Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #96

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Cahill Firearm Injury & Timing?
It may be as simple as he was messing around with his gun after a few drinks, for whatever reason, and shot himself.
Such negligent action likely to have consequences, therefore he made up some story.
@mrjitty Thanks for your response. Sorry, if this has been covered since my post.
But even a couple pre-shooting brewski's still leaves us w the big co-hinky-dink of Cahill of leaving CBI job. The same day as shooting himself or as lying to CBI re firearm discharge. Were other factors in the mix? my2ct

I'd like to read CBI incident report and Brady letter, must have missed them. Anyone have link pls?? TiA.
Again, someone/something else the State doesn't need. If they had any intention of calling him at trial, he's off the State's list. Cahill had a partner for all of those interviews and they were recorded. They can't get those interviews tossed, there is another witness who can testify about those interviews.

The defense can go ahead and call him to take swipes at him, but I think that might backfire with the jury. It's rural CO, many of them wouldn't take issue with Cahill's actions. Modifying weapons, legally or not, is pretty common in areas where hunting is popular. If one of them shot themselves in the process, they'd lie about it, too. MOO

I also think that if too many swipes are taken ,the jurors might feel negative towards the defence , perceiving them as bullies especially if they appear to be intimidating or belittling witnesses.
I think Barry's interviews will be played and the totality of the state's evidence showing him to have killed Suzanne is very damning and enough to convict of M1.

My disappointment so far is the subdued vibe of the prosecution. It seems to be almost passive in presentation. Why was the DNA information not better addressed during the hearing? If done so BM might not have been released into the general population.

Maybe I feel this way because of limited direct access to the hearings. We're getting information second hand which can influence perception.

I think the prosecution will resolve whatever internal issues we're not privy to and present its case competently.

I've no doubt the DAs office and LE have worked very diligently in their pursuit of justice for Suzanne.

For that, I thank them.


I think the prosecutions strategy so far has been brilliant and I'm glad that Hurlbert seems to be following Lindsey's game plan. Play everything very close to the vest and let Hurricane Iris blow herself out in pre-trial trying to counter arguments that haven't even been made. It allows the State to see just exactly what the defense is worried about.
If I’m understanding correctly from the titbits we had from yesterday….

On one hand, defence are trying to discredit Cahill because of the gun incident (what that has to do with evidence and Barry’s ramblings - well, nothing, basically).

While on the other hand defence are jumping on some alleged comment the same man made about the arrest being premature. As if in this instance, he’s the authority.

:confused:o_O and JMO
Are they hoping the jury won't recognize how they are oxymorons?
Cahill Firearm Injury & Timing?
@mrjitty Thanks for your response. Sorry, if this has been covered since my post.
But even a couple pre-shooting brewski's still leaves us w the big co-hinky-dink of Cahill of leaving CBI job. The same day as shooting himself or as lying to CBI re firearm discharge. Were other factors in the mix? my2ct

I'd like to read CBI incident report and Brady letter, must have missed them. Anyone have link pls?? TiA.
The Denver Post did not release the entire letter but published some portions of it.

CBI agent in Barry Morphew murder case resigned amid internal affairs investigation

“Pursuant to our responsibilities under Brady v. Maryland, I am writing to inform you that there may be information contained in (a) Colorado Bureau of Investigation internal affairs report… that may impact the credibility of Joseph Cahill,” CBI Director John Camper wrote in the Dec. 17 letter to 11th Judicial District Attorney Linda Stanley, who is prosecuting the case against Morphew.

I think the prosecutions strategy so far has been brilliant and I'm glad that Hurlbert seems to be following Lindsey's game plan. Play everything very close to the vest and let Hurricane Iris blow herself out in pre-trial trying to counter arguments that haven't even been made. It allows the State to see just exactly what the defense is worried about.
I agree. I believe they are intentionally “slacking”, holding back and not engaging…on purpose.
I wonder which things are “ in between “ true and false to BM’s sister.

Barry Morphew Was 'Frantic' When Wife Suzanne Vanished, His Sister Tells Dateline NBC

MacLachlan also opened up about how Barry has felt in response to allegations that he had something to do with his wife's disappearance and death.

"Incredulous," she tells Morrison in another exclusive clip below. "That's the best word I can think of. It's incredulous, what has happened. This is not him."

She continues, "I often describe, when somebody tells me something they hear on social media, there are some things out there that are true. There are some things out there that are completely false. And there are things that are somewhere in between. But the things that are in between and false have been so hurtful."

