Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #57 *ARREST*

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EBM delete double post

BBM Well, I’ve gone over the last 46 pages posted yesterday and can’t find the post regarding BM selling his business for a million dollars. But I understand you’re busy.
I’ll keep searching. :) MOO
It might be of interest that BM lost a small claims lawsuit with a lumber mill in Kokomo. I think late 2016.
MOO seeing his personality, that court loss might have been a catalyst for dumping his business and moving away from Indiana.
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I am wondering if Dad was the one throwing money and gifts at the girls---while complaining to them about their mother, claiming she is stingy and didn't want to buy them new cars or give them tuition and rent money, etc...that could buy him some loyalty
Yes, very likely. I’ve seen that happen in my own family. Teenagers are very self-centered at that age, thinking about themselves usually first. The one doling out the money & cars becomes favored at times. I don’t fault teens at that age, it’s the parent who’s being manipulative. Moo
I think the only thing that will make him talk is fear of his future. He will probably cut a deal if the evidence is overwhelming (which we know it is).

The sad thing is that Barry will manipulate the girls with the same techniques he used on their mother.

He's probably still on suicide watch as most are when first arrested so probably got in a scrap with a guard. I don't feel sorry for Barry as he faces more and more consequences of taking the life of his children's mother. Why should he have an easy life among normal, non-violent people?

I'd be very surprised to see him admit to anything. Why (from his perspective) should he?

Court is a long shot, but at least it's a chance that he'll get off - and keep his relationship with his daughters. It might look like a long shot to us, but keep in mind that Scott Peterson actually thought he was going to get off. So did Drew Peterson, for that matter.

If he goes to court and gets convicted, he can still tell his daughters he's a victim of a crooked system.

If he admits to anything, he risks losing his daughters - and maybe even the rest of his family.

Re: his jailhouse accommodations. I suspect it's like Patrick Frazee, who was kept in a separate cell although he managed to communicate with one other inmate.
Yes, very likely. I’ve seen that happen in my own family. Teenagers are very self-centered at that age, thinking about themselves usually first. The one doling out the money & cars becomes favored at times. I don’t fault teens at that age, it’s the parent who’s being manipulative. Moo

I agree - although I don't think it's just the teens being manipulative, consciously or unconsciously.

In this case, there are two alternatives facing the girls: believe BM is getting railroaded, keep loving him and hate the authorities or face the unthinkable - their dad not only killed their mom, they all hung out together for months with him continuing to live a lie and them sadly believing it. Because they desperately need to believe in him because he's their dad and all they've got left.
Exactly, if he waited any longer "they" wouldn't have found the bike in the ravine. The police had to be called and arrive before the sun went down! ETA:
Otherwise the bike alibi would be out the window, how could he claim she went on a bogus bike ride?
How can anyone be that predictable ?
Tsk, tsk, Barry.

The best scenario Barry could have concocted would have been to say she left voluntarily.
Leaving everything behind for a new life.
Forget about that mountain lion attack, bike/hit by a car accident, or the random kidnapper.

Except he knew the Moorman's most likely would not have accepted it.
As well as the police.

Wonder if the AA will describe what his demeanor was that same night Suzanne went 'missing' ?
Was he actually angry with LE, who were trying to help find his wife ?
Oh, that's not a red flag at all !!!!
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It might be of interest that BM lost a small claims lawsuit with a lumber mill in Kokomo. I think late 2016.
MOO seeing his personality, that court loss might have been a catalyst for dumping his business and moving away from Indiana.
Thanks, Boxer !
Veerrryyy interesting.

I'm betting he wouldn't have 'stayed put' in CO, either.
Pricey house notwithstanding.
Yes that’s true about photos, but from my research and as others have posted, there is ZERO information coming up in Purdue searches for Morphew/BM.
I focused on doing searches for info about BM being a Purdue graduate as during my career, I have worked in HR management and though I no longer work in the HR field, am responsible in my current position for interviewing and make hiring decisions and I cannot tell you the amount of applicants who’ve padded their resumes/lied about having attended college/obtained college degree, easily caught out when our admin assistants do the research on applicant’s references, education backgrounds etc..
It’s not as uncommon as some people may think to lie about one’s education on paper, or otherwise.
Perhaps I’m more a stickler than most because of what I do for a living and I personally, haven’t seen enough proof BM graduated from Purdue University.
He may have graduated, he may not have. It’s MOO and moving on from the discussion now lol.


