CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #3

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Two broken locks
Broken tile and roof above her window
Key pad punching
Car keyed with profane word
Trail in back of house
Strange person on camera
Banging on windows
Guy with hoodie on porch

I don't believe in this much coincidence

All of this according to a blog posted on the interwebz by a grieving mother with nothing to substantiate any of it.

I could post anything I like on the net and it does not make any of it true, coincidental, or connected to something greater.
OK, I'm going to throw out an observation here (because I haven't made nearly enough enemies on this board yet), but did anyone else notice in the interview that when Mom directly quoted M, she did it in a little girl's voice? M was 20, sleeping half the time in her parents' closet, had a curfew, had to call in all the time, couldn't even go to her GYN without mom. She had a lot of her life controlled.

Maybe M took control of the only thing she had left to control.

I have been thinking the same thing, Like I said before I have listened twice to the show.. I have so many questions..that I would like to find answers to. JMO
Who do you believe did some of those things?

I don't want to violate the terms of service, so I will just say that I think there's a possibility that the things that were done were not done by a stalker.

Did Morgan's parents ever hear the knocking on the windows? I couldn't tell from the blog, I know Morgan heard it, but the blog posts seem to say things like "we had knocking last night," etc., so it wasn't clear to me who had heard the knocking.
Well if we don't believe there was even a stalker at all..........murder is a big leap.

I personally believe there was.

And if I didn't believe it, I would try to look at it from all angles....including that the parents are telling the truth.

That's just me.

But it's pretty difficult to look at it from all angles when they won't release any of the actual evidence. What I don't understand is if they are sure they have enough evidence to convince enough people to back them up in getting LE to reopen the case, then why is it taking so long to reveal the evidence? If it were me, I'd want the evidence out there ASAP so the support would come pouring in and possibly actually do some good.
OK, I'm going to throw out an observation here (because I haven't made nearly enough enemies on this board yet), but did anyone else notice in the interview that when Mom directly quoted M, she did it in a little girl's voice? M was 20, sleeping half the time in her parents' closet, had a curfew, had to call in all the time, couldn't even go to her GYN without mom. She had a lot of her life controlled.

Maybe M took control of the only thing she had left to control.

Did her parents make her sleep in their closet or did she choose to?

I have only read 2 pages of the blog.
here is what I don't get: Why cremate your daughter IF you think she was murdered?

There could have been evidence on the body..

This one I'm very puzzled about.......

and why a book and documentary about an alleged stalking if there is no proof of an actual stalker/murder????

What's the book and doc going to prove?

it just does not make a lot of sense. JMO
OK, I'm going to throw out an observation here (because I haven't made nearly enough enemies on this board yet), but did anyone else notice in the interview that when Mom directly quoted M, she did it in a little girl's voice? M was 20, sleeping half the time in her parents' closet, had a curfew, had to call in all the time, couldn't even go to her GYN without mom. She had a lot of her life controlled.

Maybe M took control of the only thing she had left to control.

Mayraa, we may believe different versions of the story, but you have made no enemy of me.

As far as the mom, it's only been 10 mths since m's death. I'm sure everyday is a walking nightmare for the mom and dad. I'm not sure I could even talk after 10 mths. For one thing, IMO, their grief is undeniable on the blog.
I was Stalked once a long time ago.. This man called my phone all the time, knew where I had been during the day. I reported to the police also. Never seen his face. I got brave, one morning he called woke me up and told me he was at my house and if i did not do what he said, i was told he was going to kill me. I told him come on I have a 9MM with your name on it I am ready, all the while I was on my cell with 911. He was never found that I know of. He believed me about the 9MM and I had it, just like I still have it to this day and I am legal and carry that 9MM. I did not let my stalker win and I was in my late 20's.
I do not believe LE is covering up due to tourism, nor would they need to, especially since the parents seem to feel they know who the alleged stalker was. I don't believe there is a murderer on the loose, killing random sleeping women without a trace. If in fact this alleged crime took place, it seems to have been pretty specific as to victim, IMO.
I don't want to violate the terms of service, so I will just say that I think there's a possibility that the things that were done were not done by a stalker.

Did Morgan's parents ever hear the knocking on the windows? I couldn't tell from the blog, I know Morgan heard it, but the blog posts seem to say things like "we had knocking last night," etc., so it wasn't clear to me who had heard the knocking.

So, what EXACTLY are you trying to say? You've already posted something along these lines I'm curious! Plus, you mentioned tos.....hummmmmmmmmm
All of this according to a blog posted on the interwebz by a grieving mother with nothing to substantiate any of it.