If I had to guess and give opinion, she might have been referring to the allegations that Barry was abusive to Suzanne. That is a highly charged accusation that is often shaped by people's personal beliefs and experiences especially if there no outright physical abuse or police calls and who comes at who first if there is physical seen in the Petito case what seems is often not what is.

I think the prosecutions strategy so far has been brilliant and I'm glad that Hurlbert seems to be following Lindsey's game plan. Play everything very close to the vest and let Hurricane Iris blow herself out in pre-trial trying to counter arguments that haven't even been made. It allows the State to see just exactly what the defense is worried about.
Yes and has some analysts have said IE and DN are perfect compliments in approach - one is a hurricane and one is calm and collected. No doubt they use their strengths as needed so will be interesting who takes the lead at trial. All this stuff now is before the judge only who is a lawyer so "gets" it all.
LEO Stmt re "Premature Arrest" of BM?
Probably has more value in the civil case or an appeal if either of those happen but defense is getting everything on the record as they should. I have noticed the appeals attorney specialist in present and speaking during these motions hearings.
@Momofthreeboys Thanks for your post. Initially asked myself - what civil case, BM's guardianship for SM, then realized your post referred to BM's civil case against LE et al.

Impact on crim case appeal? Seems for this LEO's "premature arrest" stmt to create reversible error, app ct. would have to find ---
at trial, def team proved that LE failed to investigate specific leads & info, and IMO the leads & info tend to inculpate someone other than BM.

Agreeing w you, that LEO stmt may have more impact in civil case than in BM's crim trial.
Again, someone/something else the State doesn't need. If they had any intention of calling him at trial, he's off the State's list. Cahill had a partner for all of those interviews and they were recorded. They can't get those interviews tossed, there is another witness who can testify about those interviews.
Thank God! I was already worried.
I wonder which things are “ in between “ true and false to BM’s sister.

Barry Morphew Was 'Frantic' When Wife Suzanne Vanished, His Sister Tells Dateline NBC

MacLachlan also opened up about how Barry has felt in response to allegations that he had something to do with his wife's disappearance and death.

"Incredulous," she tells Morrison in another exclusive clip below. "That's the best word I can think of. It's incredulous, what has happened. This is not him."

She continues, "I often describe, when somebody tells me something they hear on social media, there are some things out there that are true. There are some things out there that are completely false. And there are things that are somewhere in between. But the things that are in between and false have been so hurtful."
I figure this whole show will be a hit on Suzanne. I love Keith Morrison but only Barry’s family and someone associated with the Defense will give them information. I don’t think the prosecution or LE is talking now. He will be shown as the good ole church guy.
I figure this whole show will be a hit on Suzanne. I love Keith Morrison but only Barry’s family and someone associated with the Defense will give them information. I don’t think the prosecution or LE is talking now. He will be shown as the good ole church guy.
I don't know that it will be a "hit" on Suzanne. I think most likely it will follow what we know - They had been married for a long time, she was unhappy in her marriage for a couple years, had started to set aside money, wanted to get her original inheritance out of the comingled funds that purchased the PP house, thought her husband was cheating on her and was engaged in an affair... but I highly doubt a national broadcast is going to speculate on much or paint a picture other than we know. I doubt they will get very deep into speculation about Barry either.
I think the show will be about how the perfect family wasn’t close to a perfect family, and that Suzanne was a cheater. Barry supporters will probably talk about what a hard working wonderful simple guy he is, and they will throw in a little glove box DNA. Salida will look beautiful. We will be mad because we know all of the facts that will not be included. I wonder if Barry will be grilling steaks for his viewing party. Barry’s got bigger problems, but I am glad that he has to live with the fact that the world is being told that his wife no longer wanted him.
I wonder which things are “ in between “ true and false to BM’s sister.

Barry Morphew Was 'Frantic' When Wife Suzanne Vanished, His Sister Tells Dateline NBC

MacLachlan also opened up about how Barry has felt in response to allegations that he had something to do with his wife's disappearance and death.

"Incredulous," she tells Morrison in another exclusive clip below. "That's the best word I can think of. It's incredulous, what has happened. This is not him."

She continues, "I often describe, when somebody tells me something they hear on social media, there are some things out there that are true. There are some things out there that are completely false. And there are things that are somewhere in between. But the things that are in between and false have been so hurtful."

