Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #56 *ARREST*

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a few varied musings that have been building as I've followed along:

-I too believe there was abundant blood loss that LE found at least part of. I think that without a body, even with such blood loss they will want to wait to put a sound case together and hope the body is found before charging. It was enough in this case to move forward.
Also the bleach and tools points to that as well.
I think the theories of the "scenario" talked about by DA has to do specifically with location of blood found at the scene. I don't think the "scenario" was recorded in any way.

-I do NOT believe her last text to her sister was "I'm scared" and then communication dropped off. I think it was more subtle. I think that her sister was telling reporters the whole gist of the greater conversation. I think SM told her about money and lying (the very recent loan I think) abuse and feelings about a divorce and how she would take her very uncomfortable next steps, and not knowing what the reaction was going to be was scary. These texts are pivotal I believe and shaped the beginning of the case as well as will be discussed thoroughly in trial. I think she's gone back and forth on her "knowing" what happened because of Barry and the girls. but she knew from get-go.

-I find it likely that he did use an auger to dig a very deep hole, and that there were still scents somehow on his tools, transferring to different areas where the dogs gave weak hits. either he was forced to use certain tools before bleaching or the bleaching didn't work fully.

-I think the "threat/bribe/deceit of public official" was something more specific than lying to LE about the bike scenario, otherwise we would see this charge in many other cases where suspects plant alternative theories to point away from themselves. I do think it will have something to do with his alibi, possibly FF or work related.

All of this MOO!!!!
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Inmate Morphew has definitely had plastic surgery, specifically blepharoplasty (eye surgery) looking at a comparison of photos. Vain little *******! MOO

I don't think he's had any surgical procedures. My hooded eyes are way worse than his, yet when I do the same expression he's doing there with his eyebrows raised my hoods almost disappear, just like his did.

Either way, he's still a monster that should rot in a cage for the rest of his miserable life.
Could former documented incidents of domestic violence play a role?

My guess only. If there were previous documented or witnessed incidents of domestic violence, it would certainly tell a story of BM being volatile with intent to cause physical and emotional harm to SM. I would however think they couldn't hang their hat on that alone to have a strong case. My guess, LE understood SM & BM relationship last summer, the good, bad and ugly. All of it. IMO
LE mentioning the word “incident” makes me think they have either video or sound recording of it. MOO

I'd love to read about an audio recording of Barry admitting to what's happened- I hope you're right! :)
I think the CSI photographer, present in the initial search of PP home has some good evidence located in the kitchen/utility and garage. After all, a picture paints a thousand words.

LE mentioning the word “incident” makes me think they have either video or sound recording of it. MOO
I don't recall LE mentioning an "incident". I think the Daily Mail published an article using that term in reference to LE's arrest news conference, but the term wasn't used by LE at the conference regarding SM's disappearance/the murder charge -- except to say that BM was arrested without incident.

Husband of missing Colorado mom Suzanne Morphew is charged with murder a year after disappearance | Daily Mail Online
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My understanding is he was flush with cash in Feb. with the sale of the Indiana home, not sure when PP home closed
I recall in one of the Profiling Evil interviews that Mike was speaking about the sale of the PP house to a woman and mentioned something in his calculations that there was about a 50 k profit on the house after expenses paid. moo
They have much, much more than gossip or hearsay.
““We’ve executed more than 135 search warrants across Colorado and interviewed more than 400 individuals in multiple states,” the sheriff said, adding that investigators plowed through more than 1,400 tips.”
The DA has ample evidence or the charges would not have been brought. She’s very confident in the filings.
Barry Morphew Arrested: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
My guess only. If there were previous documented or witnessed incidents of domestic violence, it would certainly tell a story of BM being volatile with intent to cause physical and emotional harm to SM. I would however think they couldn't hang their hat on that alone to have a strong case. My guess, LE understood SM & BM relationship last summer, the good, bad and ugly. All of it. IMO

Many times an abuser will be careful to hit/punch their victim where the bruising/swelling will not be seen by others. I personally know a lady, whose husband particularly chose to hit her on the back of her head. So calculated and evil.

If Suzanne had been a DV victim, as some seem to think, it could gone on unseen by those around her. Only if she chose to confide, would they know of her injuries.

I have a suspicion that there was a significant argument Friday before she went missing and BM lost MO control, hitting her in places that left alarmingly visible damage. If so, there was no way he could let others, especially the daughter's see her.

It would explain his mood and calling off working with MG before noon, to go make the wife happy. I feel at that point he had come to the resolve that there was only one solution, Suzanne had to go.

All just opinion and speculation.
I cannot figure out the evidence they would have. Their house was searched two times awhile back, no arrest, vehicles checked out, no arrest, his alibi for MD checked out, no arrest. By now phones have long been checked out, no arrest. I don't know about Suzanne's phone (not found??) What would they have? Lots of hearsay and gossip but that is not proof.