I could post anything I like on the net and it does not make any of it true, coincidental, or connected to something greater.

You are correct.

What I've said from the beginning is that I will go on the assumption of truth in order to bring ideas forward.

Until I see that it's some kind of hoax or dishonest .......that's my plan.
You are correct.

What I've said from the beginning is that I will go on the assumption of truth in order to bring ideas forward.

Until I see that it's some kind of hoax or dishonest .......that's my plan.

I don't think there has to be a hoax or dishonesty for this (alleged murder, etc) not to be true. It could be grief-based and seem very true to the parents.
But it's pretty difficult to look at it from all angles when they won't release any of the actual evidence. What I don't understand is if they are sure they have enough evidence to convince enough people to back them up in getting LE to reopen the case, then why is it taking so long to reveal the evidence? If it were me, I'd want the evidence out there ASAP so the support would come pouring in and possibly actually do some good.

IMHO, they do not have any evidence and LE has done all they can to assuage the worries of this family without re-opening a case that has already been investigated and found not to be criminal.

If I saw something, ANYTHING, other than the mother's obviously skewed take on this case, I'd be more inclined to think there was something there.

But golly! Morgan was a 20 year old woman being treated like a preschooler. I think it is way more likely that the family dynamic played a bigger part in Morgan's death than some obsessed stalker or jealous teen rival.

You have to first look at what is right in front of you before you begin digging deeper. Otherwise you may miss what is most important.
So far one footprint that was photographed by the family. According to the blog, the police refused to take castings.
and going off the original pic I 100% do not see footprint here....makes sense re le

Very interesting. I wonder why Ms. Ingram won't post the videos. They would certainly tilt me off the fence if they showed someone lurking around between cars or whatever.

Also, she says there were no trails in the berm before the stalking. I wonder how she would know that. Because she says they discovered the trails at a certain point during the stalking.

Further, she states the berm was mowed at a certain point so the trails disappeared. It takes awhile to create trails. I can imagine new ones do not exist.

Moreover, it takes a long time to mow a berm. Any witnesses to someone mowing it? Any way to question everyone who lived in that neighborhood and on the ranch to see who mowed the berm or if they saw who did it?

Finally, if LE is lying (which does happen), why not get the police reports (which I have suggested about five times), and publish them and prove that LE is lying? That should be super easy, especially if they don't wait too long.
exactly, at some point they revert their first reaction, etc but REALLY the parents have NEVER requested or rec'd any docs?? really??? HUGE flag.....

Fact: MI has passed away dec. 2, 2012
Fact: missing jewelry ...?
Fact: no crime scene investigation
Fact: cod initially was natural causes to a healthy 20 year old with no history

This is off the top of my head and all may not be exact so feel free to correct if necessary, anyways this is where I was goin, cuz apart none of this makes sense but all the tiny pieces together just may say something...
morgan = not healthy at all....see previous posts on her....look at her pics

Exactly. Sometimes the LE lies. Why is is so hard for people to believe this "could" be the same thing with this case?
Not sure why you are comparing this case to a racist crime?
and open your mind the other side....sometimes they can't let go.

No, Lilly, it was spot on and most of those points have been chafing me for weeks now. Go Gators, and jumping off your post.......

I will try to say this without violating TOS but I have to wonder why we as a forum are accepting without question these accusations of stalking, murder, incompetence, cover ups, threats, etc.

I am very sorry for Morgan's mom, but she is just leveling accusation and blame left and right and I have YET to see one SHRED of even feasible proof that this family was the victim of anything other than a girl who was overwhelmed by her life or perhaps her overprotective mother.

I feel sorry for the Ingrams, but also for the lives and families that may potentially be ruined by false accusations.

I have no issue with discussing this case like we would any other, but it really DOES bother me that we repeat as gospel truth every post in that blog. Those posts are one grieving mother's views and thoughts. It does not make them true or even probable.

I actually DO believe that someone was bullying Morgan, but I do not think it was to the extent illustrated on the blog. Caution has been thrown to the wind here, and if innocent parties are harmed because of that, then this thread is partly to blame.

Shutting up now.

No, no, no!

I know WSers have been very careful about not posting names, etc.

I suppose I just do not understand the credence the blog is receiving without the support of MSM links, etc.

You know how we can't even post an update to a verified case unless we have a MSM link to back it up?

Well, this is a blog. Not substantiated in any way by MSM or LE. And yet we are discussing it as if it were a vetted case.

