Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #23

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Exactly. My fear is that these unqualified snoops might somehow jeopardize the investigation. Put your phone back in your pocket and go away.
I actually had a person call me that exact (literally) thing, an unqualified snoop, because I follow true crime cases here at WS.
So, people assume that of us too, apparently.
(you can't make this stuff up, lol)
I think we are all unqualified snoops. The media gets stuff wrong all the time-look at so many of the details that have been published over and over again on this very case, and in some well thought of publications. The media is supposed to get it right. Not much is expected of unqualified snoops, so if they are the blind squirrel that gets a nut once in a while, it’s fine by me.
What Kaitlin Turner -- the district attorney* -- knows about the evidence or not really depends on the relationship between her & the sheriff. It's very possible that she has a lot of information. However, since I don't know what that information may be, I wouldn't be able to say what strategy the State may employ during plea negotiations or trial.

One thing that we do know is that
Kaitlin Turner is up for re-election this year after being appointed by the governor to fill the remainder of her predecessor's term. She's running opposed. If I was Ms. Turner and I believed that there was probable cause to arrest a particular person, then I'd be pushing to get the arrest made. That plus a press conference would get earned media, which is precious in any election.

The fact that (1) Ms. Turner is up for re-election this year and (2) an arrest
hasn't been made -- or a grand jury empaneled with a particular person as a target
-- makes me think that she does not believe that probable cause exists to charge a particular person.

* In Indiana, the elected county prosecutor represents the State in all criminal cases, both high- and low-profile. Colorado uses a district attorney model: Chaffee County is part of the 11th Judicial District, which also includes Custer, Fremont, and Park Counties.
Now I am confused, how would we know a grand jury hasn't been empaneled with a particular person as a target?

As for as I understand a grand jury proceedings are secret. No judge is present, the proceedings are led by a prosecutor and the defendant has no right to present his case or even be informed of the proceedings at all. And aren't the proceedings, the records, sealed?
IMO. The previous PE video discussed how important this next week will be and the pressure due to the wedding anniversary. The words were said purposefully to trigger if there is a possibility they are heard by the right person. Not cringe worthy. Purposeful to get reaction.

Maybe. If it was, I think it was pretty low class, but that's jmo.
I'd rather hear he misspoke, but I doubt he's going to issue any kind of statement on it.
I think we are all unqualified snoops. The media gets stuff wrong all the time-look at so many of the details that have been published over and over again on this very case, and in some well thought of publications. The media is supposed to get it right. Not much is expected of unqualified snoops, so if they are the blind squirrel that gets a nut once in a while, it’s fine by me.
Such a good post!
What Kaitlin Turner -- the district attorney* -- knows about the evidence or not really depends on the relationship between her & the sheriff. It's very possible that she has a lot of information. However, since I don't know what that information may be, I wouldn't be able to say what strategy the State may employ during plea negotiations or trial.

One thing that we do know is that
Kaitlin Turner is up for re-election this year after being appointed by the governor to fill the remainder of her predecessor's term. She's running opposed. If I was Ms. Turner and I believed that there was probable cause to arrest a particular person, then I'd be pushing to get the arrest made. That plus a press conference would get earned media, which is precious in any election.

The fact that (1) Ms. Turner is up for re-election this year and (2) an arrest
hasn't been made -- or a grand jury empaneled with a particular person as a target -- makes me think that she does not believe that probable cause exists to charge a particular person.

* In Indiana, the elected county prosecutor represents the State in all criminal cases, both high- and low-profile. Colorado uses a district attorney model: Chaffee County is part of the 11th Judicial District, which also includes Custer, Fremont, and Park Counties.

I really don't think KT has it in her.

Reportedly, most of the attorneys in the DA's office resigned when she came on board.

She's running against the former assistant district attorney (LeDoux) that said he was unable to reach an agreement with Turner to stay in the office. He also served as the District's DA 2008-2012.

2 running for DA in Colorado's 11th Judicial District.

More about KT's opponent:

LeDoux is a 1992 graduate of Can͂on City High School and has been a career prosecutor since graduating from the University of Colorado School of Law in 2002. LeDoux’s prosecutorial career began in the Pueblo County District Attorney’s Office in 2003. In 2006, LeDoux moved to the District Attorney’s Office in Fremont County, where he became the chief deputy district attorney prior to being elected district attorney in 2008 and in 2012.