Well, you can't build a successful arrest affidavit on hearsay and gossip, so they clearly have plenty of evidence.
They have much, much more than gossip or hearsay.
““We’ve executed more than 135 search warrants across Colorado and interviewed more than 400 individuals in multiple states,” the sheriff said, adding that investigators plowed through more than 1,400 tips.”
The DA has ample evidence or the charges would not have been brought. She’s very confident in the filings.
Barry Morphew Arrested: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

To clarify. I mentioned gossip and hearsay. That was refencing anyone not LE or the DA specifically assigned to this case. They (LE & DA) are the keeper of facts in this case, not us, YouTubers, etc. IMO
LE mentioning the word “incident” makes me think they have either video or sound recording of it. MOO

I keep reading that Linda Stanley said this about an "incident" but I can't find where she said it. During the presser this is what she did say:

the question is is there an alleged cause of death
so at this time without the body we wouldn't be able to say that publicly
we do have information that led us to this point today
and how we think a certain scenario had occurred
but as we investigate further that may change so at this time i can't comment

Just before that answer was given, there was a bit of a pause between her and Spezze so, whatever they DID find, does seem rather significant.
I cannot figure out the evidence they would have. Their house was searched two times awhile back, no arrest, vehicles checked out, no arrest, his alibi for MD checked out, no arrest. By now phones have long been checked out, no arrest. I don't know about Suzanne's phone (not found??) What would they have? Lots of hearsay and gossip but that is not proof.

Imagine putting together a 5000 piece puzzle without seeing the cover first. Having all of the edges of the puzzle together does not a complete puzzle make. One by one they are figuring out where it goes, which direction and why. they still couldn't connect the pieces well enough. It takes time, thousands of man hours and teams of people.

If they found blood (I believe they did), they would have to prove that it wasn't from some random injury. It was their home, dna from all of them is to be expected.

IMO they know the why, they now have evidence of when, a strong idea of how and people BM believed to be in his corner helping to serve justice.

I wonder how he likes the taste of justice? BM has never really had consequences to his actions. He bullies his way through things/life and has no compassion for those left in his wake.
Excellent point.

I was just wondering that if Divorce was a driver behind SM’s murder, it could have been that financial AND custody of the children caused BM to do what he allegedly did.

A mother and her children living in a physically and emotionally abusive home with their father seems like an easy custody decision for the court. And perhaps those girls are BM’s prize possessions and he couldn’t lose them.
The kids are grown. I don't think that has anything to do with it.

Chris M. has said more than once that Barry's friends have told him, "Nobody leaves Barry. He is the one who decides if they are breaking up or not."

Why would Chris bring this up, especially, since Barry and Suzanne have been together for so long? It makes me wonder if he has been told that Suzanne wanted a divorce.

I agree with evidence is the home, too, especially given that Andy said he was told the house smelled of bleach. I just can’t see Barry going hands-on with strangulation. That takes time and I think for all his macho bravado, he’s really a coward at heart.

While I believe he planned to murder Suzanne for a while, something happened that necessitated the hasty and badly thrown together alibi. Do we know if Barry has a handgun? My Dad was an avid hunter. He owned several rifles, and taught me to shoot at a young age, but he didn’t have any handguns. I can see Barry sneaking up behind Suzanne and shooting her.
He wouldn't even have to use anything as noisy as a gun. IIRC, I've seen photographs of him with a crossbow. If SM were outside the home, say relaxing on the patio while talking with a friend online or on the phone or walking around watering plants in pots, he could situate himself somewhere between the house and the river to shoot her with that and she'd never see it coming nor would anyone hear a sound.
I admit I stopped following this thread months ago. Just recently (before he got arrested), I thought about it again and I honestly believed BM had gotten away with it.

This was always going to be a difficult case because there's no body, and as those of us saw who followed the Kelsey Berreth case, that still presents a particular challenge for the prosecution.

I worried a lot about the Berreth case. I am cheered because I don't believe this DA would be bringing a no-body case without believing she has an absolutely tight case.

We had a LOT of disclosure during the run-up to Frazee's trial, but there were still unexpected surprises (for us) at the trial. I'm hopeful the same thing is going to happen with BM.
The kids are grown. I don't think that has anything to do with it.

Chris M. has said more than once that Barry's friends have told him, "Nobody leaves Barry. He is the one who decides if they are breaking up or not."

Why would Chris bring this up, especially, since Barry and Suzanne have been together for so long? It makes me wonder if he has been told that Suzanne wanted a divorce.


Talking about divorce, maybe thats a reason as to why BM (imo) instigated the move even though Suzanne wasn't as keen. Maybe Barry did have this in mind originally, but then thought about the financial split and found another way to get what he wanted. Isn’t Colorado a 'no-fault' state in divorce? For someone who displays traits like Barry, this would be right up their street, doing all sorts of stuff but taking no blame/responsibility etc. jmo
He wouldn't even have to use anything as noisy as a gun. IIRC, I've seen photographs of him with a crossbow. If SM were outside the home, say relaxing on the patio while talking with a friend online or on the phone or walking around watering plants in pots, he could situate himself somewhere between the house and the river to shoot her with that and she'd never see it coming nor would anyone hear a sound.

This happened near me, an elderly gentleman was the target, absolutely awful - he was such a lovely person too.
I listened to a Dateline (podcast) episode Window of Opportunity where a MI man was arrested and convicted of murdering his wife. One of the children (daughter 21-ish) was interviewed by Dateline. Even after her dad continued to lie after accepting a plea deal, she still supports and loves her dad. Sounds like she continues a relationship with him in prison. It was interesting to hear her explain how she separated his actions (murder) of her mother, and her relationship with him as her dad. IIRC a friend of the mom described the dad as a "Disney dad". IMO
There’s lots of cases daughters have stood by their murdering Father. Michael Peterson and Bob Ward are a couple, there are many others. Father and daughter bonds can be very tight.
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