Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #62 *ARREST*

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Brilliant. I hope you stick with us as a trial analyst, as things proceed.

Ditto! So many times we see lesser charges dropped to focus on the higher charges, but so strategic the reasoning that was posted. I've never considered such before that scenario,

"They knew a good defense attorney wouldn't even attempt to defend on the basis of an alibi, so they added the charge of misleading public officials to assure that the evidence would survive a relevancy objection. I think that all the added charges may have this same purpose - to assure the jury gets to hear the whole story."

nor recall it being discussed as to that strategy for prosecution on the threads.

But it makes sooooooooooooooo much logical sense as to do, and surprised now it hasn't happened more often in cases. Thank you @CGray123.
My reading of the Judge's decision to seal: we can convict BARRY if we don't blow it. What BM did to SM is too horrific to confront the girls with publicly. Sealed.

.. and gives him a chance to plead or ??

Reasoning I say this is that the "affect to the jury pool" is MOOT.....MOO, as it WILL BE RELEASED per judge prior to trial. Ergo, logically, this has nothing to do with affecting the jury.
I keep thinking about the "if one person could be saved, she would think it was worth it" comment from BM. "Something" put that notion in his head and it eventually came out his mouth.
I keep thinking about the "if one person could be saved, she would think it was worth it" comment from BM. "Something" put that notion in his head and it eventually came out his mouth.
Maybe it's some odd perverted twist on Kant rather than biblical: Moral worth only comes when you do something because you know that it is your duty and you would do it regardless of whether you liked it. I sure don't definitely it "up there" on odd things people have said.
Maybe it's some odd perverted twist on Kant rather than biblical: Moral worth only comes when you do something because you know that it is your duty and you would do it regardless of whether you liked it. I sure don't definitely it "up there" on odd things people have said.
I sincerely doubt BM was in any way familiar with Kant and given that BM presents himself as a godly man, I doubt very much that was his meaning.
I keep thinking about the "if one person could be saved, she would think it was worth it" comment from BM. "Something" put that notion in his head and it eventually came out his mouth.

I will try not to go too far down this road because things frequently run off the rails with this topic-Barry was raised a Baptist. Salvation is a very important core principle. Barry can even believe that if he murdered Suzanne, he can ask for forgiveness and maintain his relationship with God.
I've been wondering why BM's legal team hasn't pushed or asked for bail. They did say that their client is sitting in a cage at the jail (paraphrasing, but close). The judge did deny bail at BM's arraignment, but doesn't the defense have the right for a bail hearing?

Can anyone help me shed light on this? TIA!
I keep thinking about the "if one person could be saved, she would think it was worth it" comment from BM. "Something" put that notion in his head and it eventually came out his mouth.

MOO, it is a tell about financial issues that BM had that SM was not aware of, and SM being killed would have been ok with her if she realized it would Ave solved BM’s financial troubles. And it’s wrapped up in a nice southern Baptist bow.
I've been wondering why BM's legal team hasn't pushed or asked for bail. They did say that their client is sitting in a cage at the jail (paraphrasing, but close). The judge did deny bail at BM's arraignment, but doesn't the defense have the right for a bail hearing?

Can anyone help me shed light on this? TIA!
Maybe they realize there is an overwhelming amount of evidence against him and since he's charged with a capital offense, bail will be denied.
MOO, it is a tell about financial issues that BM had that SM was not aware of, and SM being killed would have been ok with her if she realized it would Ave solved BM’s financial troubles. And it’s wrapped up in a nice southern Baptist bow.
In other words, her death is what saved him. That could be what he was thinking. Who knows what was going through his mind.
I've been wondering why BM's legal team hasn't pushed or asked for bail. They did say that their client is sitting in a cage at the jail (paraphrasing, but close). The judge did deny bail at BM's arraignment, but doesn't the defense have the right for a bail hearing?

Can anyone help me shed light on this? TIA!
It's a good question...I've wondered also as I was assuming his team would want a hearing on bail and perhaps they are waiting until proof positive, presumption great/preliminary. But I also think perhaps they are figuring that some charge...even the voter fraud will stick and time served is time served.
I will try not to go too far down this road because things frequently run off the rails with this topic-Barry was raised a Baptist. Salvation is a very important core principle. Barry can even believe that if he murdered Suzanne, he can ask for forgiveness and maintain his relationship with God.

