Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #40

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Does anyone think it means anything that Chris M just tweeted “Day 5” and that’s it?
I ran across this notification, maybe has something to do with the clue. "Please join the Chaffee County Mountain Lions for an Exoneration Celebration kicking off at 5PM. All mountain lions from neighboring counties are welcomed".
Thank you!
I had to go back and take another look at last nights PE video and take some notes as so much didnt make sense, i felt like something was happening and building up but wasnt sure why i was getting that vibe and if i was just being hopeful.
I feel more positive now after taking notes so heres some takeaways for those who were feeling confused too this may get your hopes up.
Theres going to be a lighter search team but Andys happy with that as he can pinpoint specific areas a little easier now.
Chris asked about the area the dogs got direct hits and if its still moving forward? Andy replies yes, they all look pleased & imo are all holding back, Chris says twice we're not going to get into that, this is also described as solid stuff and a solid hit by the dogs, its mentioned fbi are sitting on the place the past couple of days im speculating thats the 5 cars waiting for the go ahead. Chris talks about an evidentiary situation going on and asks people to stay away, even if you know where it is please stay away due to worries of cross contamination, they're clearly taking this more seriously than anything else and keeping it quiet, we didnt see this with the beach site and we even got video of the dogs at Barrys house, i speculate this is serious potential evidence, maybe even a possible grave, i have hope here as it seems those in the know do.
There have been lots of tips given to Andy and to PE evidence room, they are seeing people beginning to speak, they are recieving paperwork, photos, invoices, and little titbits, some was immediately pushed to CBI and CBI are reacting. its also mentioned later on that Andy showed up at a location and picked up some documents which are critical to this investigation & theyre not going to say what they are, so i speculate these are totally different to the invoice that was also obtained for the trees,
This is ALOT of intel and theres more..
They also say they recieve photos of a truck with damage & they reiterate that the evidence collected near the house that the police made a press release about could well be at a Lab & the fact the police put out that notice is apparently a standard public info officer pitch to the public, they also say they wont say what that evidence was.
Andy sent some texts with phone numbers to PE yesterday and they were on the phone till around 3am last night,
Andy explained that when police knew what Andy had to give them they just about jumped out of their seat to get it, he also said they couldnt get their hands on it quick enough.
Mike says the team has gained some real credible evidence and the photos of the truck have been of real interest.
Andy mentions Tig coming tommorow and i get the feeling from their reactions and smiles theres something more to that or he will be helpful in some way, just speculation.
Mike says that they have stuff that would be really exciting to release but it would be inappropriate. They say some of it is critical to the case.
Andy says hes got alot marked off his list that he wanted to do, he also mentions the community and how great they are, he also mentions Church and says thats where the good things start from, i speculate theres been a turnaround in town for some reason and its gone from an atmosphere of fear to one of helping out with information & i also speculate some of this is from the Church.
Although Andy talks more softly about Barry in this one and even calls him a loving husband im not buying it, Andy cracks a joke about how hes worn himself out with the publicity stunt and i noticed they were also calling Suzanne Moorman-Morphew, i caught that at least a couple of times, i speculate this change is because they found divorce papers or something similar that is odd.
The dogs at the house, although they said they found nothing i speculate theres more to that than we know, maybe from a different place and time, but Chris stressed Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou, and said to Andy i know you must of thanked them a million times, Andy is taking them out to Dinner tonight.
They mentioned the pink bike.
They mention 3 important things that point to the fact that the search has been a success,
1. Work should get done down by the river theyre waiting on the sheriff
2.the article of evidence behind the home property line 'press release'
3. The 2 dogs giving direct hits is a gamechanger.
Mike brings up the other personal items that were collected in the first report and says they're sure they now have a pretty solid timeline.
After mentioning their behavioural analysis videos and urging us to watch the ten filters of profiling, i speculate theres something in there that will make us go ooohhh,
After announcing the poor Mountain Lion has finally been eliminated, something very interesting gets said
They talk about other people that need to step up and do the right thing and say we know who you are. I speculate that when it was said that some people need to check their ego at the door this was aimed at them, they talk about how they themselves are like ying and yang and argue but its okay to be wrong and change your mind, i think that was for Barrys mates tbh. They mentioned rebecca anne johnson and a bone that was dug up that was actually a dog bone & they seemed to be trying to say something here, i thought of tyson drapers video in which he said he found a sawed bone during the search which turned out to be animal bone, then i thought of the rumors of things being placed on purpose just more speculation of mine is they are speaking to Barrys mates, Then the video at the end i think was to Guilt those holding back.
Sorry this is so long but once written out it shows how much is going on and gave me hope so wanted to share.
I don't like to point fingers, but maybe law enforcement in Salida just doesn't have a trusting or substantial relationship with the public, and that's why no one reached out earlier -- just imo.

