Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #62 *ARREST*

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Many are speculating about the current relationship between BM and the daughters. I am curious about something else, though. What about his "brothers" at the firehouse? Remember, these guys were all in at the beginning...helping BM, supporting him. But first responders are generally loyal to law enforcement, and that comraderie is strong. So, those guys are also intertwined with local law enforcement, who are not on Barry's side. So my question much of the support for Barry at the firehouse still exists? And have any of those guys flipped with info?
I would think they are livid that they were fooled into believing BM's story and spending all that time searching for his missing wife, now that they know he was lying from the beginning. Some of them may have suspected him long before he was arrested, though.
I am guessing that Barry's own words (voluntarily given to LE while an investigation into the disappearance of his wife was on-going) will sink him.

The rules of evidence, as I read them, will permit whatever he said to police to be used against him, as long as he knew they were police and that the words were being recorded.

Barry is, after all, the only eyewitness to what happened to Suzanne (per current court documents). His words are not "anecdotal" under the law. I'm sure his lawyers will attempt to bar what he said prior to arrest as inadmissible, but I am doubtful they'll be successful.

I also think that certain items missing from Barry's truck (perhaps a cooler) will be shown via various camera footage.

If the Court disallows actual reading of transcripts of what Barry said to police, the police will themselves take the stand, swear to tell the truth, and, using notes and recordings, tell the jury what Barry said. It'll come in, one way or another.

I think it will be devastating to Barry's case. I believe Barry contradicted himself and that as LE combed over early evidence, Barry changed his story many times (and not just his alibi which, by itself, will be convincing to some jurors).
I agree. Just as in the Stauch case when LS constantly changed her story to fit with each new piece of evidence, I believe BM did the same.
Tedious Detail Warning
@Error505 sbm bbm Okay, if we're discussing (possible) remains placement on Longhorn Dr. or area, I'll start a timeline w well-related permit & documents* but welcome corrections & comments. ATM I have no conclusions about well & this.

1. When could anyone have worked inconspicuously at Longhorn site or close to where multiple LE conducted searches on/close to Longhorn?
2. Normally, other than the well driller co.'s activity in actually drilling, does a county, water dist, or state official inspect the well/well site? If so, when?
3. Is there any correlation btwn dates in red and dates of other significant actions in case, such as LE interviews, travel to Indiana, elsewhere? BM & travel?
4. ___???

Date............Event..................................................... Source.
Ju.25,2020...BM buys Longhorn Dr. prop............Spcl. Wrnty Deed
July 9 ........BM signs App for well permit ...........Water Well Permit App.form...
July 14........ Augmentatn Application ....................... Augmentatn Application form
July 14.........Ark.RiverWaterDist Bd. grants...............Augmentation Certificate
July 21........ ^ Approval given by Engr
July 23 ........ ^stamped recvd by CO DNR
Sept.17.....CO.DNR signs permit/auth. for well....CO DNR form
Oct 10...........<<created date, digital original file.
Dec. 2 2020.. well completion.............................. driller co. report re the well.
Jan 17, driller signed report.................... per ^ form GWS-31
Jan 28................stamped Recvd by CO Water Resources
Ap 22.........BM sells Longhorn Dr. prop.

* Info from Error
See "original file" then click "view" at 84716-F.
This may have been discussed, I haven’t caught up.
First date that pops out at me, July 9th. Isn’t that the date of the second search warrant at the home?
I’ve read somewhere that GD (400 Iraq tours friend) has(d) an old jeep. I’m assuming LE checked it out since he ‘appeared’ to be a member of “Team Berry”. I have reason to believe even a couple of BM’s contract workers’ vehicles were checked over (GPS data retrieved) by LE, more than once. In the process of checking out vehicles by collecting gps data, would LE automatically check for SM’s dna? I’m sure a search warrant was used on each vehicle checked. That would be the smart, legal method. No sense taking a chance finding evidence that can’t be submitted to the courts. MOO and a “smidge” of speculation.

Please pardon the interruption. I may need assistance in clarifying because this pertains to way back at the beginning. Not at all sleuthing the 400 tours gentleman soldier VFF. However, he's been mentioned in AM interviews and/or LS videos.

The 400 tours guy who had an older model Jeep was in Andy's search party. He's the one who broke away from the group without offering an explanation. I don't recall where he went.

Isn't he also the same guy BM moved in with initially when CCSD blocked the Morphew home almost immediately?

Is he the same fellow who stated Barry was pacing the floors peering out the windows? Someone posited via speculation a couple of weeks ago that perhaps he may be an Ace in the Hole for the DA.

When did Barry leave his buddy's place to move into the Poncha Springs condo?

The point of all of this is:
Did BM ever spend another night at PP home after reporting Suzanne missing? TIA
I have to wonder if those trail cameras were set up so BM could keep an eye on anyone who might approach the area where Suzanne (or evidence) was disposed.

