Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #12

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A wife and mother is missing, and you’re given a golden opportunity to get the word out.

It’s never “too soon,” but frequently “too late.”

Not here. Apparently it’s best to appoint a spokesman who forces the media not to show his face.

A spokesman who quickly goes silent.

Then, you wait days, and put out a 26 second video to appease the critics who can’t believe you aren’t making appeals for your missing wife.

Then you seek guardianship, and sell property.

As one does, when a life is hanging in the balance.

BBM. Oh I love it.
Thank you! Much appreciated.

Unfortunately, in your haste to furnish the link to the link, you forgot to tag @gitana1.

*ETA: I see you've corrected your error of ommission. Nicely done.
Of course, it would have been more impressive had you corrected it before I pointed it out.
Still. Kudos!

Thanks guys!!
Ya, but

Yes, but isn’t he afraid about how BLATANTLY obvious this all is??? JMO
Patrick Frazee had no such concerns, as he never participated in a search, or attended the press conference.

Likewise, BM has not once, made himself available to the media. That’s an even worse look than this move, IMO.
Mountain lion enters home in Salida

Sorry i am not use to posting links . I am learning tho i now have some of the links posted i am going to keep digging because there is a increase of the attacks and the public needs to know
I had no problem accepting that SM wasn’t taken by a lion, based on the lack of evidence. I didn’t cross it off because of rarity. The attacks are increasing, so that rare is going to become less rare. MVHO

Side trip, the eastern puma is assumed to be extinct, little known info, overcrowding in California created an opportunity to capture and release some to eastern US
My daughters former guy friend? lived in PA He is a hunter and believed he saw puma tracks. Of course he thought they were evidence that pumas weren’t extinct, but research discovered this wildlife program.
Until there is an established population and it increases toward crowding, there shouldn’t be a problem in the East, however it does seem the public should be cautioned at least. At that time it was somewhat of a secret.
Would BM be given guardianship if he is considered a suspect in the disappearance of SM? Unless LE have officially cleared him, how he could be given guardianship just doesn’t sit comfortably with me.
Of course he would be given guardianship if the property was owned jointly/wros. I assume SM agreed to the sale one year ago. Property is a civil matter and the deed needed to be transferred clear.

Wildlife department receives reports of mountain lions in BV

Wildlife officials unsure if stay-at-home orders will impact mountain lion behavior

Mountain lion captured in garage of north Longmont home

Mountain lion spotted in Boulder backyard Thursday

Mountain lion interactions, sightings continue in area - The Crested Butte News
Mountain lion interactions, sightings continue in area - The Crested Butte News
These are Just the newest ones i could find. One of these states that the stay at home order is having a affect on the moutian lion normal behavior. I will be posting more links later on the behavior of moutian lions when they have their sites on Prey. If you have a weak stomach dont watch them. The loin tends to take its prey away from the site of 1st contact to do what it is going to do. Not only Colorado is having increased sightings but other states as well. The amount of attacks on People are rising. Not that i am saying this is what happened to SM and i am not defending BM but He is telling the Truth about LE knowing of recent moutian lions and Attacks happening in the areas sournding and sighting even in Salida

Suzanne Morphew Bike Found by this Tree According to Barry Morphew-Tyson Draper

Interesting to see where BM pointed out the missing bike to TD. Easy enough to be discovered, but far enough from the edge of the road that it wouldn’t likely be seen immediately... unless you were looking for it. Not a bad idea if you’re staging and planning ahead. MOO
Would any of us seek guardianship?
.... I can understand that it’s tricky. ...if my husband disappeared and a few weeks later we were supposed to close on a property sale, would I seek a guardianship to gain control & let the sale go through? If the buyers could be messed up and/or we could be messed up if I didn’t do that?... Hopefully I’m never in that position.
@happyday :) sbm Agreeing, hope nobody would ever have to choose file-or-don't-file for G'ship. Your hypothetical: You & DH signed to accept buyer's offer; house is under contract, to close in a couple weeks; then DH goes missing.
If you don't file for G'ship. Sale does not close? Y
ou're obligated to pay r/e agent's commission, you may have incurred other exp's like title ins policy, etc. (And you kept house Instagram-worthy clean & tidy while for sale, didn't you?). Re-list your house again later (and keep house Instagram-worthy again)? Maybe a lower asking price? And your buyer may sue you for breach of contract, demanding specific performance (basically to force completion of sale, evict/move you out of the house). Spoiler alert: retain atty for estimated XX hrs at $ *advertiser censored*/hr; more due on monthly & final billings.
If you
do file, can seem overwhelming. Spoiler alert: retain atty for est'ed XX hrs at $*advertiser censored*/hour. Plus more bills.

