CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #3

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Or it could have been this girl died, and that ended the case to LE.jmo

If it was ruled a suicide, then it's very possible they don't want to put in the man power or resources to investigate the stalking allegations, since she's not around to stalk anymore. Mom could take the position that the whole family was being stalked, then they might agree to continue. But, since nothing has happened since M's death, they may not want to bother.

If her manner of death was ruled inconclusive or homicide, then they'd have reason to open the case, but since it's not written up that way, they're hands are probably tied.
I think many of us have several issues with this case, one of which is that there is no other source for information other than a blog and for us, that seems to be subjective. We only read, on the blog, what is deliberately written to get an expected reaction by the reader. It is crafted to pull the heart strings, worded to cause an emotional charge, and even used (as has happened) to chastise posters here at WS who have questioned parts of the saga.

And that's fine, if allowed by mods then okey-dokey by me but I am going to keep pointing out inconsistancies and things that make no sense.
an example is: if there were prints in the snow, why did they not document them in photo or video form?

I see no reason we can't point out inconsistencies as long as they're documented. For instance, in Mom's blog she said M slept thru the ordeal on the night the picture was captured on the wild life camera, but then in the interview she said M was the one experiencing the noises and that's they the police were called. It can't be both ways, and if we're to try to figure out what's happened using only her account at this point, then I think we should be able to point out the contradictions in her account.
If it was ruled a suicide, then it's very possible they don't want to put in the man power or resources to investigate the stalking allegations, since she's not around to stalk anymore. Mom could take the position that the whole family was being stalked, then they might agree to continue. But, since nothing has happened since M's death, they may not want to bother.

If her manner of death was ruled inconclusive or homicide, then they'd have reason to open the case, but since it's not written up that way, they're hands are probably tied.

Hmmm... good point. Especially if they mention the fact that their trash was just stolen from their new house...
I'm one of the believers in the parents. I really do believe this family was stalked.

I, personally, have no problem with the way mom is doing her blog.

I think there are enough weird things in this case to at least offer another look at it from different eyes. I've read way to much about the me and LE around that area (and not just in the moms blog) to make me a little leery of both.

I'm not sure (well I almost am) that nothing much will come of is very HARD to get a change of death reversed, from what I've read. maybe the media will pick this up...but the media is fickle. It could go either way for the parents. I hope they have prepared for the "what if's" if that comes.

I've said before, I do wish the parents all the prayers in the world. I DO believe them. I think they know their daughter better than we do. I do believe it is as possible for somebody to instill fear in a family for enjoyment, then get mad bc she's on a date and has an interview with cops the next sneak in her house when nobody is there and wait. Then force her to drink a liquid mess while making a threat to her family at the other end of the house. Then, while m is dying, he has his way with her OR enjoys watching her suffer. I do believe 2 people stalked her, but I believe one person committed the crime of killing her.


I meant to say reasonable doubt in my post above....not shadow of doubt.....but....either way...i don"t know....i guess i just need to hear more....i'm just not convinced she was killed by a stalker...or killed at all. Sorry..jmo
The only Facts..correct me if am wrong is the tox. report.. JMO... I look at everything that could be, should be, would have been or would be.. I think outside the box. I have read some of the blogs and I have listened to th show twice.. I just have questions running through my head just based on my experience with a 20 year old girl.
Everyone's Opinion is welcome here.. That's what makes Websleuths so great, we all look at the same case and see differences. That's why I love it here.. We can express within TOS and rules and come up with so many different aspects to the same case.
Everyone's Opinion is welcome here.. That's what makes Websleuths so great, we all look at the same case and see differences. That's why I love it here.. We can express within TOS and rules and come up with so many different aspects to the same case.

Exactly! I know I've changed my mind about a few aspects of this case bc of different opinions.
Hahaha! Thanks for clearing up CYA - I kept trying to come up with some department or legal term.

Since there were no signs of forced entry or a struggle, I lean towards it having been a proper investigation. There is the issue of whether or not she was actually being stalked, but LE said they were out there almost 50 times and found no evidence of stalking. The mother contends that because it was "bumped up to a felony stalking case and assigned a detective" that is evidence she was stalked. However, someone else pointed out that may have occurred simply because of the number of incidents reported, not because there was any actual evidence.

The mother says she has lots of evidence that Morgan was stalked, but no one has seen enough evidence to support that. If over time she does indeed reveal obvious evidence of multiple incidents that Morgan was being stalked, I would immediately change my opinion and think that the handling of the case should definitely be reinvestigated. Until that point, I'm not jumping to the conclusion of murder when stalking hasn't yet been proven.

Edited to fix my glaring typos, lol.

I agree. If she does finally release some credible evidence that there was a stalker, and more importantly a murderer, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. I have no problem doing that. In fact, in a weird way I hope there IS a murder so the family can be vindicated. The alternative is that they're going to have to come to terms with their daughter's suicide and stop pointing fingers, and I fear they're just not in a place to do that yet, healing wise. In the mean time, innocent lives may be adversely affected by the accusations, not to mention setting themselves up for a major lawsuit; The missing trash makes me think someone has hired an attorney and PI.
Hey I realize people are going to question things.