Because it is known that killers can return to the scene of the disposal, just to check that all is still covered up. Not dug up by animals, or revealed due to weather conditions such as heavy rain or high winds.

BM may not have wanted to return there in person as he may have suspected that he was being watched.

And he may have wanted to keep Suzanne and/or evidence close, so he could regularly monitor the site. (Until he could get out of Dodge.)

I think he did monitor Suzanne in death as well as when she was alive. IMO the trail cams were set up to watch the searchers so he could monitor anybody who got too close. The dead giveaway was the slinging of a shotgun over his shoulder. That was a hostile and intimidating act to those people who were searching for his dead wife.

His mask has fallen off.

IMO, BM is so arrogant he thought that he was going to control the narrative every step of the way and everything he said/told LE would be believed. He never thought his story/timeline would be checked so thoroughly with a fine tooth comb, thought he could outsmart everyone including LE, Suzanne would quickly be forgotten and he would get away with it.

BM may be an expert hunter and tracker, too bad his arrogance and stupidity got in the way of him covering his own tracks. That is, too bad for him, but good for LE/DA and most importantly, justice for Suzanne.

IMO, no matter which strategy his defense team goes with, LE has evidence that proves BM is NOT a victim, that Suzanne IS the victim of his heinous, heartless crime.
IMO, their daughters and Suzanne’s siblings are traumatized victims via collateral damage of their beautiful, loving Mother and Sister be taken from them and disposed of in a cold, callous, heartless manner by their own Father and BIL.

My plea to BM- spare your daughters and Suzanne’s siblings the agony of a trial, just come clean and tell everyone where Suzanne’s remains are if for no other reason than to give your daughters and Suzanne’s siblings some semblance of peace and opportunity to lay her to rest properly with the dignity and respect she deserves.
Unrealistic? Probably, but hey, a girl can dream.


Love this post!!

I’m always amazed at these egomaniacs who are so certain no one will suspect them. They all have that same lack of self-awareness and are shocked when the cuffs go on.
If we believe Suzanne’s sister, she has said in media interviews that Suzanne was looking forward to the move and picked the Puma Path home. It does have similar interior feeling to the home they built in Indiana.

Agreed. BM is the epitome of myriad terrible adjectives but I also believe SM was looking forward to the move. She picked the home and the furniture. I think their reasons for the excitement were vastly different. IMO SM hoped that "new" was synonymous with "fresh start".

I also believe that GM found BM's request for guardianship more than irksome. I believe she wanted the house sold, they did make numerous price reductions in an effort to make the sale. I think this added financial pressure that became an albatross. When GM reached out to BM for the actual money they owed him (100k) and drawing up a promissory note, BM responded with something along the lines of "what's the matter Gene, you don't trust me? Talk to SM about it". Low and behold it ended up being repaid. I don't think the relationship was ever whole between GM & SM and IMO BM used that wedge as a way to keep control. Always pushing the narrative of not trustworthy and other names that would trigger hard memories and feelings for SM.

BM is a master manipulator. He's has decades of experience and has always come out "ahead". No longer will his suntan and fancy cars impress people, or frighten people. <modsnip>

As always, MOO
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Thank you for bringing up this article..many similarities to Chris’ interview with Melinda on the Interview Room. However, there are some details here that I’m not sure I’ve seen confirmed before. Just a few other things that were not mentioned in your great synopsis that may be of interest. First thing that made my jaw drop is that Melinda states that Barry never called their family/ her dad to tell them Suzanne was missing. He had Mallory make the call. Then she confirms that the explanation that he gave his girls, at least initially, is the bike ride and the mountain lion. Melinda also says that Barry was a “loving, serving father” which made me think that maybe he treated the girls much differently then he did Suzanne. She also stated that she didn’t believe that Suzanne realized the danger she was in. Heartbreaking article..

Right?? He'd ask for money but didn't have the decency to call ANYONE in her family when she tragically went missing?? Hello red flags....
IMHO - the Judge did not seal the arrest affidavit because it made BM look innocent.
It would seem he has two considerations in mind. First, the Judge knows that Eitan & Nielsen are watching his every move and are ready to pounce on any slight legal misstep. So he is taking every precaution not to provide any grounds for appeal.
What the Judge pointedly is protecting the daughters from may well be nightmarish. It would be cruel to publicly parade their tragedy before the world if it can be delayed or avoided.
Lets our sympathy reign in our burning desire to have been right all along.
IMHO - the Judge did not seal the arrest affidavit because it made BM look innocent.
It would seem he has two considerations in mind. First, the Judge knows that Eitan & Nielsen are watching his every move and are ready to pounce on any slight legal misstep. So he is taking every precaution not to provide any grounds for appeal.
What the Judge pointedly is protecting the daughters from may well be nightmarish. It would be cruel to publicly parade their tragedy before the world if it can be delayed or avoided.
Lets our sympathy reign in our burning desire to have been right all along.

