Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #51

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And I’m speculating but I guarantee you her daughters assumed that Barry was spending Mother’s Day with her or they probably would not of even gone camping . It says right there too he refused a lie detector test ,.. and I’m sure lots of people would disagree with this .. but if your innocent you won’t deny a lie detector test .


Yes, lots of people do disagree with that :)
Not taking a polygraph is not an indication of guilt.
Regarding the call, I think it gave me all I needed to know about his character so it wasn't a total waste, clickbait or just a trick to gain viewers.
Who has he trusted since Suzanne went missing? Nobody to my knowledge, he handed flyers by himself and that's all.


That 30 second phone call (or however long it was) gave you all you needed to know about BM's character, or CM's?
Regarding the call, I think it gave me all I needed to know about his character so it wasn't a total waste, clickbait or just a trick to gain viewers.
Who has he trusted since Suzanne went missing? Nobody to my knowledge, he handed flyers by himself and that's all.

I agree. The irony that the "show" began with talk about trust and then that strange phone call. If anyone thinks Barry isn't aware of what is being said about him in social media and especially the two guys that propped up Suzanne's brother who later when on to essentially accuse Barry of being a murderer I would be shocked. I am entirely sure there are people Barry trusts but I also think very few of them are You Tube or social media "stars." I wondered last night if Barry trusts the LE that are working on the case. If he is innocent he may very well trust LE working the case.
Yes, lots of people do disagree with that :)
Not taking a polygraph is not an indication of guilt.
you are absolutely right and I know we discussed this before too:) My personal way of looking at is though , it makes you look guilty if you refuse it. In criminal incident investigations they use the Control Question Test so it kind of compares your responses to different types of questions. Like they ask did you murder your boyfriend? Then they would ask a question more like have you ever lied to your family?

Its odd I agree, and I would be scared to death to take one, but I would if I was innocent. The way i look at if I was innocent and it wrongly said inconclusive or something like that, it wouldn't matter and normally you can re take it.

I agree. The irony that the "show" began with talk about trust and then that strange phone call. If anyone thinks Barry isn't aware of what is being said about him in social media and especially the two guys that propped up Suzanne's brother who later when on to essentially accuse Barry of being a murderer I would be shocked. I am entirely sure there are people Barry trusts but I also think very few of them are You Tube or social media "stars." I wondered last night if Barry trusts the LE that are working on the case. If he is innocent he may very well trust LE working the case.

One thing that stood out to me from CM's call, was that it seemed as if he (CM) just naturally assumed BM knew who he was. As in, BM is aware or should be aware of the names of random youtubers (especially the ones named Chris) talking about his missing wife. Now, if Chris would have properly identified himself, full first and last name that he's professionally known by, and that he was in collab with Mike King from PE, who assisted AM with his search in September... and BM still hung up on him, I might be feeling a little differently about that call.

My Opinion Only:
Barry needed an attorney so he could take control of everything that belonged to SM. Barry cannot afford an attorney for advice. He will retain an attorney when he REALLY needs a criminal defence attorney should he be arrested for SM’s “disappearance.” I strongly suspect $$$ is why SM disappeared. Someone was not being honest about their less than optimal financial situation and the only way to keep that secret was to silence the person who was about to find out. Just speculation on my part, naturally!
You may be absolutely right too!

One thing that stood out to me from CM's call, was that it seemed as if he (CM) just naturally assumed BM knew who he was. As in, BM is aware or should be aware of the names of random youtubers (especially the ones named Chris) talking about his missing wife. Now, if Chris would have properly identified himself, full first and last name that he's professionally known by, and that he was in collab with Mike King from PE, who assisted AM with his search in September... and BM still hung up on him, I might be feeling a little differently about that call.


