CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #4

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What does he mean? We, the viewers, are victims?
I think the movie I watched, probably meant for younger audiences but also good to promote mother awareness, had a strong message.

Stuff like this has happened in real life. Remember the mother who helped her kid bully a neighbor girl? The girl ended up killing herself.

Sorry, I should have explained better. Bff means best friend forever (or at least that's how I always use the term) and no, she doesn't mean, we the watchers are victims, she means every story is about a victim. No insult meant...we, between the two of us...just call it the victims network instead of lifetime. We both watch, by the way.

I was in shock with that one with Tiffany(the girl from saved by the bell) it seems so crazy until you found out at the end it was based on a true story.
I thought mom didn't come over to WS. Those statistics are exactly the ones we were discussing yesterday about suicide in Pitkin and Garfield counties.

Case in point right here...finding anything that this Mother states to try and point out something nefarious. So what even if she did read here? Wouldn't it be prudent to read thinking that maybe someone who was involved might post here? Gee wiz, this Mother can not do anything without it being suspect of a nefarious meaning behind it.
Mom posted the blog. The byline is for the response that she shared. My point is that once again what we discuss here is being addressed there, which in my opinion is a problem because then we are getting an altered narrative, rather than one purely taken from her notes and memories of the actual events. It's hard enough to sleuth a case like this as it is.

This is my opinion.
I don't think there is any secret that she is responding to discussion here. That was kind of the idea after her discussion on the podcast. She is trying to respond to our concerns I think.
Could those drugs she mentioned that were trace amounts have been taken a few days before and test positive due to residuals? Dalmane is a sleeping pill with a fairly long half-life. It could have still been in her system, but it would have been pretty noticable the day before that she had taken it.MOO Since they were not the cause, I started thinking about it. Hence looking up only the one that was.

I know nothing about medications, how long they stay in your system, how much is or isn't safe. (I will stop taking 5 non-working claritin a day!) Flexeril would normally be out of your system in less than a day. Please don't make me find a link, I can't remember where I read it, but I THINK Dalmane is usually pretty much out of your system within 2-4 days.
Just wondering if residuals could be left after a few days, even a day?Amitriptyline would definitely still be in your system after a couple of days, but it's been posted here by smarter people than me that the ratio of ami to noritriptiline would be closer to 1:1 if it had been taken in more than one dose

Also, could the ami drug have been building up if taking, say, only 2 a day?

Some of my responses (in bold) pertain to more than one question, and I'm sure someone will correct whatever I got wrong.
I really suck at geography, so I'm going to just embarrass myself here by asking: is Colorado close to Arkansas? (In a geography class in college, I somehow ended up with NYC in Pennsylvania during a mid-term.) :blushing:

Sometimes it's necessary for each person to sleuth a little on their own - that's all I know what to say due to not wanting to outwardly seem accusatory to a random person.

I'm pointing out something that stuck out as being a little strange to me - it may be nothing at all but just wanted to draw attention to my observation.
Sorry I can't spell out exactly what I'm getting at due to TOS.
Sometimes it's necessary for each person to sleuth a little on their own - that's all I know what to say due to not wanting to outwardly seem accusatory to a random person.

I'm pointing out something that stuck out as being a little strange to me - it may be nothing at all but just wanted to draw attention to my observation.
Sorry I can't spell out exactly what I'm getting at due to TOS.

I was just curious about where the states were because that author lives in Arkansas.
again, if M could have gotten a legal prescription of ambien, she could have taken less ambien and gone to sleep peacefully but yet ami and a few other drugs in the mix, that M never had, prescribed and to top if off, M hated to take PILLS! If you hate to take pills and you want to commit suicide by pills you opt for one that you have to take less of. DOH!

It isn't accidental overdose either because these pills were not in her home. M was not the type of person that was into drugs at all. If you read her blog, and took the time to view her photo's she was all about life. To go on the theory of maybe a friend gave them to her to help her sleep. It doesn't work because no pills in the stomach! That theory is out the door if you ask me. She also wouldn't have been able to drive home that night, or speak to her father, or text. No she was in her bedroom when it happened. I think she was injected in a spot that the Coroner never even looked.

It doesn't take a mastermind to figure how a hiding spot to inject someone!

