside of a convenience store in Tempe. Judge overrules an objection reminding courtroom that the defense is allowed to question further in a proof evident presumption great hearing. Cahill then agrees the assault happened outside a conv store

Eytan pounds on the fact that there was a match between an unsolved sexual assault and DNA found on Suzanne's glove box. Now she brings up another match with the glove box DNA and an unsolved sexual assault in Chicago.

Cahill explains he didn't know about these findings when they came in because he was on military leave from March to May 10th.

On redirect, prosecutor Mark Hurlbert reminds the court that Barry Morphew's DNA was found on the bike seat and in Suzanne's car. He's shifting gears from where Morphew's DNA was NOT found to where it WAS found.

Back from lunch lurching back and forth as Mark Hurlbert starts asking CBI Agent Joe Cahill DNA questions. Objection from the defense that Cahill is not a forensic scientist.We move on. Now discussing the prison DNA database "CODIS" @ABC2020

After much talk about unknown DNA on Suzanne's bike and in her car, we are finished. Judge Patrick Murphy says there have been 20 hours of testimony and he's taken 25 pages of notes. It's now time for him to decide whether to bind #BarryMorphew over for trial.
Staging the bike... and by that I don't just mean taking it there and tossing it off the side of the road, but also his involvement in urging MM1 to call SM to wish her Happy MD and also his involvement in suggesting that his neighbor, JR check whether SM's bike was missing after JR checked the house and could not find SM. And then he had JR call 911 rather than make the call himself.

BM has a pattern of using the women around him to insulate himself from potential conflict or scrutiny. He did it with his daughter when he and SM were in conflict. He did it with his daughters and JR the afternoon/evening of May 10, 2020, and he did it with his youngest daughter when Lauren and her fellow journalist came to his door with legitimate questions.
Regarding Barry’s pattern with women, he seems to have some leverage over his women supporters. Wasn’t he supposedly building a house for his mom, he has financial leverage over his daughters, he pays the legal fees of his two women legal defenders, and isn’t he also paying for Ms Darke’s rent?

Are there currently any men who support Barry? For about two days he had Trevor Noel’s support. In the early days of her disappearance, there were some firefighter colleagues, for a brief time George seemed somewhat complimentary of Barry. Lately, haven’t heard of any men who back up Barry.
Hope your son is fully recovered and doing well! My nephew who’s like a son to me spent New Years Eve in the ER with Covid and it was very scary. Thankfully he is doing fine now.
I’m anxious to hear what what happens when Cahill takes the stand on February 1st.
It worries me that Walker said that everyone assumed that Cahill was on top of the Codis matches in Arizona and that it “ fell through the cracks “.
Defense turns to the unknown male DNA found on #SuzanneMorphew glove compartment.

Commander says he was notified about the DNA match after #BarryMorphew was arrested. He says Agent Cahill told everyone that he was on it and they would get to the bottom of it.
Defense asks Walker if he talked to Cahill about the Tempe match. He says he doesn't believe so.

He said that it sounded like Cahill was reaching out to people about the matches because he had friends and colleagues in the area who could help.
I think when SM was taking MM2 to Gunnison for the trip with her sister and friend is how the DNA got on the glove box. For all we know the donor was a relative if the H's and it got on there while MM2 was riding in the passenger seat.
Crime Scene Photography Guidelines?
@DeDee sbm
Thanks for your post w ^ link. IIrc some photos in AA & exhibits at Prelim did not include scales, rulers, or evidence markers (little yellow numbered tent-shapes).
Absence of those caught my attn, but if CBI photography protocol is consistent w these proposed guidelines, it's likely there's a good reason for their absence.

The link names three sequences for taking pix: "long
range/overall,"* "mid range," and "close-up"** pix.
Long range is too far away for scales/rulers to be seen or read, iiuc.
For close-up pix, photographer first takes w'out scales/rulers, then may take another set w scales/rulers.

Makes sense then, that some pix in AA or Prelim. do not show scales or rulers. my2ct.

* "9.3.3. The in-situ or “as-is” photographs are included in this category to capture the scene as the photographer first encountered it, prior to alterations or the addition of items such as evidence numbers, scene screens, scales or markers." bbm
** Close-up "
9.5.3. The use of a reference scale may be beneficial under certain circumstances but is not required. Photographs should be captured with a scale anytime the relative size of an item is in question; however, if using a scale, the photographer shall be certain a photograph is first captured without the scale." bbm Scene Photography Doc_OSAC Proposed_June2020.pdf
Because he's an arrogant idiot who believed he could fool them.

I have never seen nor heard of anything like this in my life. Barry granted approximately two dozen interviews, in which he lied, altered his accounts to match the evidence, and effectively dug his own grave.

Without those interviews, law enforcement would know that Barry was involved, but would never have been able to make a chargeable case.

It was a stunning mistake on his part.

It is a built in problem of running the abduction scam.

If you don't talk to police and lawyer up, then clearly you will be the one and only suspect - so the killer tends to think that with clever planning, they can carry it off.

And once you start, obviously there are huge sunk costs to changing direction, because from the killer's point of view, the important thing is to keep the pretence going, whereas the most important thing is in fact not to build the trial evidence against yourself.

LE are sophisticated with this stuff now. I've noticed on child abduction cases in the UK, they get a family liaison right in there from the start - that liaison is an evidence gathering machine.

This is all why I've come to believe staging the body is the dumbest thing you can do for a planned murder.
The bike, and it's not close.

Prove there was no bike ride, then the perpetrator couldn't be more clear.

It's pretty darn easy to prove their wasn't a bike ride either:

Glasses and camelback left at home.