This is one of those times when CM might take notice that naming your show "Profiling Evil" might make it more difficult to get potential suspects to talk to you. IMO :rolleyes:
One thing that stood out to me from CM's call, was that it seemed as if he (CM) just naturally assumed BM knew who he was. As in, BM is aware or should be aware of the names of random youtubers (especially the ones named Chris) talking about his missing wife. Now, if Chris would have properly identified himself, full first and last name that he's professionally known by, and that he was in collab with Mike King from PE, who assisted AM with his search in September... and BM still hung up on him, I might be feeling a little differently about that call.

It’s always tought-provoking to see how different members of this forum are assessing the same situations in different ways and coming to different conclusions.

IMO if BM was aware of who PE, Chris and Mike was I would have expected him to hung up very fast, because then BM should be aware they (PE) are suspecting him.
This is one of those times when CM might take notice that naming your show "Profiling Evil" might make it more difficult to get potential suspects to talk to you. IMO :rolleyes:

To be fair, Profiling Evil is Mike King's channel.
While The Interview Room is Chris McDonough's new channel.

Either way, last night's show was a bust in my opinion.
BM didn't say anything worth noting, and CM didn't really either.

I was really looking forward to CM's "interview" with BM.
Then with one sentence, he managed to almost make me feel pity for BM, and feel a lot of disappointment with CM.

That phone call was entirely unprofessional and I'd have hung up on him too.
Chris from Youtube?
He might as well have said "Bob from Idaho".
Or "a totally rando dude looking for an audience so I used a high profile case as a hook" and then delivered a giant nothingburger.
"So cringe", as my kids say.
Very disappointed.

My two cents.

100% agreed! CM used Suzanne to plug his new channel for two weeks. He made my skin crawl. That's an "UNSUBSCRIBE" for me.
you are absolutely right and I know we discussed this before too:) My personal way of looking at is though , it makes you look guilty if you refuse it. In criminal incident investigations they use the Control Question Test so it kind of compares your responses to different types of questions. Like they ask did you murder your boyfriend? Then they would ask a question more like have you ever lied to your family?

Its odd I agree, and I would be scared to death to take one, but I would if I was innocent. The way i look at if I was innocent and it wrongly said inconclusive or something like that, it wouldn't matter and normally you can re take it.

I agree. A person who is truly desperate to find a loved one would do anything to find them, including taking a polygraph. Like them or hate them, whether or not you think they’re a bunch of malarkey or a great tool—doesn’t matter. Refusing to take one doesn’t necessarily mean you’re guilty, but it means you’re putting worry about taking it OVER finding your loved one. Why? If nothing else it looks bad, and it puts the focus on you and why you’re refusing instead of finding the person.
I agree. A person who is truly desperate to find a loved one would do anything to find them, including taking a polygraph. Like them or hate them, whether or not you think they’re a bunch of malarkey or a great tool—doesn’t matter. Refusing to take one doesn’t necessarily mean you’re guilty, but it means you’re putting worry about taking it OVER finding your loved one. Why? If nothing else it looks bad, and it puts the focus on you and why you’re refusing instead of finding the person.
Its a game of good cop and bad cop and I would be offended the police are playing games instead of looking for my loved one.
I haven’t posted here in awhile, but I check in every day and read every post. I trust all of my fellow members here that stay on top of things so diligently. Thank you all !

So I haven’t watched CM’s YouTube premiere yet. You guys have summed it up for me so not sure I need to. Prior to Andy’s search I followed Profiling Evil and Chris on Twitter and YouTube and also a FB group every day. I researched Mike and Chris backgrounds and was impressed with their careers and the fact that Tricia respects their work with the Cold Case Foundation.

I have nothing negative to say about them, but like a lot of you I have to scratch my head at some of their “methods “.

Sorry to ramble. I bring all this up to say that IN MY OPINION I feel that BM absolutely knew who Chris was when he got the phone call. I’m sure he recognized his voice from YouTube videos. If BM himself hasn’t been tuning in to all the Lives, I’m sure his friends and family are. I’ve seen his friend Troy Skinner commenting on them, most recently when the house was listed for sale.

