Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* *found in 2023* #115

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Reading that document, I was horrified by the extent to which they were unprepared. It was so much worse than I had imagined. As the leader, you make sure everyone knows their roles, that they are fulfilling those roles, and that everyone is on the same page.

None of that happened, and I have zero confidence this team would have been successful.
So what does that do for the confidence of the new team who has to decide if they will prosecute Barry? He is clearly guilty. LS made some missteps. The one thing she did right was to drop the case, with the ability to retry. And the judge was not on her side. He got rid of the expert witnesses. I certainly feel someone should bring that up. Judges should be fair. Most aren’t anymore. A lot went wrong here. So IE can stick a feather in her cap and bank all the money she made from Barry.
My only concern is that the case is tainted. Will this make a DA shy away from the re-charge? Can they start from scratch as if the Stanley era never happened, or will they be fighting against what Stanley put out there in the public space on the first round? I would want IE on the wall for me-she was worth every penny that Barry spent-of Suzanne’s money. Hopefully another DA is willing to fight for justice for Suzanne.
Didn’t a poster here say that the new DA where Suzanne’s body was found is a friend to IE? Or maybe i had a nightmare about it. I just can’t see him getting away with this murder.
So what does that do for the confidence of the new team who has to decide if they will prosecute Barry? He is clearly guilty. LS made some missteps. The one thing she did right was to drop the case, with the ability to retry. And the judge was not on her side. He got rid of the expert witnesses. I certainly feel someone should bring that up. Judges should be fair. Most aren’t anymore. A lot went wrong here. So IE can stick a feather in her cap and bank all the money she made from Barry.
It'll be a totally new team with a totally new leader; hose problems were unique to Stanley's office, and he leadership. If it does anything, it will be to make sure these guys don't make the same mistakes.
My only concern is that the case is tainted. Will this make a DA shy away from the re-charge? Can they start from scratch as if the Stanley era never happened, or will they be fighting against what Stanley put out there in the public space on the first round? I would want IE on the wall for me-she was worth every penny that Barry spent-of Suzanne’s money. Hopefully another DA is willing to fight for justice for Suzanne.
I'm not sure if or how this case will be affected by the first prosecution, but it certainly helps that it's not the same office prosecuting it. I have no doubt this case will be revived, as all indications are that Kelley is all over it. You have a career making case, one that is infinitely stronger thanks to a body and smoking gun. There's just no way this doesn't go forward, and I think that will happen sooner rather than later.

I can't believe it'll that in 11 days, it'll be a year since she was found.
My only concern is that the case is tainted. Will this make a DA shy away from the re-charge? Can they start from scratch as if the Stanley era never happened, or will they be fighting against what Stanley put out there in the public space on the first round? I would want IE on the wall for me-she was worth every penny that Barry spent-of Suzanne’s money. Hopefully another DA is willing to fight for justice for Suzanne.
Isn’t the law supposed to be upheld based on facts and not emotionally charged rhetoric spouted by a paid defense attorney?

It really irks me that IE has so many thinking this case can’t be prosecuted. There was plenty of evidence, even before Suzanne’s remains were found to contain BAM.

IMO, it’s not a matter of whether the DA is “willing” to prosecute . A man murdered his wife, he needs to go to trial and be judged by a jury of his peers. The desire for justice should outweigh any of the swirling bullshite that engulfed this case from the beginning.

I often wonder what Suzanne’s family thinks of all this.
I believe it was divinely incredible that Suzanne's remains were found, and that another County and DA will be prosecuting BM. Chaffee had the right man and a case with LS, but the mistakes they made without the expert witnesses being qualified, the overall disorganized fashion and public statements made by LS could have meant a get out of jail free card for BM.

The case and the presentation to a jury will be much stronger now and I have no doubts BM will be found guilty. I feel better about a conviction than I did before LS dismissed without prejudice. You only get one shot at the apple.

Tick Tock...your 12 x 8 cage is awaiting you BM.

The profiling evil appearances were problematic, at least the panel thought so.1
Investigating the judge based on no evidence was also an issue.2

There was also that other case where she said things she shouldn’t have on a tv news broadcast.3

To me she was just astounding incompetent.4
Reading those documents makes me realize that had this gone to trial, Barry would be forever a free man.
With respect, negatrons !
1 Morphew case substance/details ever blah-blah-ed on this PE TV appearance?
Negative, iirc.
2 Averment(s) presented to DA Stanley Office by LE personage wrt Lama et ux domestic details, which he personally observed during open judicial proceedings...not evidence warranting a deputy's knock on ex-ux's door - practically in the nature of a welfare check?
3 Vis-a-vis CO v. Morphew, an ethics, or any issue?

