Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o Prejudice* #102

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Hard to say if it would have made any difference or even survived motions. There are two sides to every trial and we only are privvy to one side. If they have the evidence and it can withstand cross or defense witnesses it might be used in another trial. I'm not too big on generalizations as lives can be pretty complicated when you scratch the surface.
With respect, I don't understand where the bolded sentence comes from. We have BM on the record through motions and exhibits, precisely and eloquently articulating his "side." It is all about avoiding and trying to suppress the factual allegations and related evidence, and asserting his procedural rights. This is of a piece with his lies to investigators and the press. While claiming to have hired "people" to investigate SM's disappearance and also representing to the court that he has an ongoing "investigation" through his counsel, he has chosen to avoid any honest presentation his "side" in terms of evidence of an actual SODDI or Gone Girl scenario. This is his right, of course, but he could have avoided the criminal charge entirely by being open and honest about the evidence he discovered.

Sorry, but I'm unwilling to accept platitudes and generalizations about complicated lives in these circumstances.
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If not a functioning 22, what did Barry use for chipmunks? Or was the Turkey and chipmunks a total lie?
Page 98 of the AA
SA Grusing asked Barry how he knew the chipmunk was outside to chase it that day, and he said, "Oh, they're always out there. That's just what I do. I mean, I've shot 85 chipmunks at my house. And when I'm bored, I shoot chipmunks."

Why did Barry own it? SA Grusing showed Barry a photo of a .22 round in his bedroom, asking Barry if he knew where it was from. He said, "Hmmph, no, I don't." He guessed it came from his pocket when Suzanne was folding laundry. (AA page 100)
85 chipmunks = 400 tours in Iraq......More Barry Math. So....Barry was "bored" immediately after he got home on Saturday...and commenced to opening fire on the residential chipmunks? How long did it take for that boredom to kick in? A minute? Two minutes? That couple of minutes must have felt like hours to him.
85 chipmunks = 400 tours in Iraq......More Barry Math. So....Barry was "bored" immediately after he got home on Saturday...and commenced to opening fire on the residential chipmunks? How long did it take for that boredom to kick in? A minute? Two minutes? That couple of minutes must have felt like hours to him.
Not only that he hunted the chipmunks, he hunted them the minute he got home before doing anything else with a working .22 that he didn't produce because remember, the one he did hand over didn't work..oh wait, he turned his cell phone off and THEN went hunting for chipmunks at the exact same time Susan stops communicating with every human being on planet Earth not named barry.
I just completed my CE credits in order to renew a license I maintain for work. Do you know how many email reminders you get on that? It’s always looming, and you know there are no excuses. My credits and renewal must be done by the end of June, and I always make sure I am done in May. LS seems to have issues with deadlines and details. She will do her continuing education and get reinstated, but she should know better.
With respect, I don't understand where the bolded sentence comes from. We have BM on the record through motions and exhibits, precisely and eloquently articulating his "side." It is all about avoiding and trying to suppress the factual allegations and related evidence, and asserting his procedural rights. This is of a piece with his lies to investigators and the press. While claiming to have hired "people" to investigate SM's disappearance and also representing to the court that he has an ongoing "investigation" through his counsel, he has chosen to avoid any honest presentation his "side" in terms of evidence of an actual SODDI or Gone Girl scenario. This is his right, of course, but he could have avoided the criminal charge entirely by being open and honest about the evidence he discovered.

Sorry, but I'm unwilling to accept platitudes and generalizations about complicated lives in these circumstances.
I agree and contend there's no validity to quoted OP's position that we only know one side of the case -- especially given the defense exceeded the prosecution's time, as well as the time allocated to the defense, during the PH, where the allegations presented in the AA were argued.

Also, I believe more defense motions were publically available including the release of their exhibits! That said, I'm truly baffled by this stance. o_O

[. ]

The Colorado Supreme Court says it sent Stanley several notices alerting her that she was out of compliance and at risk of a license suspension. According to state judicial officials, the 11th Judicial District Attorney's Office will continue business as usual and that this will not impact active cases in Fremont, Custer, Chaffee, and Park counties.