I totally agree. As much as I want to know what is in the AA, I think we need to trust that the Judge knows what needs to happen ... and when... I will keep impatiently waiting. Moo
The rules of evidence, as I read them, will permit whatever he said to police to be used against him, as long as he knew they were police and that the words were being recorded.

Colorado is a one-party consent state so Barry does not have to be informed he’s being recorded. The only requirement is that the person recording has to be a participant in the conversation. I don’t think they have to inform him they’re police, they can lie like rugs to try to get him to talk. What they can’t do is pretend to be a lawyer and lead him to falsely believe he could speak freely under attorney-client privilege.
Just a small correction... She never signed the ballot.

10ofRods said:
You certainly can count that time he signed as witness to Suzanne's ballot (thereby stating he witnessed her sign it) and then readily admitted to the FBI agents that was not true, he did not witness her sign it.

per my notes:
The Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office was notified by the Chaffee County Clerk of a report of alleged voter fraud. They had received an election voter ballot for a missing person, Suzanne Morphew, who had been missing since May 2020. The clerk provided the ballot to be photographed and taken as evidence. On the back of the ballot envelope, there was no signature next to the voter signature, but Barry Lee Morphew signed the witness’s signature. The offenses occurred between October 22, 2020 & May 13, 2021.

on post #120 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #60 *ARREST*
Just a small correction... She never signed the ballot.

per my notes:
The Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office was notified by the Chaffee County Clerk of a report of alleged voter fraud. They had received an election voter ballot for a missing person, Suzanne Morphew, who had been missing since May 2020. The clerk provided the ballot to be photographed and taken as evidence. On the back of the ballot envelope, there was no signature next to the voter signature, but Barry Lee Morphew signed the witness’s signature. The offenses occurred between October 22, 2020 & May 13, 2021.

on post #120 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #60 *ARREST*
So he witnessed her not signing it. How does one claim to see a person signing their signature when they're not there? Good one, Barry.

Oh, that's right, he thought you could do that for your wife.
Thank you so much for adding this! This detail just confirms for me that I think Barry intended for the girls to be the ones to discover Suzanne “missing”. When that didn’t happen, he brought the neighbor in to make the discovery.

Then, Barry has the audacity to make his daughter inform Suzanne’s family about the situation. More distancing, IMO.
What a total coward!! Makes me sick.
Also, the less activity by Barry, and the more by his mind, this is about "we" not "me"....blending in....strength in numbers, etc...In the Tyler was all about "we" and "our team"....Barry wants to project that he is just one of the players....not the player.
I would be interested to know just how much time LE actually questioned BM. We know it wasn't 30 hours. We also know that at some point he either lawyered up and stopped talking...or just stopped talking. A deputy alluded to his "lack of cooperation" in talking to Andy....but I am curious just how much or how little Barry participated in an interview. His interview responses are going to be a critical piece of prosecution evidence. If he lied to Andy, Lauren, etc...then he also had to lie to LE.
I alluded to this previously but can't locate my comments about it: The chlorine purchase. How much chlorine does it take to clean a hot tub? Where is the rest of the chlorine that Barry purchased after he "cleaned the hot tub"? If you need 2 pounds for example...from a 50 pound bag....where are the other 48 pounds? Kind of like....where are the coolers that should be in the garage or storage areas? IOW....the absence of physical evidence that should exist is evidence as well.
I am guessing that Barry's own words (voluntarily given to LE while an investigation into the disappearance of his wife was on-going) will sink him.

The rules of evidence, as I read them, will permit whatever he said to police to be used against him, as long as he knew they were police and that the words were being recorded.

Barry is, after all, the only eyewitness to what happened to Suzanne (per current court documents). His words are not "anecdotal" under the law. I'm sure his lawyers will attempt to bar what he said prior to arrest as inadmissible, but I am doubtful they'll be successful.

I also think that certain items missing from Barry's truck (perhaps a cooler) will be shown via various camera footage.

If the Court disallows actual reading of transcripts of what Barry said to police, the police will themselves take the stand, swear to tell the truth, and, using notes and recordings, tell the jury what Barry said. It'll come in, one way or another.

I think it will be devastating to Barry's case. I believe Barry contradicted himself and that as LE combed over early evidence, Barry changed his story many times (and not just his alibi which, by itself, will be convincing to some jurors).
Yes. In fact. The rules of evidence will allow ANY statement by Barry to Anyone to be admissible so long as the person to whom Barry spoke is there to testify. I’m expecting there to be an army of those kinds of witnesses.
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