Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #79 *ARREST*

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Wait what ?? How did I miss all of this so he was pretending to be compliant on this move out of puma path. Then murdered her? For F’s sake this a whole new development in my mind. This is the premeditation and planning. She thought he was being civil !!! No way!

Yes, SM sent text messages to BM with a Salida property for sale and BM brings up moving to AZ?? He'd been love bombing SM since May 6 and the difference this time was that nothing was working. SM was standing firm -- her mind was made up. Seriously, BM, moving to AZ was going to work as great as moving to Colorado did! He should have let her go... he's a savage. MOO

[URL='']Lauren Scharf@LaurenScharfTV
Replying to
On May 8, #BarryMorphew allegedly brought up moving to Arizona. Grusing said this was the first time this was ever mentioned and Suzanne thought it was strange. She was looking at homes for sale in Salida, CO according to text messages.

8:42 AM · Aug 23, 2021
Hi NoSi. Thanks for confirming what I guessed would be the demeanors of at least the daughters. Seems there have been highs and lows but the Daily Mail had some pictures in which they seemed to look quite happy.

I had wondered if BM really did expect his lawyers would get him out on bail or maybe the judge would drop charges. Even though I didn’t learn much from the PH, there are so many things that weren’t even touched on. The judge knows what those things are. What puzzles me is that BM now knows what those things are too so why would he believe he could walk out of the courtroom? Why would his attorneys allow him to believe that?

And him dropping his head in his hands as an act of defeat, was that all for show? Surely reality had set in before that time?

RSBM. First, to gain some control over him and to keep him from acting out. Second, to avoid having to talk to him (yet) about all the parts of the A.A. Defense attorneys must not lie to the court. have ways to avoid that. IME. Third, out of compassion - yes, it's possible. He probably seems like a completely broken man to them.
RSBM. First, to gain some control over him and to keep him from acting out. Second, to avoid having to talk to him (yet) about all the parts of the A.A. Defense attorneys must not lie to the court. have ways to avoid that. IME. Third, out of compassion - yes, it's possible. He probably seems like a completely broken man to them.
Thanks. That last one though about compassion. Even though they defend him, they have to know he killed his wife. Do they tell themselves she deserved it? I always wonder about defense attorneys and how they cope with knowing.
  1. @SydneeStelle
    “A hotel manager later address the chlorine smell in Barry's room to investigators, saying that his room was directly above the pool and that's why it smelled like that”.

    BM attempted to bribe several local officials. Is it possible he bribed a hotel employee?
    I am still not understanding. The smell was real strong and ‘knocked BM back’ and then made MG eyes water, why they not report this to house cleaning? Makes no sense. MOO
I tried to get clarification on that yesterday - I don't think anyone knows. Probably need to go through tweets. I strikes me that either the truck stores everything or it doesn't. I'm guessing that defense will provide extensive expert testimony showing how inaccurate and unreliable these consumer-grade location tracking devices really are.
I think we do need to revisit the tweets but I can’t dig into that this evening. @NoSI’s excellent notes from the PH, however, may cover it even better. When it was being discussed in real time during the PH my interpretation was that the missing miles are from after the telematics box was rebooted.

NoSI’s notes indicate the F350’s telematics computer rebooted for unknown reasons at 5:33pm on May 9th. In theory, all on-board telematics before this were deleted. Disconnecting the battery is probably one way to trigger an event like this, but it won’t reset the mileage odometer. The storage for that info is persistent because the odometer uses non-volatile memory IMO. It’s also possible that some select info might be in the Ford “cloud” if there was an active subscription for that vehicle. But I never heard that discussed during the PH tweetstorms.

I believe that, at a minimum, LE knows the mileage on the odometer at 5:33pm on 5/9 after the reset and they know the mileage on the odometer the evening of 5/10 when they took possession of the truck. They have some amount of GPS data indicating where the truck was in between those two times. And they have the places BM says he drove to in between those two times.

When you sum it all up, they’re saying 18 miles is missing — the truck was driven 18 miles more than BM can remember or gps data can account for. Unless he talks or there are witnesses/surveillance we may never know.

A quick side note on all that:

I found it interesting that although very illegal in this country (it’s a federal offense to use one or sell one), GPS jamming devices are readily available online for very little money — and we’re not even talking about a dark web purchase. But it appears you can also attenuate or even totally squelch GPS signals with just some low-tech sheet metal and duct tape. None of this was brought up in the PH but I don’t recall it being discussed here before.

All just MOO and IMO… (Edited for clarity.)
I’m positive he was watching her and knew what was going on. I didn’t hear about the 11 missed calls in tweets and I was watching closely. Is there a tweet of this?