Did Morgan leave her own blog behind? If so, I can't find it - only her mother's blog.

May I have a link to Morgan's own blog please, anybody? Thanks.
Both me's have worked a case together before

There are a couple of negative/ or semi negative articles about kurtzman

A lot of stuff about somebody named Ken lay
And here he is on dateline

Here's a strange one,,20104722,00.html

Here's another article...well, it a post that list the full newspaper clippings. You can scroll down a bit, it's the second article. These two men have disagreed before
Rifle police said that a drunken Skyock left a party at the brothers&#8217; house and fell about a half-mile into his walk home. The side of the road where Skyock fell is rocky and he could have been hurt by his fall, police said.

Dr. Rob Kurtzman, a Grand Junction forensic pathologist, agreed that Skyock&#8217;s injuries were consistent with a fall.

But Arapahoe County Coroner Michael Dobersen, who reviewed the case, said the injuries were more consistent with an assault. He said Skyock couldn&#8217;t have received the injuries from a fall.

Skyock and his mother, Sharlene Skyock, pointed to burns and a bruise shaped like a two-by-four as inconsistent with a fall. They are suing the four young men and two of their parents for conspiracy to deprive civil rights, assault and false imprisonment.

Another disagreement between these two
-- Misconstrued statements that have been repeated, assumed, and labeled as inconsistent --
-stated that the intended target of the car vandalism(deep gouging into the side of the car in writing "B****")being definitely questionable due to the fact that Morgan just randomly happened to be driving moms car..

*It wasnt at all random and it was very much the usual in that she and Morgan long shared a car after Morgans car with 300,000 miles finally died early 2011.. Further making it all the more UNLIKELY it was random or questionable as to WHO was the intended target it was done at Morgans night class in Carbondale..Morgan regularly had day classes at the campus in Glenwood..this occurred when Morgan was AT HER ONE NIGHT CLASS IN CARBONDALE..IMO there is no question about whether the target was mom or Morgan and imo to imply any different is misleading.
-no reporting of the car incident to LE

*this is false as well and it was reported to LE about the car vandalism that occurred on Carbondale campus, in the evening of late February 2011
-stating moms atty was fired or had resigned

*BS..this was a free atty thru some Colorado free service whom Toni was talking with ..this free service atty was attempting to reopen the case thru the local DA and that obviously fell thru when Vallario went on tv speaking as tho the case would never ever be reopened period.THERE WAS NOTHING AND HAS NEVER BEEN ANYTHING STATED OR EVEN IMPLIED ABOUT MOM HAVING AN ATTY THAT HINKINESS SURROUNDED THE ATTY BEING FIRED OR REFUSING TO REPRESENT TONI.
-Morgan finished up her AA Spring/Summer 2011 immediately preceding her leaving town to spend the entire summer in California and Kauai.

*its been repeated several times that the AA wasnt completed and that there were inconsistencies as to when, or even if Morgan had completed it.
-inaccurate and misconstrued repeating of the information shared by Toni regarding LE distributing fliers which contained specific information naming the Ingrams neighbor 3 doors down/their prime suspect..

*imo this was taken and run with in a completely and totally different manner than what was even stated by Toni. It was repeated as tho she had stated there were actual fliers created, printed, and distributed by LE to the public with information about the Ingrams neighbor..people then questioned why Toni didnt have one of these fliers to show as proof and her not having such in some opinions created even more questionable the fact of was this even true or did the flier even ever exist.

The truth is that it was never stated that LE created and distributed a flier TO THE PUBLIC..THEY DID NOT!..the truth is that it is absolutely SOP for LE agencies across the nation to on a regular basis create, print out, and distribute amongst all LE, especially patroling LE what is many times referred to as a BOLO flier(and to be honest this is the EXACT wording that Toni used in her sharing this particular information).LE created a flier with details and info specific to this one individual and they printed it and heavily distributed amongst especially their patroling LE officers to be aware of and therefor much more likely to note any behaviors or actions of the individual whom they may not have normally and without notification have even noted, thought anything of, or possibly even noticed..

