CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #3

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Toni Ingram said she is not going to let go of her conviction that her daughter was murdered, no matter what the coroner and the sheriff's department say.

This, to me, is both concerning and telling, and makes my mind wander down a different path...

I think that Mom's theory of murder is entirely based in her conviction that Morgan would not commit suicide. If suicide is not considered a possibility, and M. did not die of natural causes, obviously the only possibility left is 'murder'. That seems like it was the only basis of her 'knowing' M. was murdered the first time she saw her.

But how to prove murder, when there is no evidence of a murder?
You have to work around that lack of evidence. (Or as someone earlier said, make the pieces fit the puzzle)

Hence, post after post design an elaborate theory of how and why someone could murder someone without leaving any clues. The lack of evidence itself becomes evidence of a super stealthy and diabolical stalker.

The weakest parts of the theory are when we get down to the obvious questions, like who would stalk Morgan? (there are accusations, but hardly any evidence that this person had any kind of relationship with her, let alone that he stalked her) Why would he kill her? (no motive) Why would he kill her at home with her family in the house, using her own medication? How could he do this and get away with it?

And the explanation for all of these questions too, becomes that he is a stalker. A super-stalker. So we come full circle in that no evidence is the evidence of this crime.

There are lots of references to actual 'evidence' of stalking and murder - but we haven't actually seen it (police and autopsy reports, stolen jewelry, videos). But what exactly are these evidence of? The people who have seen and produced them don't seem to consider any of this evidence of stalking or murder. But it is explained that they are either inept, corrupt, or both.

So far, the most convincing evidence are words that are repeated like "date rape drugs" and "felony stalking case" which assure us that there has got to be evidence of... something. But these latest posts are just more of the same - explaining what isn't there.

I don't think the Ingrams are being dishonest. I think they truly believe everything they are writing. I'm just seriously beginning to wonder if the blog could actually be telling a very different story, of a young woman's struggle with depression and possibly mental illness and a caring, loving family who believe, like most people, that just about all problems can be identified and fixed.

What if there was no stalker. (I'm not saying there wasn't, but just hypothetically)-- The story would be the same. Parents struggling to protect their daughter against something real and scary and dark that they knew was there, but could never actually see or name, and that they couldn't protect her from, no matter how hard they tried.

At least if there is a stalker, the terrifying experience can be named. A person can held responsible and punished. If that's the case, I hope we find more evidence and they are.

Just some thoughts on this really sad and confusing story.
Does anyone know how to search for online journals? The writer Morgan was she may have had one.There may be clues there.
JMO...and I am really taking a leap...but I don't think Morgan's parents are ready to share her journals, even if they have them. JMO but they are walking/stumbling thru deep grief. Perhaps they haven't even read all of them (if they exist)...maybe she was very prolific and/or they are just finding them or for whatever reason find them to be too private. Totally understandble, IMO.

I posted about and recall an early bkog entry from Steve...regarding the photos she had taken...he said "how did you find the time to do all of this?"...thus my recent post about a treasure trove of Morgan...sigh.
something I haven't seen addressed is how many police officers total were there prior to the blurred 'stalker' pic?

photo 1: first deputy is leaving; there is a patrol car at the end of the driveway and I can also see one at the top left of the photo (presumably on the other side of the street)

photo 2: next two deputies are leaving; patrol car at end of driveway is gone and the other patrol car is still visible at the top left of the photo

photo 3: 'stalker' appears in driveway and that other patrol car is STILL visible at the top left of the photo

that's one stupid stalker - the cops haven't even left yet and he reveals himself? why not hide in a bush until they at least drive away?

I want to know what the police say about this photo of the 'stalker' - presumably they saw it when they got called back out the next day

oh and I would think 50 visits in 4 months is OFF THE CHARTS, even for a stalker situation - wonder if there's any stats available for that
something I haven't seen addressed is how many police officers total were there prior to the blurred 'stalker' pic?

photo 1: first deputy is leaving; there is a patrol car at the end of the driveway and I can also see one at the top left of the photo (presumably on the other side of the street)

photo 2: next two deputies are leaving; patrol car at end of driveway is gone and the other patrol car is still visible at the top left of the photo

photo 3: 'stalker' appears in driveway and that other patrol car is STILL visible at the top left of the photo

In the blog post, TI says there were three deputies. In the first and second pic, one of the deputies is the same (with the baseball hat). I assume the other was already in the truck, as the lights were on.
Alittle confused by the blog. I think what she is doing is laying out ways the stalker could have done this.
JMO...and I am really taking a leap...but I don't think Morgan's parents are ready to share her journals, even if they have them. JMO but they are walking/stumbling thru deep grief. Perhaps they haven't even read all of them (if they exist)...maybe she was very prolific and/or they are just finding them or for whatever reason find them to be too private. Totally understandble, IMO.