I am positive they were watching each other. SM to gather evidence to support her divorce. BM as a method to control SM. I suspect BM knewSM was having an extra marital relationship.
Could it be that, while he was out getting the blade changed, he could have been watching SM via the home trailcams, and maybe he saw her doing something like taking a selfie, texting or talking on the phone -- if he was already suspicious of her activities, he might have been calling over and over just to try to disrupt her connection with someone else? MOO
Nope I only remember insurance papers. Can you remind me of where you saw real estate ?
At 26:00

JP is saying that the Daily Mail misconstrued his statements to them about finding mail in the room, they said it was a bunch of mail strewn about the room. JP says it was one piece of mail with BM name on it and some Salida Realty brochures wadded up with it in the trash.

I totally agree Suzanne is close to PP.

I am not sure about a burial cooler but he had all night so who knows if she is on PP or a nearby rental place? So far his truck’s GPS doesn’t show movement.

And so far we’ve heard nothing about Suzanne’s Range River movement.

I’m sure the CBI and Chaffee County sheriff had reasons to not tear up the PP and adjacent acres. But I’d like to know those reasons. Freshly disturbed land in dry rocky Salida shows signs of disturbance.

Barry is a seasoned hunter and thus is secretive and knows his nearby public/private lands.

I’d really like confirmation if indeed BM went all the way up to Monarch Pass/Garfield Mine on 5/10/2020 because the released GPS truck data doesn’t show that.

Mark Redwine just laid his son off a Middle Mountain Forest Service road near his cabin. And yet months went by before Dylan was found.

So where could Suzanne be? I think she’s close by PP.

…Interesting placement of trail cams before the searchers came!
I never realized how pixels kind of look like bandaids lol o_Oo_Oo_O

They look like whatever the viewer expects them to look like. A gun, a candle, a smiley face, a peace sign, etc.
I deal with this every day in the graphic design field. Folks see what makes sense to them, or, in some cases, what they're expecting to see... a figure of a person, an angel or a car, or... a bandaid.

It appears to be impossible to tell folks that what they're seeing is NOT there (even when you're the one who created the image and you KNOW it's not there).

As for TD's video? I don't see anything concerning about BM's arms.
@OldCop - it seems that LS recap video has some answers we were missing for the timeline on Sat, May 9. Although we had tweets indicating BM phoned SM during/after changing the blade on the Bobcat before arriving home at 2:44 pm, we did not have a timestamp for this event. It seems that BM phoned SM at least 11 times around 2:26 pm.

Thanks, @Seattle1. I’ll include that in the next update.
I think that’s a possibility if he controlled the money - but honestly I feel like there’s something really prejudicial in the AA beyond the money that needs to be buried -other crimes, heinous abuse, family secrets- something worth hiding - FWIW I thought the insurance documents found in the HIE had to do with renewal of property insurance (or cancellation for non-payment)
If, if, sealing the affidavit serves, indeed, to protect minors and not just BM.
…then, I expect, it is someone’s dirty linen and intimate life. Never mind the source and what is there. The phrase girls being minors, to me, means that there is probably some gossip in AA, and if not gossip, something deeply personal.
Speaking of boot prints and of tire tracks.
Did they discover any bike tire tracks away from the house?
If she rode out of that garage, there would be bicycle tracks.
They should match the tires on her bike.
Depending on long it was that she was riding on the dirt. To get to the road you never go on,
There should be a track. At least out of the driveway. IMO
@Tiff23fr Thanks for asking about my (amateur) game plan. I'd love to bounce my ideas off of you (we're in similar fields) and also off the legal eagles here.

(TL;DR - DV; timeline; witness will show motive, means and opportunity to commit the crime of murdering Suzanne Morphew).

Domestic violence and the danger of divorce would be my first topic, with all the evidence of Barry's pre-disappearance control (an expert witness on DV; Barry controlling the money; SO's and Suzanne's sister's testimony about a violent marriage; probably put the daughter who recommended a restraining order on the stand (gently) and I'd also ask her if the door frame had been broken the last time she was at the house; the nose clipping event; the times he pinned her down to the bed; the time he threw her into a closet and held a gun to his head; all his suicide messages; then put the expert back on the stand to give a statement about how suicidal controlling spouses often turn homicidal. The fact that women are most vulnerable to murder (femicide) when they try to leave would get hammered home. I'd also have a chart of all the things that constitute DV (it's not just punching people, shoving and blocking exits and "clipping" in the face while making wild hand gestures, getting in someone's face, yelling, threatening, financial control, sexual control, implicit threats of violence - such as "bumping" one's big muscular body up against someone to herd them around as if they are a deer, religious control, gaslighting, blaming the victim - all of that needs to be discussed and good graphics made). How abusers try to isolate the victim more and more, to control and to silence them.