Stanley tells 13 Investigates she received a letter from the state last week about the license issue and that she fully intends to fix the issue. Stanley says there was a mix-up in who was sending what for the license requirements. She also said the suspension is "not a big deal" and that law license suspensions are not uncommon.

[. ]
If the public needed any more evidence of DALS's inability to administer even her own affairs - let alone a complex, no body murder case - this should be the sign IMO. There's a reason she never rose to the level of felony trial deputy in her many years as a prosecutor, and it wasn't because she liked to try misdemeanors and traffic cases in County and Municipal courts, MOO.

Getting the education credits sufficient to meet an attorney license requirement is easy. It amounts to two eight-hour days (one weekend conference) per year over a three year period, or convenient smaller training sessions that add up to 45 hours in the same period. The Colorado District Attorneys Council offers CLE trainings on a regular basis, in seminar and webinar format. LS has no excuse for this lapse.

If the attorney regulation counsel isn't willing to cut her slack, it may be that DASL has a prior public censure for putting her personal interests ahead of her professional obligations to a client, who retained her during her very brief period of private practice.

Given IE's stated intention to file an ethics complaint for the DA's discovery violations, this may be a harbinger of things to come. Frank Ruybalid, DA for the 3rd JD in Colorado, was recommended for suspension in 2014. His troubles continued after he was granted probation.

Some voters, sometimes and in some places, seem to prefer incompetent and even abusive politicians who tell them what they want to hear, over capable professionals who can get a difficult job done. The Morphew and Moorman families, and the residents of the 11th, deserve better than they got last election, MOO.

[The Colorado Supreme Court said it suspended licenses of all attorneys who were non-compliant with their continuing legal education requirements for the three-year period between Jan 1, 2019, and Dec. 31, 2021, and who also failed to timely submit a makeup plan.

"It is no surprise that a District Attorney who so blatantly disregarded her ethical obligations in the failed and wrongful Morphew prosecution, is the same prosecuting attorney who violated the continuing education rules that all lawyers must adhere to which includes education on the ethical standards, rules, and professional standards," Iris Eytan said.]
Surely if a busy DA was behind with their personal professional development, the State would normally support them to catch up. Seems as though they were looking for an excuse to suspend her :0
Not making excuses for LS but things are not always as they appear and/or reported:

IMO, MSM doesn't miss any opportunity to pounce on DA Stanley-- so why should allegedly failing to timely complete the required 45 hours of CPE be any different! Reminds me of the time a Judge accused LS of refusing to work (Headline News) when the truth was the weekday he wanted to schedule hearings, was for better than 8 years, the same date that every Judge in the 11 District spent in chambers. In other words, he was the single Judge who had his shorts twisted after the newly elected DA didn't favor a request to change the schedule, just for him. :rolleyes:

The latest could very well be a situation where LS completed 44 of 45 hours, was 1 credit shy, and, failed to apply for a waiver. Or not all completed hours were recorded properly (esp. during COVID), or not completed in the correct category.

Then again, LS may have been grossly negligent, but just the same, what's evident to me is how MSM never seems to contact LS for a statement prior to publishing only one side of this issue-- the damaging side that will live on in archived news forever.

Personally, I'm also subject to fulfilling continuing professional education (CPE) with a calendar end date of 12/31, where more than once I've had a Nov-Dec scheduled course canceled at the last minute for whatever including inclement weather (and my hours that far exceeded the total required per year were deemed completed in the wrong category). And then there was the COVID excuse I was given where I had to chase down numerous CPE certificates, verifying my hours completed by zoom, whereas with live attendance, the Sponsor submits your hours directly to the regulating body. MOO

ETA: My post beat news by @Cindizzi -- seems that LS was probably subject to what I faced during COVID where the Sponsor did not directly report virtual hours completed.

Stanley says there was a mix-up in who was sending what for the license requirements.
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