Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #98

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Good on Michigan! I didn’t realize you were close. I’m right under you in Indiana and we have nothing like that here and it sounds like a good plan.
I’m concerned like another poster who said it can put victims at risk because the hospital attendant would surely report it and then you have them releasing the victim potentially into the hands of the perpetrator.
I think it is good education however if I broke my leg or arm I would not let anyone explore my body cavities just because lol. This is a situation where trained social workers can help with intervention should anything be needed or suspected which I would suspect is procedural.
Nope. But I hope they literally drain every last dollar from his bank account, trying.
The irony of him losing all that money on a murder defense, compared to only losing half of it (more or less) if he just filed for divorce, brings me great satisfaction.

He deserves to be broke, alone, and in a cage.

Oh yes! Bam! I couldn't have said it any better!
There is a high profile case in the UK recently where a victim filed/recorded her own DV and rape.

It seems this is what victims need to do in order to be believed.
And isn't this just sad.

Then they have to worry about and hope the abusive one doesn't find it on their phone or wherever they recorded it.
Suzanne wasn't ready to leave until she was ready, and IMO she did what many women do when they're in unhealthy relationships. She covered. For him, for the marriage, for the image-- always hopeful for change. Suzanne confided to a degree in SO but she probably did that in person and over the phone precisely to avoid a written record. Like I said, she wasn't IMO ready to lay it Bare. She protected herself from discovery by Barry .....

How fortunate we are that she kept a journal. Perhaps there are dates and times and specifics, in her own handwriting.


It's really disheartening that oblitering a person and her words can work in a defendant's favor. I really want him held to the fire for that.

I hope LE checked every bank for a safety deposit box in case she kept a record. Sonewhere, anywhere. If only Suzanne and everywoman knew to document, document, document. It may be the only voice left.

It's hard to leave a marriage, it's hard to face DV and see it for what it is.

And I just want to say this personally, too late but I want to say it anyway, how ever this trial goes, what ever the outcome, Suzanne, I believe you.

Amen Meg !!!

I believe Suzanne also.

I have been there.
I am naturally not one who wishes ill will upon others. I try to live a loving and helpful life. However, what a sweet irony it would be if...

Tanning beds also send out harmful UV rays and a single session can increase your risk of skin cancer. They are not a safe way of laying down a “base tan” and really should be avoided. The WHO puts them in the same category – carcinogenic to humans – as cigarette smoking.
Source: WorldwideCancerResearch

Karma doing her thing! :cool:
He brought up alot of stuff...but without hearing or reading the entire context of a conversation sometimes it's difficult to understand why certain things were said.
He knew Grusing had him when he asked for immunity. Since reading that, I've wondered what he would have told Grusing. 90% lies, 10% truth?

Any idea how much this has cost him so far (money wise), and ? how much might the trial cost also?
This losing money, for this tight wad, would be making him very angry.

I love knowing that some professional jury consultants could make as much as $250,000 which can go a long way toward some fancy vacations and perhaps a piece of a cozy Puma Path 3 BR/4 Bath heavy on the chipmunks!
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I love knowing that some professional jury consultants could make as much as $250,000 which can go a long way toward some fancy vacations and perhaps a piece of a cozy Puma Path 3 BR/4 Bath!
What if a mistrial was declared and Barry had to pay for everything twice? To be clear, I want him to spend the rest of his life in prison, but having to pay for a new trial warms the cockles of my heart.
CO Law. Mandated Reporting re DV?

If medical licensee has reason to believe injury involves a criminal act or domestic violence, iiuc, in some circumstances CO. statute* requires medical licensee to report injury to LE.
Exception: if victim/patient is 18+ y/o and tells med. provider s/he does not want injury reported, and injury is not caused by bullet wound, knife wound, etc., and not a "serious bodily injury."

^ oversimplified, but the point is even a statute "mandating" med. provider report DV injuries to LE does not mandate reporting every DV injury, but allows med provider to use professional discretion.