Then I'd start the timeline of how Suzanne planned to leave (starting with her financial moves to try and get some money to go, constantly reiterating how secretive she needed to be). Starting May 6, the timeline will ramp up and begin to include Barry Morphew's opportunity (daughters gone, Suzanne alone, poor cellular connection, distance between houses in that area;) and his motivation (financial and she's leaving). I'd go into Barry Morphew's financial patterns (including his dependence on Suzanne for big sums of money). Barry's actions from May 6-11th would be combed over with a fine tooth comb. He has no alibi. I'd try to establish that his financial motivation was huge, that he carried a gun around the house, that he admitted shooting the gun on May 9th, and I'd introduce the broken door frame. I'd have a map of the larger area and another of the PP house. I'd include the elk head with flesh attached outside the house to attract mountain lions, I'd include his rapid move to get conservatorship, his getting rid of Suzanne's things, his bizarre statement about saving just one person, his exchange of his truck for a new one, and his selling of the RR (maybe two RR's) and his sale of the Indiana house. I'd hope that SO has information about Suzanne wanting to move back to Indiana. I'd bring in any witnesses who could explain that Barry believed only death could end a marriage and Suzanne's statements about Barry permitting no discussion of divorce ("because it will never happen.") Here, I believe it's tricky. Surely JL can testify to Suzanne's reasoning about divorce, at least to some degree. Anyway, this would be the timeline section (I'm really good at drawing timelines myself, with color coding and I would have slides and when all the timeline was put together, it would be highly incriminating). Barry had opportunity, he had means, he had motive. The scratch marks would be presented in this part. I'd probably also have a local LE witness talk about how it's a small town and many already knew Barry and that his reputation as a friendly, God-loving man made them reluctant to draw the conclusion that he was a murderer, and have that person tell why their mind changed. I'd include his attempt to influence MG as a witness. I'd include the lies he told to his nephew (put the nephew on the stand).

I'd include the financial forensics in the timeline section. This would include all the evidence the Suzanne did not voluntarily leave.

There'd be quite a bit of testimony, but I'd boil it down to a simple timeline and that timeline would be there at the summation. Obviously, the trash dump would be a big part of it.

Then I'd do all his lies in a big chart (how his story changed many times). The reset of the truck's GPS would be part of this (another set of experts here - to do car and phone GPS, including from a third phone which I believe he used in this crime and evidence of Suzanne's phone from the Cloud). I know Barry made more than just trash run stops and that LE has evidence of him out and about on May 9-10 (the evidence that caused Monarch Pass highway to be shut for a day - even if they didn't find much, they had reason to believe Barry had been in certain places - where Suzanne's body may still be hidden). I'd describe the searches for Suzanne and why Barry was excluded from official searches and how he behaved when Andy tried to search. I'd put Andy on the stand. His lack of cooperation and lying to the investigators needs to be strongly emphasized (not just because of that one charge, but for the whole case). He had knowledge of his own guilt. He also lies. I'd include lies told to the Moorman family about not being part of the loan (despite borrowing money to invest in community property). I'd include his lying about working on Sunday in Broomfield. The reset of the GPS would be emphasized as evidence that Suzanne was disposed of. I'd certainly mention the tranquilizer material, of course and bring in an expert to tell how that would help Barry avoid certain kinds of forensic evidence.

Then I'd wrap up with witnesses who could speak for Suzanne in some way. If that one pastor can be brought to the stand to repeat what Barry said to her, that'd be great too. But I'd have SO back on the stand, Suzanne's sister, one or both of the daughters, anyone who could read out Suzanne's grievance list, the texts between Suzanne and her supporters. If necessary, I'd address the issue of why they left Indiana (if defense claims it's due to the affair, I'd counter with it was due to Barry becoming increasingly violent - even in the workplace, of which there are two examples where there are witnesses). I'd imply that Suzanne wanted out, but that Barry had cornered her.

(And then I think about getting lucky...does the prosecution have witnesses from the gym who might know if Barry used steroids? Because I think he did...did Suzanne reveal anything to the Ritters about the state of the marriage - that would a lucky break; what about that DV group? etc What does SD know? )

I'd take the risk of putting one or both daughters on the stand, or at least Macy (I believe she really did advise her mother to get out and get a restraining order and I believe she's seen way more than we know). I don't think Macy will lie on the stand.

I'm stumped as to whether Barry actually had affairs. We all thought he did, but so far, no evidence that he did - except that he's with SD within two months after Suzanne disappears and SD's BF seems to believe she was already involved with Barry at the time of Suzanne's disappearance - that's just an intuition of mine after seeing his picture in the crowd at the first presser - but I think he knows when they got together).