Well, this is not me saying this etc... but i talked to local who said exactly that. Now that was just one person but he grew up in Salida, still has family in Salida, but moved away because of how not kosher things were in that town. Shouldn't generalize from that, but some people apparently do feel this way.
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Just a few thoughts... ALL MOO!

-tree invoice is indirect evidence so I think 4 months is honestly pretty decent for the person making that connection, I don't think the time span is strange at all.


-I think Mike's intro/presumption on shutting search down on PE last night is just like some of you say- him essentially telling us he thinks she's been found.

-I don't think we will find out for a minute if they have found her. No room for mistakes and they need to dot I's and cross T's

-If for some reason they haven't gotten enough evidence, or complete remains, Andy would kick himself forever if he ended the search early. I don't think he'd be mad for one minute if others left early, but this is HIS top priority in his life right now.

-I think they've gotten plenty of evidence from inside the home during the two searches and they heavily insinuated as much last night, I believe she was murdered there.

-I think that at one point, their marriage and family seemed and felt as happy as could be. I don't doubt that at some point Barry was a loving husband.

Great post @Dre! Agree with everthing you said.
Does anyone possibly know some more technical/logistical details regarding the “evidence room” website that PE uses to collect tips and information? They mentioned it tonight and other nights, and while the concept is great (and it’s apparently proven very useful in this case already) the cynic in me had some questions regarding that and, more specifically, how they siphon off information they may receive to the proper LE entity (as they’ve mentioned). As an example they’ve mentioned receiving photos via the site before, which got turned over to LE, but I am curious about the usability (and/or admissibility in court if/when it comes to that) regarding digital items sent in that way due to the chain of custody first being a third party (PE) giving information from someone else over to LE. With their extensive LE background of them I’m sure there’s no “issues” but I was still curious if, as another example, LE receives some images that they want to examine forensically but they’re possibly not able to verify where or how the media was originally obtained or other important details that usually come along with digital media. Does anyone have any more insight on this? Apologies if it’s too off-topic but I was even more curious about it after they (PE) mentioned last night in their livestream multiple things coming in to them this way, including photos and such. Again, while I am sure they know what they’re doing considering their backgrounds but I’ve seen numerous cases and read quite a bit more about the importance of chain of custody when it comes to digital evidence. The “documents” they received, there were more than one mentioned I believe, and I’m not sure if any came thru their website, but if it did and IF something like that evidence eventually makes it to a trial for someone, won’t how they evidence be obtained (being not originally found/uncovered by LE themselves) possibly be an issue? I haven’t watched all their videos so they may have one where they’ve discussed their tool and how it’s being used to funnel information to the proper LE entity without them as a 3rd party getting “hands on” with it or something. Just thinking out loud, and curious if anyone else has thought about this before, and if not- then no worries at all.
I had to go back and take another look at last nights PE video and take some notes as so much didnt make sense, i felt like something was happening and building up but wasnt sure why i was getting that vibe and if i was just being hopeful.
I feel more positive now after taking notes so heres some takeaways for those who were feeling confused too this may get your hopes up.
Theres going to be a lighter search team but Andys happy with that as he can pinpoint specific areas a little easier now.
Chris asked about the area the dogs got direct hits and if its still moving forward? Andy replies yes, they all look pleased & imo are all holding back, Chris says twice we're not going to get into that, this is also described as solid stuff and a solid hit by the dogs, its mentioned fbi are sitting on the place the past couple of days im speculating thats the 5 cars waiting for the go ahead. Chris talks about an evidentiary situation going on and asks people to stay away, even if you know where it is please stay away due to worries of cross contamination, they're clearly taking this more seriously than anything else and keeping it quiet, we didnt see this with the beach site and we even got video of the dogs at Barrys house, i speculate this is serious potential evidence, maybe even a possible grave, i have hope here as it seems those in the know do.
There have been lots of tips given to Andy and to PE evidence room, they are seeing people beginning to speak, they are recieving paperwork, photos, invoices, and little titbits, some was immediately pushed to CBI and CBI are reacting. its also mentioned later on that Andy showed up at a location and picked up some documents which are critical to this investigation & theyre not going to say what they are, so i speculate these are totally different to the invoice that was also obtained for the trees,
This is ALOT of intel and theres more..
They also say they recieve photos of a truck with damage & they reiterate that the evidence collected near the house that the police made a press release about could well be at a Lab & the fact the police put out that notice is apparently a standard public info officer pitch to the public, they also say they wont say what that evidence was.
Andy sent some texts with phone numbers to PE yesterday and they were on the phone till around 3am last night,
Andy explained that when police knew what Andy had to give them they just about jumped out of their seat to get it, he also said they couldnt get their hands on it quick enough.