I posted about and recall an early bkog entry from Steve...regarding the photos she had taken...he said "how did you find the time to do all of this?"...thus my recent post about a treasure trove of Morgan...sigh.

I think they have them because they reference her book being published posthumously.
Wasn't it determined earlier in this thread that there was a two minute lapse between the deputies leaving and the stalker walking into camera range?
In the blog post, TI says there were three deputies. In the first and second pic, one of the deputies is the same (with the baseball hat). I assume the other was already in the truck, as the lights were on.

under the first photo, she says 'first deputy leaving' and then 'next two deputies leaving' so apparently one of the deputies isn't the same (I thought that too when I first looked at it)

where do you see lights on?
I think if she was being stalked...why wouldn't you be worried about her..even at a friends house. Thats the creepy thing about a stalker..they would follow you everywhere..not just at home. The parents seemed to be worried about her at home but what about when she was out with her friends and spending the night at diff places. Maybe thats why he always knew when she got back home ..because he was following her everywhere she went and was watching her.
Wasn't it determined earlier in this thread that there was a two minute lapse between the deputies leaving and the stalker walking into camera range?

I've seen seconds and minutes and I don't know which is correct

if it was two minutes, maybe the 'stalker' thought the deputies would be gone but they were still sitting in the cruiser filling out paperwork ...
Okay- so lets say that LE was passing out flyers and were BOLO for a named suspect (obviously we don't have concrete proof of this but let's take it for fact for now). Could they have arrested anyone at this point for stalking? Is that arrestable?

If they were able to catch someone following Morgan's car- that isn't illegal or anything. Unless she has a order of protection I am not sure what they could have done to the suspect. Just a warning really. Then after so many "catches" she could get an order of protection, I am sure.

So I guess I am trying to figure out what the LE tactic was at this point for the stalker. They couldn't do much if they saw him except hang around and make sure he wasn't going to harm M.

Any one have any ideas (legally) about this?
under the first photo, she says 'first deputy leaving' and then 'next two deputies leaving' so apparently one of the deputies isn't the same (I thought that too when I first looked at it)

where do you see lights on?

Hmm, I assumed they were the same person, and thought the back light of the truck was on (also, it moved from one frame to the next)

But whether it's 1 second or 1 min. makes a big difference. I'm confused now...

The Ingrams would know this based on the settings of their camera. Someone should ask!

I also think she is incorrect when she says the stalker was leaning against the car. Why is he blurry then?
"It's a very selfish act." is not true at all. If you have a loved one that has committed suicide you would know that sometimes its the absolute LAST act a person does. Not picking on your post specifically, but people who say that generally have no idea or it hasn't happened to them on a close, personal level.

BBM: MayraMM has stated in this thread that she has first hand experience with someone close to her and suicide.
We are all entitled to our own opinions on various topics.
The stalker photo...personally, I don't think the stalker is leaning against the truck.

I think he just happened to be walking. I do believe it was the stalker. JMO. I believe he turned his head right when he heard or seen the click of the camera. JMO.
This may have been addressed before, if so, I apologize.

What color are the uniforms of the officers in that area? Are they light colored, as they appear in the photo? Or is this an effect of the infrared flash that makes dark appear light? I.e. is the stalker really wearing a white shirt?

I've said it before, but there is something really weird about the stalker picture. He looks distorted and I can't make sense of it at all.
The stalker photo...personally, I don't think the stalker is leaning against the truck.

I think he just happened to be walking. I do believe it was the stalker. JMO. I believe he turned his head right when he heard or seen the click of the camera. JMO.

I agree-I also think he is wearing a cut off shirt & a hat with the bill in back.I can clearly see his left arm-no sleeves- jmo
LE made 50 visits in 3 months. Wonder of they are including patrol officers driving by the house. After an incident they might do drive by every few hours. If that is included in the number then 50 easily makes sense. 3 months = 90 days. If they did drive regular drive by on patrol 20% of those days and did 3 per day that is 54.
This may have been addressed before, if so, I apologize.

What color are the uniforms of the officers in that area? Are they light colored, as they appear in the photo? Or is this an effect of the infrared flash that makes dark appear light? I.e. is the stalker really wearing a white shirt?

I've said it before, but there is something really weird about the stalker picture. He looks distorted and I can't make sense of it at all.

A couple of comments on the blog mention that the stalker could be wearing a mask like hunters wear. They linked to a pic of one. After looking at the mask in the pic the distortion of the face made more sense to me.
A couple of comments on the blog mention that the stalker could be wearing a mask like hunters wear. They linked to a pic of one. After looking at the mask in the pic the distortion of the face made more sense to me.

After I saw the post about the mask the stalker's profile made much more sense- especially around the chin.
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