LeDoux continues to work as a prosecutor, as a Deputy District Attorney in the 4th Judicial District, assigned to the Teller County District Court. He recently started his 18th year as a prosecutor.

Former District Attorney Thom LeDoux to seek Republican nomination – Canon City Daily Record

ETA: KT was serving on the Canon City City Council when appointed by the Governor to fill the office after DA resigned.
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Maybe. If it was, I think it was pretty low class, but that's jmo.
I'd rather hear he misspoke, but I doubt he's going to issue any kind of statement on it.

I agree. I turned that video off and couldn’t watch anymore after that statement about their anniversary. How cruel would that be to say if he’s completely uninvolved in the disappearance of his wife.

I don’t have the stomach to be an unqualified snoop.
I used to be kind of down on rando youtubers but I've since changed my mind.
Essentially, they're doing the same thing in video format that we do here.
They are genuinely interested in true crime and they follow it with the format of youtube.
We do it here on a discussion forum.

If their content is good, and they earn the monetization, then good for them.
Why not get compensation for what you do really well?

jmo :)

Oh, don't let me mislead you! I have absolutely no problem with anyone making a buck on youtube because I think it's a fabulous venue for opportunities for anyone and EVERY ONE. Literally, every one and it's wonderful! My problem is that sometimes, I'm a pig ala Animal Farm. I believe that "all youtubers are equal, but some youtubers are more equal than others." My feelings depend on which youtuber is doing what.

Call it what it is, don't pretend to be or do something other than what it is. I've been trying not to single out any specific person, so for the purposes of nambypamby, I lumped a bunch together - not naming names. Don't be all disingenuous or holier-than-thou and say that "all you want to do is help find Suzanne or all you want is justice for Suzanne or all you want is to bring Suzanne home. (not you personally) when you're doing nothing of the kind." There's no shame in human interest and in studying human behavior, but don't blow sunshine up my skirt.

I'm definitely not dogging the venue (youtube), just a handful of channels. I also don't save my disdain exclusively for amateur makers.
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Oh, don't let me mislead you! I have absolutely no problem with anyone making a buck on youtube because I think it's a fabulous venue for opportunities for anyone and EVERY ONE. Literally, every one and it's wonderful! My problem is that sometimes, I'm a pig ala Animal Farm. I believe that "all youtubers are equal, but some youtubers are more equal than others." My feelings depend on which youtuber is doing what.
I'm in the take what works for you and leave the rest category when it comes to YT but I agree about earning a buck. I recall TD is a school teacher that started venturing out with his camera to follow missing person cases when he was locked out of the classroom with thousands of other teachers during COVID19. I don't know if teachers are being paid or relying on UI but I don't begrudge anyone trying to earn income. MOO
I think this is about their own interests, and ours; not about finding Suzanne.

That’s law enforcement’s job.

People are interested in high profile cases, and these Youtubers are filling a niche.
An unreliable one. IMO
It’s funny how people have different views from the same source. I can’t watch them. It’s like pulling teeth. The pace is too slow for me and wealth of information isn’t there.

The Profiling Evil channel is very new; they're still finding their stride and they're open about this. I really enjoy watching them, their personalities are great and I like that I learn from them.

They offer the wealth of decades of experience and insight into criminal investigations and human behavior.
That's the first of their videos I actually watched from start to finish.
I have to say, not too shabby.
Their experience brings a higher quality to the show the same way our verified lawyers and LE do here in our discussions.
Their channel will likely do quite well.

They have each spent years at a low paying/high risk job..many sacrifices made. I'd love to see their channel takeoff.
I'm in the take what works for you and leave the rest category when it comes to YT but I agree about earning a buck. I recall TD is a school teacher that started venturing out with his camera to follow missing person cases when he was locked out of the classroom with thousands of other teachers during COVID19. I don't know if teachers are being paid or relying on UI but I don't begrudge anyone trying to earn income. MOO
Considering what some youtubers make in a month, he may find he likes a change of career. :). One door closes, another door opens. Yay!
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