MH being adamant in his statement that Suzanne wouldn't bike there.

Suzanne's going on a bike ride without ever turning her phone on that morning, which happened to be Mother's Day no less (wedding too, and kids on their way home).

That bike expert saying the bike had been "ghost ridden."

The bike being down a hill, which doesn't fit an accident or abduction, but perfectly fits a husband trying to delay its discovery.
In any case, I've never been able to square the geography of the land with Barry's theory of Suzanne "we thought maybe she wrecked, coming down this hill" (motions with hand from direction of highway 50) "car coming round the corner fast" (motions with hand in direction of car turning uphill from the bridge) - video by Tyson. If Suzanne was coming down the hill she would not have been riding on that side of the road. Unfortunately for Barry the steep slope available for staging the bike in a hard-brake-skidding off the side scenario was on the wrong side of the road.

"In this one, an investigator missed a piece of plastic because he didn't thoroughly search the dryer. It was found though."

I think we may be misrepresenting what happened. It was the Crime Scene Photographer who missed seeing the needle sheath. I am not so sure about the needle sheath "being missed the first time around". It simply wasn't photographed by the Crime Scene Photographer because did not alter the scene when he snapped initial photos of the clothes dryer's interior. Scene Photography Doc_OSAC Proposed_June2020.pdf
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Exactly - in cases I have followed the defence often misleads via framing

Why should the police know the significance of a piece of plastic? They don't search and document everything in the entire house - that would be impossible.

This occurred in the Pistorius case where it became critical how many power points were available on a powerboard, and the length of its cord. Defence claimed the prosecution had "lost" this "crucial" piece of evidence. But of course having photographed the crime scene, police returned the house to the defence. They don't keep the house and contents for years until trial. And if the defence then whats to claim things about an extension cord at trial, they can't then blame the police for having "lost" it.

So yes - the claim that it was "missed" is poor framing IMO. They have to realise it's significance first.
In any case, I've never been able to square the geography of the land with Barry's theory of Suzanne "we thought maybe she wrecked, coming down this hill" (motions with hand from direction of highway 50) "car coming round the corner fast" (motions with hand in direction of car turning uphill from the bridge) - video by Tyson. If Suzanne was coming down the hill she would not have been riding on that side of the road. Unfortunately for Barry the steep slope available for staging the bike in a hard-brake-skidding off the side scenario was on the wrong side of the road.



He probably gave away his staging idea there though!
Regarding Barry’s pattern with women, he seems to have some leverage over his women supporters. Wasn’t he supposedly building a house for his mom, he has financial leverage over his daughters, he pays the legal fees of his two women legal defenders, and isn’t he also paying for Ms Darke’s rent?

Are there currently any men who support Barry? For about two days he had Trevor Noel’s support. In the early days of her disappearance, there were some firefighter colleagues, for a brief time George seemed somewhat complimentary of Barry. Lately, haven’t heard of any men who back up Barry.
I don't think we are going to hear a peep from friends and family of Barry male or female unless they are called as witnesses at trial. There are a few on social media, but that is about it that dare to expose themselves.
BM's Affairs. Evidence of What?
@marylamby bbm sbm I don’t know about ridiculous, but I'd disagree about archaic:(. Not offended, been called worse.:D
My earlier post did not say or imply that I think "jurors will think... women need to be above reproach." bbm ibm
Respectfully asking that anyone who drew this conclusion from my post to re-read it (#38).

My post addressed a post about possibility that BM's affairs might be used as evidence on issue of BM's honesty and integrity. Hoping now to clarify my earlier points.

1. Honesty? Prosecutor has clearly admissible evidence of many BM's stmts to LE (some audio recorded) & to others which can be used to show that BM lied on many topics both before & after SM's death (still technically ATM, a disappearance). If prosecutor tries to present testimony of affairs as additional evidence that BM lied, the court may exclude it as cumulative under CO. Rule of Evidence 403.*

2. Integrity? Seems that may fall under character evidence limited by CO. Rules of Evidence.*
Under Rule 404(b)(2), character evd. may be admitted to show "motive" among other purposes.
I did not post the jury will/would/should unanimously dismiss a defendant's extramarital affairs as unimportant. But a few/some may believe BM's affair(s?) are not a motive to kill SM.

Welcoming comment or correction, esp'ly from our legal professionals.

In commenting about what a jury/some jurors may/will believe/think, I avoid assuming that their beliefs and thoughts will align perfectly w mine. my2ct
* CO. "Rule 403 - Exclusion of Relevant Evidence on Grounds of Prejudice, Confusion, or Waste of Time

Although relevant, evidence may be excluded if its probative value is substantially outweighed... by considerations of undue delay, waste of time, or needless presentation of cumulative evidence. (Federal Rule Identical.)" bbm
^ Rule 403 - Exclusion of Relevant Evidence on Grounds of Prejudice, Confusion, or Waste of Time, Colo. R. Evid. 403 | Casetext Search + Citator.
For rationale, see also Cornell Law School affiliated website:
Rule 403. Excluding Relevant Evidence for Prejudice, Confusion, Waste of Time, or Other Reasons.
** CO. Rule 404 "(a) Character evidence generally. Evidence of a person's character or a trait of his character is not admissible for the purpose of proving that he acted in conformity therewith on a particular occasion, except...:" bbm
^ Rule 404 - Character Evidence; Other Crimes, Wrongs, or Acts, Colo. R. Evid. 404 | Casetext Search + Citator

Wouldn't him voting for Suzanne be enough to show how Honest he is with a certain level of integrity?
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