I see on Wikipedia that Purdue had/has some regional campuses separate from the West Lafayette main campus and also some campuses that were run cooperatively between Indiana University and Purdue and later went under the IU umbrella. At least some were semi-autonomous and had independent control of academic curricula. There are/were also Extension Centers that grant degrees in selected programs. It may be difficult to track down if the records for some of those campuses/centers are not or are no longer kept by Purdue, but instead are kept elsewhere. This might be one of those questions that only those "in the know" about BM could answer without a lot of digging and knowing that you are checking ALL the possibilities.
I hope you’re right, but personally I just don’t see it, right now anyway. What may change my feelings about him would be a to see a TRULY broken man, in the depths of despair over what he did to his beautiful wife and to his children and to Suzanne’s family. NO MORE LIES! A confession, an honest confession and then taking LE to Suzanne’s remains. I can only hope they are not “scattered about.”
:( And NO, I don’t want to hear how Suzanne was responsible, she was angry, she wouldn’t listen to me anymore, she raised her voice at me, trying to deflect blame from himself. I want him to take FULL responsibility, look his daughters in the eye and tell them the TRUTH, that he killed their beautiful mother and ROBBED them of her unfailing love for them that should have included all the things a mother does for her children even when they have left the nest. He is not only a murderer, he is a thief of the worst kind.

A truly broken man, on his knees, wailing, fully comprehending what he has done. This is what I hope for, whilst also thinking it is wishful thinking since there is absolutely nothing he has done since murdering Suzanne that would indicate he is even capable of the inward reflection needed to recognize what a despicable man he has become. JMHO.

IMHO, he will never be a broken man as long as he has a stash of money. It's what he loves, what he lives for. Money fills in the black hole of his feeling of inferiority. Money makes him feel superior and smarter that the average working stiff.

He may be scared, but he trusts in money.

The day he is broke, that is the day to put him on suicide watch.
Although I think even if they didn't have access to it, investigators would meet with the family and give them a general description of what's in it and answer any questions they have. They probably want to prepare them emotionally before it's made public. Imo

I certainly hope so. As eager as we are to see the AA, can you imagine how SM's loved ones feel?
Thanks, Boxer !
Veerrryyy interesting.

I'm betting he wouldn't have 'stayed put' in CO, either.
Pricey house notwithstanding.
Pricey house...nah we double down here now. That is literally chump change for the state. Median income in my neighborhood is 150k-200k. As a single parent I happily clock that daily, toss in my stocks/cryptos and I could retire but easily bored. And that is coming from rock bottom 3 years ago.
IMHO, he will never be a broken man as long as he has a stash of money. It's what he loves, what he lives for. Money fills in the black hole of his feeling of inferiority. Money makes him feel superior and smarter that the average working stiff.

He may be scared, but he trusts in money.

The day he is broke, that is the day to put him on suicide watch.
Even when he's broke, there will be prison groupies who will join him in maintaining his innocence. Those gals always mystify me, squandering their lives and resources on such lost causes, but some people want easy pickings and I expect he'll attract a few.
Exactly, if he waited any longer "they" wouldn't have found the bike in the ravine. The police had to be called and arrive before the sun went down! ETA:
Otherwise the bike alibi would be out the window, how could he claim she went on a bogus bike ride?

I've never quite understood why people think the bike had to be found right away. As long as it was missing from the home/garage, that is enough to establish the likelihood SM took it for a ride, if LE had no good reason to initially suspect foul play. You'd think as a true crime buff BM would realize the bike being found would provide an evidence scene for police to find clues or lack thereof of SM being anywhere near that crash/abduction site and a jumping off point for thinking it was staged by someone close to her. The longer the bike was not found, the more possibilities for where SM could be, IMO.
It was @Hoosierfan72 if I remember correctly. His wife was friends with SM.

I'm wondering if BM went around falsely bragging that he got a million for his business; as a way to mend an ego severely wounded by all the bridges that he had managed to burn.

Perhaps he did get a million, but his company was in debt for $900,000?
Anyone doubt that BLM wasn't in the red???
Someone bailed him out off an untenable financial hole?
And he may owe that someone?

I can honestly imagine this as a possibility. The financial forensic data will be interesting, to say the least, in this case.

I'm at the point that I don't believe anything he says. Or any image he tries to present of himself.

All opinion, speculation.
EBM delete double post

BBM Well, I’ve gone over the last 46 pages posted yesterday and can’t find the post regarding BM selling his business for a million dollars. But I understand you’re busy.
I’ll keep searching. :) MOO
OK it was posted this past week. Maybe it was deleted like mine was because there was no link.
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