That is all I meant. I think Morgan's mom is potentially hurting innocent parties, though, with her blog, and we are giving her a wider platform to do so without the benefit of verification or evidence.

I didn't mean to come off like I was mad at WSers. I just find it surprising we are running with this blog when it is nothing more than rumor and hearsay. MOO.
this is horrible...................really think about it.

Is it possible she sold it? Was she working? Perhaps she needed cash for some reason.

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valid ??

With no signs of physical trauma and no signs of forced entry, do you think the ME would have ruled it anything other than a OD or suicide?

She had a combination of medications in her system. Elavil, flexeril and klonopin are commonly prescribed medications. None of those meds are drugs that would be sold on the street except for "maybe" klonopin but they can be found in many medicine cabinets.

Why would someone mix up a odd cocktail instead of give someone a dose of arsenic or many other things that are readily available?
plain to me

I think many of us have several issues with this case, one of which is that there is no other source for information other than a blog and for us, that seems to be subjective. We only read, on the blog, what is deliberately written to get an expected reaction by the reader. It is crafted to pull the heart strings, worded to cause an emotional charge, and even used (as has happened) to chastise posters here at WS who have questioned parts of the saga.

And that's fine, if allowed by mods then okey-dokey by me but I am going to keep pointing out inconsistancies and things that make no sense.
an example is: if there were prints in the snow, why did they not document them in photo or video form?
mom aint

I see no reason we can't point out inconsistencies as long as they're documented. For instance, in Mom's blog she said M slept thru the ordeal on the night the picture was captured on the wild life camera, but then in the interview she said M was the one experiencing the noises and that's they the police were called. It can't be both ways, and if we're to try to figure out what's happened using only her account at this point, then I think we should be able to point out the contradictions in her account.

I agree. If she does finally release some credible evidence that there was a stalker, and more importantly a murderer, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. I have no problem doing that. In fact, in a weird way I hope there IS a murder so the family can be vindicated. The alternative is that they're going to have to come to terms with their daughter's suicide and stop pointing fingers, and I fear they're just not in a place to do that yet, healing wise. In the mean time, innocent lives may be adversely affected by the accusations, not to mention setting themselves up for a major lawsuit; The missing trash makes me think someone has hired an attorney and PI.

Could very well be. I will also be the first willing to admit I was wrong if that is the case.

i firmly believe no other ev exists...if it did, really?
But it's pretty difficult to look at it from all angles when they won't release any of the actual evidence. What I don't understand is if they are sure they have enough evidence to convince enough people to back them up in getting LE to reopen the case, then why is it taking so long to reveal the evidence? If it were me, I'd want the evidence out there ASAP so the support would come pouring in and possibly actually do some good.

I don't know.

Perhaps they think if people live out the day by day horror, it will resonate further and create an awareness and concern that may subside if the simple story was just put out for everyone to see at one time. They create interest and people become emotionally invested.

I'm speculating of course.
IMHO, they do not have any evidence and LE has done all they can to assuage the worries of this family without re-opening a case that has already been investigated and found not to be criminal.

If I saw something, ANYTHING, other than the mother's obviously skewed take on this case, I'd be more inclined to think there was something there.

But golly! Morgan was a 20 year old woman being treated like a preschooler. I think it is way more likely that the family dynamic played a bigger part in Morgan's death than some obsessed stalker or jealous teen rival.

You have to first look at what is right in front of you before you begin digging deeper. Otherwise you may miss what is most important.

So, you think the family caused her (M) to kill herself?
You are correct.

What I've said from the beginning is that I will go on the assumption of truth in order to bring ideas forward.

Until I see that it's some kind of hoax or dishonest .......that's my plan.

I don't really think anyone is implying this is a hoax or someone being (intentionally) dishonest. It's only been 10 months since Morgan died, we understand the parents are grieving, probably still absolutely distraught at times. Are you saying that murder is the truth? No court is going to arrest and imprison someone for murder THEN look for evidence to support that position. I'm pretty certain that everyone here, regardless of their position on this case at this moment, would want justice for Morgan if she indeed was murdered.
You are correct.

What I've said from the beginning is that I will go on the assumption of truth in order to bring ideas forward.

Until I see that it's some kind of hoax or dishonest .......that's my plan.

Gotcha. And I think that is a good place to start with most unknowns.

But do keep in mind that she is accusing multiple people of some very bad things, none of which have been proven. It is there that I take some issue.
I don't think there has to be a hoax or dishonesty for this (alleged murder, etc) not to be true. It could be grief-based and seem very true to the parents.

Sure I was just naming some things .........not all things.
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