As either buyer or seller, a tough position to be in. In this hypo, I don't know what I would do, but one time my earnest money was held hostage by a title insurance company for ~ 6 months, on a land purchase that did not close. See my post 373 on this thread, for a laugh.
Back to Suzanne.
The big Cat problem needs addressing by each State . I find it rather dishearting that you cant find warnings that the Cats of wildlife have been spotted in area posted for warning of tourist. Found posting for the locals but if you look up sighting of moutian lions near a tourist town nothing but how to plan your trip and lion named places to visit. SM being attacked wasnt even in the posiabilties for me. I assume lots of blood would be found at the site of the bike. Not from the research i have done (thank you bing test your smarts) They will get ahold of their prey but they will take it away from 1st spot just incase other animals are near. The point of contact is not always the point of the kill. I need tho heal from surgery and get a good bill of health soon. I am writing to the wildlife offices about lack of inform easily accessed by people visting their states.
Oh, I’m sure that’s exactly what he’ll do...

a reputable family lawyer would make sure that SM's share of sold real estate funds remain in escrow until she can be legally declared dead--usually it takes seven years--I would be damn mad if I came back from missing and my family within a month of me being gone had already started to liquidate my share of the assets...just saying.
Just thought I would recap what we know - In process
5/10 -911 called (neighbor) after getting a call that SM did not come back from the bike ride. LE arrives to search
5/11 - search resumed early morning hours - cell phone? Sheriff replied no comment
5/12- search continues - no volunteers requested
5/13 - 100K reward announced, FB set up by TN, fundraising set up for private searching by TN
5/13 - Sheriff - open criminal investigation, probability of animal attack not very high
no comment, FBI and CBI joined in search
5/14 - husband comments -Mr. Morphew said “at this point it’s simply too soon”.
5/14-Reward doubled to 200K (friend)
TN tells reporter bik0e has been found
5/15 - personal item located per sheriff (not identified) highway closed for LE search, family says that the personal item is not the bike, TN gives interview
5/17 - BM puts out plea via FB missing page (video)
In process - so far this is on the first two pages of the media thread. working on a timeline.
5/18 - CCSO asks for video to be preserved from 5/8-5/12
5/19- family home searched (corrected to cordoned off)
5/20-Dailymail breaks story with pics of family home search and items removed - search warrant sealed
5/20 - Local fire dept excluded from search per Chief interview
5/21 - nobody actually saw her on a bike
5/22 - residential private property searched -owner cooperating reported as a job site for BM. CCSO confirm nothing found related to SM
5/23- CCSO no new updates
5/24 - fundraising page lists BM's mother as beneficiary
5/24 - CCSO search of private property completed. CCSO believes someone has a "key piece of information"
5/25 - Crimeonline reports on email message to IN church from "family"
5/26 - family private reward increased by $10K to $210,000
5/27 - Crimeonline reports "angst" at move
5/28 - SM family told not to comment per Lauren Scharf
5/29 - SM hometown shows support
6/1 - Video released of BM (alleged secret recording) SEE IT: Husband of missing Colorado woman Suzanne Morphew shares details of wife’s disappearance in secret recording, suggesting she may have been kidnapped [VIDEO]
Oviedo thank you for this. I added to the 5/15 date. On that presser, Sheriff Spezze said they had found a few more items the previous day 5/14.

Wildlife department receives reports of mountain lions in BV

Wildlife officials unsure if stay-at-home orders will impact mountain lion behavior

Mountain lion captured in garage of north Longmont home

Mountain lion spotted in Boulder backyard Thursday

Mountain lion interactions, sightings continue in area - The Crested Butte News
Mountain lion interactions, sightings continue in area - The Crested Butte News

These are Just the newest ones i could find. One of these states that the stay at home order is having a affect on the moutian lion normal behavior. I will be posting more links later on the behavior of moutian lions when they have their sites on Prey. If you have a weak stomach dont watch them. The loin tends to take its prey away from the site of 1st contact to do what it is going to do. Not only Colorado is having increased sightings but other states as well. The amount of attacks on People are rising. Not that i am saying this is what happened to SM and i am not defending BM but He is telling the Truth about LE knowing of recent moutian lions and Attacks happening in the areas sournding and sighting even in Salida
After seeing where the bike was located, I highly doubt this was a mountain lion attack. Did the mountain lion move the bike and put it against the tree? Also, Suzanne would have tried to outrun and fight it. Mountain lions attach to their prey but they are mainly smaller sized. There would have been signs of blood nearby.
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It does. It’s odd.
Thank you - I’ve been researching like mad since discovering this guardianship proceeding and calling in favors for probate lawyers in my state and IN - not a single one said this could be done so I’m gonna have to break the news they were all wrong thanks to this Judge - it’s shocking to me still
- don’t go missing is my lesson learned at least when owning real property in IN -
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