4 "Astounding...[as defined: "
surprisingly impressive or notable"]... incompetence" ? Your opinion I earnestly respect.
And I'll up you one, by hypothesizing this august panel attitudinally boot-strapped "leadership deficiencies" into "wanting in ethics".

Whew! I'm through...
and most assuredly grateful for your indulgence
These are the accounts of other prosecutors on the team; it is not a pretty picture.
Pusillanimous Pilate hand-washing. imco
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Isn’t the law supposed to be upheld based on facts and not emotionally charged rhetoric spouted by a paid defense attorney?

It really irks me that IE has so many thinking this case can’t be prosecuted. There was plenty of evidence, even before Suzanne’s remains were found to contain BAM.

IMO, it’s not a matter of whether the DA is “willing” to prosecute . A man murdered his wife, he needs to go to trial and be judged by a jury of his peers. The desire for justice should outweigh any of the swirling bullshite that engulfed this case from the beginning.

I often wonder what Suzanne’s family thinks of all this.
I’m sure her family is enraged, as we all are. Yes it should go to trial. The sooner the better. I’m not sure it will though.
View attachment 530369

I guess we have to wait for IE to leak the details from the 83 page disciplinary Order -- not coming up in the CSC recent decisions per the case number noted above.

Take heart brethren... the fall from schadenfreude to moral comeuppance is precipitous and abides the misstep of the smug...
To paraphrase:
"Memento Eytan: es mortalis."
Oh geez. Bet Iris and Barry are loving this. :mad:


Hopefully they're loving it separately, as former attorney and dumped client -- and future felon.

A bit surprised at the disbarrment, wonder whether it has any impact as a barrier to misbehaviour or chill on appropriate prosecutorial practice -- guessing that Tropical Storm Iris would be happy with either. Or both.
Hopefully they're loving it separately, as former attorney and dumped client -- and future felon.

A bit surprised at the disbarrment, wonder whether it has any impact as a barrier to misbehaviour or chill on appropriate prosecutorial practice -- guessing that Tropical Storm Iris would be happy with either. Or both.

She shouldn't have gone digging into Lama so can accept that as a gross misconduct issue which results in disbarrment but the prosecutorial practice stuff is a bit overkill for me. Government funded jobs where there are power plays going on, funding and resource problems which result in lack of staff are always going to produce issues - not enough worker bees to do the work effectively etc and so on. But she won't have been the only one.
What's really getting my goat though is @shotgun09 (iirc) posted an article in media, maps and timeline thread where Iris is basically saying Barry should never be prosecuted for this crime again as it would be an extension to what's happened here - unethical behaviour, even though there is evidence that he most likely murdered his wife!! Feels like passive aggressive scare tactics and I don't see how that is upholding the law, respecting victim rights, seeking justice, seeking a fair trial and so on.
If Barry is soooooo innocent, show me Iris. Show me how Barry could not possibly have done this. Prove reasonable doubt, give me another person whom can be named as having means, motive and opportunity. Why shy away from it? Give him his day in court.
We know why that won't happen though, don't we?


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Reading that document, I was horrified by the extent to which they were unprepared. It was so much worse than I had imagined. As the leader, you make sure everyone knows their roles, that they are fulfilling those roles, and that everyone is on the same page.

None of that happened, and I have zero confidence this team would have been successful.
Yes MassGuy…… was thinking similarly. It seemed like a bunch of hurried missteps perhaps early. And surely glad the BM case was dismissed without prejudice, so it can be refiled. When ready. By a new team that navigates all the prior actions, filings, and court rulings.

Reflecting comparatively on this CO DA actions with those of a certain DA in Canton, MA…… seems there are some parallels? IMO maybe those officials need some better and new reschooling. And particularly on when not to talk and what not to say. Maybe it is unfortunate many of these positions are elected? IANAL but it seems best to let court filings, evidence, witnesses, and testimony do the talking.

State prosecutors and investigators have a difficult enough job without their own team or leaders running ‘foul’ or inadvertent (or perhaps deliberate) interference. IMO we need only look to the still unsolved case in Boulder, CO from Christmas 1996. SMH. In the BM case of Suzanne Morphew I shall patiently wait for next legal steps and filings. MOO


The decision comes three months after Stanley faced a two-week disciplinary hearing before a three-member panel under the Colorado Supreme Court, at which state regulators accused her of professional misconduct. The Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel first brought the case in October. Stanley, a former police officer who was elected district attorney in November 2022, had already said she would not seek re-election.

