Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #7

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Yes, it looks most likely to be a murder investigation and that LE has known this pretty much from the first day they became involved.
We can only hope that it's not; there is a much-loved woman at the center of all this who is missing, and she is a mother of two girls who will be experiencing unimaginable grief right now. Sadly, I think SM died before Mother's Day on May 10th and she may never be found.
I hope to goodness I'm wrong.
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That's very kind of you. I will think about it. I've just recovered from a very serious bout of COVID-19 - ill for 10 weeks in total, including pneumonia. I know I'm lucky to be alive. I'm still thoroughly wiped out (and can't yet climb one flight of stairs without having to sit down to get my breath back). Ihave COVID antibodies whizzing around my body, which is great, and I'm packing to go look after a close relative who is dying and doesn't want palliative care from the local hospice. My life priorities have turned upside down and I don't ever like committing to something I can't carry through. It suits me to be an occasional lay-person right now.
Love and respect to all those who are suffering from COVID-19, and for their loved ones too. Sorry to go off-piste!
Praying you get stronger every day!
So we are getting vague clues about Suzanne and BLM. Suzanne is a "sweetheart," "a kind soul," and their marriage seemed happy to Suzanne's unnamed relative - but Barry "controlled everything" for a long time. Or almost everything.

I'm going to translate into the language I'm more used to using: BLM is the active, more dominant partner and Suzanne is more submissive, probably nurturant. IOW, a known type of relationship, one like my parents had, etc., etc.

While LE (including CBI and FBI) are focusing on several sites, the one thing that all the site have in common (that we know about) is that they are BLM's car (+phone), Suzanne and BLM's house (which is still off limits to him as far as we know), and at least one work site (possibly two) that he's been associated with.

So yes, while LE can go inside BLM's house and take out items with a warrant, in so doing, his life (and Suzanne's) is under scrutiny. There's no way around it. No one could conduct an investigation of someone's house and not at least notice things about that someone. Since we know they took something out of the house, then there was evidence there. It could just be a list of all the people in Suzanne's personal contact book - 0r BLM's. It could be credit card statements that support something that BLM has said (etc).

After the excursion into the Morphew home, LE then went on to other sites. The ones we know about have connections to BLM. Did they get that info from the house? Or, as reported, was it the homeowner at the search site (the concrete site) who called? I would certainly call in that situation, a lot of people would.

Some of us think LE has few ideas about what happened, others think LE has a good idea of what happened.

The unnamed relative of Suzanne thinks the girls are apart from their father and "under protection." I am very glad to hear that.
I am in the LE has a good idea what happened group.
One thing I don’t understand is why SM and BM’s daughters aren’t staying with their dad. God forbid my husband went missing I would need my children and they would need me more than ever for comfort. I hope more than anything SM is found safe. If she isn’t I pray BM didn’t have anything to do with it.
We are in very unusual times due to Covid lock downs. I would think their daughters have a strong support community and more long time friends and family back where they grew up. I'd not read anything into their current locations.
I'd really like to know the timing of the emailed mountain lion hypothesis related to the first mention of the kidnapping hypothesis. If kidnapping was only brought up after the wild animal theory was dismissed, that's interesting. I'll check our map and see if I can find that. MOO
The mountain lion email was sent Monday May 11. LE quickly ruled that out, but I'm not sure exactly when.
The 100,000 dollar reward was first announced Tuesday May 12 in the evening as far as I can tell.
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So, I tried a little experiment with Barry's video:

First, I watched it with the sound muted.
Then, I listened to it with my eyes closed.

It was an interesting exercise.

One thing I noticed when I was watching sans sound is that, as several other posters have pointed out, he shook his head side to side in a negative motion almost the entire time.

The other thing I noticed with just visual sensory input was that BM's facial expression did not alter whatsoever…and by that I mean, not even a flicker.

His forehead is heavily furrowed, and watching his face, the lines/wrinkles in his forehead remained completely frozen throughout. 0 facial movement.
That struck me as unusual.
To me, it indicated he was aware of and controlling his facial expressions.

When I switched sensory inputs to auditory and listened to him with my eyes closed, a specific sentence caused my ears to perk up:

"We love you. We miss you. Your daughters need you."

What I expected to hear was, "We love you. We miss you. Our daughters need you."

He did not say, "OUR daughters need you," which would have been in keeping with his previous plural "We" statements.

He switched it to the singular, "Your" when talking about the girls.

My ears picked up that discrepancy immediately.

I think it was distancing language, and that he was unconsciously distancing himself from his daughters in that moment, because he knows how much pain they're experiencing, and does not want to acknowledge the reasons for their pain.

Then again, as Freud famously said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Maybe he's just a crappy grammarian.

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Does anyone remember any recent case with so little information after 2 weeks? No other family pleas, no friends coming forward, no leaks?

I’ve seen it before in cases where they have a body, but this is unusual (from what I’ve seen) in a missing persons case.