Mike says the team has gained some real credible evidence and the photos of the truck have been of real interest.
Andy mentions Tig coming tommorow and i get the feeling from their reactions and smiles theres something more to that or he will be helpful in some way, just speculation.
Mike says that they have stuff that would be really exciting to release but it would be inappropriate. They say some of it is critical to the case.
Andy says hes got alot marked off his list that he wanted to do, he also mentions the community and how great they are, he also mentions Church and says thats where the good things start from, i speculate theres been a turnaround in town for some reason and its gone from an atmosphere of fear to one of helping out with information & i also speculate some of this is from the Church.
Although Andy talks more softly about Barry in this one and even calls him a loving husband im not buying it, Andy cracks a joke about how hes worn himself out with the publicity stunt and i noticed they were also calling Suzanne Moorman-Morphew, i caught that at least a couple of times, i speculate this change is because they found divorce papers or something similar that is odd.
The dogs at the house, although they said they found nothing i speculate theres more to that than we know, maybe from a different place and time, but Chris stressed Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou, and said to Andy i know you must of thanked them a million times, Andy is taking them out to Dinner tonight.
They mentioned the pink bike.
They mention 3 important things that point to the fact that the search has been a success,
1. Work should get done down by the river theyre waiting on the sheriff
2.the article of evidence behind the home property line 'press release'
3. The 2 dogs giving direct hits is a gamechanger.
Mike brings up the other personal items that were collected in the first report and says they're sure they now have a pretty solid timeline.
After mentioning their behavioural analysis videos and urging us to watch the ten filters of profiling, i speculate theres something in there that will make us go ooohhh,
After announcing the poor Mountain Lion has finally been eliminated, something very interesting gets said
They talk about other people that need to step up and do the right thing and say we know who you are. I speculate that when it was said that some people need to check their ego at the door this was aimed at them, they talk about how they themselves are like ying and yang and argue but its okay to be wrong and change your mind, i think that was for Barrys mates tbh. They mentioned rebecca anne johnson and a bone that was dug up that was actually a dog bone & they seemed to be trying to say something here, i thought of tyson drapers video in which he said he found a sawed bone during the search which turned out to be animal bone, then i thought of the rumors of things being placed on purpose just more speculation of mine is they are speaking to Barrys mates, Then the video at the end i think was to Guilt those holding back.
Sorry this is so long but once written out it shows how much is going on and gave me hope so wanted to share.
Thank you...great conspectus.
Well, this is not me saying this etc... but i talked to local who said exactly that. Now that was just one person but he grew up in Salida, still has family in Salida, but moved away because of how not kosher things are in that town. Shouldn't generalize from that, but some people apparently do feel this way.
Thank you again for your hard work and insight. Can you expound upon what is not “kosher?”
A strange day considering all that has gone on with the search. For myself, I’m not putting much stock in possible cryptic messages over the last few days, but I do think actual things that have been said may be important. Like cadaver dog hits, and certain sites that need to be looked at closer, invoices and paperwork, etc. My other takes...
1) I don’t think remains have been found. I think this because I don’t think AM would be off following psychic leads if remains have been found.
2) They’ve said no mountain lion attack. I think that covers bike accident too. If they haven’t found her, neither of those two things happened.
3) I haven’t watched any of the update videos but everyone was talking about how subdued and sad and energy-less it was yesterday. I think that was from exhaustion and disappointment in not yet finding SM. I do think some important things have been found and hopefully they will lead to an arrest.
I would love for big news to break today but I have a feeling we might be a few weeks out, as LE has time to sort through what was found in this incredible search.
Was the other area (where 2 different dogs sat), away from AM and his group? If so, that is an area of much bigger interest. MOO.
I agree! And seriously hoping the perp is behind bars long before Christmas ;):p Nice touch!
I about fell out of my chair when they announced this. Granted, its not much of a sacrifice when you know there's nothing to find. LE has already conducted 2 searches at the house and BMs had alot of time to make sure anything let thats was incriminating got removed. JMO but maybe BM finally got in touch with a lawyer or a media consultant and they let him know how much cooperating with LE (or at least the appearance of it) would help turn his public image around. it may have been likely BM knew another warrant was coming so instead of waiting for it, hes taking the opportunity to let them in on his own so he can no say in interviews "he helped with the case, and the search and is cooperating" And hey just making a statement not directed at anyone but Judges like to see that a criminal feels remorse for their crimes, and things like this (shallow or not) can be used to show someone was helping LE and not working against them. Cooperation and remorse are absolutely taken into account during sentencing
Yup, just the same as offering $210,000 for SM’s safe return. He’ll do anything it takes :rolleyes: Except actually go to look for the “love of my life.”