Toni never stated, nor implied or alluded to LE distributing a flier created about this specific individual TO THE PUBLIC IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM..and again imo to state otherwise is intentionally misleading.
-questioned as abnormal or atypical relationship or dynamics of the family in Morgan needing/wanting her mom to accompany her to ob/gyn dr appt(or mom needing/wanting to accompany Morgan to gyno appt)

*this another misleading and complete misrepresentation of the truth imo..instead of this being labeled as a characteristic of an overbearing/controlling mom/daughter issue..or a characteristic of an immature/needy daughter/mom issue as it unfortunately has been about the much more obvious and likely cause being that..
A) far from unusual is it that this mom/daughter shared the same gyno(an extremely large % of young women start out seeing their mom's ob/gyn or a dr within the same ob/gyn practice)
B) the fact that the family ob/gyn practice was located in a different town than where they lived
C) the fact that due to Morgans 300,000+miles that were on her car that had died(early 2011)..thus leaving mom/daughter to have to share one vehicle between the two for the majority of the year of 2011

The above factors(A, B, C) clearly indicate nothing nefarious, unusual, nor atypical than any other normal mom/daughter relationship and represent a very real reason and motive for why mom/daughter would likely be riding together to their annual visit with their doctor..
Once again imo to imply and allude to it being anything remotely strange, suspicious, or atypical is imo intentionally misleading.

**and the above are the first few right off of the top of my head..when I have more time this evening I'll actually go back through and add to this above list other misconstrued statements of Toni's that subsequently have been used against her in inaccurately listing them as inconsistensies..when in reality the repeated and questioned "statements" were never actually stated, alleged, or claimed by Toni Ingram.**
He's an author of a book. Google please.

I know that, he's the author of a couple. I'm just having a hard time seeing whatever it is that you can't tell me. Unless you're just wondering if he'll be the compiler for M's books. Can I say that?
No one said slow poisoning..This was one massive dose of amitriptyline, and it had to get into her system somehow since they didn't find the pills in her stomach.

Would remnants of breakfast still have been in Morgan's stomach? I read here that Morgan's stomach was empty. Her mom said she had eaten a big breakfast but went on to say that Morgan didn't eat much of anything else all day. Guess 'D' doesn't eat dinner either since reportedly Morgan was in his company throughout the late afternoon and evening.
Would remnants of breakfast still have been in Morgan's stomach? I read here that Morgan's stomach was empty. Her mom said she had eaten a big breakfast but went on to say that Morgan didn't eat much of anything else all day. Guess 'D' doesn't eat dinner either since reportedly Morgan was in his company throughout the late afternoon and evening.

It varies, but according to this it takes an average of 4-5 hours for the stomach to empty.
I know that, he's the author of a couple. I'm just having a hard time seeing whatever it is that you can't tell me. Unless you're just wondering if he'll be the compiler for M's books. Can I say that?

No I think his head looks like the shape of the head in the picture of the guy they captured on camera in their driveway.
I never saw a head like that before. When I enlarged the guy's pic, I thought 'there's the head'.

Also one of the books is Blank, Aspen and something, something. The guy's likes list the Anderson Ranch in CO.
Why, if he's never been there?

A bunch of coincidences for someone who lives in Arkansas imo.

That said, these are just my observations. I'm not accusing anybody of anything.

Perps are known to insert themselves into cases in strange ways. That, I do know. I'm looking for clues that are only suggestions.
I'm not sure what the difference is. I'm guessing that you meant to have the word not in there, so that's what I'm responding to. If you really meant for it to be worded as it is, it makes even less sense to me.

Sorry you're having a hard time understanding. I want to hear her story as she remembers it happening, but with the POV or our concerns. If she addresses our concerns in her comment section, that's one thing, but I'd prefer our discussion didn't sway her narrative.
Hiya WoeBeGone:seeya:
Heres the direct link to morgans personal blog about creative ways of making your own facial creams, clothes, etc..its not extremely long but interesting nonetheless due to the fact its her own words and just a teeny glimpse into the creative workings of this young woman's mind..

ETA quickly after posting:
IDK why that would be and unfortunately i didnt bookmark Morgans blog link due to it being so easily accessible(and my browser history only goes back the last 7 days.aarrrggh!)

Anyone else happen to bookmark or save the direct link to Morgans blog? Im now curious to know if the link was removed just from the stalking website/blog..or if her personal blog has now been made private and therefor unable to be viewed by the public?..anyone know?
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