Several years ago, my seatmate on a flight to UK took advantage of the long flight to inform all about the concept of human composting, and a dozen years later, was behind introducing legislation where WA State's Governor signed the bill into law-- legalizing human composting.
In May 2021, Colorado passed a similar bill. For purposes of discussion, the legality isn't deemed relative and is provided for information only.
Human composting works by placing a body in a container or composting structure with organic material so it will break down naturally and the body is transformed by microbes into soil.
While the amount of time is dependent on many factors such as temperature, moisture, and chemical balances, the entire process can take up to a year, but utilizing a monitored composting service, the process generally takes between eight to twelve weeks.
Admittedly, it's something that's always stayed in the back of my mind where BM had vast experience killing and composting animals, and would have had access to everything needed to compost SM's remains (i.e., wood chips, straw), and where typical methods used by Investigators to detect evidence of human remains would not likely produce results if the body was composted.
Also, recalling the recent invoice for trees, burlap, etc., and MG sent to pick up #50 bags of corn (bulking agent?).
And I'll admit I gasped when I came across the following passage! We know that BM loved his skid steer (Bobcat) more than his wife. MOO
Is composting costly?
No. The main cost is in building a composting structure. Some farmers in Minnesota have renovated existing buildings for little cost. Another cost may be a front-end or skid steer loader to handle the mortalities and compost. The only on-going cost is the bulking agent and the skid steer. Your farm may have bulking agents (such as straw, litter, bedding, or corn stalks) available at no cost. If not, you will have to purchase bulking agent. This cost should be minimal. [Pg 9/32 - Composting Animal Mortalities].
How long does human composting take? | Recompose
Washington state already allows the practice, and multiple others are considering similar laws this year.