I figure this whole show will be a hit on Suzanne. I love Keith Morrison but only Barry’s family and someone associated with the Defense will give them information. I don’t think the prosecution or LE is talking now. He will be shown as the good ole church guy.

As always, what most family, friends, and neighbors think about a murder suspect is of little import to the reality, especially those who have decided to turn a blind eye to facts. Keith Morrison knows this very well, probably better than most of us, and I hope he keeps digging and presents the rest of the BM story.

It sounds like many in BM’s sphere have decided to NOT seek the truth, to NOT read the AA and PH reporting, etc. If all they know is what BM is telling them, all they’ve got is a load of, well, bs. But he’s been feeding them that for years, it sounds like, so they are well indoctrinated.

Let’s hear from BM’s brothers-in-law, as they quite likely have a very different perspective on BM than his sisters do. (Hey, a girl can dream.)

Let’s hear from everyone BM bamboozled and manipulated and took advantage of.

BM may be presented as “a good ole church boy.” But there is nothing about him that says “Christian man.” Not a thing. One WS poster called him a puke, and that is a much better descriptor of him.

I’m not concerned about the prosecution’s case. The defense team is blowing a lot of hot air up skirts, hoping people get distracted by the glimpse of someone’s undies.
I figure this whole show will be a hit on Suzanne. I love Keith Morrison but only Barry’s family and someone associated with the Defense will give them information. I don’t think the prosecution or LE is talking now. He will be shown as the good ole church guy.

AM, MMB, and KW have appeared in the Dateline video related to this case. They showed KW with their Salida promos, so she was interviewed about Barry for this special. I think ABC is just doing what every report has done with this story, make the 'headlines' as salacious as possible for ratings/clickbait.
I figure this whole show will be a hit on Suzanne. I love Keith Morrison but only Barry’s family and someone associated with the Defense will give them information. I don’t think the prosecution or LE is talking now. He will be shown as the good ole church guy.
So far, it does seem pretty imbalanced as anyone who will be called, or potentially be called to testify by the prosecution aren't going to jeopardize the case. His sister is free to say whatever she wants. She only knows what Barry wants her to know. I'm sure that's how BM has rolled his entire life when it comes to his family, or anyone for that matter.
I would love to see her asked if she's read the AA. She was present (if it wasn't her sister) at at least some PHs, as far as I know. I wonder if Morrison has read it.
It'll be interesting on what note they'll end the show on. A cliffhanger, of course, but I sure hope they got some dope for the prosecution.
Probably has more value in the civil case or an appeal if either of those happen but defense is getting everything on the record as they should. I have noticed the appeals attorney specialist in present and speaking during these motions hearings.

Something that I am wondering and maybe someone knows the answer to is, is it typical for an appeals attorney to be so involved in a case before it's even tried? This really gives me the feeling the defense knows he is guilty and is trying to get their client off on a technicality, appeal, etc and not on evidence that he is innocent. It leaves me feeling even more that he is guilty. I mean I would love for him to be innocent of this crime, guilty of being a jerk, IMO yes.. but if he didn't kill her then his daughters won't have to know their mom is dead because their dad murdered her. My own personal feelings aside, that is the best case scenario. Him getting off because of an error or because some evidence isn't allowed, etc.. would just be devastating if he did this. The defense attorneys might be "doing their job" by having this stuff thrown out or by using tactics like asking questions to people that don't even know about that evidence to make it seem muddy.. etc but it sure paints a picture of they don't have anything to refute all Barry's lies. He has no good reason for all the lies he told. Nobody coerced him into saying he was doing X, when he was doing Y and all the "I don't knows" he said, it does make him look guilty and there is nothing they can do about that.. maybe it's because he is guilty so they have to do all this other stuff?

All this while this hot headed "man" is free to live his life with 2 innocent girls that could very well be in danger if he feels threatened again or if they ever come between him and his money.

Just thinking out loud I guess not really directed at you just a general comment.. :) I believe he killed her. I believe he has a temper and he lost it. If this is what happened and he is this type of person, then what is to stop him from doing that again? Those around him could be in danger if he ever snaps like that again.

I don't understand strong women (I'd say weather I agree with his lawyers or not, they are strong successful women) defending a man like this. So either they really think he is innocent and he somehow just looks incredibly guilty and some other off the wall random thing happened to Suzanne or he is guilty, they know he is, they are still defending him and what? I just don't get it.
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