I realize people want evidence. Well heck if they had great evidence they would have caught him.

I'm not making a call about her death yet. But I do believe the stalking part.

I always try to remember strange cases just because something isn't probable, it doesn't mean it's not possible.

And for Morgan's parents reading.............think of naysayers as a bunch of defense attorneys.

They will sharpen your case and keep you on your feet. If the case does get reopened or goes from cold to hot, you'll be ready.
I meant to say reasonable doubt in my post above....not shadow of doubt.....but....either way...i don"t know....i guess i just need to hear more....i'm just not convinced she was killed by a stalker...or killed at all. Sorry..jmo

I agree. I am new to the case, but still on the fence. I believe that the parents believe she was stalked. But I'm not sure I believe she was.
I agree. If she does finally release some credible evidence that there was a stalker, and more importantly a murderer, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. I have no problem doing that. In fact, in a weird way I hope there IS a murder so the family can be vindicated. The alternative is that they're going to have to come to terms with their daughter's suicide and stop pointing fingers, and I fear they're just not in a place to do that yet, healing wise. In the mean time, innocent lives may be adversely affected by the accusations, not to mention setting themselves up for a major lawsuit; The missing trash makes me think someone has hired an attorney and PI.

Could very well be. I will also be the first willing to admit I was wrong if that is the case.
Comparing it to the story; hands tied behind the back, yet called a suicide. Another example: My father did a case on a "suicide". The guy was stabbed 7 times in the back. The ME insisted it was suicide. It wasn't.

But, this case isn't like those at all.

My point was that sometimes LE does lie. In the case I gave, because of the racial background of the city and the bad press they were trying to avoid, they lied about how that man died. In this case there is no reason for LE to lie.

Actually, I can think of a very good reason for LE to downplay crime in the valley where the Ingrams live (and where I live, too). The entire Roaring Fork Valley, not just Aspen, but from Aspen all the way to Glenwood Springs, heavily relies upon the service industry economically. The service industry here depends upon people's perception that this valley is Paradise. And we're not just talking about the typical upper middle-class family coming here for their annual winter or summer vacation, but the very, very rich. Because the culture here is so service-industry-oriented, no one living here wants to "bother" them or upset them, but rather continue to further the rich's perception that this valley is free of the problems common elsewhere. There is a lot of denial here, as the rich must be kept happy at all costs in order to ensure the health of the local economy.
I agree. I am new to the case, but still on the fence. I believe that the parents believe she was stalked. But I'm not sure I believe she was.

Two broken locks
Broken tile and roof above her window
Key pad punching
Car keyed with profane word
Trail in back of house
Strange person on camera
Banging on windows
Guy with hoodie on porch

I don't believe in this much coincidence
OK, I'm going to throw out an observation here (because I haven't made nearly enough enemies on this board yet), but did anyone else notice in the interview that when Mom directly quoted M, she did it in a little girl's voice? M was 20, sleeping half the time in her parents' closet, had a curfew, had to call in all the time, couldn't even go to her GYN without mom. She had a lot of her life controlled.

Maybe M took control of the only thing she had left to control.
Two broken locks
Broken tile and roof above her window
Key pad punching
Car keyed with profane word
Trail in back of house
Strange person on camera
Banging on windows
Guy with hoodie on porch

I don't believe in this much coincidence

I believe someone did those things. Some of them, anyway. I just don't necessarily believe it was a stalker.
I have forgotten.. Have any police reports been posted

UGH...haha. There have been a few links for police calls....and a few newspaper records that list some of the police calls.
I am not sure where they are or who posted them.

Whoever re-post them....can you please put them in the media thread.
I didn't think I was wasting my time. All through this we've been promised evidence, but we haven't been given evidence. If Morgan was indeed murdered I certainly want justice. If asking questions or coming up with possibilities that don't agree with the parents desired outcome is not allowed or discouraged, then what's the point of ANY of this?

Well if we don't believe there was even a stalker at all..........murder is a big leap.

I personally believe there was.

And if I didn't believe it, I would try to look at it from all angles....including that the parents are telling the truth.

That's just me.
Actually, I can think of a very good reason for LE to downplay crime in the valley where the Ingrams live (and where I live, too). The entire Roaring Fork Valley, not just Aspen, but from Aspen all the way to Glenwood Springs, heavily relies upon the service industry economically. The service industry here depends upon people's perception that this valley is Paradise. And we're not just talking about the typical upper middle-class family coming here for their annual winter or summer vacation, but the very, very rich. Because the culture here is so service-industry-oriented, no one living here wants to "bother" them or upset them, but rather continue to further the rich's perception that this valley is free of the problems common elsewhere. There is a lot of denial here, as the rich must be kept happy at all costs in order to ensure the health of the local economy.

So you're thinking perhaps they just want to brush it under the rug so tourism won't be affected and the wealthy homeowners won't get scared. I can buy that. There's still the issue of no real evidence being released to us, tho. It's not the police holding back.
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