If I ignore the fact that Suzanne is missing, then this all seems about right. That’s why I get the impression that this isn’t one big mystery to law enforcement.

At least in a general sense.
Also, a thought occurred to me. If there were rumours locally of a lion, why didnt Suzanne know of them?
Mountain lions aren't that rare in some parts of the state, even populated areas. People get used to living with them. I live in a suburban community not that far from Denver and we have several sightings a year. You might not want to leave your toddler or small dog alone in the yard, but it doesn't keep you from your routine activities, especially during daylight hours.
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Long time lurker, first time poster.

We’ve followed countless missing persons investigations on here, and regardless of who conducting the investigation, we generally see the same things:

A physical description (clothing, height, weight, etc).

The time and date the person was last seen.

Public searches, daily press conferences, and appeals from the family.

Here, the FBI and CBI were on scene very quickly, and searches were conducted by law enforcement. They did not ask for public help in that regard.

That tells me that they knew a crime had been committed, and had a very good idea that the perpetrator was close to home.

We know how the CBI and FBI operate, and how they handle certain situations. I’m convinced this is a murder investigation with a strong suspect.

Not a stranger abduction. Not a runaway wife. Not an accident. Not an animal attack. Not a lost woman.

This could take a while.


The bolded comment is the hands-down winner of the Internet this month!

MG, I too believe the early involvement of national law enforcement tells us a lot as they provide expertise in areas local LE might lack (computers, cell activity, DNA retrieval, etc.).

I'm looking for a bombshell arrest warrant one of these days that will blow our socks off!

The bolded comment is the hands-down winner of the Internet this month!

MG, I too believe the early involvement of national law enforcement tells us a lot as they provide expertise in areas local LE might lack (computers, cell activity, DNA retrieval, etc.).

I'm looking for a bombshell arrest warrant one of these days that will blow our socks off!
I concur.
And that makes it seem like LE have had a good handle on what might have happened from the very first missing call.
Maybe after few hours ?
Teenagers are not always the brightest bulbs. (Based on my own experience)
Switching SIM cards when you could merely switch phones and achieve the same result is a great example of "guilty makes you do crazy things". In the act of being devious, they overcompensated to hide what they were up to. In the process, they would have been magnets for attention, 'cos, seriously, who swaps SIMs when they could merely exchange phones? Guilty!
One thing I don’t understand is why SM and BM’s daughters aren’t staying with their dad. God forbid my husband went missing I would need my children and they would need me more than ever for comfort. I hope more than anything SM is found safe. If she isn’t I pray BM didn’t have anything to do with it.

Who can provide valid information that they ARE NOT staying with their Dad?
So we are getting vague clues about Suzanne and BLM. Suzanne is a "sweetheart," "a kind soul," and their marriage seemed happy to Suzanne's unnamed relative - but Barry "controlled everything" for a long time. Or almost everything.

I'm going to translate into the language I'm more used to using: BLM is the active, more dominant partner and Suzanne is more submissive, probably nurturant. IOW, a known type of relationship, one like my parents had, etc., etc.

While LE (including CBI and FBI) are focusing on several sites, the one thing that all the site have in common (that we know about) is that they are BLM's car (+phone), Suzanne and BLM's house (which is still off limits to him as far as we know), and at least one work site (possibly two) that he's been associated with.

So yes, while LE can go inside BLM's house and take out items with a warrant, in so doing, his life (and Suzanne's) is under scrutiny. There's no way around it. No one could conduct an investigation of someone's house and not at least notice things about that someone. Since we know they took something out of the house, then there was evidence there. It could just be a list of all the people in Suzanne's personal contact book - 0r BLM's. It could be credit card statements that support something that BLM has said (etc).

After the excursion into the Morphew home, LE then went on to other sites. The ones we know about have connections to BLM. Did they get that info from the house? Or, as reported, was it the homeowner at the search site (the concrete site) who called? I would certainly call in that situation, a lot of people would.

Some of us think LE has few ideas about what happened, others think LE has a good idea of what happened.

The unnamed relative of Suzanne thinks the girls are apart from their father and "under protection." I am very glad to hear that.

The point you make about the daughters I find reassuring. They weren't living under the same roof as their parents before Suzanne went missing, and it was the neighbor, not BM, who went to the family home to look for Suzanne after the girls called her. The fact both girls lived away from home so young may well be significant in itself.
I think LE would be keen to keep the girls separate from their father to minimize any attempt on his part to influence statements they give to LE.

I hadn't heard that news about the girls being under protection. Thank you for sharing it. I am relieved to hear it. Would you happen to have a source for that information that I can read? Although I obviously don't know any of the family, I have felt some unease regarding the whereabouts of both girls. There's no doubt that LE will have an eagle eye on BM and know his whereabouts at all times, but that wouldn't stop him borrowing a phone to try to contact them. If they are being protected, they'll be safe not only physically; their emotional and psychological health (which will be in tatters anyway) will be protected from him.
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