Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #8

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If the staging was done to fake a kidnapping, then the 'stager' is the perpetrator, needless to say. In the case of a kidnapping scenario, a bike is involved.

So whoever first uttered the idea that SM went for a bike ride on Mothers Day is the one that harmed SM. Because that person staged the scene. IMO

I really find it interesting, if the bike was staged, that someone (we don't know who) apparently relayed to BM/SMs church in Indiana that it was "crashed" and that a mountain lion was seen in the area (details not reported anywhere else that I'm aware of). If her personal items were also staged (I think that's the most likely scenario if, indeed, the bike was staged), it's odd to me that those were found 4-5 days later, not very far away, and seemingly very close to a major intersection (I'd love to know if that area had been searched prior to the date(s) they were found). Was the animal attack narrative an innocent assumption (combined with a misunderstanding of the facts) or was it part of a planned cover-up? I lean toward the latter, but we just don't know. JMO, MOO.
For example, "white lies" told by otherwise honest people can be easy to detect - or very hard to detect. Teachers get good at white lies, because otherwise we'd have to say more of what we're thinking. However, veteran white liars use the same types of white lies over and over, and are quite conscious that's what they're doing.

Communicating concisely to a particular audience is quite complex. One makes an assessment of the audience and chooses information, presentation and attitude for effectiveness to achieve a goal. Sometimes it is well and deeply thought out and sometimes it is reactive and not as concise and effective. Good liars, unconscionable liars really know how to read their audience or target to manipulate them for their goals. Intimate knowledge of the other is most effective when a sociopath or the like is lying and manipulating with a goal. The more people you are trying to deceive the harder it gets.
And then there are the deceptions we pull on ourselves when we can't face our reality.
What also comes to mind are children who grow up lying because their survival or safety depends on it. Gets complicated. It's fascinating. But to be safe, it is always good to assess truth.
Im stuck on the bicycle again.

If we go with what LE thinks or thought the other day with the recent search, then it indicated either BM or one of his workers may have been involved in putting her remains in the dirt before the cement was poured.

So if we go with that one possibility , then that pointed to the bicycle must have been staged unless the perp was lying in wait as she drove by. I have a tough time believing someone was waiting for her to drive by, so that makes me lean to staging of the bicycle.

So instead of asking who took her, I was wondering if the better question is who had the opportunity to stage the bicycle? That really limits it down but only if the staging of the bike is what happened.

Gosh we really dont have much in the way of facts given to us by LE do we.
Gregory Nieto‏Verified account @greg_nieto
Family Friend: 10k increase in reward $$ 4 Suzanne Morphew’s safe return came from another family friend. @channel2kwgn @KDVR


11:20 AM - 26 May 2020 from Denver, CO
That is just too strange. As if upping the ante by 10,000 will make a difference?

It won't make a difference, imo, but it looks like it's a friend who probably believes BM and might know and like SM and he/she wants to be helpful and supportive. I can see myself doing that for a friend of mine if I could afford to.

ETA: "for a friend of mine"
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“Oh Suzanne...” who starts a video to a kidnapper like that? He is saying Suzanne look what you made me do. He did it. Middle life crisis. His wife had been diagnosed with cancer, twice - made him confront his mortality. He wanted to feel alive and youthful. I suspect he was running around with younger women. He didn’t want the stigma of divorcing his beautiful wife who was sick with cancer. It would look bad. He chose to be the grieving widow. He needs to come clean for the daughters and her family.
Im stuck on the bicycle again.

If we go with what LE thinks or thought the other day with the recent search, then it indicated either BM or one of his workers may have been involved in putting her remains in the dirt before the cement was poured.

So if we go with that one possibility , then that pointed to the bicycle must have been staged unless the perp was lying in wait as she drove by. I have a tough time believing someone was waiting for her to drive by, so that makes me lean to staging of the bicycle.

So instead of asking who took her, I was wondering if the better question is who had the opportunity to stage the bicycle? That really limits it down but only if the staging of the bike is what happened.

Gosh we really dont have much in the way of facts given to us by LE do we.
If the bike was recovered from a ravine (as per RB), it could have been there for days. (i.e., plenty of time for staging).
I'm trying to take it back to the beginning. For awhile now, I have personally felt that someone very close to SM was to blame. I have NOT ruled that out. But if LE does have something concrete on this person, it doesn't seem like it's been enough to arrest this person so far, and perhaps they don't have very much. We really have no idea. So I'm trying to not get laser-focused and think of other scenarios.