Does this law impact a woman in SM's circumstances, where the abuse is not primarily physical? Did SM seek medical treatment after the physical abuse incidents she described to others? I do not recall reading or hearing about it but could have missed it. my2ct

* 2020 Colorado Revised Statutes :: Title 12 - Professions And Occupations :: Article 240. Medical Practice :: Section 12-240-139. Injuries to be reported - penalty for failure to report - immunity from liability - definitions.
** Below re CO. law, from
Medical Reporting Options for Survivors - Violence Free Colorado (date unknown)
"Medical licensees now have professional discretion in reporting domestic violence to law enforcement.
"If the patient does not wish for the licensee to contact law enforcement, the licensee is to document the patient’s wishes in the medical file.
"If the licensee wants to report to law enforcement over the wishes of the patient, they must confidentially notify the patient of their intent to report prior to calling law enforcement and document the efforts to provide the confidential notification to patient. Under HIPAA 45 CFR 164.512(f)(3), licensees may only report to law enforcement what they observed unless they have permission from the patient to give more information...
"Either choice the licensee makes (to report to law enforcement or not), requires they must provide patient a referral to a community based DV organization. Immediate access to a confidential advocate is the goal." bbm sbm
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BBM iirc the only hesitancy on the judge’s part at the prelim was concerning the dna. Now that it seems the dna, that was in question at the prelim, is no longer in question, I believe the judge would have ruled differently and there would have been no bail for Barry.
I believe Barry to be guilty. I come to this conclusion by reviewing the evidence and not bc I find BM to be an overall loathsome individual. I have served on a few juries snd have faith that the chosen jurors will come to my same conclusion. IMO
Thank you for pointing out that Judge Murphy only allowed BM to bond out due to the DNA “ evidence “ brought up in the Preliminary hearings.

This is a very good article that covers the Judge’s statements about why he found probable cause to take it to trial.

Suzanne Morphew Murder to Proceed to Trial, Barry Morphew Bail set at $500,000 - by Jan Wondra - Ark Valley Voice

Probable Cause Established

After listening to the legal arguments, Murphy said he found there was enough evidence for the case to go to a jury trial. “I believe I can find probable cause in a homicide case, even in this case, without a body … that a murder has been committed and probable cause that the defendant has been the one to do it.”

He found probable cause for Charge 1, first-degree murder, and Charge 2, tampering with a deceased body.
In his detailed explanation of his finding of probable cause Judge Murphy pointed out that while there is no body, the facts appear to point that Suzanne Murphew is deceased, not missing or hiding:

  • No one has heard or seen her since May 9, 2020, despite huge media coverage…she has not been sighted or found, and she used her phone a lot.
  • Her camelback and sunglasses were in her car and she always rode her bike with them.
  • She was a stay-at-home mother to raise her kids and had no outside source of income from which she could hide money to use it to disappear.
  • She had received an inheritance, but it was used to buy the home. (Morphew had said that “he was Suzanne’s ATM” indicating he was in control of the money.)
  • She always had her bible, her journal, and the book “The Courage to Change” together. But her journal was missing and evidence of the journal was found burned in the fireplace.
  • Her purse, driver’s license, credit cards, and cash were left.
  • Most important, added Murphy, she was a dedicated and caring mother. “This is not in dispute … she said ‘Once Macy is gone – I won’t be able to do it’…. it would make little sense that she would absent herself from her kids’ lives, or of the rest of her family or friends.”

  • Murphey reiterated a few key facts about Barry Morphew’s behavior. Among them:
    • Mr. Morphew arrived home at 2:44 p.m. on Saturday, May 9. Three minutes later his phone is put in airplane mode until 10:17 p.m. “That is 7.5 hours – that is ample time to dispose of Suzanne’s body,” said Murphy.
    • On Sunday, May 10, Morphew was up and doing something pre-dawn, GPS tracking showed that included driving to the areas where Suzanne’s bike and bike helmet were found later that day. In fact, he made a left turn on CR 225, which he claimed was due to following a bull elk to see where the antlers dropped. But the Chaffee Sheriff’s Dept. found that at the time of day when he left it was pitch dark, and elk shed their antlers long before May.
    • Morphew then drove to Broomfield and made at least five stops that he said were stops to discard trash, but he didn’t tell law enforcement about the stops when questioned, part of a history of changing his story as time went on.
I do think this defense team will be strategic and will be prepared to dismantle this case the best they can. I'm concerned the state will not have the endurance to match them. IE strikes me as being skilled at rapid fire statements and questions and knows when to activate it and when to soften herself.