At any rate, I'd make this trial about the dramatic story of a beautiful young woman who marries a man who truly believes he's in charge of her and that physical intimidation is just how he roles. If Barry is acquitted (by those 1-2 jurors who deep inside agree with him), at least the story of Suzanne's life, her endurance of DV, and the fact that apparently happy, well-to-do families may not actually be happy. That "Godly" men are capable of deception and I'd want to leave the jurors with a strong notion of Barry Morphew as deceptive and the exact opposite of what some members of his community thought him to be.

And I"d fervently hope that he was found guilty of all the charges, but if not, at least of felony possession of an illegal weapon and felony deception of the 8 LE/public officials. Because I do not want Barry to own any guns or be in possession of any guns for the rest of his life.

No more hunting for Barry.
YOU need to send this to the DA. I'm sure they know even more than any of us and can add even more textural paint strokes to this portrait of murder.
Thanks so much for your extremely comprehensive elucidation of the facts of this tragically sad case.
  1. @SydneeStelle
    “A hotel manager later address the chlorine smell in Barry's room to investigators, saying that his room was directly above the pool and that's why it smelled like that”.

    BM attempted to bribe several local officials. Is it possible he bribed a hotel employee?
    I am still not understanding. The smell was real strong and ‘knocked BM back’ and then made MG eyes water, why they not report this to house cleaning? Makes no sense. MOO

On March 16, 2020, CO governor closed bars, theaters, restaurants and gyms as an attempt to curb the spread of Covid. On March 25, gov issued “stay at home” order. If after that, on May 10 2020, there was, indeed, strong smell of chlorine from the hotel pool, that hotel is toast, as time wise they are in the middle of the pandemic. If the hotel manager lied, for whatever reason, then, he is bad situation. Either way, it has to be looked into.

BTW, scary that in the house of SM, a cancer survivor, a potentially immunocompromised person, no one seemed to protect her. Camping and travels in CO were strongly discouraged on April 11… As to Barry, he, of course, goes everywhere, mingles with different people, and then, he states, he had sex with his wife? And, of course, in Tyson Draper’s video, he is not wearing a mask. Masks were mandated well before May of 2020. Suzanne stopped attending church in person, so, she was concerned about her health. Barry, about his angel? - not at all.
I think we do need to revisit the tweets but I can’t dig into that this evening. @NoSI’s excellent notes from the PH, however, may cover it even better. When it was being discussed in real time during the PH my interpretation was that the missing miles are from after the telematics box was rebooted.

NoSI’s notes indicate the F350’s telematics computer rebooted for unknown reasons at 5:33pm on May 9th. In theory, all on-board telematics before this were deleted. Disconnecting the battery is probably one way to trigger an event like this, but it won’t reset the mileage odometer. The storage for that info is persistent because the odometer uses non-volatile memory IMO. It’s also possible that some select info might be in the Ford “cloud” if there was an active subscription for that vehicle. But I never heard that discussed during the PH tweetstorms.

I believe that, at a minimum, LE knows the mileage on the odometer at 5:33pm on 5/9 after the reset and they know the mileage on the odometer the evening of 5/10 when they took possession of the truck. They have some amount of GPS data indicating where the truck was in between those two times. And they have the places BM says he drove to in between those two times.

When you sum it all up, they’re saying 18 miles is missing — the truck was driven 18 miles more than BM can remember or gps data can account for. Unless he talks or there are witnesses/surveillance we may never know.

A quick side note on all that:

I found it interesting that although very illegal in this country (it’s a federal offense to use one or sell one), GPS jamming devices are readily available online for very little money — and we’re not even talking about a dark web purchase. But it appears you can also attenuate or even totally squelch GPS signals with just some low-tech sheet metal and duct tape. None of this was brought up in the PH but I don’t recall it being discussed here before.

All just MOO and IMO… (Edited for clarity.)
Two questions, do you or anyone know if the 18 miles missing is each way or round trip? Please don’t laugh because it’s unclear at least to me.
Your thoughts on a cellphone jammer are extremely interesting to me especially because I live in a state where several years ago a recent widow/school teacher and her 16 year old daughter were brutally murdered in their home. A jail informant contacted the FBI and local LE stating that he knew these two were killed after a cell jammer was installed (?) at their front door prior to the assaults and murders.
The fact that BM’s truck was reset has me totally confused but a cell phone jammer in the house matters. I look forward to what the truck people can add to when and why the truck reset. I bet it’s damning! IMO
Does the power to the electronics come from the battery being connected or
does it get it's power from the alternator? Because, he could have gone
more than 18 miles, because I have started my car and taken the battery
out, it it still runs. IMO
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