I’m just thinking back to all the times that CM has called out to BM, inviting him to come talk with them. Also his cryptic tweets calling out for GD and MG and CC to “ do the right thing”. The weird riddles that seemed to be letting BM know that they (PE) had intel on him.

I’m glad that people are still pushing for answers and I just wish to God that Suzanne is found soon.

I keep thinking about the some day Dateline story behind the scenes and it makes me sad that a big part of it will be about all the social media influences and rumors. I am curious to hear Lauren’s story though.
I agree. The irony that the "show" began with talk about trust and then that strange phone call. If anyone thinks Barry isn't aware of what is being said about him in social media and especially the two guys that propped up Suzanne's brother who later when on to essentially accuse Barry of being a murderer I would be shocked. I am entirely sure there are people Barry trusts but I also think very few of them are You Tube or social media "stars." I wondered last night if Barry trusts the LE that are working on the case. If he is innocent he may very well trust LE working the case.
Of all the characters, youtubers and reporters involved in this sad story, excluding Suzanne....


I believe AM to have been so far, the most forthright and trustworthy.
I don't think that interview was handled well, at all. I am not a veteran investigator, but I would have handled that completely differently. When BM starts in on being a victim, and he can't trust anyone, Chris should have jumped in and said, okay, why should I believe you are a victim and not the perp? Convince me. I want to help find your wife.

It was just overall very uncomfortable to listen to, and not a strong start for Chris's show. Almost a stunt.

I did enjoy hearing from Lauren on PE. I'm nosy, so of course I want to know why she pulled back from reporting for her station, but I also figure it's probably not my business. I think she has loads of information that she is sitting on, and I have great respect for her restraint.

All of the above, MOO.
I agree. A person who is truly desperate to find a loved one would do anything to find them, including taking a polygraph. Like them or hate them, whether or not you think they’re a bunch of malarkey or a great tool—doesn’t matter. Refusing to take one doesn’t necessarily mean you’re guilty, but it means you’re putting worry about taking it OVER finding your loved one. Why? If nothing else it looks bad, and it puts the focus on you and why you’re refusing instead of finding the person.

I really don't want to beat a dead polygraph horse, but to be fair, declining to take one actually only "looks bad" in the opinions of those who believe declining to take one makes you look bad. Likewise, declining a polygraph certainly does not mean you're putting your own worry about it over your missing loved one. It may mean you're following the advice of a legal professional that has advised against taking one.

This is a really good (short) article from a criminal defense attorney that answers this very question: Should I participate in a lie detector test if asked by police?

And in this particular case, taking one or not taking one really isn't as important, as being asked to take one, declining, but then telling others either, you were never asked, or you took one and passed.

Lying about taking one, or being asked to take one, is what makes you look bad.
Telling people you've been cleared, when the CCSO flat out says no one'se been cleared... it's that kind of stuff that makes you look bad.

One thing that stood out to me from CM's call, was that it seemed as if he (CM) just naturally assumed BM knew who he was. As in, BM is aware or should be aware of the names of random youtubers (especially the ones named Chris) talking about his missing wife. Now, if Chris would have properly identified himself, full first and last name that he's professionally known by, and that he was in collab with Mike King from PE, who assisted AM with his search in September... and BM still hung up on him, I might be feeling a little differently about that call.

Or at the very least tell him that he is a retired cop with a sterling reputation that has been around the block a few times and would like to HELP him.
I'm upset about this phone call because it makes me feel bad for BM for the very first time in this ordeal.
With all the talk of GD, FF's and the bike it gave me a thought: Was there anything to the mentioning of BM being in training? Was that BM who mentioned it? I tried searching back and cannot find much reference to the training.
Very early in the case that came out in a media article and was pretty quickly debunked. Apparently a family member member had said to a reporter that Barry might be at firefighter training which the media turned into Barry was at firefighter training. Barry has never said he was in in the Denver area for training.
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