Will the jury all be like minded with the way they review this case? Will it take just one juror to question and struggle with SM's affair and say she lived a secret life, kept it from her best friend even. Then wonder how SM would react if her secret was exposed to her daughters, family, church, etc.? Would she feel tremendous shame, how would she deal with it? If it all came out that night did she turn her phone off herself to avoid any messages coming through from JL, not even wanting to risk it? Would she be able or want to attend a virtual wedding in that state of mind the next day? Did BM storm off in the middle of the night and she was alive? Did SM toss her bike and helmet herself from her RR(did it come out that JL got her into biking and she hated the sight of bike suddenly)? Did she end her own life and has not been recovered? I know this sounds bonkers but I believe it takes just one juror to question the states case after this skilled defense team pokes enough holes into it. IMO

I'm concerned and for the record think BM murdered SM. I'm however not confident like I was in LS being responsible for Gannon being missing before her arrest, and Frazee in Kelsey's case. IMO


Judge Lama is going to have to brutalize the jury, if necessary, to secure unanimity.
To wit:

Scarce countenance given to whining from the jury foreman, or complaints by members about "ganging-up, "brow-beating", raised voices, disparaging comments. Of course, there's no place in the jury room for racism, sexism, nor for a bunch of other buzz words aka"triggers" that may be disingenuously proffered to obstruct progress.

His Honor in my view has a profound duty to secure a verdict here. No mamby-pamby, "Sorry judge, we just can't do it! Why can't we go home? We'll never all agree, either way!

Pray it follows:

Lama J.

*NB Firm. Terse. Resolute. Unvarnished. ->check<-
On review, such bold direction to the jury in a capital case as signal as this one just might find its way into a future Pacific Reporter. Affirmed or reversed, regardless, this would be a hat-plume.
Better still if a dissent and/or a separate concurring opinion is tacked on. That's when you know whatever you did, it was at least novel enough to engender some banter in the rare appellate air.


Judge Lama is going to have to brutalize the jury, if necessary, to secure unanimity.
To wit:

Scarce countenance given to whining from the jury foreman, or complaints by members about "ganging-up, "brow-beating", raised voices, disparaging comments. Of course, there's no place in the jury room for racism, sexism, nor for a bunch of other buzz words aka"triggers" that may be disingenuously proffered to obstruct progress.

His Honor in my view has a profound duty to secure a verdict here. No mamby-pamby, "Sorry judge, we just can't do it! Why can't we go home? We'll never all agree, either way!

Pray it follows:

Lama J.

*NB Firm. Terse. Resolute. Unvarnished. ->check<-
On review, such bold direction to the jury in a capital case as signal as this one just might find its way into a future Pacific Reporter. Affirmed or reversed, regardless, this would be a hat-plume.
Better still if a dissent and/or a separate concurring opinion is tacked on. That's when you know whatever you did, it was at least novel enough to engender some banter in the rare appellate air.

1 year of radio silence by Sheriff Spezze and consorts can't have been in vain! LE was so very good at it, and we could have big hope, that it would pay off in a conviction for murder.
My father always told "us kids" don't expect an inheritance "our job" was to raise you and then you stand on your own two feet -- although we know there will be one eventually of a tbd amount. It is possible their kids would prefer their dad to money at this point in their lives. No parent is obligated to leave money to their children although it seems to be an expectation these days perhaps because of the "greatest generation" transfer of wealth. I can't speculate about what they are thinking. I don't walk in their shoes literally or figuratively.
Granted....there is no "entitlement" per se. However, Suzanne's daughters were entitled to "her" legacy....which is why i referenced "ill-gotten gains". Barry stole her money....and Suzanne's legacy...more "identity theft" just like the fraudulent vote.
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