What if someone really did abduct her on this bike ride? If she went for a regular Sunday ride, this may be info shared on social media (it looks like her FB is private, so we really don't know what she has posted on there) and her friends/acquaintances may know this about her. People who attend her church that she would see on Sundays pre-COVID may know this about her. I have even thought about, perhaps someone in her life who either had a bone to pick with her OR had some feelings for her knew she'd be alone that day and showed up at her house that Sunday morning as she was getting ready to go for a ride. Let's say she was in her driveway, dressed for a ride, helmet getting put on, bike at the ready, and they came at her with some sort of anger or putting moves on her. That scenario would also allow for someone who doesn't live with her to stage the bike. OR she may try to get them to leave with a "I'm just heading out for a ride; I can't talk now" and they drive down the road and wait to accost her as she bikes by. Because we don't know for sure (I don't think) what exactly was searched early on, is it possible those personal items were there all along and just not discovered for a few days? Did LE find these personal items on a search of theirs or did a citizen find an item and bring that info to LE, leading them to close the road and search?

All JMO.
I thought about that, but the girls had not been living at home for a time. And, in my opinion unless they were avid bikers themselves, there is no way they could tell the make or model, the color maybe. I see my husband's bike everyday and I could in no way give any information other than color and I would not be sure of that, yet it was definitely identified as hers. What about it, made it HERS so quickly upon being found. MOO MOO MOO

I don't know anything about how long/where the girls were living prior to SM going missing.
Regardless, if one or both of them (or Barry - between the 3 of them, someone had to know what kind/color bike she had) knew she had an ABC or XYZ bike and it was teal green or whatever, and LE located a teal green bike... then, there we are.
Realistically, the odds of LE locating someone else's abandoned bike in the same area SM went missing from, and the same brand and same color, I suspect is rather low.

Im confused, they increased the reward money. But other then that no activity on the find Suzanne Morphew facebook page or other media outcries. It just does not add up.


Why no description of what they think she was wearing? Why no request on the Find Suzanne page for people on nearby trails to think back if they saw her or something odd? Even better, why not offer up a specific time? If she normally biked Sunday mornings, then why no pleas to the public about any sightings of her that day?

I wonder who the admin of the page is.
Completely agree.

MOO but a 5% increase in the reward money isn't going to solicit a new tip.

What COULD bring in new info is removing the stipulation for SM being returned unharmed. If someone other than the perp knows even a little bit of what happened and they think they can get some of the money by sharing that info even if she's deceased there is a chance there. MOO
The advantage of changing/increasing the reward is that it gets it back out to the public. The news station will report it thus continuing interest in the case.
“Oh Suzanne...” who starts a video to a kidnapper like that? He is saying Suzanne look what you made me do. He did it. Middle life crisis. His wife had been diagnosed with cancer, twice - made him confront his mortality. He wanted to feel alive and youthful. I suspect he was running around with younger women. He didn’t want the stigma of divorcing his beautiful wife who was sick with cancer. It would look bad. He chose to be the grieving widow. He needs to come clean for the daughters and her family.

First off all who cares how he starts a video. Seriously. We never have been in such a situation, I would not even know how to start a video like that.
I think it is routine for the judge signing a search warrant in a kidnapping or murder case in Colorado to approve sealing of the warrants while the investigation is active. Search warrants that have been sealed are not released by the trial judge until after the perpetrator and accomplices / abettors have been charged and initial discovery has been delivered by the prosecution to the defense. Often, that action is initiated by news entities. I am not a lawyer. This is what I see from a distance, so to speak. I advise to check the linked website from time to time (once someone has been charged) and click on "Cases of Interest". This is where you will see documents of that nature, when they are released. If you lose the link, just enter "Chaffee County Courts" in any of the search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) IMO, IANAL
Colorado Judicial Branch - Chaffee County - Homepage

Thanks, I wasn't sure about Colorado procedures. In some other cases, warrants have been available after filing even though they were sealed before.
IMO it possibly will make the public think the family is behind the reward money and the image this presents (kidnapping?) by increasing and adding to the reward fund - I'd like a reporter to dig into where this "money" is being held. This "reward" should not be confused with the crowdfunding going on by the nephew for BM's mother.

I don't believe the money is actually being held anywhere. I think it's a "promise." I think it would given in the event SM is returned home unharmed.
Im confused, they increased the reward money. But other then that no activity on the find Suzanne Morphew facebook page or other media outcries. It just does not add up. Imo

This leads me to ponder what kind of personality is involved, that someone would want to basically "show loyalty" in this manner.

Perhaps someone donated to the G * M and when that started to fall through, they switched their donation to the reward? That's the most benign reason I can think of. Everything else makes me feel suspicious.
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