“This is a case about a ship with a captain who never manned the bridge,” Jonathan Blasewitz, an attorney for state’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, said during the hearing, according to The Colorado Sun, a news website based in Denver.

The defense attorney for Barry Morphew, husband of Suzanne Morphew, whose remains were found last year, praised the order.

Take heart brethren... the fall from schadenfreude to moral comeuppance is precipitous and abides the misstep of the smug...
To paraphrase:
"Memento Eytan: es mortalis."
non sequitur - non omnia possumus omnes
She shouldn't have gone digging into Lama so can accept that as a gross misconduct issue which results in disbarrment but the prosecutorial practice stuff is a bit overkill for me. Government funded jobs where there are power plays going on, funding and resource problems which result in lack of staff are always going to produce issues - not enough worker bees to do the work effectively etc and so on. But she won't have been the only one.
What's really getting my goat though is @shotgun09 (iirc) posted an article in media, maps and timeline thread where Iris is basically saying Barry should never be prosecuted for this crime again as it would be an extension to what's happened here - unethical behaviour, even though there is evidence that he most likely murdered his wife!! Feels like passive aggressive scare tactics and I don't see how that is upholding the law, respecting victim rights, seeking justice, seeking a fair trial and so on.
If Barry is soooooo innocent, show me Iris. Show me how Barry could not possibly have done this. Prove reasonable doubt, give me another person whom can be named as having means, motive and opportunity. Why shy away from it? Give him his day in court.
We know why that won't happen though, don't we?


Unfortunately the state has to prove it…never defense. Not her job. It will be the next potential prosecutor whose job will be to prove it.

FREMONT COUNTY, Colo. (KRDO) -11th Judicial District Attorney Linda Stanley and her attorney are considering appealing after the state disciplinary board ruled to disbar her in the next 35 days. Stanley, led the botched prosecution of Barry Morphew, in the murder of his wife Suzanne.

According to her attorney, despite the disbarment ruling, Stanley wants to finish her term as district attorney, which expires in January. If Stanley is disbarred, the governor will appoint someone to fill the district attorney role until the next elected district attorney, Jeff Lindsey, takes office in January.

-"We very much disagree with the conclusion that disbarment is appropriate. Ms. Stanley is a good person and ethical attorney," her attorney Steven Jensen told KRDO13 Investigates over the phone. "We think the dissenting opinion of the board member is better reasoned."

In a dissenting opinion, the dissenting judge said they believed a two-and-a-half-year suspension of Stanley's law license was more appropriate.

Jensen says they are still navigating the appeal process and determining if Stanley wants to appeal. If they file an appeal, her attorney hopes Stanley can continue practicing law until the appeal is heard. The Office of the Attorney Regulation Counsel says Stanley has the right to an appeal. However, to keep her license during an appeal she would need to file a stay and the state board would need to approve it.

Stanley's attorney noted that he was a prosecutor for 35 years and he believes the state discipline authorities have a double standard for prosecutors.
No doubt Team BM are dancing on Suzanne's grave that they got top billing in the headline for LS losing her legal career.

Oh, let ‘em dance. BM’s end is coming, and this time, it will be like a freight train instead of a whimper.

Carol's story is up. Of note:

-In a striking coincidence, the man with whom Stanley announced Barry Morphew's arrest on May 5, 2021 -Chaffee County Sheriff John Spezze- announced his retirement to the county commissioners in their meeting Tuesday, saying it was the hardest decision he had ever made, and citing health reasons.

“At some point you have to listen to your body and do the right thing. It’s a tremendously hard decision,” said Spezze. “The thing that made my job easier is the relationships. For me it’s never been about politics. We may not agree on everything, but we’ve always come together to solve things … but I’ve got to take care of myself now.”

-Eytan, who now runs an organization called Protect Ethical Prosecutors
, said that she filed her complaint in April 2023.

"The most egregious unethical behavior Ms. Stanley committed was violating Barry Morphew's presumption of innocence using the national and local media to make it that appear that Barry was guilty before he even set foot in a jury trial," said Eytan, adding that she is encouraged to see that the system worked.

Underlined by me.

Iris! Does she really say the name of her organization with a straight face? (And PEP.?!?)


(Though I’m not laughing, because SUZANNE is dead, Iris, and your client is who I think is responsible.)


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