With respect to “cooperation”, that just doesn’t fly for me. Too little, much too late. Cooperation would have been coming clean and showing remorse from the get go, sparing his daughters and both families all this grief not to mention the enormous expense of a high profile investigation. Nope. BM and remorse should not be found in the same sentence. Merely a week ago, he degraded AM’s valiant effort as a “publicity stunt.” JMVHO :)
Plant DNA? Tree Invoices?

@Barry @dixiegirl1035 Sorry if already answered & discussed. W a verrry quick search, I found this but we (or speaking for myself, I) may need help w interpreting.
---Forensic Botany: Using Plant Evidence to Aid in Forensic Death Investigation
" ... forensic botany first requires the identification of the plant species by morphological characteristics, microscopy, or molecular biology (2-6). After the species has been identified by its class characteristics, then an attempt to individualize the sample is made. The effectiveness of source attribution of plant material will depend on how unique the species is to the geographic area and its genetic history (7). If a plant is very rare, source attribution may not be difficult; however, many plants may require DNA testing to confirm that the evidentiary sample originated from a
source plant, if generated by seed, or a source population if generated by clonal reproduction..." bbm

First US case w plant DNA used to convict, in 1992 death.

Leaves, seeds and pollen found either on a body or at the scene of a crime can offer valuable information regarding the timescales of a crime and also if the body has been moved between two or more different locations. The forensic study of pollen is known as forensic palynology and can often produce specific findings of location of death, decomposition and time of year. The knowledge of systematics leads to identification of evidences at crime scene. The morphological and anatomical study revels in collection of samples from crime scene and its in vitro analysis. It leads to proper submission of evidences in court of law." bbm Forensic biology - Wikipedia

Excellent information @al66pine. Thank you so much for finding and sharing this! I think this tree invoice has the potential to become very important.
MOO finding evidence is elating for police. MOO would equate somberness on their part as evidence slipping away.

In VGs case in Ft. Hood looking by a crowd and help mustered by the family uncovered another body from seperate murder.
Unfortunately, this could also be true here.

IMO Yes, I agree that finding compelling evidence in a case could be elating to LE, in general, but in this case, IMO the PE guys are not working in an official LE capacity. It seems this has become more personal for them as they have come to know more about the person SM was, as well as, getting to know ( love and admire) AM. The reality of finding something solid, requiring 5 LE vehicles on site on a Sunday, may have hit them hard especially knowing how the rest of the case might unfold and further destroy SM's immediate family. MK said "finding something like this is MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" Also, MK was the more subdued and somber one. CM was smirking, grinning and chuckling when AM was talking about the " tree invoices" and MK following up with "without revealing too much there were conversations going on til 330 am..." Who knows, MK may have just been tired from being up all night and that came across as somber. JMHO
I agree! And seriously hoping the perp is behind bars long before Christmas ;):p Nice touch!

Yup, just the same as offering $210,000 for SM’s safe return. He’ll do anything it takes :rolleyes: Except actually go to look for the “love of my life.”

With respect to “cooperation”, that just doesn’t fly for me. Too little, much too late. Cooperation would have been coming clean and showing remorse from the get go, sparing his daughters and both families all this grief not to mention the enormous expense of a high profile investigation. Nope. BM and remorse should not be found in the same sentence. Merely a week ago, he degraded AM’s valiant effort as a “publicity stunt.” JMVHO :)
I 100% agree with you on that one, but for some weird reason I get the feeling someones going to try and spin it that way
I believe PE will redeem themselves and we will all be high-5-ing them soon. :)

I agree.

We'll be toasting the PE guys when all is said and done.

BM's going to be toasted, too, of course…just not in the same way.

Perhaps we should plan to have "A Toast for A Toast" event on the day an arrest is announced in the case.

We can raise a glass over a piece of burnt toast slathered with Jif.

The DailyMail article posted by @bestill mentions “A second search of the site took place on Monday using different cadaver dogs and the dogs' handler told they got another hit. The handler explained the dogs only are trained to pick up human scents”. **This was in a caption on one of the photos in the slideshow**
The article was first written earlier today and updated a few minutes ago. Link shared again FBI called as scent of human remains discovered on land owned by Suzanne Morphew's husband | Daily Mail Online
Thank you again for your hard work and insight. Can you expound upon what is not “kosher?”

In the sense of not effective and history of some corrupt employees. I think he was talking more about growing up at that time. But based on what i heard, Salida may have a very significant drug problem.

Added "MOO" as can't substantiate with MSM...
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This was kept really hush hush in Salida. I didn't hear anyone talking about this. That is impressive especially if the activity was present for a couple of days. I also drove around quite a bit, especially yesterday, and didn't see anything. But we don't know if even in Salida area, correct?

I will get that private convo going today/this evening.

Correct. The location where the 2 dogs alerted & FBI were said to have been over the weekend has not been disclosed at all, as far as I know. Could be Salida, Poncha Springs, Maysville or a completely different location.
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