Too bad he decided to disregard other religious tenets like the shalt-not-kill part.
The State is not required to provide or prove motive.
I think in this case as well, you could select a motive from a hypothetical list!

A dv incident which went too far
To stop SM from revealing something BM wanted kept under wraps
Financial gain (or rather to avoid financial loss..)

Prosecution will no doubt push the point that motive is not legally required, hopefully whilst offering up any one of the potential scenarios. All of which I think are convincing.

I've been wondering why BM's legal team hasn't pushed or asked for bail. They did say that their client is sitting in a cage at the jail (paraphrasing, but close). The judge did deny bail at BM's arraignment, but doesn't the defense have the right for a bail hearing?

Can anyone help me shed light on this? TIA!

It's my understanding that each defendant is entitled to one bail hearing - which Barry got. Now it's entirely the Judge's discretion whether, if his new attorneys bring a motion, he'll re-hear the issue. He doesn't have to.

Which is why the inmate should have had an attorney on speed dial and gone ahead and retained private counsel.

Frankly, I think the Court will continue to deny him bail (Murder One is still a capital charge in CO, meaning "the most serious type of charge," even if there's no death penalty). Still, I wouldn't be surprised if the new attorneys still make the attempt. The fact that Barry appeared to be about to flee Colorado is another reason to deny bail (so. two strikes, there, Barry).

So the answer is: he had a bail hearing (his first appearance) and he is not automatically entitled to keep having more bail hearings. And I'd bet that even if a motion is filed, the Court will still not hear it until August 9, and might even postpone the preliminary (and Barry will probably lose the motion, so all that does is extend his time in jail...pondering his future).
I've been wondering why BM's legal team hasn't pushed or asked for bail. They did say that their client is sitting in a cage at the jail (paraphrasing, but close). The judge did deny bail at BM's arraignment, but doesn't the defense have the right for a bail hearing?

Can anyone help me shed light on this? TIA!
They have been kind of quiet in general.
BM's team are clamming up because when they ask for his freedom, the response will be "But look at all the crimes he is accused of!" And that's just what his attorneys don't want becoming public - all the crimes he is accused of!
It's my understanding that each defendant is entitled to one bail hearing - which Barry got. Now it's entirely the Judge's discretion whether, if his new attorneys bring a motion, he'll re-hear the issue. He doesn't have to.

Which is why the inmate should have had an attorney on speed dial and gone ahead and retained private counsel.

Frankly, I think the Court will continue to deny him bail (Murder One is still a capital charge in CO, meaning "the most serious type of charge," even if there's no death penalty). Still, I wouldn't be surprised if the new attorneys still make the attempt. The fact that Barry appeared to be about to flee Colorado is another reason to deny bail (so. two strikes, there, Barry).

So the answer is: he had a bail hearing (his first appearance) and he is not automatically entitled to keep having more bail hearings. And I'd bet that even if a motion is filed, the Court will still not hear it until August 9, and might even postpone the preliminary (and Barry will probably lose the motion, so all that does is extend his time in jail...pondering his future).

Makes sense, thank you for the reply. I'm just a little surprised a motion for bail hasn't been addressed by his attorneys. The hyperbole they demonstrated in the last hearing had me thinking that they were out there fighting away for BM and to get him out of that cage. I guess that was just bluster, and when it comes right down to it, they must know they are screwed. IMO.
MOO, it is a tell about financial issues that BM had that SM was not aware of, and SM being killed would have been ok with her if she realized it would Ave solved BM’s financial troubles. And it’s wrapped up in a nice southern Baptist bow.

Well, if Suzanne was all for Barry killing her, why are we waiting on the AA and future trial? If she was willing to give her own life for Barry to become rich, why'd she go through the hell of chemotherapy?

Barry is mentally ill. Those of us of sound mind may never understand his words or reasoning. He's in jail for committing heinous crimes that have nothing to do with being a Southern Baptist.

I don't believe for a minute that Suzanne was willing to die in order to make Barry a multi- millionaire. She'd also be forfeiting seeing her lovely daughters graduate, becoming happily engaged, attending their fabulous weddings and being a devoted grandmother.

JMHO, but Suzanne raged against the dying of the light.
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